Jobs in Dalian - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Sat, 25 May 2024 17:17:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Dalian - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Full-time English/Korean/Japanese Teachers Sat, 25 May 2024 17:17:41 +0000 Profile of Dalian Minzu University: Dalian Minzu University (DLMU), located in the coastal city Dalian, Liaoning Province, is a full-time regular university run by National Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People’s Republic of China, aiming to cultivate high quality processionals of engineering, applied sciences and liberal arts. It is a cradle for ethnic talents in […]

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Profile of Dalian Minzu University:

Dalian Minzu University (DLMU), located in the coastal city Dalian, Liaoning Province, is a full-time regular university run by National Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People’s Republic of China, aiming to cultivate high quality processionals of engineering, applied sciences and liberal arts. It is a cradle for ethnic talents in the northeast and open coastal area of China.

Job Title: Full-time language teachers


  • English native speaker
  • 한국어 원어민.Korean native speaker
  • 日本語Japanese native speaker
  • Bachelor’s or higher degree
  • Over-2-year teaching experience
  • Under 60 years old
  • Physically and mentally healthy

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Jobs at Volkswagen Group China Fri, 24 May 2024 16:45:24 +0000 Welcome to the Volkswagen Group China (VGC) career channel. You will find a comprehensive range of career opportunities here. Under our group strategy we offer a good work environment, attractive compensation and benefits packages, and sustainable career paths. Together we’re moving forward to the future of sustainable mobility. Click here to view all job listings […]

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Welcome to the Volkswagen Group China (VGC) career channel. You will find a comprehensive range of career opportunities here. Under our group strategy we offer a good work environment, attractive compensation and benefits packages, and sustainable career paths. Together we’re moving forward to the future of sustainable mobility.

Click here to view all job listings by Volkswagen Group China in China

Related Jobs

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Foreign Language Teachers Fri, 24 May 2024 12:05:57 +0000 The School of Foreign Languages at Dalian Neusoft Information College currently has three departments: the English Department, the Japanese Department, and the Russian Department, as well as two public English teaching departments: Public English Teaching Department 1 and Public English Teaching Department 2. The college currently has four undergraduate majors: Business English, English, Japanese, and […]

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The School of Foreign Languages at Dalian Neusoft Information College currently has three departments: the English Department, the Japanese Department, and the Russian Department, as well as two public English teaching departments: Public English Teaching Department 1 and Public English Teaching Department 2.

The college currently has four undergraduate majors: Business English, English, Japanese, and Russian. The aim is to cultivate foreign language professionals with a good sense of social responsibility, foreign language application skills, cross-cultural communication skills, business practice skills, and a spirit of critical innovation. The School of Foreign Languages adheres to the school’s educational philosophy of “education creates student value”, combines our TOPCARES-CDIO talent cultivation model with the characteristics of foreign language talent cultivation, constructs a project-driven curriculum system, and implements the integration of professional education, innovation and entrepreneurship education, and quality education in talent cultivation. Continuously strengthen industry university cooperation and focus on internationalization construction.

Click here to view job vacancies at Neusoft

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High School Teaching Opportunities at Dipont Education Sun, 19 May 2024 11:12:29 +0000 Internationalized education in China Dipont Education is at the forefront of changing the way education is thought about and delivered in China. In addition to establishing and managing schools with elite Chinese and international partners, Dipont also provides innovative curricular and co-curricular programming, supported by more than 600 international educators across China. Work at Dipont […]

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Internationalized education in China

Dipont Education is at the forefront of changing the way education is thought about and delivered in China. In addition to establishing and managing schools with elite Chinese and international partners, Dipont also provides innovative curricular and co-curricular programming, supported by more than 600 international educators across China.

Work at Dipont

We offer exciting career opportunities for international educators and operational staff in major cities across China to support us in our mission to provide quality education that equips young people for success.

Vacancies at Dipont

Our current vacancies span a wide range of roles across both our international high school programs and independent schools. All positions available with Dipont offer excellent career progression and generous benefits packages.

Click here to view all current job openings at Dipont Education

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Professeur(e) de FLE Wed, 12 Jul 2023 09:25:03 +0000 Publié le 12 juillet 2023 Ref : 15862 Date de début du contrat : 1er septembre 2023 Date limite de candidature : 31 août 2023 Offre émise par : Alliance Française de Dalian Descriptif du poste : Sous l’autorité du directeur de l’Alliance Française et en synergie avec les autres membres de l’équipe pédagogique : • […]

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Publié le 12 juillet 2023

Ref : 15862

Date de début du contrat :

1er septembre 2023

Date limite de candidature :

31 août 2023

Offre émise par :

Alliance Française de Dalian

Descriptif du poste :

Sous l’autorité du directeur de l’Alliance Française et en synergie avec les autres membres de l’équipe pédagogique :
• Animation de cours de français général et d’ateliers pour des publics adultes, adolescents et enfants en classe ou cours particuliers sur site ou hors-les-murs, en présentiel et en ligne, pour un volume horaire hebdomadaire d’enseignement de 15 à 28 heures. Cours le soir et le week-end à prévoir.
• Participation à diverses activités pédagogiques : conception de cours, réunions, tests de placement, cours de démonstration, etc.
• Participation à des formations : habilitation d’examinateur DELF DALF, pédagogie jeune public, etc.
• Le cas échéant, intervention en tant qu’examinateur-correcteur : DELF-DALF, DELF Junior et Prim, TEF Canada et TCFQ.

Présentation de l’organisme :

L’Alliance Française de Dalian (CHINE) est installée dans le centre-ville historique de Dalian, le quartier Zhongshan. Créée en 2004 en partenariat avec l’Université des langues étrangères de Dalian, l’Alliance dispose d’une médiathèque, de 4 salles de classe avec TBI, Le public de l’établissement est essentiellement composé d’adultes et de jeunes adultes qui se préparent à un séjour d’études en France, et de classes jeune public (à partir de 4 ans). L’équipe franco-chinoise de l’Alliance est actuellement composée de 3 enseignants titulaires et de 2 enseignants vacataires.

Dalian est une ville portuaire de plus de 6 millions d’habitants, située dans le nord-est de la Chine, à 1h30 d’avion de Pékin. Située en bord de mer, la ville est prisée pour son climat tempéré et son environnement naturel. La pollution y est en général faible, et il existe une communauté internationale et française resserrée mais dynamique.

Compétences requises :

• Bonne connaissance du CECRL et maîtrise de l’approche communicative et actionnelle.
• Expérience d’enseignement auprès d’un jeune public (enfants et/ou adolescents, 4 à 16 ans).
• Expérience d’enseignement en distanciel.
• Anglais niveau B2. La connaissance du mandarin n’est pas requise mais un intérêt pour la culture chinoise et de bonnes capacités d’adaptation seraient un gage de bonne intégration.

Diplôme requis :

Master FLE acquis. Les titulaires d’une licence ou d’un master autre que FLE devront justifier de deux années d’expérience en enseignement du français langue étrangère à temps plein.

Volume horaire par semaine :

De 15 à 28 heures

Durée :

1 an renouvelable

Date de début du contrat :

1er septembre 2023

Rémunération :

Entre 105 et 130 RMB / heure (en fonction du type de cours). 5 semaines de congés indemnisées /an (1000RMB/semaine) Prime d’installation de 2000 RMB (environ 250 euros) Participation de l’Alliance aux frais d’assurance santé à hauteur de 3000 RMB maximum / an (environ 400 euros). A partir de la deuxième année, prime d’ancienneté de 3000 RMB (environ 400 euros).

Date limite de candidature :

31 août 2023

Démarche à suivre pour présenter sa candidature :

Envoyer les documents suivants à Emmanuel Giraudon, Directeur de l’AF de Dalian :
• CV détaillé (mentionner les mois et années pour chaque expérience)
• une lettre de motivation
• la copie du diplôme de FLE et/ou du diplôme le plus élevé
• une lettre de recommandation et si possible une attestation employeur

Visiter le site de l’annonceur

Click here to read more.

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Professeur(e) de FLE Wed, 01 Feb 2023 05:30:03 +0000 Publié le 31 janvier 2023 Ref : 14890 Date de début du contrat : 1er mai 2023 Date limite de candidature : 28 février 2023 Offre émise par : Alliance française de Dalian Descriptif du poste : Sous l’autorité du directeur de l’Alliance Française et en synergie avec les autres membres de l’équipe pédagogique : • […]

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Publié le 31 janvier 2023

Ref : 14890

Date de début du contrat :

1er mai 2023

Date limite de candidature :

28 février 2023

Offre émise par :

Alliance française de Dalian

Descriptif du poste :

Sous l’autorité du directeur de l’Alliance Française et en synergie avec les autres membres de l’équipe pédagogique :
• Animation de cours de français général et d’ateliers pour des publics adultes, adolescents et enfants en classe ou cours particuliers sur site ou hors-les-murs, en présentiel et en ligne, pour un volume horaire hebdomadaire d’enseignement de 15 à 28 heures. Cours le soir et le week-end à prévoir.
• Participation à diverses activités pédagogiques : conception de cours, réunions, tests de placement, cours de démonstration, etc.
• Participation à des formations : habilitation d’examinateur DELF DALF, pédagogie jeune public, etc.
• Le cas échéant, intervention en tant qu’examinateur-correcteur : DELF-DALF, DELF Junior et Prim, TEF Canada et TCFQ.

Présentation de l’organisme :

L’Alliance Française de Dalian (CHINE) est installée dans le centre-ville historique de Dalian, le quartier Zhongshan. Créée en 2004 en partenariat avec l’Université des langues étrangères de Dalian, l’Alliance dispose d’une médiathèque, de 4 salles de classe avec TBI, Le public de l’établissement est essentiellement composé d’adultes et de jeunes adultes qui se préparent à un séjour d’études en France, et de classes jeune public (à partir de 4 ans). L’équipe franco-chinoise de l’Alliance est actuellement composée de 3 enseignants titulaires et de 2 enseignants vacataires.

Dalian est une ville portuaire de plus de 6 millions d’habitants, située dans le nord-est de la Chine, à 1h15 d’avion de Pékin. Située en bord de mer, la ville est prisée pour son climat tempéré et son environnement naturel. La pollution y est en général faible, et il existe une communauté internationale et française resserrée mais dynamique.

Compétences requises :

• Être de langue maternelle française
Les titulaires d’une licence ou d’un master autre que FLE devront justifier de deux années d’expérience en enseignement du français langue étrangère à temps plein.
Note : la version papier du diplôme est indispensable pour la procédure de recrutement.
• Bonne connaissance du CECRL et maîtrise de l’approche communicative et actionnelle.

Compléments d’expérience qui seraient très valorisés :
• Expérience d’enseignement auprès d’un jeune public (enfants et/ou adolescents, 4 à 16 ans)
• Expérience d’enseignement en distanciel
• Habilitation DELF/DALF
• Anglais niveau B2. La connaissance du mandarin n’est pas requise mais un intérêt pour la culture chinoise et de bonnes capacités d’adaptation seraient un gage de bonne intégration

Diplôme requis :

Diplôme de Master FLE. Les titulaires d’une licence ou d’un master autre que FLE devront justifier de deux années d’expérience en enseignement du français langue étrangère à temps plein.

Volume horaire par semaine:

De 15 à 28 heures

Durée :

1 an renouvelable

Date de début du contrat :

1er mai 2023

Rémunération :

Entre 105 et 130 RMB / heure (en fonction du type de cours). 5 semaines de congés indemnisées /an (1000RMB/semaine) Prime d’installation de 2000 RMB (environ 250 euros) Participation de l’Alliance aux frais d’assurance santé à hauteur de 3000 RMB maximum / an (environ 400 euros). A partir de la deuxième année, prime d’ancienneté de 3000 RMB (environ 400 euros).

Date limite de candidature :

28 février 2023

Démarche à suivre pour présenter sa candidature :

Envoyez votre candidature à Emmanuel Giraudon, directeur de l’Alliance Française avec :
• votre CV détaillé (mentionner les mois et années pour chaque expérience)
• votre lettre de motivation
• la copie du diplôme de FLE et/ou du diplôme le plus élevé
• une lettre de recommandation et si possible une attestation employeur

Visiter le site de l’annonceur

Click here to read more.

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Job Opportunities in China with Citigroup Sat, 26 Nov 2022 07:30:36 +0000 On April 2, 2007 Citi China became a locally incorporated bank in China, one of the first foreign banks to do so. As a locally incorporated bank, Citi China’s legal name is Citibank (China) Co., Ltd. (“CCCL”) and is fully owned by its parent, Citibank N. A. Citigroup Tower, Shanghai. CCCL is present in 13 […]

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On April 2, 2007 Citi China became a locally incorporated bank in China, one of the first foreign banks to do so. As a locally incorporated bank, Citi China’s legal name is Citibank (China) Co., Ltd. (“CCCL”) and is fully owned by its parent, Citibank N. A. Citigroup Tower, Shanghai.

CCCL is present in 13 cities across China—Beijing, Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Guangzhou, Guiyang, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Wuxi—and has lending companies under the banner of ‘Citi Credit’ in Gong’an and Chibi, Hubei Province; Wafangdian City, Liaoning Province; and Beibei District, Chongqing City.

Citi China is committed to the development of the local market and has established extensive relationships with local businesses. Leveraging the global network, Citi has completed a series of landmark transactions to support the strategic needs of Chinese companies

Citigroup Jobs are available in China. Learn more about these jobs please visit: Citi Jobs in China

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Open Positions in Dalian University of Technology Mon, 31 Oct 2022 06:22:28 +0000   A.Three-year Post-doctoral Research Fellow Job requirements (1) The successful candidate will be expected to have a relevant PhD degree (received within 3 years from a top-notch university); a solid research foundation and strong research capability; academic prudence and team spirit. (2) The applicants are preferably under age 30. (3) The appointee shall set clear […]

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A.Three-year Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Job requirements

(1) The successful candidate will be expected to have a relevant PhD degree (received within 3 years from a top-notch university); a solid research foundation and strong research capability; academic prudence and team spirit.

(2) The applicants are preferably under age 30.

(3) The appointee shall set clear goals for the performance appraisal during the 3-year contract (Please contact the department contact persons for more detailed evaluation standards at the end of the webpage).


Remunerations and Benefits

(1) 250,000-300,000 Yuan RMB pre-tax annual salary (not including research bonus and team performance bonus), on a 3-year contract.

(2) 300,000 Yuan RMB of housing allowance if recognized as Young Talent of Dalian. *

(3) A grant of 300,000 Yuan RMB if recognized as the postdoctoral fellow of Revitalizing Liaoning Talents Scheme and working in Liaoning. *

* Please refer to the latest version of local policies. Please contact DUT HR for more details about the policies.


Benefits offered by DUT

(1) The appointee may enjoy the same benefits as DUT staff, such as meal subsidies, health examinations, etc.

(2) The appointee’s children can be admitted to DUT kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, which are among the best in Dalian.

(3) Opportunity for outstanding appointees to apply for a faculty position when the contract ends.


Benefits offered by the government

(1) National Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program (for Chinese who get their PhDs in China): a living allowance of 200,000 Yuan RMB per year, for two years; a total of 230,000 Yuan RMB of research funds.

(2) National Postdoctoral International Exchange Program (for overseas doctors and doctors from other countries): a grant of 200,000 Yuan RMB per year, for two years.


Postdoctoral Overseas Training Scheme offered by the university

The appointee is given extra living allowance and sent to work and study in leading universities and research institutions abroad, supervised by two mentors (One is from DUT and the other is from the partner university).


B.Associate Professor (Principal Investigator)


Job requirements

(1) The successful candidate will be expected to have influential research achievements in relevant fields; great potential for scientific innovation and breakthrough; the applicants are preferably under age 35.

(2) The appointee shall set clear goals for the performance appraisal during the term of the contract (Please contact the department contact persons for more detailed evaluation standards at the end of the webpage).


Remunerations and Benefits

(1) 450,000 Yuan RMB pre-tax annual salary (not including academic bonus).

(2) 0.7-1.6 million Yuan RMB of housing allowance (including Dalian housing allowance).

(3) 0.8 million Yuan RMB of research fund (3-year duration, not including discipline construction fund).

(4) Sufficient funding for discipline construction, ample laboratory and work space (negotiable and will depend upon academic achievements).

(5) Two fully-funded postdoctoral researcher positions a year (for the first 3 years, funded by the university).

(6) Doctoral student’s quota guaranteed (with special consideration for the first year).

(7) Fully furbished flat (available for long term lease) and amenities.

(8) The appointee’s children can be admitted to DUT kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, which are among the best in Dalian.

(9) First-class medical insurance.


C.Professor (Principal Investigator)


Job Requirements

  • DUT invites outstanding applicants from academia with recognized achievements, international academic vision, capabilities for innovation and high potential to become principal investigators in the field.
  • The applicants are preferably under age 40.
  • The appointee shall set clear goals for the performance appraisal during the term of the contract (Please contact the department contact persons for more detailed evaluation standards at the end of the webpage).


Remunerations and Benefits

(1) 500,000-600,000 Yuan RMB pre-tax annual salary (not including academic bonus).

(2) 0.9-2 million Yuan RMB of housing allowance (including Dalian housing allowance).

(3) 1.2 million Yuan RMB of research fund (3-year duration, not including discipline construction fund).

(4) Sufficient funding for discipline construction, ample laboratory and work space (negotiable and will depend upon academic achievements).

(5) Two fully-funded postdoctoral researcher positions a year (for the first 3 years, funded by the university).

(6) Doctoral student’s quota guaranteed (with special consideration for the first year).

(7) Fully furbished flat (available for long term lease) and amenities.

(8) The appointee’s children can be admitted to DUT kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, which are among the best in Dalian.

(9) First-class medical insurance.


We are looking for applicants in the following areas

Faculties & Departments The fields of recruitment
School of Chemical Engineering Smart Material Chemical Engineering, Smart Molecular Engineering, Smart Medical Engineering, Smart Process Engineering, New Energy Chemical Engineering
School of Environmental Science and Technology Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering
School of Bioengineering Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Engineering, Biopharmaceutical and Materials Engineering, Bioresources and Evironmental Engineering, Biological Targets and Molecular Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering, Microbiology, Cell Biology
School of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Manufacture and Automation,Mechatronic Engineering,Mechanical Design and Theory
School of Material Science and Engineering Materials Science, Materials Processing Engineering, Materials Surface Engineering, Materials Joining Techniques, Materials Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation, Polymer Materials
School of Energy and Power Engineering Clean Energy, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, Gas Turbine and Aeroengine,Internal Combustion Engine, Energy System and Energy Conservation, Digitalization of Energy & Intellectualization of Energy System, Thermal Management and Thermal Protection,Energy Storage
Faculty of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering Control Science and Engineering,Information and Communication Engineering,Computer Science and Technology,Electrical Engineering,Artificial Intelligence
Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering,Ocean Engineering,Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Construction and Management, Construction Materials
Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics Solid mechanics, General and fundamental mechanics, Fluid mechanics, Engineering mechanics, Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Design and Manufacture of Ships and Marine Structures, Vehicle Engineering, Flight Vehicle Design, Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Philosophy,  Public management, Pedagogy, Chinese Language and Literature, Journalism and Communication, Science of Science and S&T Management , Art
School of Economics and Management Management Science and Engineering, Big Data Analysis and Application, Enterprise Management, Accounting and Finance, Intellectual Property and Innovation Management, Environmental Management, Project Management, Futures Finance
School of Architecture & Fine Art Architectural Design and Theory,Architectural History and Theory,Urban dnd Rural Planning,Industrial Design,Environmental Design,Visual Communication Design,Painting Creation and Theory
School of Marxism Studies The Basic Principles of Marxism, The Study of Sinicization of Marxism, deological and Political Education, The Study of Basic Issues in Modern Chinese History, The Study of Marxism Abroad, The Development History of Marxism, The Construction of the Party, Diplomatic Thoughts and International Strategies of the Communist Party of China
School of Foreign Languages English Language and Literature, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (English\Russian)
School of Physics Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Physics, Physics of Plasma, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Optics, Basic Physics
School of Mathematical Sciences Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Operation Research and Control Theory, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Interdisciplinary Mathematics
School of Optoelectronic Engineering and Instrumentation Science Optical Engineering, Instrument Science and Technology, Electronic Science and Technology
Zhangdayu School of Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
School of Kinesiology and Health Promoiton Kinesiology, Sports Humanities and Sociology, Physical Education and Training( Specialty: Table Tennis, Badminton, Tennis, Football, Volleyball, Swimming, Bodybuilding, Track and Field, Basketball)
School of International Education Language and Applied Linguistics, teaching chinese to speakers of other languages
School of Software Technology Software Engineering
International School of Information Science and Engineering Software Engineering
School of Microelectronic Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics, Physics Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Integrated Circuit Engineering
School of Marine Science and Technology Environmental & ecological engineering, Ecological monitoring and evaluation, Food science and technology, Marine resources development technology, Marine equipment technology
School of Life and Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Applicants with a medical background please contact Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Pharmacy, Biomedical Engineering



Contact us

Head of Office of Human Resources

Professor Cong Fengyu

Phone number: +86-411-84708715

WeChat: CongFengyu


Human Resources Department

Ms Li/Ms Lei(Enquiries on post-doctoral research)

Phone number: +86-411-84708712


Email: on post-doctoral research)

Contact Details for Faculties & Departments

Faculties & Departments Name Phone Number Email
School of Chemical Engineering Mr Chen +86-411-84986339
School of Environmental Science and Technology Mr Dong +86-411-84706259
School of Life Science and Biotechnology Ms Xu +86-411-84708083
Department of Engineering Mechanics Mr Sun +86-411-84708414
School of Material Science and Engineering Ms Hou +86-411-84707320
School of Energy and Power Engineering Ms Liu +86-411-84708460
Faculty of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering Ms Li +86-411-84708471
Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering Ms Ao +86-411-84706232
Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics Ms Wang +86-411-84706027
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Mr Zhang +86-411-84708554
School of Management Science and Engineering Ms Wang +86-411-84706393
School of Architecture and Fine Art Mr Zhang +86-411-84706531
School of Marxism Studies Ms Zhang +86-411-84708795
School of Foreign Languages Mr Zheng +86-411-84707063
School of Physics Ms Xu +86-411-84709304
School of Mathematical Sciences Ms Shen +86-411-84708354
School of Optoelectronic Engineering and Instrumentation Science Mr Huang +86-411-84706240
Zhang Dayu School of Chemistry Ms Jiang +86-411-84706356
Physical Education Department Ms Miao +86-411-84708580
School of International Education Mr Zhang +86-411-84707726
Innovation Pioneering College Ms Leng +86-411-84708599
School of Software Technology Ms Zhai +86-411-62274389
International School of Information Science and Engineering Mr Wang +86-411-62274473
School of Microelectronic Mr Sun +86-411-62273207
School of Marine Science and Technology Mr Ren +86-427-2631798
School of Life Science and Medicine Ms Liu +86-427-2631889
Applicants with a medical background please contact Mr Li +86-18640965382


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IBM China Jobs Tue, 18 Oct 2022 11:26:06 +0000 About IBM China Since in the 1920s, when longtime IBM executive Otto Braitmayer first sailed across the vast Pacific Ocean to visit China, IBM recognized the potential benefits that information technology could provide for the region. In the decades that followed Braitmayer’s initial forays, the company actively developed products and technologies for Chinese society – […]

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About IBM China

Since in the 1920s, when longtime IBM executive Otto Braitmayer first sailed across the vast Pacific Ocean to visit China, IBM recognized the potential benefits that information technology could provide for the region. In the decades that followed Braitmayer’s initial forays, the company actively developed products and technologies for Chinese society – from a Chinese character typewriter in 1946 to a computer program that translates Chinese into English in 1963, and more.

On these pages we’ve collected highlights from IBM’s long history in Mailand China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, along with a sampling of images from our collection of materials covering decades of the company’s activities in this region.

Job Positions in IBM are available in the following cities in Mainland China:

  • Shanghai
  • Beijing
  • Dalian
  • Shenyang
  • Shenzhen
  • Chengdu
  • Guangzhou
  • Wuhan

Learn more about IBM career in Mainland China please visit:

For a list of most up-to-date job openings, please visit Job Listing at IBM Mainland China

Related Pages

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Ops Accounting Rep 5 Dalian, China,China Tue, 23 Aug 2022 17:24:52 +0000 Ops Accounting Rep 5 Dalian, China,China Click here to read more.

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Ops Accounting Rep 5
Dalian, China,China
Click here to read more.

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