Jobs in Wenzhou - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:50:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Wenzhou - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Wenzhou University English Teacher Recruitment Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:50:16 +0000 Introduction The School of Foreign Studies (SFS), whose predecessors include the Foreign Language Section established in 1961 under Wenzhou Normal College (WNC) and the Foreign Trade and Economics Teaching and Research Office established in 1985 under the former Wenzhou University (WZU), officially came into being in January 2005 through the merger of the College of Foreign Languages […]

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The School of Foreign Studies (SFS), whose predecessors include the Foreign Language Section established in 1961 under Wenzhou Normal College (WNC) and the Foreign Trade and Economics Teaching and Research Office established in 1985 under the former Wenzhou University (WZU), officially came into being in January 2005 through the merger of the College of Foreign Languages of WNC and the Foreign Language Teaching Department of the former WZU. Currently, SFS consists of four departments of English, Translation & Interpreting, Japanese, and Foreign Language Teaching for Non-majors, offering three BA programs in English Language & Literature, Translation & Interpreting, and Japanese Language & Literature, and two MA programs in Translation & Interpreting and Subject Teaching (English).

Well-structured in teacher resources, SFS has 99 faculty and staff, among which 87 are full-time teachers, including 7 international teachers, 28 full and associate professors, and 30 Ph.D holders. By now, SFS houses 6 research institutes of European Studies, Translation and International Communication Studies, Comparative Literature and Trans-cultural Studies, Overseas Chinese Public Diplomacy, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, and Silk Road Languages and Cultures.

Upholding the spirit of its motto “Pursuing Brilliance, Connecting the World”, SFS forges ahead with enterprise and fortitude as a teaching and research-oriented college. Teaching, with the focus on specialty construction, is the central task and cornerstone of the School, while research, aiming to develop discipline construction, empowers the School. Meanwhile, SFS thrives and distinguishes itself by meeting the social needs. The teachers of SFS have won prizes at different levels in both teaching and research, such as the second prize in the Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Science in Zhejiang Province, the first prize in the Outstanding Achievements in Higher Education in Zhejiang Province, the first prize in the Provincial Teaching Competition for Young College Teachers, and the third prize in the National Teaching Innovation Contest for College Teachers.

SFS is devoted to nurturing high-caliber foreign language professionals who not only conform to the development of China, but also cater to the needs of the immediate areas. Over the years, the TEM4 and TEM8 first-time pass rate of the English major students is over 40% higher than the national average rate, and its number of winners and ranking in teaching skills contest for teachers-college students are among the top three in Zhejiang Province. Following the international development strategy in an effort to raise application-oriented and innovative foreign language talents, it cooperates with Siena University, Italy for a 2+2 dual-degree program, and universities in the U.K., the U.S.A., Canada, Australia and Japan for 3+1, 2+1 exchange programs.

Position 1: Professor of English and Related Subject Courses

Job Rank Associate Professor, Full Professor
Position Summary Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas are welcome to apply: Linguistics; Literature; Translation; English language teaching; Intercultural Communication.The successful candidates are expected to: give lectures on English language, literature, linguistics, and/or translation; mentor English or translation students in research; and publish academic papers or books.

Qualifications PhD holders in a field related to English language, linguistics, literature or translation.

Job Requirement

Applicants should possess a PhD degree in a related discipline and be committed to excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching and project supervision. Candidates should also ideally have a track record of scholarly publications and the potential to develop this further.

Length of contract 1-8 years
Required Teaching Hours8 hours of class (1 hour of class = 40 minutes) plus office hour (1-2 hours) per week
Time Status Full-time

Position 2: English Language Teacher

Job Rank: Lecturer

Position Summary: Young foreign language teachers who can teach courses in English language, literature, linguistics and/or translation.

Qualifications: Native English speakers with a bachelor or higher degree in English Language or closely related fields from an accredited college or university; have at least 2-year teaching experience or equivalent working experiences at the university level. Applicants with TESOL will be preferred.

Length of contract: 1 year

Required Teaching Hours: 16 hours of class (1 hour of class = 40 minutes) plus office hour (1-2 hours) per week

Time Status: Full-time

Remuneration Package for International Teachers


1. Bonus Plan:
1) The work performance is evaluated every semester. The bonus plan is as follows:For teachers who are rated “excellence”: RMB 2,500; For teachers who are rated “good”: RMB 1,500;For teachers who are rated “pass”: RMB 1,000
2) Transport Allowance: RMB 10,000 per school year

If a candidate demonstrates ability to undertake independent research leading to outcomes with a strong impact, such as publication in high-quality, internationally recognized, indexed journals and scholarly presses, a better remuneration package will be negotiated case by case.

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Talent Recruitment at Wenzhou Medical University Fri, 06 Jan 2023 10:08:18 +0000   Level 1 Open to all ages Academicians, national special compensation plan of leading talent, “Yangtze River Scholar” distinguished professor (Lecture), national “Thousand Talents Program innovative long-term project winners, winners of national outstanding youth fund, the national young experts with outstanding contributions, the national key discipline leader, head of State Key Laboratory and the National […]

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Level 1 Open to all ages

  1. Academicians, national special compensation plan of leading talent, “Yangtze River Scholar” distinguished professor (Lecture), national “Thousand Talents Program innovative long-term project winners, winners of national outstanding youth fund, the national young experts with outstanding contributions, the national key discipline leader, head of State Key Laboratory and the National Natural Science Fund for creative research groups of leaders, the Ministry of education innovation team leader, 973 chief scientist, National Natural Science Fund Project (SOCIAL) principals , national propaganda and cultural system group of four talent inductees, national great teachers, national Nature and Science and other well-known publications published papers. And the equivalent discipline leading talents at home and abroad


Level 2 Age≤ 55

  1. National special support plan young talents, National Youth 1000 program selected, The Chinese Academy of Sciences “hundred people plan” selected, National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, Talents Project National candidates, “The new century excellent talent support program” selected by the Ministry of Education, “Thousands of people plan” innovation talent long-term project selected, Provincial distinguished professor, The leader of the provincial key disciplines or provincial priority, person in charge of Provincial Key Laboratory ,Provincial Social Science key research base of the person in charge ,The five batch of talent of Zhejiang propaganda and cultural system , etc.
  2. With a senior professional and technical qualifications (Professional title of overseas famous universities or research institutions), Person with deep academic attainments and having made important achievements recognized by domestic and overseas colleagues (won the provincial science and technology progress award, or in the international authoritative journal published papers, or presided over the National Natural Science Fund Projects; Humanities and Social Sciences talents won first prize of provincial excellent achievements in philosophy and social science, or having papers published in the “China social science”, having essays been reprinted “Xinhua digest” or presided over the key project of the National Social Science Fund), with overseas academic leaders led the subjects reached the leading domestic and international advanced level ability.

Level 3 Age ≤ 45

  1. Have senior professional and technical qualifications and a doctorate, presided over the national teaching or several scientific research projects or national key project 1 in recent years (foreign language etc. part of the shortage of professional talent requirements required to have presided over the provincial department or project), or second prize of the provincial science and technology progress award, second prize of provincial outstanding achievements in philosophy and social science, or having published papers in the area SCI journal (Humanities and Social Sciences personnel having published papers in domestic authoritative journals, foreign languages and other part of the shortage of professional personnel having published papers in first grade periodical), having high academic achievements and high-profile in this field, having ability and level of academic leaders with large potential for development 

    2. Have PhD degree, serve as assistant professors or equivalent positions in prestigious universities or research organizations abroad, have relatively excellent innovative ability and have universally acknowledged important achievements, possess great abilities to lead the discipline to reach international advanced level.

Level 4 Age ≤ 40

  1. Won third prize of provincial science and technology progress award, humanities and social sciences category of talent having presided over the national social science fund project or the third prize of provincial philosophy and social sciences outstanding achievement award;
  2. Excellent post-doctoral fellows from overseas prestigious universities or research organizations,National hundred excellent doctoral dissertation;
  3. Associate professors with a Ph. D or professor with a master’s degree school teaching and scientific research work urgently needed.

Level 5 Age ≤ 35

Age is generally not more than 35 years of age excellent doctors at home and abroad.

Compensation and Benefits

Level Scientific research start-up funds
(million   yuan)
Pay(million   yuan) settling-in allowance(million yuan) Rental subsidies (yuan/month) Talent housing or housing subsidies
Medical, science, engineering Art and human sciences
Level1 Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable 3000 To provide   about 150 square meters of housing or 2 million yuan purchase of housing subsidies(Overseas returnees   for 2 million 100 thousand yuan)
Level2 Negotiable Negotiable 45-65 30 (35 for Overseas   returnees) 2500 To provide   120 square meters of housing(The more than part needs yourself to buy by the policy)or 1 million 500 thousand   yuan purchase of housing subsidies(Overseas returnees for 1 million 600 thousand yuan)
Level3 40-100 10-25 25-45 20 (25 for Overseas   returnees) 2000 To provide   120 square meters of housing buyers index, or purchase subsidies 1 million   yuan(Overseas returnees for 1million 1 thousand yuan)
Level4 10-30 5-8 15-25 10 (15 for Overseas   returnees) 1500 To provide   100 square meters about talent housing index, or purchase subsidies 700   thousand yuan(Overseas returnees for 800 thousand yuan)
Level5 5-8 3-4 Intermediate     wage, Deputy senior allowance 5 (10 for Overseas   returnees) 1500 To provide   about 90 square meters of hoursing talent housing index, or purchase   subsidies 400 thousand yuan(Overseas returnees for 500 thousand yuan)




  1. Level 1 to level 4 for the discipline or academic leaders, the fifth level for the ordinary teachers, the talents will be into the cause of the preparation (in addition to foreign personnel), foreign personnel uses the Task Contract System. 
  2. Families and children: According to the principle of WMU, we help to implement their spouse’s work, while they hold a full-time Master’s Degree, or having senior professional titles. If their educational background or professional title does not meet the requirement of hiring, they must prepare the form of employment arrangements for job positions, and WMU will help to solve the education of the children. 
  3. See more detailed information in “Measures of the Introduction of Talent”, Wenzhou Medical University, [2013] No.76 file 

    ( URl :。


    Wenzhou Medical University (Academic) leaders and the general teacher (Doctor) demand plan for 2016

Schools and Departments Discipline,  Professional or Research   direction Number
Academic leaders Ordinary   teachers
School   of the 1st Clinical Medical Sciences 、School of Information and Engineering clinical   medicine, biology, chemistry, pharmacy, laboratory science, computer science   and technology, software engineering, information management, Biomedical   Engineering ,computer science and technology, computer architecture, computer   hardware, management science and engineering, information management and   information system, electronic information, electronics, instrumentation,   automation, computational mathematics, applied mathematics and other related   major         90                330
School   of Ophthalmology & Optometry、The Affiliated Eye Hospital、School of Biomedical Engineering Clinical   medicine, biology, basic medicine, pharmacy, optics, biomedical engineering   and other related majors
School   of the 2st Clinical Medical Sciences Medical   related, biomedical, pharmaceutical, basic medicine and other related   professional
School   of Basic Medical Sciences physiology,   pathology and pathophysiology, human anatomy and embryology, pharmacology,   immunology, biochemistry and molecular biology, bioinformatics and other   related major
School   of Laboratory Science and Life Science clinical   laboratory diagnosis, clinical hematology inspection, microbiology and   medical immunology, health inspection and quarantine, health physical and   chemical testing and other related major
School   of Pharmaceutial Science clinical   pharmacology and pharmaceutical genomics and clinical drug evaluation,   pharmacy, biological materials, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology,   pharmacokinetics, basic medicine and other related major
School   of Nursing Major   in nursing, medical related major, public health specialty
School   of Psychiatry Medical   psychology, applied psycholoy, psychiatry and mental health
School   of Marxism (prepare) the   basic principle of the Marx doctrine, the Marx doctrine Chinese, China modern   history or history of the Communist Party of China, China modern news   history, medical ethics, ethics of science and technology, philosophy,   ideological and Political Education
School   of Foreign Language Studies English   language literature (translation or Linguistics), Japanese language and   Literature
School   of International Studies Chinese   and Chinese related major
School   of Sports Science Sports     humanities, sports rehabilitation, sports training (basketball,   tennis), aerobics dance (dance sports, cheerleading dance professional)
Genome   Institute of Medicine Major   in biology, bioinformatics and genomics
School   of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Education Education,   sociology, management, psychology, statistics
Digital   Medical Research Institute Engineering,   medicine, mechanics, mathematics, computers, weapons science and technology
Traditional   Chinese Medicine Traditional   Chinese Medicine
School   of Public Health & Management environmental   science and engineering, hydrology, water resources and water environment,   public health and preventive medicine, nutrition and food hygiene,   epidemiology and health statistics, social medicine, psychology, applied   psychology
School   & Hospital of Stomatology Oral   medicine, oral clinical medicine, biological medicine related major
Renji   College Psychiatry   and mental health, family medicine, social medicine and health management,   medical technology related major

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泰国籍管培生 Management Trainee (Thai) Sun, 09 Oct 2022 17:14:56 +0000 我们需要什么样的人? 1、 目前生活在中国的泰国人; 2、 会说中文和泰语,会说英语更好; 3、 不要求具备工作经验,我们能接受刚毕业的学生。我们公司是做什么的? 1、我们公司主要制造和销售汽车零部件。 2、我们公司成立于1994年,有二十多年的发展历史。 3、我们公司的总部在浙江省温州市,计划将在泰国开始新的工厂。这个岗位要做什么? 1、试用期,你将在生产制造模块、质量管理模块、物流仓库模块、发货销售模块轮流体验工作内容。 2、你需要在6个月的时间内,学会我们公司的经营运作相关知识。 3、我们会有培训师对你进行培训,学习产品知识、企业文化、能相关的专业技能。 4、一段时间以后,我们需要你回到你的祖国,在那边的工厂进行管理性质的工作。 我们能为你提供什么? 1、不错的薪水; 2、有老师对你进行培训; 3、提供宿舍,提供食堂; 4、一些运动的场所; 5、为你解决留在中国的签证问题; 6、带薪假期; 7、节日礼物; 8、其他未尽事项。 如果你对我们感兴趣,欢迎找我进行更加详细的沟通。 คนประเภทไหน ที่เราต้องการ? 1 ปัจจุบันชาวไทย ที่อาศัยอยู่ในประเทศจีน 2 พูดภาษาจีน และภาษาไทยได้ดีกว่า 3 ไม่ต้องมีประสบการณ์ในการทำงานเราสามารถรับนักเรียน ที่เพิ่งจบการศึกษาได้ บริษัท ของเราทำอะไร? 1 บริษัท ของเราส่วนใหญ่ผลิต และขายชิ้นส่วนรถยนต์ 2 บริษัท ของเราก่อตั้งขึ้นในปี 1994 และมีประวัติการพัฒนามากกว่า 20 ปี 3สำนักงานใหญ่ของบริษัทเราในมณฑลเจ้อเจียงวินเทอร์วันวางแผนที่จะเริ่มต้นโรงงานใหม่ในประเทศไทย ตำแหน่งนี้ จะทำอะไร? 1การทดลองคุณจะสลับเนื้อหาของงานในการผลิตโมดูลการจัดการคุณภาพโมดูลจัดการสินค้าโลจิสติงค์โมดูลขายส่งสินค้า 2 คุณต้องเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับการดำเนินงานของ บริษัท […]

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1、 目前生活在中国的泰国人;
2、 会说中文和泰语,会说英语更好;
3、 不要求具备工作经验,我们能接受刚毕业的学生。我们公司是做什么的?



คนประเภทไหน ที่เราต้องการ?
1 ปัจจุบันชาวไทย ที่อาศัยอยู่ในประเทศจีน
2 พูดภาษาจีน และภาษาไทยได้ดีกว่า
3 ไม่ต้องมีประสบการณ์ในการทำงานเราสามารถรับนักเรียน ที่เพิ่งจบการศึกษาได้
บริษัท ของเราทำอะไร?
1 บริษัท ของเราส่วนใหญ่ผลิต และขายชิ้นส่วนรถยนต์
2 บริษัท ของเราก่อตั้งขึ้นในปี 1994 และมีประวัติการพัฒนามากกว่า 20 ปี
ตำแหน่งนี้ จะทำอะไร?
2 คุณต้องเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับการดำเนินงานของ บริษัท ของเราภายใน 6 เดือน
3 เราจะมีผู้ฝึกสอน ที่จะฝึกอบรมคุณเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับผลิตภัณฑ์วัฒนธรรมธุรกิจ และทักษะเฉพาะทาง ที่เกี่ยวข้อง
4 หลังจากนั้น เราต้องการให้คุณกลับไป ที่บ้านเกิดของคุณเพื่อทำงานในโรงงาน ที่อยู่ตรงนั้น
1 เงินเดือนดี
2 มีครูฝึกคุณ
3 จัดหอพักให้อาหาร
4 สถาน ที่สำหรับการออกกำลังกาย
5. แก้ปัญหาวีซ่า ที่คุณทิ้งไว้ในประเทศจีน
7. ของขวัญวันหยุด
8. และสิ่ง ที่ยังไม่ได้ทำ

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2023 Political Science/International Relations Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions Sat, 08 Oct 2022 16:04:36 +0000 Wenzhou-Kean University 2023 Political Science/International Relations Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions About Wenzhou-Kean University Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with […]

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Wenzhou-Kean University

2023 Political Science/International Relations Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions

About Wenzhou-Kean University

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, a comprehensive, public university in the state of New Jersey that is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. WKU sits on approximately 500 beautiful acres and currently enrolls about 4,300 undergraduate students, and it is now in the midst of a rapid growth that will bring enrollment to 7,000 students within the next five years. All instruction is in English and all curriculum is provided by Kean University. In addition to its current 18 undergraduate programs, WKU has been approved by the Ministry of Education for offering 8 Master’s and 3 doctorate programs.

Wenzhou is one of the most vibrant and economically advanced developed cities on China’s East Coast, located one hour by plane and just over three hours by high-speed train from Shanghai.

The College of Liberal Arts currently has three majors: English, Psychology, and Communications, and minors in Political Science, History, Art History, and Philosophy and Religion. We offer core courses in Social Sciences and Humanities. We are looking for candidates who will contribute to the growth of the College as we continue to build new majors and course offerings and establish a new Interdisciplinary Research Center in Pacific-Atlantic studies.

About the Role:

The College of Liberal Arts at WKU is seeking candidates from a variety of subfields in Political Science and International Relations, including but not limited to:

· International Relations
(with an emphasis on non-Western approaches)

· Comparative Politics of Asia

· International Political Economy
(broadly construed)

· Gender and Politics

· International Environmental Politics/Resiliency Studies

We seek candidates with ambitious research agendas in their fields and will contribute to the interdisciplinary strengths of the College of Liberal Arts. Successful candidates will demonstrate a commitment to providing and enhancing student research opportunities.

In addition to teaching and research, faculty are expected to contribute to the growth of the programs, including, but not limited to curriculum development, program assessment, student recruitment/ advisement, office hours, senior project supervision, and internship opportunities.

All faculty positions are full-time assignments, effective for the start of the Spring 2023 semester or Fall 2023, subject to negotiation. The positions are renewed every three years.

l Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor

A tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor is a full time, 10-month employee who teaches 24 credits per academic year (6-credit course release per academic year is available for grant proposal development and other substantial research initiatives in the first two years of appointment). Start-up grant will be provided to launch student-engaging research programs. Candidate will be expected to participate in the full range of faculty responsibilities, including high quality teaching, research, advising; student learning support; service to the university and/or professional community. Tenure-track appointment requires publications in internationally recognized and rigorously peer-reviewed journals in Political Science/International Relations or other closely related subjects.

l Lecturer

A Lecturer is a full-time, 11-month employee who teaches 39 credits per year and provides student and learning support services during the assigned period. Lecturers will be expected to provide high quality teaching, student advisement and learning support services, and service to the university and/or professional community; and perform related work as required. All faculty may be required to teach General Education courses as needed. Opportunities are also available to teach disciplinary support courses. Candidates with an interest in teaching across disciplines are encouraged to apply.


A PhD in Political Science/International Relations is required. ABD will be considered with completion prior to the effective date of employment. The successful candidate must demonstrate excellence in research and have a strong publication record. A minimum of two years of teaching experience in a college or university setting is preferred. Native English speakers or equivalent English proficiency is required.

Faculty positions at WKU offer:

l Annual salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience with the range from $63,000-$70,000 for lecturers, $70,000-$75,000 for Assistant Professors; $75,000-$80,000 for Associate Professors. Salary of extraordinary candidates shall be determined on a case by case basis.

l The University will provide start-up grants to support the tenure track candidates to start their research programs.

l A well-rounded healthcare coverage, academic travel up to $2,000, housing options and subsidy up to $3,000, home traveling up to $6,000 (2 international round-trip airfares), a reimbursement to cover relocation expenses up to $1,000, shuttle bus to campus for work, and up to 8% front-load retirement benefits within accordance with completion of years of service with the University.

l WKU tuition waiver up to 80% for spouse/dependent children of faculty for undergraduate programs, and tuition discount of private/international kindergarten, elementary, middle and high schools for children of faculty.

l The opportunity to teach high quality students with more than 60% of WKU graduates being admitted to the graduate programs of highly ranked universities globally.

Application Information:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled.

Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, research statement (tenure track position), unofficial transcripts and contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at Please include “Political Science Search” in the subject. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

Background Screening:

Wenzhou-Kean University conducts background screenings on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third party administrator to conduct background Screenings.

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2023 Philosophy Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions Sat, 08 Oct 2022 04:03:17 +0000 Wenzhou-Kean University 2023 Philosophy Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions About Wenzhou-Kean University Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, […]

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Wenzhou-Kean University

2023 Philosophy Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions

About Wenzhou-Kean University

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three
Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched
in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, a comprehensive, public university in the state
of New Jersey that is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. WKU sits on approximately 500 beautiful acres and
currently enrolls about 4,300 undergraduate students, and it is now in the midst of a rapid growth that will bring enrollment to 7,000
students within the next five years. All instruction is in English and all curriculum is provided by Kean University. In addition to its
current 18 undergraduate programs, WKU has been approved by the Ministry of Education for offering 8 Master’s and 3 doctorate

Wenzhou is one of the most vibrant and economically advanced developed cities on China’s East Coast, located one hour by
plane and just over three hours by high-speed train from Shanghai.

The College of Liberal Arts currently has three majors: English,
Psychology, and Communications, and minors in Political Science, History, Art History, and Philosophy and Religion. We offer core courses in
Social Sciences and Humanities. We are looking for candidates who will contribute to the growth of the College as we continue to build new
majors and course offerings and establish a new Interdisciplinary Research Center in Pacific-Atlantic studies.

About the

We seek candidates with ambitious research agendas in their fields and will contribute to the interdisciplinary
strengths of the College of Liberal Arts. Successful candidates will demonstrate a commitment to providing and enhancing student research

We are particularly interested in faculty who are prepared to teach upper level elective courses on the Philosophy of
Religion, Eastern Philosophy, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy, or Ethics. Faculty would be expected to teach Introduction to Philosophy
and/or Critical Thinking.

In addition to teaching and research, faculty are expected to contribute to the growth of the programs,
including, but not limited to curriculum development, program assessment, student recruitment/ advisement, office hours, senior project
supervision, and internship opportunities.

All faculty positions are full-time assignments, effective for the start of the Spring
2023 semester or Fall 2023, subject to negotiation. The positions are renewed every three years.

· Tenure-track
Assistant/Associate Professor

A tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor is a full time, 10-month employee who teaches 24 credits
per academic year (6-credit course release per academic year is available for grant proposal development and other substantial research
initiatives in the first two years of appointment). Start-up grant will be provided to launch student-engaging research programs. Candidate
will be expected to participate in the full range of faculty responsibilities, including high quality teaching, research, advising; student
learning support; service to the university and/or professional community. Tenure-track appointment requires publications in internationally
recognized and rigorously peer-reviewed journals in Political Science/International Relations or other closely related subjects.


A Lecturer is a full-time, 11-month employee who teaches 39 credits per year and provides student and learning support
services during the assigned period. Lecturers will be expected to provide high quality teaching, student advisement and learning support
services, and service to the university and/or professional community; and perform related work as required. All faculty may be required to
teach General Education courses as needed. Opportunities are also available to teach disciplinary support courses. Candidates with an
interest in teaching across disciplines are encouraged to apply.


A PhD in Philosophy,
Political Theory, or related field is required. Strong publication record is required for being considered to the tenure track position. ABD
will be considered with completion prior to the effective date of employment. A minimum of two years of teaching experience in a college or
university setting is preferred. Native English speakers or equivalent English proficiency is required.

Faculty positions at
WKU offer:

l Annual salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience with the range from $63,000-$70,000 for
lecturers, $70,000-$75,000 for Assistant Professors; $75,000-$80,000 for Associate Professors. Salary of extraordinary candidates shall
be determined on a case by case basis.

l The University will provide start-up grants to support the tenure track candidates to start
their research programs.

l A well-rounded healthcare coverage, academic travel up to $2,000, housing options and subsidy up to
$3,000, home traveling up to $6,000 (2 international round-trip airfares), a reimbursement to cover relocation expenses up to $1,000,
shuttle bus to campus for work, and up to 8% front-load retirement benefits within accordance with completion of years of service with the

l WKU tuition waiver up to 80% for spouse/dependent children of faculty for undergraduate programs, and tuition discount
of private/international kindergarten, elementary, middle and high schools for children of faculty.

l The opportunity to teach high
quality students with more than 60% of WKU graduates being admitted to the graduate programs of highly ranked universities globally.

Application Information:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled.
Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, research statement (tenure track position), unofficial transcripts and
contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at Please include “Philosophy Search” in the
Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

Background Screening:

Wenzhou-Kean University conducts background screenings on all job candidates upon
acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third-party administrator to conduct background Screenings.


The post 2023 Philosophy Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

2023 Japanese Lecturer Position Fri, 07 Oct 2022 00:42:04 +0000 Wenzhou-Kean University 2023 Japanese Lecturer Position About Wenzhou-Kean University Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, a […]

The post 2023 Japanese Lecturer Position appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.


Wenzhou-Kean University 2023 Japanese Lecturer Position

About Wenzhou-Kean University

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, a comprehensive, public university in the state of New Jersey that is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. WKU sits on approximately 500 beautiful acres and currently enrolls about 4,300 undergraduate students, and it is now in the midst of a rapid growth that will bring enrollment to 7,000 students within the next five years. All instruction is in English and all curriculum is provided by Kean University. In addition to its current 18 undergraduate programs, WKU has been approved by the Ministry of Education for offering 8 Master’s and 3 doctorate programs.

Wenzhou is one of the most vibrant and economically advanced developed cities on China’s East Coast, located one hour by plane and just over three hours by high-speed train from Shanghai.

The College of Liberal Arts currently has three majors: English, Psychology, and Communications, and minors in Political Science, History, Art History, and Philosophy and Religion. We offer core courses in Social Sciences and Humanities. We are looking for candidates who will contribute to the growth of the College as we continue to build new majors and course offerings and establish a new Interdisciplinary Research Center in Pacific-Atlantic studies.

About the Role:

We are interested in faculty prepared to teach introductory and intermediate level courses in Japanese language. Candidates prepared to teach elective courses in Japanese literature, art, culture, or film would be particularly welcome. Teaching general education courses will be expected. Successful candidates will demonstrate a commitment to providing and enhancing student research opportunities.

In addition to teaching, faculty are expected to contribute to the growth of the programs, including, but not limited to curriculum development, program assessment, student recruitment/ advisement, office hours, senior project supervision, and internship opportunities.

All faculty positions are full-time assignments, effective for the start of the Spring 2023 semester or Fall 2023, subject to negotiation. The positions are renewed every three years.

A Lecturer is a full-time, 11-month employee who teaches 39 credits per year and provides student and learning support services during the assigned period. Lecturers will be expected to provide high quality teaching, student advisement and learning support services, and service to the university and/or professional community; and perform related work as required. All faculty may be required to teach General Education courses as needed. Opportunities are also available to teach disciplinary support courses. Candidates with an interest in teaching across disciplines are encouraged to apply.


An MA or equivalent in Japanese language teaching is required, a Ph.D. is preferred. A minimum of two years of teaching experience in a college or university setting is preferred. Native Japanese speakers and English proficiency is required.

Faculty positions at WKU offer:

l Annual salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience with the range from $55,000-$65,000 for lecturers.

l The University will provide start-up grants to support the tenure track candidates to start their research programs.

l A well-rounded healthcare coverage, academic travel up to $2,000, housing options and subsidy up to $3,000, home traveling up to $6,000 (2 international round-trip airfares), a reimbursement to cover relocation expenses up to $1,000, shuttle bus to campus for work, and up to 8% front-load retirement benefits within accordance with completion of years of service with the University.

l WKU tuition waiver up to 80% for spouse/dependent children of faculty for undergraduate programs, and tuition discount of private/international kindergarten, elementary, middle and high schools for children of faculty.

l The opportunity to teach high quality students with more than 60% of WKU graduates being admitted to the graduate programs of highly ranked universities globally.

Application Information:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, unofficial transcripts and contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at Please include “Japanese Lecturer Search” in the subject. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

Background Screening:

Wenzhou-Kean University conducts background screenings on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third-party administrator to conduct background Screenings.

The post 2023 Japanese Lecturer Position appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

2023 History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions Thu, 06 Oct 2022 12:41:29 +0000 Wenzhou-Kean University 2023 History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions About Wenzhou-Kean University Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, […]

The post 2023 History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.


Wenzhou-Kean University

2023 History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions

About Wenzhou-Kean University

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three
Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched
in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, a comprehensive, public university in the state
of New Jersey that is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. WKU sits on approximately 500 beautiful acres and
currently enrolls about 4,300 undergraduate students, and it is now in the midst of a rapid growth that will bring enrollment to 7,000
students within the next five years. All instruction is in English and all curriculum is provided by Kean University. In addition to its
current 18 undergraduate programs, WKU has been approved by the Ministry of Education for offering 8 Master’s and 3 doctorate

Wenzhou is one of the most vibrant and economically advanced developed cities on China’s East Coast, located one hour by
plane and just over three hours by high-speed train from Shanghai.

The College of Liberal Arts currently has three majors: English,
Psychology, and Communications, and minors in Political Science, History, Art History, and Philosophy and Religion. We offer core courses in
Social Sciences and Humanities. We are looking for candidates who will contribute to the growth of the College as we continue to build new
majors and course offerings and establish a new Interdisciplinary Research Center in Pacific-Atlantic studies.

About the

The College of Liberal Arts at WKU is seeking candidates from a variety of subfields in History, including but not
limited to:

· Asian History (broadly construed)

· History of Oceania

· World History

· American History

· Environmental History

· Gender History

Successful candidates should be
prepared to teach introductory World History courses as well as upper-level electives in the field.

We seek candidates with ambitious
research agendas in their fields and will contribute to the interdisciplinary strengths of the College of Liberal Arts. Successful
candidates will demonstrate a commitment to providing and enhancing student research opportunities.

In addition to teaching and
research, faculty are expected to contribute to the growth of the programs, including, but not limited to curriculum development, program
assessment, student recruitment/ advisement, office hours, senior project supervision, and internship opportunities.

All faculty
positions are full-time assignments, effective for the start of the Spring 2023 semester or Fall 2023, subject to negotiation. The positions
are renewed every three years.

· Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor

A tenure-track Assistant/Associate
Professor is a full time, 10-month employee who teaches 24 credits per academic year (6-credit course release per academic year is available
for grant proposal development and other substantial research initiatives in the first two years of appointment). Start-up grant will be
provided to launch student-engaging research programs. Candidate will be expected to participate in the full range of faculty
responsibilities, including high quality teaching, research, advising; student learning support; service to the university and/or
professional community. Tenure-track appointment requires publications in internationally recognized and rigorously peer-reviewed journals
in Political Science/International Relations or other closely related subjects.

l Lecturer

A Lecturer is a full-time, 11-month
employee who teaches 39 credits per year and provides student and learning support services during the assigned period. Lecturers will be
expected to provide high quality teaching, student advisement and learning support services, and service to the university and/or
professional community; and perform related work as required. All faculty may be required to teach General Education courses as needed.
Opportunities are also available to teach disciplinary support courses. Candidates with an interest in teaching across disciplines are
encouraged to apply.


A PhD in History or a related field is required. ABD will be considered
with completion prior to the effective date of employment. The successful candidate must have a record of excellence in research and
scholarship. A minimum of two years of teaching experience in a college or university setting is preferred. Native English speakers or
equivalent English proficiency is required.

Faculty positions at WKU offer:

l Annual salary is commensurate
with qualifications and experience with the range from $63,000-$70,000 for lecturers, $70,000-$75,000 for Assistant Professors;
$75,000-$80,000 for Associate Professors. Salary of extraordinary candidates shall be determined on a case by case basis.

l The
University will provide start-up grants to support the tenure track candidates to start their research programs.

l A well-rounded
healthcare coverage, academic travel up to $2,000, housing options and subsidy up to $3,000, home traveling up to $6,000 (2 international
round-trip airfares), a reimbursement to cover relocation expenses up to $1,000, shuttle bus to campus for work, and up to 8% front-load
retirement benefits within accordance with completion of years of service with the University.

l WKU tuition waiver up to 80% for
spouse/dependent children of faculty for undergraduate programs, and tuition discount of private/international kindergarten, elementary,
middle and high schools for children of faculty.

l The opportunity to teach high quality students with more than 60% of WKU graduates
being admitted to the graduate programs of highly ranked universities globally.

Application Information:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. Please send cover letter, resume, statement of
teaching philosophy, research statement (tenure track position), unofficial transcripts and contact information of three professional
references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at Please include “History Search” in the subject. Official transcripts for
all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

Background Screening:

Wenzhou-Kean University conducts background screenings on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third
party administrator to conduct background Screenings.

The post 2023 History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

2023 Art History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions Wed, 05 Oct 2022 12:38:58 +0000 Wenzhou-Kean University 2023 Art History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions About Wenzhou-Kean University Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean […]

The post 2023 Art History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.


Wenzhou-Kean University

2023 Art History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions

About Wenzhou-Kean University

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three
Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched
in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, a comprehensive, public university in the state
of New Jersey that is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. WKU sits on approximately 500 beautiful acres and
currently enrolls about 4,300 undergraduate students, and it is now in the midst of a rapid growth that will bring enrollment to 7,000
students within the next five years. All instruction is in English and all curriculum is provided by Kean University. In addition to its
current 18 undergraduate programs, WKU has been approved by the Ministry of Education for offering 8 Master’s and 3 doctorate

Wenzhou is one of the most vibrant and economically advanced developed cities on China’s East Coast, located one hour by
plane and just over three hours by high-speed train from Shanghai.

The College of Liberal Arts currently has three majors: English,
Psychology, and Communications, and minors in Political Science, History, Art History, and Philosophy and Religion. We offer core courses in
Social Sciences and Humanities. We are looking for candidates who will contribute to the growth of the College as we continue to build new
majors and course offerings and establish a new Interdisciplinary Research Center in Pacific-Atlantic studies.

About the

The College of Liberal Arts at WKU is seeking candidates from a variety of subfields in Art History, particularly:

· East Asian Art History

· Modern Art History

· History of Design

Successful candidates should
be prepared to teach introductory Art History courses as well as upper-level electives in the field.

We seek candidates with
ambitious research agendas in their fields and will contribute to the interdisciplinary strengths of the College of Liberal Arts. Successful
candidates will demonstrate a commitment to providing and enhancing student research opportunities.

In addition to teaching and
research, faculty are expected to contribute to the growth of the programs, including, but not limited to curriculum development, program
assessment, student recruitment/ advisement, office hours, senior project supervision, and internship opportunities.

All faculty
positions are full-time assignments, effective for the start of the Spring 2023 semester or Fall 2023, subject to negotiation. The positions
are renewed every three years.

· Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor

A tenure-track Assistant/Associate
Professor is a full time, 10-month employee who teaches 24 credits per academic year (6-credit course release per academic year is available
for grant proposal development and other substantial research initiatives in the first two years of appointment). Start-up grant will be
provided to launch student-engaging research programs. Candidate will be expected to participate in the full range of faculty
responsibilities, including high quality teaching, research, advising; student learning support; service to the university and/or
professional community. Tenure-track appointment requires publications in internationally recognized and rigorously peer-reviewed journals
in Political Science/International Relations or other closely related subjects.

l Lecturer

A Lecturer is a full-time, 11-month
employee who teaches 39 credits per year and provides student and learning support services during the assigned period. Lecturers will be
expected to provide high quality teaching, student advisement and learning support services, and service to the university and/or
professional community; and perform related work as required. All faculty may be required to teach General Education courses as needed.
Opportunities are also available to teach disciplinary support courses. Candidates with an interest in teaching across disciplines are
encouraged to apply.


A PhD in Art History or a related field is required. ABD will be
considered with completion prior to the effective date of employment. The successful candidate must have a record of excellence in research
and scholarship. A minimum of two years of teaching experience in a college or university setting is preferred. Native English speakers or
equivalent English proficiency is required.

Faculty positions at WKU offer:

l Annual salary is commensurate
with qualifications and experience with the range from $60,000-$65,000 for lecturers, $65,000-$72,000 for Assistant Professors;
$70,000-$75,000 for Associate Professors. Salary of extraordinary candidates shall be determined on a case by case basis.

l The
University will provide start-up grants to support the tenure track candidates to start their research programs.

l A well-rounded
healthcare coverage, academic travel up to $2,000, housing options and subsidy up to $3,000, home traveling up to $6,000 (2 international
round-trip airfares), a reimbursement to cover relocation expenses up to $1,000, shuttle bus to campus for work, and up to 8% front-load
retirement benefits within accordance with completion of years of service with the University.

l WKU tuition waiver up to 80% for
spouse/dependent children of faculty for undergraduate programs, and tuition discount of private/international kindergarten, elementary,
middle and high schools for children of faculty.

l The opportunity to teach high quality students with more than 60% of WKU graduates
being admitted to the graduate programs of highly ranked universities globally.

Application Information:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. Please send cover letter, resume, statement of
teaching philosophy, research statement (tenure track position), unofficial transcripts and contact information of three professional
references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at Please include “Art History Search” in the subject. Official transcripts
for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.


Wenzhou-Kean University conducts background screenings on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent
offer and may use a third-party administrator to conduct background Screenings.


The post 2023 Art History Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

2023 Anthropology Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions Wed, 05 Oct 2022 12:34:26 +0000 Wenzhou-Kean University 2023 Anthropology Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions About Wenzhou-Kean University Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, […]

The post 2023 Anthropology Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.


Wenzhou-Kean University

2023 Anthropology Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions

About Wenzhou-Kean University

Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), located in Wenzhou, China, one of three Sino-American universities along with NYU Shanghai and Duke Kunshan University, is approved by the Ministry of Education of China. Launched in 2012, WKU offers a unique model of higher education in partnership with Kean University, a comprehensive, public university in the state of New Jersey that is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. WKU sits on approximately 500 beautiful acres and currently enrolls about 4,300 undergraduate students, and it is now in the midst of a rapid growth that will bring enrollment to 7,000 students within the next five years. All instruction is in English and all curriculum is provided by Kean University. In addition to its current 18 undergraduate programs, WKU has been approved by the Ministry of Education for offering 8 Master’s and 3 doctorate programs.

Wenzhou is one of the most vibrant and economically advanced developed cities on China’s East Coast, located one hour by plane and just over three hours by high-speed train from Shanghai.

The College of Liberal Arts currently has three majors: English, Psychology, and Communications, and minors in Political Science, History, Art History, and Philosophy and Religion. We offer core courses in Social Sciences and Humanities. We are looking for candidates who will contribute to the growth of the College as we continue to build new majors and course offerings and establish a new Interdisciplinary Research Center in Pacific-Atlantic studies.

About the Role:

The College of Liberal Arts at WKU is seeking candidates from a variety of subfields in Socio-Cultural Anthropology, including but not limited to:

· Ecological Anthropology

· Economic Anthropology

· Media Anthropology

Successful candidates should be prepared to teach introductory Anthropology courses as well as upper-level electives in the field.

We seek candidates with ambitious research agendas in their fields and will contribute to the interdisciplinary strengths of the College of Liberal Arts. Successful candidates will demonstrate a commitment to providing and enhancing student research opportunities.

In addition to teaching and research, faculty are expected to contribute to the growth of the programs, including, but not limited to curriculum development, program assessment, student recruitment/ advisement, office hours, senior project supervision, and internship opportunities.

All faculty positions are full-time assignments, effective for the start of the Spring 2023 semester or Fall 2023, subject to negotiation. The positions are renewed every three years.

l Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor

A tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor is a full time, 10-month employee who teaches 24 credits per academic year (6-credit course release per academic year is available for grant proposal development and other substantial research initiatives in the first two years of appointment). Start-up grant will be provided to launch student-engaging research programs. Candidate will be expected to participate in the full range of faculty responsibilities, including high quality teaching, research, advising; student learning support; service to the university and/or professional community. Tenure-track appointment requires publications in internationally recognized and rigorously peer-reviewed journals in Political Science/International Relations or other closely related subjects.

l Lecturer

A Lecturer is a full-time, 11-month employee who teaches 39 credits per year and provides student and learning support services during the assigned period. Lecturers will be expected to provide high quality teaching, student advisement and learning support services, and service to the university and/or professional community; and perform related work as required. All faculty may be required to teach General Education courses as needed. Opportunities are also available to teach disciplinary support courses. Candidates with an interest in teaching across disciplines are encouraged to apply.


A PhD in Anthropology or a related field is required. ABD will be considered with completion prior to the effective date of employment. The successful candidate must demonstrate excellence in research and have a strong publication record. A minimum of two years of teaching experience in a college or university setting is preferred. Native English speakers or equivalent English proficiency is required.

Faculty positions at WKU offer:

l Annual salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience with the range from $65,000-$70,000 for lecturers, $70,000-$75,000 for Assistant Professors; $75,000-$80,000 for Associate Professors. Salary of extraordinary candidates shall be determined on a case by case basis.

l The University will provide start-up grants to support the tenure track candidates to start their research programs.

l A well-rounded healthcare coverage, academic travel up to $2,000, housing options and subsidy up to $3,000, home traveling up to $6,000 (2 international round-trip airfares), a reimbursement to cover relocation expenses up to $1,000, shuttle bus to campus for work, and up to 8% front-load retirement benefits within accordance with completion of years of service with the University.

l WKU tuition waiver up to 80% for spouse/dependent children of faculty for undergraduate programs, and tuition discount of private/international kindergarten, elementary, middle and high schools for children of faculty.

l The opportunity to teach high quality students with more than 60% of WKU graduates being admitted to the graduate programs of highly ranked universities globally.

Application Information:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. Please send cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, research statement (tenure track position), unofficial transcripts and contact information of three professional references by email to Search Committee Chairperson at Please include “Anthropology Search” in the subject. Official transcripts for all degrees and three current letters of recommendation are required before appointment.

Background Screening:

Wenzhou-Kean University conducts background screenings on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third party administrator to conduct background Screenings.

The post 2023 Anthropology Assistant/Associate Professor/Lecturer Positions appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

IELTS Test Day Invigilator – East China Wed, 25 May 2022 16:17:21 +0000   We are looking for suitably qualified and experienced individuals to join our team of IELTS Test Day Invigilator in East China. You will need: Excellent English skills in Listening, Reading and Speaking (minimum IELTS Band 6 or equivalent) An undergraduate degree or an equivalent qualification At least 2 years’ full time working experience Strong sense of […]

The post IELTS Test Day Invigilator – East China appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.


We are looking for suitably qualified and experienced individuals to join our team of IELTS Test Day Invigilator in East China.

You will need:

  • Excellent English skills in Listening, Reading and Speaking (minimum IELTS Band 6 or equivalent)
  • An undergraduate degree or an equivalent qualification
  • At least 2 years’ full time working experience
  • Strong sense of security and responsibility
  • Strong eye for detail
  • Strong sense of following standard procedure
  • Excellent communication and organisational skills
  • Confident to speak in front of a group of people
  • Ability to cope with changes/difficult situations
  • Good customer care

For more information on the requirement, please refer to the IELTS Test Day Invigilator Role Profile.


The above position is a part-time job. It is paid at RMB660 per session. You would be expected to work from 0710 – 1230 approximately.

Application procedure

Before completing the IELTS Test Day Invigilator Application Form, please download the Recruitment Information Pack to read IELTS Test Day Invigilator Role Profile and Guidance on completing the application form.

Please send the following documents to to complete the application.

  1. IELTS Test Day Invigilator Application Form (Word file)
  2. IELTS Test Day Invigilator Reference Request
  3. Scanned copies of education qualifications
  4. Scanned copies of language certificates

If you have applied for this post before, please DO NOT re-apply. If you do not hear from us, you should assume that your application is unsuccessful.

If you are involved or plan to be involved in IELTS teaching in any form, or plan to take IELTS test, please do not apply.

Applications failing to be made on our standard application form will not be considered.

Valuing diversity is essential to the British Council’s work. We aim to abide by and promote equality legislation by following both the letter and the spirit of it to try and avoid unjustified discrimination, recognising discrimination as a barrier to equality of opportunity, inclusion and human rights. 

All staff worldwide are required to ensure their behaviour is consistent with our policies.

The British Council is a full member of Keeping Children Safe (KCS) and has achieved level 1 child safe certification. We believe that all children have the right to be protected from all forms of abuse as set out in article 19, UNCRC, 1989 and that every child matters – everywhere in the world. In line with the British Council’s Child Protection policy, any appointment is contingent on thorough checks including criminal record checks, in line with legal requirements.

The post IELTS Test Day Invigilator – East China appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.
