French Jobs in China - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:35:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 French Jobs in China - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Foreign Languages Teachers (English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian etc) Sat, 01 Jun 2024 19:27:28 +0000 China VIP Jobs or CVJ is a membership website that connects you directly with quality employers in China. By purchasing a membership, you will get access to quality jobs in China that are not advertised elsewhere. There is no agency involved, you can contact employers directly, network and discuss employment opportunities. Click here to view […]

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China VIP Jobs or CVJ is a membership website that connects you directly with quality employers in China.

By purchasing a membership, you will get access to quality jobs in China that are not advertised elsewhere. There is no agency involved, you can contact employers directly, network and discuss employment opportunities.

Click here to view job openings on CVJ

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ISAC University Teaching Program (Fall 2024) Fri, 31 May 2024 07:40:20 +0000 About ISAC University Teaching Program The ISAC Teach in China Program (university stream) offers job opportunities for foreign teachers to work at Chinese universities. Universities appoint ISAC as a liaison that screens teacher’s CV and help set up interviews with qualified candidates. As a teacher, you will also have the option to choose which university […]

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About ISAC University Teaching Program
The ISAC Teach in China Program (university stream) offers job opportunities for foreign teachers to work at Chinese universities. Universities appoint ISAC as a liaison that screens teacher’s CV and help set up interviews with qualified candidates. As a teacher, you will also have the option to choose which university you wish to apply for. Fore more information and updated openings, please visit

We are now accepting new applications for the Fall 2024 semester (start teaching from September 2024).

Job Description

  • Teach English Speaking, Comprehensive English, Business English, English culture, Manners etc.
  • The teaching focuses on the relevant courses to a group of Chinese students
  • Assess students’ performance including assignments, tests and exams

Working Hours

  • Teach 14 to 20 classes per week, each class about 45-50 minutes
  • No office hours; manage your time yourself
  • A lot of spare time for your travel plan
  • Access to Mandarin Chinese courses

Salary Package

  • About RMB 8,000 to 18,000 per month depending on teacher’s qualification and role
  • Higher salary usually given to teachers with more advanced degree, many years of teaching experience, and good academic background.


  • Native Speaker (You can only teach the language of your home country)
  • Less than 60 years old due to the visa regulation of P.R.C
  • Teaching Experience: Minimum of two years teaching experience*
  • Degree: Bachelor degree or above
  • Teaching Certificate: TEFL/TESOL/CELTA

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French Teachers (continuous recruitment) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:35:26 +0000 中国人民大学中法学院法语外教招聘启事 一、学院简介 中国人民大学中法学院是经中国教育部批准,由中国人民大学与法国索邦大学、蒙彼利埃保罗—瓦莱里大学、KEDGE商学院共同合作创办的第一家以人文社会科学为主的中外合作办学机构,是隶属于中国人民大学的非独立法人办学单位。 中法学院目前共开设金融学、国民经济管理、法语、数学与应用数学、人力资源管理、传播学等专业,在课堂教学方面坚持中英法三语教学。学生须熟练掌握法语,能够用法语进行深入学习和研究。学生本科毕业时将获得中法双方合作院校的学士学位,并可进入法方合作院校攻读硕士学位。 二、职位描述 1.工作地点:中国人民大学苏州校区(江苏省苏州市科教创新区内)。 2.工作内容:法语教学。 3.每周课时: 16课时课堂教学+2课时课外辅导(45分钟/课时);如担任年级负责人等职务,每周课时:14课时课堂教学+2课时课外辅导(45分钟/课时)。 4.合同期限:一年(12个月,合同期满可续签)。 三、薪酬待遇 1.本科学历:11700元/月(税前);硕士学历:12000元/月(税前)。 2.如担任年级负责人,每月另行发放1500元 (税前)职务津贴; 如担任法语教研中心副主任,每月另行发放2500元 (税前)职务津贴。 3.根据教学评估成绩和聘期考核结果,每年发放15000-16000元(税前)教学奖励。聘期考核不合格或合同期内辞职不发教学奖励,合同期满不续聘不影响教学奖励发放。 4.暑假(7、8月)带薪休假约8周,寒假(1、2月)带薪休假约4周。 5.为教师购买医疗险及意外伤害保险。 6.为首次从境外来苏的新聘外籍教师提供一次性交通费用补贴5000元(税前); 7.经聘期考核合格,根据考核结果等次续聘时薪酬合理上调。 8.中国境内签证办理费用(限每人每年一次)。 四、应聘条件 1.遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法规和中国人民大学及苏州校区的各项规章制度,尊重中华民族传统和风俗习惯,对华友好。 2.热爱高等教育事业、身心健康、品行良好,具有良好的职业道德、职业素质、沟通能力。 3.年龄一般不超过60周岁。 4.法语为母语。 5.取得对外法语教学方向或语言学、文学、人文科学等相关专业本科及以上学历。 6.具有2年及以上的对外法语教学的经验(须出具正式证明材料)。其中,取得教育类、语言类或师范类本科及以上学历的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书的,可免除工作经历要求。同时,应具备承担教学任务的实际工作能力。 7.具备下述条件的申请人优先考虑:现居地在中国;具有硕士及以上学历。 五、应聘方式 有意应聘者可将应聘材料(简历(内含个人照片)+自荐信+护照+最高学历证书扫描件+工作经历证明等材料+Skype账号)+推荐信以电子邮件形式发送至中法学院招聘邮箱,电子邮件及简历标题格式为“姓名+Skype账号”。 联系人:沈老师 招聘邮箱 招聘截止日期:长期招聘; 特别提示:学院仅对简历初审通过者发送面试通知。 L’Institut franco-chinois de l’Université Renmin de Chine recrute plusieurs enseignants de FLE Contexte Accrédité par le ministère chinois de […]

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3.每周课时: 16课时课堂教学+2课时课外辅导(45分钟/课时);如担任年级负责人等职务,每周课时:14课时课堂教学+2课时课外辅导(45分钟/课时)。




2.如担任年级负责人,每月另行发放1500元 (税前)职务津贴;

如担任法语教研中心副主任,每月另行发放2500元 (税前)职务津贴。





















L’Institut franco-chinois de l’Université Renmin de Chine recrute plusieurs enseignants de FLE


Accrédité par le ministère chinois de l’Éducation nationale en mars 2012, l’Institut franco-chinois de l’Université Renmin de Chine (IFC Renmin) à Suzhou (dans la province du Jiangsu, à 100km de Shanghai) est une plate forme franco-chinoise de coopération et de mobilité double diplômante en sciences humaines et sociales. Il associe Sorbonne Université,l’Université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier III et Kedge Business School et l’Université Renmin de Chine. Le programme licence-master en 5 ans – LM5 (Finance, AES, LEA, Mathématiques et mathématiques appliquées, Gestion des ressources humaines, Communication) conduit à un double diplôme de licence français et chinois et à un diplôme de master français. Pour plus d’informations, connectez-vous sur le site de l’IFC Renmin : Le programme s’appui sur un apprentissage intensif du français.

Description du poste et missions :

Lieu de travail : campus de Suzhou de l’Université Renmin de Chine, SIP.

Volume horaire : Concernant les fonctions des enseignants, le volume horaire prend en compte en principe 16 séances d’enseignement et 2 séances de soutien pédagogique par semaine d’une durée de 45 minutes chacune (soit un total de 13 heures et 30 minutes hebdomadaire). Concernant les fonctions dévolues à tout responsable de promotion ou directeur adjoint du Centre d’Etudes et de Formation de la Langue française de l’IFC Renmin, le volume horaire est en principe le suivant : 14 séances d’enseignement et 2 séances de soutien pédagogique par semaine d’une durée de 45 minutes chacune (soit un total de 12 heures hebdomadaire).

Durée du contrat : 12 mois, CDD renouvelable.

Rémunération :

Salaire mensuel brut (avant imposition) : 11700 CNY pour tout candidat titulaire d’un diplôme de Licence ;12000 CNY pour tout candidat titulaire d’un diplôme de Maîtrise/Master.

Si vous êtes embauché(e) en tant que responsable de promotion, une prime de gestion de 1 500 CNY (avant imposition) sera ajoutée au salaire mensuel brut.

Si vous êtes embauché(e) en tant que directeur/directrice adjoint(e) du Centre d’Etudes et de Formation de la Langue française de l’IFC Renmin, une indemnité de fonction de 2 500 CNY (avant imposition) sera ajoutée au salaire mensuel brut.

Prime d’enseignement variant de 15000 CNY à 16000 CNY (avant imposition) /an en fonction des résultats des enseignements et de l’évaluation des performances pendant la durée du contrat. Si vous ne réussissez pas l’évaluation des performances pendant la durée du contrat ou démissionnez pendant la période du contrat, la prime d’enseignement ne sera pas versée. Le choix de ne pas renouveler le contrat n’affectera pas le versement de la prime d’enseignement.

Les vacances d’été durent environ 8 semaines (de juillet à août) et les vacances d’hiver environ 4 semaines (janvier/ février).

L’assurance maladie et l’assurance accident sont prises en charge par l’IFC.

Indemnité de transport pour le déplacement de l’étranger à Suzhou de 5 000 CNY (avant imposition) aux enseignants de FLE recrutés pour la première fois par l’IFC Renmin.

Si vous réussissez l’évaluation des performances pendant la durée du contrat, votre salaire sera augmenté en fonction de la mention de l’évaluation lors du renouvellement du contrat.

Frais de titre de séjour en Chine lors de la prise de poste (une fois par an) pris en charge par l’IFC.

Conditions de recrutement :

Les conditions de recrutement s’effectuent conformément aux lois et règlements de la République populaire de Chine, aux règlements de l’Université Renmin de Chine et du campus de Suzhou. Le(la) candidat(e) s’engage à agir dans le respect dû à ces lois et règlements, ainsi qu’à l’ensemble des traditions et coutumes de la Chine, dans un état d’esprit bienveillant et amical.

Les activités au sein de l’établissement nécessitent du candidat :  une bonne santé physique et mentale, une bonne éthique professionnelle, des pratiques de bonnes-conduites, en sus de l’intérêt (ou de l’appétence portée) porté à l’enseignement supérieur, de ses qualités pédagogiques et de communications, et ce conformément aux attentes dévolues aux fonctions dans l’enseignement supérieur et universitaire

L’âge limite d’accès à la candidature conformément à la règlementation en vigueur est porté en principe de 60 ans

Le français est la langue maternelle

Titulaire d’un diplôme universitaire (Licence, Master, Maîtrise, Doctorat) de FLE, de linguistique, de lettres ou de sciences humaines et sociales

Une expérience professionnelle dans l’enseignement du FLE, d’une durée minimale de deux années, est requise (avec obligation d’en justifier par une attestation de travail ou une lettre de recommandation)

Les titulaires d’un diplôme de Licence, ou de Master/Maîtrise ou de Doctorat spécialisés dans les formations linguistiques, des techniques et moyens pédagogiques de l’enseignement, ou d’un certificat d’aptitude au professorat de l’enseignement ou d’un certificat d’aptitude à l’enseignement du français langue étrangère, et répondant aux exigences attendues par le pays, sont dispensés de la condition préalable des deux années d’expérience professionnelle dans l’enseignement du FLE.

Les candidats satisfaisants aux conditions suivantes sont prioritaires : présence actuelle sur le territoire chinois, titulaire d’un diplôme de Master/ Maîtrise ou de Doctorat.

Pièces à fournir :

Si vous êtes intéressé/e par cette offre, merci de faire parvenir les documents suivants à Mme SHEN (

• votre CV en anglais et français avec une photo + identifiant Skype,

• une photocopie de votre dernier diplôme,

• une photocopie de votre passeport,

• une lettre de motivation,

• une attestation de travail ou une lettre de recommandation (de votre établissement ou de votre directeur d’études).

Date limite de candidature : recrutement continu

Merci de bien vouloir noter que seuls les candidats retenus pour un entretien seront contactés.

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2024 Foreign Teachers Recruitment, CISISU Sun, 09 Jun 2024 13:37:38 +0000 Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University (CISISU) was founded in 2000. It is an independent college approved by the Ministry of Education of China and an undergraduate level institution of higher education organized by Sichuan International Studies University under the new mechanism and new model. And it is the only professional institute of foreign language […]

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Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University (CISISU) was founded in 2000. It is an independent college approved by the Ministry of Education of China and an undergraduate level institution of higher education organized by Sichuan International Studies University under the new mechanism and new model. And it is the only professional institute of foreign language studies in Sichuan province, China.  CISISU adheres to “distinctive development” and “coordinated development”, unswervingly follows the developing path of focusing on foreign languages and integrating related disciplines, and pushes forwards a developing and innovating mode with “Foreign Language +” as its core. The institute is rooted in Sichuan and serves the southwest of China. It is gaining greater influence across the country and striving to go global. The institute aims at developing into a first-class application-oriented university with distinctive international features in foreign languages and related disciplines. The institute has 15 foreign language programs including English, Japanese, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese, Thai, Italian, Arabic, Polish, Czech, and Hungarian. In addition, it offers other four- or three-year programs related to foreign languages including Translation, Business English, Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Language, Journalism, International Economics and Trade, International Business, Exhibition Economy and Management, Chinese Language and Literature, Preschool Education, E-Commerce, Sports Operation and Management, Golf and Management, Hotel Management, etc. The institute enrolls students from 27 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country, and currently has more than 18000 full-time students.


I. Openings 招聘岗位
English teacher, German teacher, Portuguese teacher, Spanish teacher. French teacher, Italian teacher, Russian teacher, Polish teacher, Czech teacher, Hungarian teacher, Japanese teacher, Korean teacher, Thai teacher, Vietnam teacher, Arabic teacher, Malay teacher.


II. Qualification 基本条件
1.Native speaker; 母语授课
2.Less than 60 years old; 年龄60岁以下
3.More than 2 years of language teaching experience or the certificate in education or language; 2年及以上的语言教学经验,或者具有语言类、师范类学位。
4.Bachelor’s Degree or above; 本科及以上学历
5.Healthy and no criminal records. 身体健康,无犯罪记录

III. Duty 岗位职责
1.14 class hours weekly (45 minutes for each class), mainly oral teaching workload;
2.Participating some teaching activities of the department and important activities of the school.

IV. Remuneration 待遇
1. Salary: Rmb8000 per month
2. Accommodation: We provide a furnished single apartment with household appliances for each teacher,Foreign teachers live in the same building where we set a duty room to help them to deal with daily issues.
3. Bonus: At the end of one academic year, we will pay each teacher RMB 10,000 Yuan as traveling allowance.
4. Insurance:social security ,accident insurance, medical insurance and critical illness insurance .
5. Visa:school will help the foreign teacher to complete relevant procedures (related fee due to visas will be reimbursed).

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Foreign Languages Teachers, Changchun Normal University Fri, 07 Jun 2024 10:41:47 +0000 The College of Foreign Languages of Changchun Normal University, founded in 1977, has a long history and excellent tradition of running schools, and now has eight undergraduate majors in English, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Spanish, French, German, and Arabic, as well as two specialized majors in English Education and Applied Russian, and is responsible for the […]

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The College of Foreign Languages of Changchun Normal University, founded in 1977, has a long history and excellent tradition of running schools, and now has eight undergraduate majors in English, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Spanish, French, German, and Arabic, as well as two specialized majors in English Education and Applied Russian, and is responsible for the teaching of foreign languages in the university. There are now 2,321 students, 161 professional teachers, including 10 professors, 48 associate professors, 42 teachers with doctoral degrees (including students), 36 master’s degree supervisors, and nearly 15 foreign teachers are employed all year round.

Welcome foreign teachers of all languages to join Changchun Normal University.

Click here to view all foreign language teaching jobs at CCNU

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Foreign Teachers (English, German, French, Spanish) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 21:43:27 +0000 Full-Time Foreign Instructor Positions Available Position Title: Foreign Instructor (English, German, French, Spanish) Applications are invited for foreign instructors in Jinan Foreign Language School, on a 12-month contract basis, with the possibility of renewal. Languages include English, German, French, Spanish Click here to view current job openings at JNFLS

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Full-Time Foreign Instructor Positions Available

Position Title: Foreign Instructor (English, German, French, Spanish)

Applications are invited for foreign instructors in Jinan Foreign Language School, on a 12-month contract basis, with the possibility of renewal.

Languages include English, German, French, Spanish

Click here to view current job openings at JNFLS

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ESL Teachers with Fluent French/Russian Sun, 26 May 2024 20:43:13 +0000 Job Requirements Title: English Specialist Reporting Line: Campus principle and English Department, the ES will report to his/her Lead Montessori Teacher on classroom issue Regular working hours: 8:00-5:00, Mon-Fri Teaching Philosophy: Montessori Students age: 3-6years Main Responsibilities: Mainly teach English, but also creat an environment where kids can have a chance to get to learn […]

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Job Requirements

Title: English Specialist
Reporting Line: Campus principle and English Department, the ES will report to his/her Lead Montessori Teacher on classroom issue
Regular working hours: 8:00-5:00, Mon-Fri
Teaching Philosophy: Montessori
Students age: 3-6years

Main Responsibilities:
Mainly teach English, but also creat an environment where kids can have a chance to get to learn a THIRD LANGUAGE.
• Prepare teaching materials during set prep time as noted by the English Department and create original teaching materials each month to match the existing English curriculum.
• Ensure all Etonkids English curricula is implemented properly in the classroom and provide feedback to the R&D Department in order to improve it.
• Lead English lessons during scheduled times, provide an immersive English-speaking environment throughout the day, and provide feedback and suggestions to other English Specialists in regard to successful teaching methods.
• Communicate and cooperate with Chinese English Teachers to ensure both parties are on the same page in regard to lesson plan content.
• Monitor student progress and maintain a portfolio for each student.
• Attend all English Department PD days noted by the English Department Regional Supervisor and campus meetings and PD days as deemed necessary by the Campus Principal. Also, attend all weekly meetings with the classroom teaching team as scheduled by his/her Lead Montessori Teacher.
• Assist the Lead Montessori Teacher in reviewing and editing all English materials, parent letters, and Student Reports to ensure no language mistakes are made.
• Maintain good relationships with parents and keep them well-informed about their student’s progress.
• Participate as a member of the Etonkids Curriculum Committee meeting (if requested).
• Fulfill additional duties and responsibilities that are in line with the employment contract as instructed by Etonkids management.
• Participate fully as a team member, sharing knowledge and information and supporting colleagues in the organization to promote a cohesive team and the achievement of campus/classroom objectives.


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Foreign Language Editors (Native Speakers) Sat, 25 May 2024 22:04:19 +0000 Employer: People’s Daily Online (website) People’s Daily Online, founded on January 1, 1997, is a publicly traded media and culture company, with People’s Daily having a controlling stake. It is one of the most well-known media platforms in China. In addition to Chinese, People’s Daily Online also publishes news stories in seven ethnic minority languages […]

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Employer: People’s Daily Online (website)

People’s Daily Online, founded on January 1, 1997, is a publicly traded media and culture company, with People’s Daily having a controlling stake. It is one of the most well-known media platforms in China. In addition to Chinese, People’s Daily Online also publishes news stories in seven ethnic minority languages and in 12 foreign languages including English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Korean, German, Portuguese, Swahili, Italian, and Kazakh.

Native Editors

Key Responsibilities:

  • 1. Write reports in their native languages
  • 2. Proofread and polish translations from Chinese editors.
  • 3. Make plans for news features, interviews, and audio/video programs.
  • 4. Run social media accounts in your languages.
  • 5. Other duties as assigned.


  • 1. Abide by laws and regulations; have no record of professional misconduct; and observe professional ethics.
  • 2. Have a master’s degree or above; applicants with a bachelor’s degree should have at least two years of work experience.
  • 3. Native speakers who have the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills that meet the requirements for news coverage.
  • 4. Have degrees related to Chinese, Sinology, cross-cultural communication, journalism, international relations, China studies, etc.
  • 5. Applicants should be competent to translate or interpret between Chinese or English and their native languages.
  • 6. Can provide documents required by human resources and social security authorities of China.

Job availability is subject to change throughout the year. Please check in with People’s Daily for updated job vacancies.

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2023-2024 Recruitment of Foreign Teachers Sat, 25 May 2024 11:50:41 +0000 Ⅰ. College Name: Hainan College of Foreign Studies(Public); Location: Wenchang City, Hainan Tourism Island, P.R.CHINA Website:   Tel: 0086-898-63297771 Ⅱ. Posts available: 9 English foreign teachers; 1 Russian foreign teacher; 1 Spanish foreign teacher; 1 French foreign teacher; 1 German foreign teacher; 1 Italian foreign teacher; 1 Portuguese foreign teacher; 1 Japanese foreign teacher; 1 […]

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Ⅰ. College Name: Hainan College of Foreign Studies(Public);

Location: Wenchang City, Hainan Tourism Island, P.R.CHINA

Website:   Tel: 0086-898-63297771

Ⅱ. Posts available: 9 English foreign teachers; 1 Russian foreign teacher; 1 Spanish foreign teacher; 1 French foreign teacher; 1 German foreign teacher; 1 Italian foreign teacher; 1 Portuguese foreign teacher; 1 Japanese foreign teacher; 1 Korean foreign teacher;1 Cambodian foreign teacher;1 Indonesian foreign teacher; 1 Vietnamese foreign teacher; 1 Thai foreign teacher;1 Burmese foreign teacher; 1 Arabic foreign teacher; 1 Lao foreign language teacher. 1 Filipino foreign teacher;

Ⅲ. Recruitment qualifications: Native speakers with bachelor’s degree or above, more than one year of relevant teaching experience, age 22-59, healthy and good communication skills.

Ⅳ. Benefit packages:

  1. I)RMB 8000-9000 monthly basic salary for bachelor’s degree holder , default workload is 10 periods per week, RMB 120 will be given for each period exceeding 10 period ;
  • II)RMB 9000-10000 monthly basic salary for Master’s degree holder, RMB 140 will be given for each period of class exceeding the default 10 period/week;
  • III)RMB 10000-11000 monthly basic salary for Doctorate’s degree holder, RMB160 will be given for each period of class exceeding the default 10 period/week;
  • Candidate must work for at least one school year which lasts for about 10 months. Additional two months of basic salary and RMB 300 per month will be awarded for those who continue to work for the College after the first contract year.
  1. Airfare allowance per contract year: RMB13,000 for teachers from European countries, American countries, Oceania countries & African countries ; RMB11,000 for teachers from Russia; RMB 9,000 for teachers from Asian Countries. On top of that, foreign staffs enjoy an annual vacation allowance of RMB 2,200 per year.
  2. Free and well-furnished apartment is provided, except for personal beddings such as pillow, quilt, linens… etc
  3. Health care insurance covers the entire contract period;
  4. The college is responsible for the work visa extension fee and the Physical check fee which happened in Hainan. Any expense concerning the job is bIf you are interested in our post, please feel free to contact us.

By the way, please email me the information page of your passport ( and the latest visa page if there is any also) if you are willing to accept our post.

Documents needed for working visa application are ( scanned and original ):

  1. Resume/C.V.
  2. Recommendation Letters of at least one-year-teaching experience from your previous work unit;
  3. Couple with kid(s), need to provide:  Notarized Certificate of your Marriage Certificate and Child’s Birth Certificate from Embassy of China in your country;
  4. Notarized No Criminal Record or in other name called “ Police Clearance Record ”;
  5. Notarized Highest Degree.
  6. “FOREIGNER PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FORM” will be sent to you after an interview.

Important note:

(1) Certification materials for non-English speaking foreign teachers must be translated into English or Chinese before being sent to Chinese Embassies and consulates abroad for notary.

(2) All of the above materials must be scanned before sent .


  1. Benefit Package:

(Each period of class lasts for 40 minutes; Default workload is 10 periods per week )

Degree Basic salary Over time class (over 10 period per week) Water and electricity bonus Holiday bonus extra-curricular activities Lunch offer on weekdays
Bachelor RMB8000-9000/month RMB120/period RMB300/month RMB2,200/year Same as over time class 15 Yuan/day
Master RMB9000-10000/month RMB140/period RMB300/month RMB2,200/year Same as over time class 15 Yuan/day
Doctor RMB10000-11000/month RMB160/period RMB300/month RMB2,200/year Same as over time class 15 Yuan/day
Transportation bonus
European Countries American countries African countries Oceania countries Russia Asian countries
RMB13,000/year RMB13,000/year RMB13,000/year RMB13,000/year RMB11,000/year RMB 9000/year
  1. Scanned Documents needed ( Original ones provided on arrival), notarized documents are to be done at the Chinese Embassy in your country.
Single applicant Passport with recent entry stamp if there is. Notarized highest degree Notarized no criminal record Recommendation letter of at least one years teaching experience Physical check
CV/ resume A recent taken digital photo size 2*2 inch with white background, not less than 40 kb. Applicant with a family

(additional documents)

Marriage certificate notarized by Chinese Embassy in your home country Birth certificate of child notarized by Chinese Embassy in your home country

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Foreign English/French/Spanish/Japanese Teachers Wed, 22 May 2024 09:44:02 +0000 About Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), as a full-time regular undergraduate institution established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the initiator and Vice Chairman of the National Alliance of Non-profit Private Colleges & Universities, and Executive Vice President of the Higher Education […]

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About Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade

Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), as a full-time regular undergraduate institution established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the initiator and Vice Chairman of the National Alliance of Non-profit Private Colleges & Universities, and Executive Vice President of the Higher Education Professional Committee of China Private Education Association. FUIST also provides cooperative program for postgraduates along with other colleges and universities. According to the latest 2023 China University Rankings released by Cuaa.Net, FUIST was highly recognized as one of the six-star private colleges and universities in China, coming to the fourth place in the ranking of private colleges and universities in China in terms of comprehensive indicators while defending its first place in Fujian Province. In order to further enhance the internationalization of Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade(FUIST), broaden students’ international vision and attract excellent international teachers, FUIST releases recruitment for excellent foreign teachers with relevant information as follows:

FUIST recruits teachers in Language Teaching and Subject Teaching. The employment will be full-time under contract management and principles.

Language Teaching Positions: English, French, Spanish, Japanese

Salary and Benefits:

  • 1. Monthly salary of 11,000 RMB for Bachelor’s degree / 13,000 RMB for Master’s degree, with 11 months’ salary paid annually;
  • 2. Provide additional 10,000 RMB airfare travel allowance per year (directly issued);
  • 3. Provide free well-decorated apartment (50 square feet);
  • 4. Three free meals for teaching staff, five routes of school buses from Fuzhou city to the school regular round-trip transportation;
  • 5. Free use of on-campus gym;
  • 6. All kinds of holiday expenses 2000 yuan and other benefits;
  • 7. Renewal incentive is calculated from the second appointment period (an appointment period of one year), 400 yuan per month, capped at 10 years;
  • 8. The school will purchase commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with regulations.

The post Foreign English/French/Spanish/Japanese Teachers appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.
