Jobs in Shaoxing - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Thu, 29 Sep 2022 08:17:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Shaoxing - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Nauczyciel języka polskiego w Chinach Sun, 29 May 2022 08:16:41 +0000 O Uniwersytecie Języków Obcych Zhejiang Yuexiu Uniwersytet Języków Obcych Zhejiang Yuexiu to uniwersytet w pełnym wymiarze godzin, zatwierdzony przez Ministerstwo Edukacji, zlokalizowany w Shaoxing w prowincji Zhejiang – jednym z pierwszych historycznych i kulturowych słynnych miast w Chinach, do którego z Szanghaju jedzie się tylko półtorej godziny pociągiem i 40 minut samochodem od międzynarodowego lotniska […]

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O Uniwersytecie Języków Obcych Zhejiang Yuexiu

Uniwersytet Języków Obcych Zhejiang Yuexiu to uniwersytet w pełnym wymiarze godzin, zatwierdzony przez Ministerstwo Edukacji, zlokalizowany w Shaoxing w prowincji Zhejiang – jednym z pierwszych historycznych i kulturowych słynnych miast w Chinach, do którego z Szanghaju jedzie się tylko półtorej godziny pociągiem i 40 minut samochodem od międzynarodowego lotniska Hangzhou. Obecnie uniwersytet Yuexiu ma dwa kampusy, kampus Jishan i kampus Jinghu, co zajmuje około 30 minut między dwoma kampusami.

Uczelnia składa się z 14 kolegiów, w tym Kolegium Angielskiego, Kolegium Języków Orientalnych, Kolegium Języków Zachodnich, Kolegium Biznesu Międzynarodowego, Kolegium Finansów Międzynarodowych i Handlu, Kolegium Komunikacji Sieciowej, Kolegium Języka Chińskiego and Culture, College of Hotel Management, Indianapolis International College (Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), Wydział Języków Obcych, Kolegium Marksizmu, Kolegium Edukacji Międzynarodowej oraz Kolegium Kształcenia Ustawicznego. Istnieje 41 kierunków studiów licencjackich obejmujących 6 dyscyplin, takich jak literatura, inżynieria, ekonomia, zarządzanie, sztuka i edukacja, obejmujących 15 języków obcych, w tym angielski, francuski, niemiecki, rosyjski, hiszpański, włoski, portugalski, japoński, koreański, arabski, indonezyjski, tajski, czeski, turecki i polski, który posiada najwięcej rodzajów kursów językowych w prowincji Zhejiang oraz bogate zasoby edukacyjne i przewagi marki w szkoleniu talentów języków obcych. Uniwersytet Yuexiu ma obecnie ponad 100 zagranicznych nauczycieli ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, Wielkiej Brytanii, Kanady, Korei Południowej, Japonii i innych krajów.

Wymagania i warunki rekrutacji:

  1. Przestrzegaj przepisów ustawowych i wykonawczych Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej, bądź w dobrym stanie zdrowia bez karalności.
  2. Kandydaci na naukę języków obcych powinni posiadać tytuł licencjata lub wyższe oraz co najmniej 2 lata odpowiedniego doświadczenia edukacyjnego. Doświadczenie zawodowe może zostać zwolnione z tego, kto spełnia jeden z tych wymogów: osoby z tytułem licencjata lub wyższym w zakresie edukacji, języka lub normalnego wykształcenia, lub osoby posiadające świadectwo kwalifikacji nauczycielskiej kraju przyjmującego lub świadectwo TEFL.
  3. Kandydaci na kursy zawodowe powinni mieć tytuł magistra lub wyższy oraz co najmniej 2 lata doświadczenia w nauczaniu na odpowiednich kursach lub dziedzinach zawodowych.
  4. Wiek poniżej 58 lat.

Nakład pracy i wynagrodzenie :

  1. Obciążenie pracą: 16 okresów tygodniowo, dodatkowe wynagrodzenie, jeśli przekroczy 16 okresów.
  2. Pakiet wynagrodzeń: Wynagrodzenie nauczycieli zagranicznych obejmuje wynagrodzenie miesięczne, dietę żywieniową, dodatek za przelot, dodatek za staż pracy itp. Standard wynagrodzenia ustalany jest zgodnie ze stopniami i tytułami zawodowymi lub kwalifikacjami naukowymi nauczycieli zagranicznych.
  3. Zakwaterowanie: bezpłatne mieszkanie z podstawowymi meblami i sprzętem AGD.
  4. Ubezpieczenie: ubezpieczenie komercyjne dla nauczycieli zagranicznych zgodnie z prawem.
  5. Święta: chińskie święta narodowe, ferie letnie i zimowe uniwersytetu
  6. Społeczność nauczycieli zagranicznych: lekcje języka chińskiego, lekcje kaligrafii, podróże krótkoterminowe i inne zajęcia społecznościowe dla nauczycieli z zagranicy.

Wymagane materiały aplikacyjne:

  • Osobiste CV
  • Kopia ważnej strony paszportowej
  • Kopie certyfikatu najwyższego stopnia i innych odpowiednich certyfikatów
  • Odpowiednie świadectwa pracy lub referencje
  • Raport z badania fizykalnego w okresie ważności
  • Brak zgłoszenia z rejestru karnego w okresie ważności
  • Fotografia elektroniczna (2 cale białe tło)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

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Çin’de Türkçe Öğretmeni Sun, 29 May 2022 08:14:32 +0000 Zhejiang Yuexiu Yabancı Diller Üniversitesi Hakkında Zhejiang Yuexiu Yabancı Diller Üniversitesi, Çin’in Şanghay’dan trenle sadece bir buçuk saat süren ilk tarihi ve kültürel ünlü şehirlerinden biri olan Zhejiang eyaleti Shaoxing’de bulunan Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından onaylanmış tam zamanlı bir lisans üniversitesidir. ve Hangzhou uluslararası havaalanından arabayla 40 dakika. Şu anda, Yuexiu üniversitesinin iki kampüsü vardır, Jishan […]

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Zhejiang Yuexiu Yabancı Diller Üniversitesi Hakkında

Zhejiang Yuexiu Yabancı Diller Üniversitesi, Çin’in Şanghay’dan trenle sadece bir buçuk saat süren ilk tarihi ve kültürel ünlü şehirlerinden biri olan Zhejiang eyaleti Shaoxing’de bulunan Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından onaylanmış tam zamanlı bir lisans üniversitesidir. ve Hangzhou uluslararası havaalanından arabayla 40 dakika. Şu anda, Yuexiu üniversitesinin iki kampüsü vardır, Jishan kampüsü ve iki kampüs arasında yaklaşık 30 dakika süren Jinghu kampüsü.

Üniversite, İngilizce Koleji, Doğu Dilleri Koleji, Batı Dilleri Koleji, Uluslararası İşletme Fakültesi, Uluslararası Finans ve Ticaret Koleji, Ağ İletişimi Koleji, Çin Dili Koleji dahil olmak üzere 14 kolejden oluşmaktadır. ve Kültür, Otel İşletmeciliği Koleji, Indianapolis Uluslararası Koleji (Doğu Teknoloji Veri Bilimi ve İletişim Koleji), Yabancı Diller Bölümü, Marksizm Koleji, Uluslararası Eğitim Koleji ve Sürekli Eğitim Koleji. İngilizce, Fransızca, Almanca, Rusça, İspanyolca, İtalyanca, Portekizce, Japonca dahil olmak üzere 15 yabancı dili içeren edebiyat, mühendislik, ekonomi, yönetim, sanat ve eğitim gibi 6 disiplini kapsayan 41 lisans bölümü vardır. Zhejiang Eyaletinde en fazla dil kursuna sahip olan Korece, Arapça, Endonezyaca, Tayca, Çekçe, Türkçe ve Lehçe, zengin eğitim kaynakları ve yabancı dil yeteneklerinin yetiştirilmesinde marka avantajları. Yuexiu üniversitesinin şu anda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, İngiltere, Kanada, Güney Kore, Japonya ve diğer ülkelerden 100’den fazla yabancı öğretmeni var.

İşe Alım Koşulları ve Koşulları:

  1. Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti yasalarına ve düzenlemelerine uyun, herhangi bir sabıka kaydı olmadan sağlıklı olun.
  2. Yabancı dil öğretmek için başvuranların lisans veya daha yüksek derecelere ve en az 2 yıllık ilgili eğitim deneyimine sahip olmaları gerekir. Bu koşullardan birini karşılayanlar için çalışma deneyimi muaf tutulabilir: eğitim, dil veya normal eğitimde lisans veya daha yüksek derece veya ev sahibi ülkenin öğretmenlik yeterlilik sertifikası veya TEFL sertifikasına sahip olanlar.
  3. Mesleki kurslara başvuran adaylar, yüksek lisans veya daha yüksek bir dereceye ve ilgili mesleki kurs veya alanlarda en az 2 yıl öğretmenlik deneyimine sahip olmalıdır.
  4. 58 yaş altı.

İş yükü ve maaş :

  1. İş yükü: Haftada 16 periyot, 16 periyodu aşması halinde ekstra ödeme alma.
  2. Maaş paketi: Yabancı öğretmenlerin maaşına aylık maaş, yemek yardımı, uçak bileti, kıdem ödeneği vb. dahildir. Maaş standardı yabancı öğretmenlerin mesleki rütbe ve unvanlarına veya akademik niteliklerine göre belirlenir.
  3. Konaklama: Temel mobilya ve ev aletleri ile ücretsiz daire.
  4. Sigorta: Yasaya uygun olarak yabancı öğretmenler için ticari sigorta.
  5. Tatiller: Çin ulusal bayramları, üniversitenin yaz ve kış tatilleri
  6. Yabancı Öğretmenler Topluluğu: Yabancı öğretmenler için Çince dersi, hat dersi, kısa süreli seyahat ve diğer topluluk etkinlikleri.

Gerekli uygulama malzemeleri:

  • Kişisel özgeçmiş
  • Geçerli pasaport sayfasının kopyası
  • En yüksek dereceli sertifikanın ve diğer ilgili sertifikaların kopyaları
  • İlgili çalışma sertifikaları veya referanslar
  • Geçerlilik süresi içinde fizik muayene raporu
  • Geçerlilik süresi içinde adli sicil raporu yok
  • Elektronik fotoğraf (2 inç beyaz arka plan)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

The post Çin’de Türkçe Öğretmeni appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Český učitel v Číně Sun, 29 May 2022 08:11:36 +0000 O univerzitě cizích jazyků Zhejiang Yuexiu Univerzita cizích jazyků Zhejiang Yuexiu je vysokoškolská univerzita na plný úvazek schválená ministerstvem školství, která se nachází v Shaoxingu, provincii Zhejiang – jednom z prvních historických a kulturně slavných měst v Číně, které trvá pouze jednu a půl hodiny vlakem ze Šanghaje. a 40 minut jízdy autem od mezinárodního […]

The post Český učitel v Číně appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

O univerzitě cizích jazyků Zhejiang Yuexiu

Univerzita cizích jazyků Zhejiang Yuexiu je vysokoškolská univerzita na plný úvazek schválená ministerstvem školství, která se nachází v Shaoxingu, provincii Zhejiang – jednom z prvních historických a kulturně slavných měst v Číně, které trvá pouze jednu a půl hodiny vlakem ze Šanghaje. a 40 minut jízdy autem od mezinárodního letiště Hangzhou. V současné době má univerzita Yuexiu dva kampusy, kampus Jishan a kampus Jinghu, což mezi oběma kampusy trvá asi 30 minut.

Univerzita se skládá ze 14 vysokých škol, včetně College of English, College of Oriental Languages, College of Western Languages, College of International Business, College of International Finance and Trade, College of Network Communication, College of Chinese Language a kultura, Vysoká škola hotelového managementu, Indianapolis International College (Východní institut pro datovou vědu a komunikaci), Katedra cizích jazyků, Vysoká škola marxismu, Vysoká škola mezinárodního vzdělávání a Vysoká škola dalšího vzdělávání. Existuje 41 bakalářských oborů pokrývajících 6 oborů, jako je literatura, inženýrství, ekonomie, management, umění a vzdělávání, zahrnujících 15 cizích jazyků, včetně angličtiny, francouzštiny, němčiny, ruštiny, španělštiny, italštiny, portugalštiny, japonštiny, Korejština, arabština, indonéština, thajština, čeština, turečtina a polština, která má nejvíce druhů jazykových kurzů v provincii Zhejiang a bohaté vzdělávací zdroje a výhody značky při školení cizojazyčných talentů. Univerzita Yuexiu má nyní více než 100 zahraničních učitelů ze Spojených států, Británie, Kanady, Jižní Koreje, Japonska a dalších zemí.

Požadavky a podmínky náboru:

  1. Dodržujte zákony a předpisy Čínské lidové republiky, buďte v dobrém zdravotním stavu bez jakéhokoli trestního rejstříku.
  2. Uchazeči o výuku cizích jazyků by měli mít bakalářský nebo vyšší titul a alespoň 2 roky odpovídající praxe ve vzdělávání. Pracovní zkušenost může být osvobozena pro osoby, které splňují jeden z těchto požadavků: osoby s bakalářským nebo vyšším vzděláním, jazykové nebo běžné vzdělání nebo osoby s osvědčením o učitelské kvalifikaci hostitelské země nebo osvědčením TEFL.
  3. Uchazeči o odborné kurzy by měli mít magisterské nebo vyšší vzdělání a alespoň 2 roky pedagogické praxe v příslušných odborných kurzech nebo oborech.
  4. Věk do 58 let.

Pracovní náplň a plat :

  1. Úvazek: 16 období týdně, při překročení 16 období příplatek.
  2. Platový balíček: Mzda zahraničních učitelů zahrnuje měsíční plat, stravné, příspěvek na letenku, příplatek za odsloužení atd. Platový standard se určuje podle profesních hodností a titulů, případně akademické kvalifikace zahraničních učitelů.
  3. Ubytování: volný apartmán se základním nábytkem a domácími spotřebiči.
  4. Pojištění: komerční pojištění pro zahraniční učitele v souladu se zákonem.
  5. Prázdniny: Čínské státní svátky, letní a zimní prázdniny univerzity
  6. Komunita zahraničních učitelů: hodiny čínštiny, hodiny kaligrafie, krátkodobé cestování a další komunitní aktivity pro zahraniční učitele.

Potřebné aplikační materiály:

  • Osobní životopis
  • Kopie platné stránky pasu
  • Kopie osvědčení nejvyššího stupně a dalších příslušných osvědčení
  • Příslušné pracovní certifikáty nebo reference
  • Zpráva o fyzickém vyšetření v době platnosti
  • V době platnosti není záznam v rejstříku trestů
  • Elektronická fotografie (2 palce bílé pozadí)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

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ครูไทยในจีน Sun, 29 May 2022 08:09:02 +0000 เกี่ยวกับ Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages มหาวิทยาลัยภาษาต่างประเทศ Zhejiang Yuexiu เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยระดับปริญญาตรีเต็มเวลาที่ได้รับอนุมัติจากกระทรวงศึกษาธิการ ตั้งอยู่ใน Shaoxing จังหวัด Zhejiang ซึ่งเป็นหนึ่งในเมืองที่มีชื่อเสียงทางประวัติศาสตร์และวัฒนธรรมแห่งแรกของจีน ซึ่งใช้เวลาเดินทางโดยรถไฟจากเซี่ยงไฮ้เพียงหนึ่งชั่วโมงครึ่ง และ 40 นาทีโดยรถยนต์จากสนามบินนานาชาติหางโจว ปัจจุบันมหาวิทยาลัย Yuexiu มีสองวิทยาเขต ได้แก่ วิทยาเขต Jishan และวิทยาเขต Jinghu ซึ่งใช้เวลาประมาณ 30 นาทีระหว่างสองวิทยาเขต มหาวิทยาลัยประกอบด้วยวิทยาลัย 14 แห่ง ได้แก่ วิทยาลัยภาษาอังกฤษ วิทยาลัยภาษาตะวันออก วิทยาลัยภาษาตะวันตก วิทยาลัยธุรกิจระหว่างประเทศ วิทยาลัยการเงินและการค้าระหว่างประเทศ วิทยาลัยการสื่อสารเครือข่าย วิทยาลัยภาษาจีน และวัฒนธรรม, วิทยาลัยการจัดการโรงแรม, วิทยาลัยนานาชาติอินเดียแนโพลิส (สถาบันเทคโนโลยีข้อมูลวิทยาศาสตร์และการสื่อสารตะวันออก), ภาควิชาภาษาต่างประเทศ, วิทยาลัยมาร์กซิสต์, วิทยาลัยการศึกษานานาชาติ และวิทยาลัยการศึกษาต่อเนื่อง มีสาขาวิชาเอกระดับปริญญาตรี 41 สาขาวิชา ครอบคลุม 6 […]

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เกี่ยวกับ Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages

มหาวิทยาลัยภาษาต่างประเทศ Zhejiang Yuexiu เป็นมหาวิทยาลัยระดับปริญญาตรีเต็มเวลาที่ได้รับอนุมัติจากกระทรวงศึกษาธิการ ตั้งอยู่ใน Shaoxing จังหวัด Zhejiang ซึ่งเป็นหนึ่งในเมืองที่มีชื่อเสียงทางประวัติศาสตร์และวัฒนธรรมแห่งแรกของจีน ซึ่งใช้เวลาเดินทางโดยรถไฟจากเซี่ยงไฮ้เพียงหนึ่งชั่วโมงครึ่ง และ 40 นาทีโดยรถยนต์จากสนามบินนานาชาติหางโจว ปัจจุบันมหาวิทยาลัย Yuexiu มีสองวิทยาเขต ได้แก่ วิทยาเขต Jishan และวิทยาเขต Jinghu ซึ่งใช้เวลาประมาณ 30 นาทีระหว่างสองวิทยาเขต

มหาวิทยาลัยประกอบด้วยวิทยาลัย 14 แห่ง ได้แก่ วิทยาลัยภาษาอังกฤษ วิทยาลัยภาษาตะวันออก วิทยาลัยภาษาตะวันตก วิทยาลัยธุรกิจระหว่างประเทศ วิทยาลัยการเงินและการค้าระหว่างประเทศ วิทยาลัยการสื่อสารเครือข่าย วิทยาลัยภาษาจีน และวัฒนธรรม, วิทยาลัยการจัดการโรงแรม, วิทยาลัยนานาชาติอินเดียแนโพลิส (สถาบันเทคโนโลยีข้อมูลวิทยาศาสตร์และการสื่อสารตะวันออก), ภาควิชาภาษาต่างประเทศ, วิทยาลัยมาร์กซิสต์, วิทยาลัยการศึกษานานาชาติ และวิทยาลัยการศึกษาต่อเนื่อง มีสาขาวิชาเอกระดับปริญญาตรี 41 สาขาวิชา ครอบคลุม 6 สาขาวิชา เช่น วรรณคดี วิศวกรรมศาสตร์ เศรษฐศาสตร์ การจัดการ ศิลปะ และการศึกษา โดยประกอบด้วยภาษาต่างประเทศ 15 ภาษา ได้แก่ อังกฤษ ฝรั่งเศส เยอรมัน รัสเซีย สเปน อิตาลี โปรตุเกส ญี่ปุ่น ภาษาเกาหลี อาหรับ ชาวอินโดนีเซีย ไทย เช็ก ตุรกี และโปแลนด์ ซึ่งมีหลักสูตรภาษาเกือบทุกประเภทในจังหวัดเจ้อเจียงและมีทรัพยากรด้านการศึกษาที่หลากหลายและข้อได้เปรียบของแบรนด์ในการฝึกอบรมผู้มีความสามารถด้านภาษาต่างประเทศ ปัจจุบันมหาวิทยาลัย Yuexiu มีอาจารย์ต่างชาติมากกว่า 100 คนจากสหรัฐอเมริกา สหราชอาณาจักร แคนาดา เกาหลีใต้ ญี่ปุ่น และประเทศอื่นๆ


  1. ปฏิบัติตามกฎหมายและระเบียบข้อบังคับของสาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน มีสุขภาพแข็งแรง ไม่มีประวัติอาชญากรรม
  2. ผู้สมัครเพื่อสอนภาษาต่างประเทศควรสำเร็จการศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรีหรือสูงกว่า และมีประสบการณ์ด้านการศึกษาที่เกี่ยวข้องอย่างน้อย 2 ปี ประสบการณ์การทำงานสามารถได้รับการยกเว้นสำหรับผู้ที่มีคุณสมบัติตรงตามข้อกำหนดข้อใดข้อหนึ่ง: ผู้สำเร็จการศึกษาระดับปริญญาตรีหรือสูงกว่าในด้านการศึกษา ภาษาหรือการศึกษาปกติ หรือผู้ที่มีใบรับรองคุณวุฒิการสอนของประเทศเจ้าบ้านหรือใบรับรอง TEFL
  3. ผู้สมัครหลักสูตรวิชาชีพควรสำเร็จการศึกษาระดับปริญญาโทหรือสูงกว่า และมีประสบการณ์การสอนอย่างน้อย 2 ปีในหลักสูตรหรือสาขาวิชาชีพที่เกี่ยวข้อง
  4. อายุต่ำกว่า 58


  1. ภาระงาน: 16 งวดต่อสัปดาห์ รับเงินพิเศษหากเกิน 16 งวด
  2. แพ็คเกจเงินเดือน: เงินเดือนของครูต่างชาติรวมถึงเงินเดือน ค่าอาหาร ค่าตั๋วเครื่องบิน ค่าอาวุโส ฯลฯ มาตรฐานเงินเดือนจะถูกกำหนดตามตำแหน่งและตำแหน่งทางวิชาชีพหรือคุณสมบัติทางวิชาการของครูชาวต่างประเทศ
  3. ที่พัก: อพาร์ตเมนต์ฟรีพร้อมเฟอร์นิเจอร์พื้นฐานและเครื่องใช้ในครัวเรือน
  4. การประกันภัย : การประกันภัยเชิงพาณิชย์สำหรับครูต่างชาติตามกฎหมาย
  5. วันหยุด: วันหยุดนักขัตฤกษ์ วันหยุดฤดูร้อนและฤดูหนาวของมหาวิทยาลัย
  6. ชุมชนครูต่างชาติ: ชั้นเรียนภาษาจีน ชั้นเรียนคัดลายมือ การเดินทางระยะสั้น และกิจกรรมชุมชนอื่นๆ สำหรับครูต่างชาติ


  • ประวัติส่วนตัว
  • สำเนาหน้าหนังสือเดินทางที่ถูกต้อง
  • สำเนาใบรับรองระดับสูงสุดและใบรับรองอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง
  • ใบรับรองการทำงานที่เกี่ยวข้องหรือการอ้างอิง
  • รายงานการตรวจร่างกายภายในระยะเวลาที่กำหนด
  • ไม่มีรายงานประวัติอาชญากรรมภายในระยะเวลาที่มีผลบังคับใช้
  • ภาพถ่ายอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (พื้นหลังสีขาวขนาด 2 นิ้ว)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

The post ครูไทยในจีน appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Guru Indonesia di China Sun, 29 May 2022 08:06:30 +0000 Tentang Universitas Bahasa Asing Zhejiang Yuexiu Universitas Bahasa Asing Zhejiang Yuexiu adalah universitas sarjana penuh waktu yang disetujui oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, berlokasi di Shaoxing, provinsi Zhejiang—salah satu kota terkenal sejarah dan budaya pertama di Tiongkok yang hanya membutuhkan waktu satu setengah jam dengan kereta api dari Shanghai dan 40 menit dengan mobil dari bandara internasional […]

The post Guru Indonesia di China appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Tentang Universitas Bahasa Asing Zhejiang Yuexiu

Universitas Bahasa Asing Zhejiang Yuexiu adalah universitas sarjana penuh waktu yang disetujui oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, berlokasi di Shaoxing, provinsi Zhejiang—salah satu kota terkenal sejarah dan budaya pertama di Tiongkok yang hanya membutuhkan waktu satu setengah jam dengan kereta api dari Shanghai dan 40 menit dengan mobil dari bandara internasional Hangzhou. Saat ini, universitas Yuexiu memiliki dua kampus, kampus Jishan dan kampus Jinghu, yang memakan waktu sekitar 30 menit antara kedua kampus.

Universitas ini terdiri dari 14 perguruan tinggi, termasuk Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Oriental, Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Barat, Sekolah Tinggi Bisnis Internasional, Sekolah Tinggi Keuangan dan Perdagangan Internasional, Sekolah Tinggi Komunikasi Jaringan, Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Cina dan Kebudayaan, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Hotel, Sekolah Tinggi Internasional Indianapolis (Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Data dan Komunikasi Institut Teknologi Timur), Departemen Bahasa Asing, Sekolah Tinggi Marxisme, Sekolah Tinggi Pendidikan Internasional, dan Sekolah Tinggi Pendidikan Berkelanjutan. Terdapat 41 program sarjana yang meliputi 6 disiplin ilmu seperti sastra, teknik, ekonomi, manajemen, seni, dan pendidikan, dengan melibatkan 15 bahasa asing di dalamnya, antara lain Inggris, Prancis, Jerman, Rusia, Spanyol, Italia, Portugis, Jepang, Korea, Arab, Indonesia, Thailand, Ceko, Turki dan Polandia, yang memiliki jenis kursus bahasa paling banyak di Provinsi Zhejiang dan sumber daya pendidikan yang kaya serta keunggulan merek dalam pelatihan bakat bahasa asing. Universitas Yuexiu sekarang memiliki lebih dari 100 guru asing dari Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Kanada, Korea Selatan, Jepang, dan negara-negara lain.

Persyaratan dan Ketentuan Rekrutmen:

  1. Mematuhi hukum dan peraturan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok, berada dalam kesehatan yang baik tanpa catatan kriminal.
  2. Pelamar untuk mengajar bahasa asing harus memiliki gelar sarjana atau gelar yang lebih tinggi dan setidaknya 2 tahun pengalaman pendidikan yang relevan. Pengalaman kerja dapat dikecualikan bagi mereka yang memenuhi salah satu persyaratan tersebut: mereka yang memiliki gelar sarjana atau gelar yang lebih tinggi dalam pendidikan, bahasa atau pendidikan normal, atau mereka yang memiliki sertifikat kualifikasi mengajar dari negara tuan rumah atau sertifikat TEFL.
  3. Pelamar untuk kursus profesional harus memiliki gelar master atau lebih tinggi, dan setidaknya 2 tahun pengalaman mengajar di kursus atau bidang profesional yang relevan.
  4. Usia di bawah 58 tahun.

Beban kerja dan gaji :

  1. Beban kerja: 16 periode per minggu, mendapatkan pembayaran tambahan jika melebihi 16 periode.
  2. Paket Gaji: Gaji guru asing meliputi gaji bulanan, tunjangan makan, tunjangan tiket pesawat, tunjangan senioritas, dll. Standar gaji ditentukan sesuai dengan pangkat dan jabatan profesional, atau kualifikasi akademik guru asing.
  3. Akomodasi: apartemen gratis dengan perabotan dasar dan peralatan rumah tangga.
  4. Asuransi: asuransi komersial untuk guru asing sesuai dengan undang-undang.
  5. Hari libur: hari libur nasional Cina, liburan musim panas dan musim dingin universitas
  6. Komunitas guru asing: kelas bahasa Mandarin, kelas kaligrafi, perjalanan jangka pendek dan kegiatan komunitas lainnya untuk guru asing.

Bahan aplikasi yang dibutuhkan:

  • Resume pribadi
  • Fotokopi halaman paspor yang masih berlaku
  • Salinan sertifikat derajat tertinggi dan sertifikat lain yang relevan
  • Sertifikat atau referensi kerja yang relevan
  • Laporan pemeriksaan fisik dalam masa berlaku
  • Tidak ada laporan catatan kriminal dalam masa berlaku
  • Foto elektronik (latar belakang putih 2 inci)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

The post Guru Indonesia di China appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

مدرس لغة عربية في الصين Sun, 29 May 2022 08:02:40 +0000 حول جامعة تشجيانغ Yuexiu للغات الأجنبية جامعة Zhejiang Yuexiu للغات الأجنبية هي جامعة جامعية بدوام كامل معتمدة من وزارة التعليم ، وتقع في شاوشينغ بمقاطعة تشجيانغ – وهي واحدة من أولى المدن التاريخية والثقافية الشهيرة في الصين والتي تستغرق ساعة ونصف الساعة فقط بالقطار من شنغهاي و 40 دقيقة بالسيارة من مطار هانغتشو الدولي. في […]

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حول جامعة تشجيانغ Yuexiu للغات الأجنبية

جامعة Zhejiang Yuexiu للغات الأجنبية هي جامعة جامعية بدوام كامل معتمدة من وزارة التعليم ، وتقع في شاوشينغ بمقاطعة تشجيانغ – وهي واحدة من أولى المدن التاريخية والثقافية الشهيرة في الصين والتي تستغرق ساعة ونصف الساعة فقط بالقطار من شنغهاي و 40 دقيقة بالسيارة من مطار هانغتشو الدولي. في الوقت الحاضر ، تمتلك جامعة Yuexiu حرمين جامعيين ، حرم Jishan وحرم Jinghu ، والتي تستغرق حوالي 30 دقيقة بين الحرمين الجامعيين.

تتكون الجامعة من 14 كلية منها كلية اللغة الإنجليزية وكلية اللغات الشرقية وكلية اللغات الغربية وكلية الأعمال الدولية وكلية التجارة والتمويل الدولي وكلية اتصالات الشبكة وكلية اللغة الصينية. والثقافة ، وكلية إدارة الفنادق ، وكلية إنديانابوليس الدولية (المعهد الشرقي للتكنولوجيا ، وكلية الاتصالات وعلوم البيانات) ، وقسم اللغات الأجنبية ، وكلية الماركسية ، وكلية التعليم الدولي ، وكلية التعليم المستمر. هناك 41 تخصصًا جامعيًا تغطي 6 تخصصات مثل الأدب والهندسة والاقتصاد والإدارة والفن والتعليم ، وتشمل 15 لغة أجنبية ، بما في ذلك الإنجليزية والفرنسية والألمانية والروسية والإسبانية والإيطالية والبرتغالية واليابانية والكورية والعربية ، الإندونيسية والتايلاندية والتشيكية والتركية والبولندية ، والتي لديها معظم أنواع دورات اللغة في مقاطعة تشجيانغ والموارد التعليمية الغنية ومزايا العلامة التجارية في تدريب المواهب اللغوية الأجنبية. تضم جامعة Yuexiu الآن أكثر من 100 مدرس أجنبي من الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وكندا وكوريا الجنوبية واليابان ودول أخرى.

متطلبات وشروط التوظيف:

التزم بقوانين وأنظمة جمهورية الصين الشعبية ، وكن بصحة جيدة دون أي سجل جنائي.
يجب أن يكون المتقدمون لتدريس اللغات الأجنبية حاصلين على درجة البكالوريوس أو درجات أعلى وسنتين على الأقل من الخبرات التعليمية ذات الصلة. يمكن إعفاء خبرة العمل لأولئك الذين يستوفون أحد هذه المتطلبات: أولئك الحاصلين على درجة البكالوريوس أو درجة أعلى في التعليم أو اللغة أو التعليم العادي ، أو أولئك الذين لديهم شهادة تأهيل تدريسي من البلد المضيف أو شهادة TEFL.
يجب أن يكون المتقدمون للدورات المهنية حاصلين على درجة الماجستير أو أعلى ، وسنتين على الأقل من الخبرة التدريسية في الدورات أو المجالات المهنية ذات الصلة.
العمر أقل من 58.

عبء العمل والراتب:

عبء العمل: 16 فترة في الأسبوع ، والحصول على أجر إضافي إذا تجاوزت 16 فترة.
حزمة الراتب: يشمل راتب المعلمين الأجانب الراتب الشهري ، وبدل الوجبة ، وبدل السفر ، وبدل الأقدمية ، وما إلى ذلك. يتم تحديد مستوى الراتب وفقًا للرتب والألقاب المهنية ، أو المؤهلات الأكاديمية للمعلمين الأجانب.
الإقامة: شقة مجانية مع أثاث أساسي وأجهزة منزلية.
التأمين: تأمين تجاري للمعلمين الأجانب وفق القانون.
الإجازات: الأعياد الوطنية الصينية ، العطلات الصيفية والشتوية للجامعة
مجتمع المعلمين الأجانب: فصل دراسي صيني ، ودروس فن الخط ، والسفر قصير المدى وأنشطة مجتمعية أخرى للمعلمين الأجانب.

مواد التقديم المطلوبة:

السيرة الذاتية
نسخة من صفحة جواز السفر سارية المفعول
نسخ من أعلى شهادة وشهادات أخرى ذات صلة
شهادات أو مراجع العمل ذات الصلة
تقرير الفحص البدني خلال فترة الصلاحية
عدم وجود محضر جنائي خلال فترة الصلاحية
صورة إلكترونية (2 بوصة خلفية بيضاء)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

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중국에서 한국어 교사 Sun, 29 May 2022 07:58:20 +0000 Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages ​​소개 Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages는 상하이에서 기차로 1시간 30분 거리에 있는 중국 최초의 역사 문화 유명 도시 중 하나인 절강성 소흥에 위치한 교육부 승인을 받은 전일제 학부 대학입니다. 항저우 국제공항에서 차로 40분 거리에 있습니다. 현재 Yuexiu 대학에는 Jishan 캠퍼스와 Jinghu 캠퍼스의 두 캠퍼스가 있으며 두 캠퍼스 사이에 […]

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Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages ​​소개

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages는 상하이에서 기차로 1시간 30분 거리에 있는 중국 최초의 역사 문화 유명 도시 중 하나인 절강성 소흥에 위치한 교육부 승인을 받은 전일제 학부 대학입니다. 항저우 국제공항에서 차로 40분 거리에 있습니다. 현재 Yuexiu 대학에는 Jishan 캠퍼스와 Jinghu 캠퍼스의 두 캠퍼스가 있으며 두 캠퍼스 사이에 약 30분이 소요됩니다.

대학교는 영어대학, 동양어대학, 서양어대학, 국제경영대학, 국제금융통상대학, 네트워크커뮤니케이션대학, 중국어대학 등 14개 단과대학으로 구성되어 있습니다. 및 문화, 호텔 경영 대학, 인디애나폴리스 국제 대학(동부 공과 대학 데이터 과학 및 커뮤니케이션 대학), 외국어학과, 마르크스주의 대학, 국제 교육 대학 및 평생 교육 대학. 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 러시아어, 스페인어, 이탈리아어, 포르투갈어, 일본어, 영어 등 15개 외국어를 포함하는 문학, 공학, 경제학, 경영, 예술, 교육 등 6개 분야를 다루는 41개의 학부 전공이 있습니다. 한국어, 아랍어, 인도네시아어, 태국어, 체코어, 터키어, 폴란드어, 절강성에서 가장 많은 종류의 어학 코스를 보유하고 있으며 외국어 인재 양성에 있어 풍부한 교육 자원과 브랜드 우위를 가지고 있습니다. Yuexiu 대학에는 현재 미국, 영국, 캐나다, 한국, 일본 및 기타 국가에서 온 100명 이상의 외국인 교사가 있습니다.

채용 요건 및 조건:

  1. 중화인민공화국의 법률과 규정을 준수하고 범죄 기록이 없는 건강해야 합니다.
  2. 외국어 교육 지원자는 학사 학위 이상과 관련 교육 경험이 2년 이상이어야 합니다. 교육, 어학 또는 일반 교육 분야의 학사 이상 학위 소지자 또는 호스트 국가의 교직 자격증 또는 TEFL 자격증 소지자 중 하나의 요건을 충족하는 경우 근무 경험을 면제할 수 있습니다.
  3. 전문과정 지원자는 석사 이상의 학위를 소지하고 관련 전문 과정 또는 분야에서 최소 2년 이상의 교직 경험이 있어야 합니다.
  4. 58세 미만.

업무량 및 급여 :

  1. 작업량: 주당 16개 기간, 16개 기간을 초과하는 경우 추가 지불을 받습니다.
  2. 급여 : 외국인 교원의 급여는 월 급여, 식비, 항공료, 연공서열 등을 포함하며 급여기준은 외국인 교원의 직급 및 학력에 따라 결정한다.
  3. 숙박 시설: 기본적인 가구와 가전 제품이 있는 무료 아파트.
  4. 보험: 법률에 따라 외국인 교사를 위한 상업 보험.
  5. 휴일: 중국 공휴일, 대학 여름 및 겨울 방학
  6. 외국인 교사 커뮤니티: 중국어 수업, 서예 수업, 단기 여행 및 기타 외국인 교사 커뮤니티 활동.

필요한 지원 자료:

  • 개인 이력서
  • 유효한 여권 페이지 사본
  • 최고 학위 증명서 및 기타 관련 증명서 사본
  • 관련 작업 인증서 또는 참조
  • 유효기간 내 신체검사 성적서
  • 유효기간 내 전과기록 없음
  • 전자 사진(2인치 흰색 배경)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

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中国の日本語教師 Sun, 29 May 2022 07:56:01 +0000 浙江越秀外国語大学について 浙江越秀外国語大学は、上海から電車でわずか 1 時間半の中国で最初の歴史的、文化的に有名な都市の 1 つである浙江省紹興市にある、教育省によって承認された全日制の学部大学です。杭州国際空港から車で40分。現在、越秀大学には吉山キャンパスと京湖キャンパスの2つのキャンパスがあり、2つのキャンパス間は約30分です。 大学は、英語大学、東洋言語大学、西洋言語大学、国際ビジネス大学、国際金融貿易大学、ネットワーク通信大学、中国語大学を含む14の大学で構成されています。および文化、ホテル経営大学、インディアナポリス国際大学(東部工科大学データ科学およびコミュニケーション大学)、外国語学科、マルクス主義大学、国際教育大学、継続教育大学です。英語、フランス語、ドイツ語、ロシア語、スペイン語、イタリア語、ポルトガル語、日本語、韓国語、アラビア語、インドネシア語、タイ語、チェコ語、トルコ語、ポーランド語など、浙江省で最も種類の多い語学コースと豊富な教育リソース、外国語人材のトレーニングにおけるブランドの利点があります。越秀大学には現在、米国、英国、カナダ、韓国、日本、その他の国から 100 人以上の外国人教師がいます。 募集要項と条件: 中華人民共和国の法律と規制を遵守し、犯罪歴のない健康であること。 外国語を教えるための志願者は、学士号以上の学位と少なくとも 2 年間の関連する教育経験を持っている必要があります。学士号以上の学歴、語学または普通教育の学位を有する者、または受入国の教員資格証明書またはTEFL証明書を有する者は、これらの要件のいずれかを満たす場合、実務経験が免除されます。 専門コースの申請者は、修士号以上の学位を取得しており、関連する専門コースまたは分野で少なくとも 2 年間の教育経験を持っている必要があります。 58歳未満。 仕事量と給与: ワークロード: 週 16 時間、16 時間を超える場合は追加料金が発生します。 給与パッケージ: 外国人教師の給与には、月給、食事手当、航空手当、年功手当などが含まれます。給与基準は、外国人教師の職位と肩書き、または学歴に応じて決定されます。 宿泊施設:基本的な家具と家電を備えた無料のアパート。 保険:法律に基づく外国人教師のための商業保険。 休日:中国の祝日、大学の夏季および冬季休暇 外国人教師のコミュニティ:外国人教師のための中国語クラス、書道クラス、短期旅行、その他のコミュニティ活動。 必要な申請書類: 個人の履歴書 有効なパスポートのページのコピー 最高学位証明書およびその他の関連証明書のコピー 関連する作業証明書または参照 有効期間内の健康診断書 有効期間内に犯罪歴の届出がないこと 電子写真(2インチ白背景)   About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time […]

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浙江越秀外国語大学は、上海から電車でわずか 1 時間半の中国で最初の歴史的、文化的に有名な都市の 1 つである浙江省紹興市にある、教育省によって承認された全日制の学部大学です。杭州国際空港から車で40分。現在、越秀大学には吉山キャンパスと京湖キャンパスの2つのキャンパスがあり、2つのキャンパス間は約30分です。

大学は、英語大学、東洋言語大学、西洋言語大学、国際ビジネス大学、国際金融貿易大学、ネットワーク通信大学、中国語大学を含む14の大学で構成されています。および文化、ホテル経営大学、インディアナポリス国際大学(東部工科大学データ科学およびコミュニケーション大学)、外国語学科、マルクス主義大学、国際教育大学、継続教育大学です。英語、フランス語、ドイツ語、ロシア語、スペイン語、イタリア語、ポルトガル語、日本語、韓国語、アラビア語、インドネシア語、タイ語、チェコ語、トルコ語、ポーランド語など、浙江省で最も種類の多い語学コースと豊富な教育リソース、外国語人材のトレーニングにおけるブランドの利点があります。越秀大学には現在、米国、英国、カナダ、韓国、日本、その他の国から 100 人以上の外国人教師がいます。


  1. 中華人民共和国の法律と規制を遵守し、犯罪歴のない健康であること。
  2. 外国語を教えるための志願者は、学士号以上の学位と少なくとも 2 年間の関連する教育経験を持っている必要があります。学士号以上の学歴、語学または普通教育の学位を有する者、または受入国の教員資格証明書またはTEFL証明書を有する者は、これらの要件のいずれかを満たす場合、実務経験が免除されます。
  3. 専門コースの申請者は、修士号以上の学位を取得しており、関連する専門コースまたは分野で少なくとも 2 年間の教育経験を持っている必要があります。
  4. 58歳未満。


  1. ワークロード: 週 16 時間、16 時間を超える場合は追加料金が発生します。
  2. 給与パッケージ: 外国人教師の給与には、月給、食事手当、航空手当、年功手当などが含まれます。給与基準は、外国人教師の職位と肩書き、または学歴に応じて決定されます。
  3. 宿泊施設:基本的な家具と家電を備えた無料のアパート。
  4. 保険:法律に基づく外国人教師のための商業保険。
  5. 休日:中国の祝日、大学の夏季および冬季休暇
  6. 外国人教師のコミュニティ:外国人教師のための中国語クラス、書道クラス、短期旅行、その他のコミュニティ活動。


  • 個人の履歴書
  • 有効なパスポートのページのコピー
  • 最高学位証明書およびその他の関連証明書のコピー
  • 関連する作業証明書または参照
  • 有効期間内の健康診断書
  • 有効期間内に犯罪歴の届出がないこと
  • 電子写真(2インチ白背景)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

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Professor de português na China Sun, 29 May 2022 07:52:55 +0000 Sobre a Universidade de Línguas Estrangeiras de Zhejiang Yuexiu A Universidade de Línguas Estrangeiras de Zhejiang Yuexiu é uma universidade de graduação em tempo integral aprovada pelo Ministério da Educação, localizada em Shaoxing, província de Zhejiang – uma das primeiras cidades históricas e culturais famosas da China, que leva apenas uma hora e meia de […]

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Sobre a Universidade de Línguas Estrangeiras de Zhejiang Yuexiu

A Universidade de Línguas Estrangeiras de Zhejiang Yuexiu é uma universidade de graduação em tempo integral aprovada pelo Ministério da Educação, localizada em Shaoxing, província de Zhejiang – uma das primeiras cidades históricas e culturais famosas da China, que leva apenas uma hora e meia de trem de Xangai e 40 minutos de carro do aeroporto internacional de Hangzhou. Atualmente, a universidade de Yuexiu tem dois campi, o campus de Jishan e o campus de Jinghu, que leva cerca de 30 minutos entre os dois campi.

A universidade é composta por 14 faculdades, incluindo a Faculdade de Inglês, a Faculdade de Línguas Orientais, a Faculdade de Línguas Ocidentais, a Faculdade de Negócios Internacionais, a Faculdade de Finanças e Comércio Internacional, a Faculdade de Comunicação em Rede, a Faculdade de Língua Chinesa e Cultura, o College of Hotel Management, o Indianapolis International College (Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), o Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras, o College of Marxism, o College of International Education e o College of Continuing Education. Há 41 cursos de graduação cobrindo 6 disciplinas como literatura, engenharia, economia, administração, arte e educação, envolvendo 15 idiomas estrangeiros, incluindo inglês, francês, alemão, russo, espanhol, italiano, português, japonês, Coreano, árabe, indonésio, tailandês, tcheco, turco e polonês, que possui a maioria dos tipos de cursos de idiomas na província de Zhejiang e ricos recursos educacionais e vantagens da marca na formação de talentos de línguas estrangeiras. A universidade de Yuexiu agora tem mais de 100 professores estrangeiros dos Estados Unidos, Grã-Bretanha, Canadá, Coréia do Sul, Japão e outros países.

Requisitos e Condições de Recrutamento:

  1. Cumprir as leis e regulamentos da República Popular da China, estar de boa saúde sem nenhum registro criminal.
  2. Os candidatos ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras devem ter um diploma de bacharel ou superior e pelo menos 2 anos de experiência educacional relevante. A experiência de trabalho pode ser dispensada para aqueles que atendem a um desses requisitos: aqueles com bacharelado ou diploma superior em educação, idiomas ou educação normal, ou aqueles com certificado de qualificação docente do país anfitrião ou certificado TEFL.
  3. Os candidatos a cursos profissionais devem ter um mestrado ou superior e pelo menos 2 anos de experiência de ensino em cursos ou áreas profissionais relevantes.
  4. Idade abaixo de 58.

Carga horária e salário :

  1. Carga horária: 16 períodos por semana, recebendo pagamento extra se exceder 16 períodos.
  2. Pacote salarial: O salário dos professores estrangeiros inclui salário mensal, vale-refeição, vale-transporte, ajuda de custo, etc.
  3. Hospedagem: apartamento gratuito com móveis básicos e eletrodomésticos.
  4. Seguro: seguro comercial para professores estrangeiros de acordo com a lei.
  5. Feriados: feriados nacionais chineses, feriados de verão e inverno da universidade
  6. Comunidade de professores estrangeiros: aulas de chinês, aulas de caligrafia, viagens de curta duração e outras atividades comunitárias para professores estrangeiros.

Os materiais de aplicação necessários:

  • Currículo pessoal
  • Cópia da página do passaporte válido
  • Cópias do certificado de grau mais alto e outros certificados relevantes
  • Certificados ou referências de trabalho relevantes
  • Relatório de exame físico dentro do prazo de validade
  • Nenhum relatório de antecedentes criminais dentro do período de validade
  • Fotografia eletrônica (fundo branco de 2 polegadas)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

The post Professor de português na China appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Insegnante di italiano in Cina Sun, 29 May 2022 07:49:10 +0000 Informazioni sull’Università di Lingue Straniere di Zhejiang Yuexiu Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages ​​è un’università universitaria a tempo pieno approvata dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, situata a Shaoxing, nella provincia di Zhejiang, una delle prime città storiche e culturali famose in Cina che impiega solo un’ora e mezza di treno da Shanghai e 40 minuti di […]

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Informazioni sull’Università di Lingue Straniere di Zhejiang Yuexiu

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages ​​è un’università universitaria a tempo pieno approvata dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, situata a Shaoxing, nella provincia di Zhejiang, una delle prime città storiche e culturali famose in Cina che impiega solo un’ora e mezza di treno da Shanghai e 40 minuti di auto dall’aeroporto internazionale di Hangzhou. Attualmente, l’università di Yuexiu ha due campus, il campus di Jishan e il campus di Jinghu, che impiegano circa 30 minuti tra i due campus.

L’università è composta da 14 college, tra cui il College of English, il College of Oriental Languages, il College of Western Languages, il College of International Business, il College of International Finance and Trade, il College of Network Communication, il College of Chinese Language e Cultura, il College of Hotel Management, l’Indianapolis International College (Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), il Dipartimento di Lingue Straniere, il College of Marxism, il College of International Education e il College of Continuing Education. Ci sono 41 major universitari che coprono 6 discipline come letteratura, ingegneria, economia, management, arte e istruzione, coinvolgendo 15 lingue straniere, tra cui inglese, francese, tedesco, russo, spagnolo, italiano, portoghese, giapponese, Coreano, arabo, indonesiano, tailandese, ceco, turco e polacco, che ha la maggior parte dei tipi di corsi di lingua nella provincia di Zhejiang e ricche risorse educative e vantaggi del marchio nella formazione dei talenti delle lingue straniere. L’università di Yuexiu ha ora oltre 100 insegnanti stranieri provenienti da Stati Uniti, Gran Bretagna, Canada, Corea del Sud, Giappone e altri paesi.

Requisiti e condizioni di assunzione:

  1. Rispettare le leggi e i regolamenti della Repubblica popolare cinese, essere in buona salute senza precedenti penali.
  2. I candidati all’insegnamento delle lingue straniere devono avere una laurea o un diploma superiore e almeno 2 anni di esperienze educative pertinenti. L’esperienza lavorativa può essere esentata per coloro che soddisfano uno di tali requisiti: coloro che sono in possesso di laurea o laurea in istruzione, lingue o istruzione normale, o coloro che hanno il certificato di abilitazione all’insegnamento del paese ospitante o certificato TEFL.
  3. I candidati ai corsi professionali devono avere una laurea magistrale o superiore e almeno 2 anni di esperienza di insegnamento in corsi o campi professionali pertinenti.
  4. Età sotto i 58 anni.

Carico di lavoro e stipendio :

  1. Carico di lavoro: 16 periodi a settimana, con pagamento extra se supera i 16 periodi.
  2. Pacchetto salariale: Lo stipendio degli insegnanti stranieri comprende la retribuzione mensile, l’indennità pasti, l’indennità per il biglietto aereo, l’indennità di anzianità, ecc.
  3. Sistemazione: appartamento libero con mobili ed elettrodomestici essenziali.
  4. Assicurazione: assicurazione commerciale per docenti stranieri a norma di legge.
  5. Festività: festività nazionali cinesi, vacanze estive e invernali dell’università
  6. Comunità degli insegnanti stranieri: lezioni di cinese, lezioni di calligrafia, viaggi di breve durata e altre attività comunitarie per insegnanti stranieri.

I materiali per l’applicazione richiesti:

  • Curriculum personale
  • Copia della pagina del passaporto valido
  • Copie del certificato di grado più alto e di altri certificati pertinenti
  • Certificati o referenze di lavoro pertinenti
  • Rapporto di esame fisico entro il periodo di validità
  • Nessuna denuncia penale entro il periodo di validità
  • Fotografia elettronica (sfondo bianco da 2 pollici)


About Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education, located in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province—one of the first historical and cultural famous cities in China which only takes one and half an hour by train from Shanghai and 40 minutes by car from Hangzhou international airport. At present, Yuexiu university has two campuses, Jishan campus and Jinghu campus, which takes about 30 minutes between the two campuses.

The university consists of  14 colleges, includingthe College of English, the College of Oriental Languages, the College of Western Languages, the College of International Business, the College of International Finance and Trade, the College of Network Communication, the College of Chinese Language and Culture, the College of Hotel Management, the Indianapolis International College(Eastern Institute of Technology Data Science and Communication College), the Department of Foreign Languages, the College of Marxism, the College of International Education, and the College of Continuing Education. There are 41 undergraduate majors covering 6 disciplines such as literature, engineering, economics, management, art, and education, involving 15 foreign languages in it, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indonesian, Thai, Czech, Turkish and Polish, which has the most kinds of language courses in Zhejiang Province and rich educational resources and brand advantages in the training of foreign language talents. Yuexiu university now has over 100 foreign teachers from the United States, Britain, Canada, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

Recruitment Requirements and Conditions:

  • 1、Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, be in good health without any criminal record.
  • 2、Applicants for teaching foreign languages should have a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees and at least 2 years of relevant education experiences. Working experience can be exempted for those who meets one of those requirements: those with bachelor’s degree or higher degree in education, language or normal education, or those with the teaching qualification certificate of the host country or TEFL certificate.
  • 3、Applicants for professional courses should have a master’s degree or higher, and at least 2 years of teaching experiences in relevant professional courses or fields.
  • 4、Age under 58.

Workload and salary:

  • Workload: 16 periods per week, getting extra payment if exceeding 16 periods.
  • Salary package: The salary of foreign teachers includes monthly salary, meal allowance, airfare allowance, seniority allowance, etc. The salary standard shall be determined in accordance with professional ranks and titles, or academic qualifications of foreign teachers.
  • Accommodation: free apartment with basic furniture and household appliances.
  • Insurance: commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with law.
  • Holidays: Chinese national holidays, summer and winter holidays of the university
  • Foreign teachers’ Community: Chinese class, calligraphy class, short-term travel and other community activities for foreign teachers.

The application materials required:

  • Personal resume
  • Copy of valid passport page
  • Copies of the highest degree certificate and other relevant certificates
  • Relevant work certificates or references
  • Physical examination report within the validity period
  • No criminal record report within the validity period
  • Electronic photograph (2-inch white background)

The post Insegnante di italiano in Cina appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.
