Jobs in Jinan - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Wed, 05 Jun 2024 21:43:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Jinan - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Foreign Teachers (English, German, French, Spanish) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 21:43:27 +0000 Full-Time Foreign Instructor Positions Available Position Title: Foreign Instructor (English, German, French, Spanish) Applications are invited for foreign instructors in Jinan Foreign Language School, on a 12-month contract basis, with the possibility of renewal. Languages include English, German, French, Spanish Click here to view current job openings at JNFLS

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Full-Time Foreign Instructor Positions Available

Position Title: Foreign Instructor (English, German, French, Spanish)

Applications are invited for foreign instructors in Jinan Foreign Language School, on a 12-month contract basis, with the possibility of renewal.

Languages include English, German, French, Spanish

Click here to view current job openings at JNFLS

The post Foreign Teachers (English, German, French, Spanish) appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

College English and Korean Teacher, SDAEU Sun, 19 May 2024 18:36:07 +0000 Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University (SDAEU) is a public general undergraduate institution of higher learning approved by the Ministry of Education. It currently has three campuses in Jinan, Qihe and Zibo, 30 undergraduate majors and 20 junior college majors, covering science, engineering, and agronomy. , management, economics, literature, art and other disciplines, forming a school-running […]

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Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University (SDAEU) is a public general undergraduate institution of higher learning approved by the Ministry of Education. It currently has three campuses in Jinan, Qihe and Zibo, 30 undergraduate majors and 20 junior college majors, covering science, engineering, and agronomy. , management, economics, literature, art and other disciplines, forming a school-running feature of “agricultural-industrial integration”, “student-centered, educating people as the foundation, service-seeking development, and features strong connotation” With the concept of running a school, there are more than 13,800 full-time undergraduate and junior college students.

SDAEU has been recruiting foreign teachers of English and Korean all year round

Recruitment information:

1. Subject areas: English; Korean.

2. Positions to be employed: English language foreign teacher; Korean language foreign teacher.

3. Major and resume requirements: Nationality of English/Korean native speaking country, bachelor degree or above, English/Korean linguistics, literature, education and other related majors are preferred, and have more than 2 years of work experience in English/Korean education; if now working in China , holders of valid residence permits and work permits are preferred; under the age of 60, in good health, with good personal qualities, healthy and progressive psychological qualities, and good team spirit; abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and in their original No legal disputes in the country of residence and China, no criminal record (official certification materials are required);

4. Number of teachers required: 2;

5. Treatment: Salary is negotiable, including basic salary, rental subsidy, transportation subsidy, medical insurance, etc.

If you are interested in a position in our school, please submit your resume and related documents and we will contact you. This recruitment is valid for a long time. SDAEU warmly welcomes outstanding overseas experts and scholars to join us!

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Foreign Japanese Teacher Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:50:10 +0000 Introduction to Japanese faculty, Shandong University 山東大学外国語学院日本語学科は1970年に設立され、中国で最も古い歴史をもつ日本語学科の一つである。かつては金中、劉洪多、高文漢、李慶祥、曹大峰、劉淑梅、陳紅などの著名な教授が本学科で長く教鞭を執り、中国における日本語学の発展の基礎を作った。 日本語学科は1994年に文学部と共同で修士課程を開設し、2000年から日本語修士課程、2011年には博士課程をそれぞれ開設した。2010年には山東省のブランド学科に選定され、2019年には山東省一流的学科と認定された。現在では、中国日本語教学研究会の常務理事校の一つとなり、また教育部外国語教学指導委員会のメンバーとなり、中国で最も高く評価されている日本語学科の一つとなっている。 日本語科は豊富な教育経験と優れた研究能力をもつ教師陣をそろえ、現在は教授5名、助教授9名、講師8名、計22名の教師が在籍している(日本人教師2人を含む)。博士号取得者は20名おり、その中には日本の大学での博士号取得した者が8名いる。日本語学科には、日本語、日本文学、日本文化、東アジア研究などのコースがあり、各コースでそれぞれシステマチックな授業を行っている。学生の専門性を重視し、視野を広げ、異文化への理解を育み、学術型・実用型の人材の育成に力を注いでいる。 日本語学科は数多くの研究成果を挙げている。この5年間で、国家級の科学研究プロジェクトや教育部の科学研究プロジェクトなどを15項以上担当し、国際協力プロジェクトを5項担当している。著書は13冊、論文は100本以上刊行されている。また日本の大学と学術フォーラムを3度共催している。 現在の日本語科の在校生は260名以上、修士課程は30数名、博士課程は10数名が在籍している。本学科は国際交流を重視し、現在まで20校近くの日本の大学と交流協定を締結しており(早稲田大学、東北大学、九州大学、神戸大学、広島大学、熊本大学、山口大学など)、毎年20数名の学生が一年間の交換留学を行っている。また毎年国内外の研究者を招聘し、学術講座を行っている。 日本語科は設立以来50数年の間、国内外に多くの優秀な学生を輩出してきた。彼らは外交、教育、日本の中国駐在機関など様々な舞台で活躍している。   Job Information 1. Job descriptions Full-time foreign Japanese teachers; 10-month contract, can be renewed 2. Qualifications: From native-speaking countries Master’s degree or higher, with a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (proof of working experience is required); 3. Duties […]

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Introduction to Japanese faculty, Shandong University








Job Information

1. Job descriptions

Full-time foreign Japanese teachers; 10-month contract, can be renewed

2. Qualifications:

  1. From native-speaking countries
  2. Master’s degree or higher, with a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (proof of working experience is required);

3. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their home countries
  • Teaching hours: 12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign language teachers

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) Foreign language teachers will make 12,400 yuan/month.

(2) Medical Insurance provided

(3) Apartments provided; teachers should pay for the rent, water, electricity, heating, etc.

The post Foreign Japanese Teacher appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Foreign Korean Teacher Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:48:52 +0000 Introduction to Korean faculty, Shandong University 1. 학과 역사 1992년 학과 개설 및 전문대학생 모집 (한중 수교 후 처음으로 한국어학과를 개설한 국내 대학 중 하나). 1994년 학부생 모집. 2004년 교육부 승인, 아시아–아프리카 언어문학 석사 학위 수여 2007년 국가급(國家級) 특색전공으로 선정. 2013년 교육부 승인, 아시아–아프리카 언어문학 전공 한국문학 연구방향 박사 학위 수여. 2015년 외교부 비준, 산동대학교 […]

The post Foreign Korean Teacher appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Introduction to Korean faculty, Shandong University

1. 학과 역사

1992 학과 개설 전문대학생 모집 (한중 수교 처음으로 한국어학과를 개설한 국내 대학 하나).

1994 학부생 모집.

2004 교육부 승인, 아시아아프리카 언어문학 석사 학위 수여

2007 국가급(國家級) 특색전공으로 선정.

2013 교육부 승인, 아시아아프리카 언어문학 전공 한국문학 연구방향 박사 학위 수여.

2015 외교부 비준, 산동대학교 중일한협력연구센터 설립.

2016 교육부 승인, 한국어 번역전공(MTI) 석사 학위 수여.

2017 교육부 학부교육심사 평가 통과.

2017 외국어대학 외국언어문학 전국A급학과로 평가.

2. 교육 목표

일대일로(一帶一路)’ 국가발전 전략에 발맞추어 ··, 심미, 노동(德智體美勞)’등에 대한 종합적인 소양을 구비하고, ‘애당·애국·애가(愛黨·愛國·愛家)’ 정신과 강한 사회적 책임감, 인문적 소양과 과학적 정신, 창의력과 전문지식, 팀워크, 국제적 안목, 다문화 소통 능력 사회 발전에 필요한 덕성과 지혜를 겸비하고 종합지식과 전공능력을 구비한, 탄탄한 기초와 훌륭한 능력을 갖춘 최고의 한국어 전문 인재 양성을 목표로 한다.

3. 교과목 설치

전공과목은종합 한국어’, ‘고급 한국어’, ‘한국어 회화’, ‘한국어 쓰기’, ‘한국어 시청각’, ‘테마로 읽는 한국어’, ‘한국어 실용 문법’, ‘한국어 실용문 쓰기’, ‘한중 통번역’, ‘한중 미디어 번역’, ‘한반도 사회와 문화’, ‘한반도 역사’, ‘한반도 문학사등의 핵심 과목을 개설하고 있다.

선택과목은 어학, 번역, 시사 가지 카테고리로 나뉘는데 우선한국어 언어학개론’, ‘관광 한국어’, ‘한국어 강연과 화술’, ‘재미있는 한국어’, ‘한국 관용어와 문화 어학 관련 교과목과중한번역 이론과 실천’, ‘중한 외사번역’, ‘중한 과학기술번역’, ‘중한 동시통역 번역 관련 교과목, 그리고한반도 정치외교’, ‘중한 경제무역’, ‘중한 전자상거래’, ‘한국 웰빙문화’, ‘한국 명저 길라잡이’, ‘영상으로 읽는 한국문학’, ‘한국사회 동향 시사 관련 교과목으로 개설해 학생들이 필요에 따라 자유롭게 선택할 있게 하였다.

4. 교수진

현재 정교수 2(국무원 특별 초빙 교수 포함), 부교수 5, 전임강사 3, 10명으로 구성된 교수진 박사학위 취득자 8명은 해외 유학 근무 경력이 있으며 박사 지도교수 2, 석사 지도교수가 5명이다. 또한 학술 연구와 언어 교육으로 특화된 우수한 한국인 교사 2명을 영입하여 막강한 실력과 합리적인 교원 구성을 자랑하고 있다. 현재 한국 어학, 문학, 문화, 교육, 정치, 사회 다양한 전공 분야에 대해 깊이 있는 연구를 하고 있으며 한국어 통번역 관련 실천경험도 풍부해서 교육부 대학교육지도위원회 위원, 전국 한국어교육학회 이사, 산동성 학부교육지도위원회 위원 등의 직무를 담당하고 있다. 2캠퍼스 경력이라는 인재 양성 모델 개발 실천과 학부단계를 아우르는 교양교육 시스템 혁신 구축 실시 교육부 국가교육성과상’ 2등상을 수상하였고 학술 저서 한국 개화기 문학과 양계초대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 선정되었다. 이외도 12 와룡학술상’, ‘한국문학번역상육당학술상 굵직한 학술상을 수상하는 한중 양국 학술계에 영향력을 발휘하고 있다.

5. 학술 연구

지금까지 100 권의 저서와 번역서, 200 편의 논문을 발표하였고 중대, 중점, 일반, 중화외역 등의 국가사회과학기금 프로젝트와 교육부 프로젝트 20 개를 수임하였는데 이는 성부급 이상의 국가 연구 프로젝트로 과학 연구 방면에서 괄목할만한 성과를 거두고 있다. 최근 교육부 특색전공 프로젝트의 연구 기초와 해외한국학 중점 프로젝트의 사업 목표를 연계하여 한국학 중앙연구원 씨앗형사업으로 선정된 번역 인재 양성 과정 개발 연구프로젝트 역시 성공적으로 완수하였다. 교재 집필 수량 또한 국내 1위를 차지할 만큼 월등한데 현재 100 부의 교재가 30 학교에서 사용되고 있고 인쇄 수량은 10만여 권에 달한다. 2종의 7 교재는 ‘115개년’, ‘125개년정부 선정 교재로 채택되었다.

6. 특화 교육

우리 학과는 튼튼한 기반위에 세워졌으며 학과 특색이 뚜렸하다. ‘전통 수호와 혁신 발전 정신으로 외교 사무와 국제 교류 분야에서 필요로 하는 융합형, 혁신형, 리더형, 글로벌형의 고급 한국어 인재를 양성하여 국가 전략과 사회 발전에 이바지하고 있으며 산동대학교만의 특색을 갖춘, 국내 제일의, 세계 일류 수준의 학과로 발전하고 있다.

우리 학과는 새로운 사상과 이념을 지속적으로 수용하고국내교육+해외교육+한영(韓英)이중언어라는 특화 양성 프로그램으로품성과 실력을 함양하고 국내외 학문을 공부하는수준 높은 고급 한국어 인재를 양성하고 있다. 또한 종합대학교의 유리한 자원을 충분히 활용하여 복수 학위나 부전공을 통해한국어 플러스 실현할 있는 복합적이고 다원적인 학습 환경이 마련되어 있다. 고학년의 경우 어학, 문학, 번역 관심 과목을 자유롭게 선택할 있도록 교과과정을 세분화하여 학생들의 요구에 부응하였다.

학부생은 졸업 고급 수준의 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기 통번역 능력과 함께 한국의 지리, 정치, 경제, 역사, 문화를 이해하고 뛰어난 다문화 소통 능력과, 팀워크를 통한 혁신과 실천, 창의력과 연구능력을 구비하고 외교, 외사, 무역, 문화, 출판, 관광, 언론, 학술 제분야의 업무를 담당할 있는 소양을 갖춰야 한다.

7. 국제 교류

학부생들은 남과 북의 대학에서 유학할 있다. 교육부 파견 장학생을 비롯해 26개의 한국 자매대학에 100% 교환학생으로 있고 단기 연구 프로그램도 다양해 국제적 안목을 키울 있다. 졸업후 대학원에 진학해서 학업을 계속하는 경우 산동대학교는 물론 북경대학교, 북경외국어대학교, 상해외국어대학교, 대외경제무역대학교 국내 상위권 대학교와 서울대학교, 연세대학교, 고려대학교, 성균관대학교 한국 TOP5 대학교로 많이 진학을 한다.

학과 교수진 역시 활발한 국제 교류를 진행하고 있는데 교수진 63.3% 해외 박사이고 해외경력이 풍부해서 해외 학술 연구 동향에 민감할 뿐만 아니라 새로운 학술 이념을 제시하는 선도적 학술 역량을 보여주고 있다. 또한 교수 대부분이 1년에 2~4 국제 학술 회의에 참석하고 해외 전문가를 1년에 3~5 학교로 초청하여 학술 강좌를 개최하면서 학술 연구의 지평을 열어가고 있다.

8. 문화 활동

학부생들의 문화 취미활동은 매우 풍부하고 다양한데 우선 전공과 관련된 활동으로는 한국어 말하기 대회, 백일장, 통역 대회, 연극 대회 형식이 다양하고 전문성이 높은 각종 대회에 참석하는 것을 꼽을 있다. 14학번 왕효선 학생은 12 금호아시아나컵 중국 대학생 한국어 말하기 전국대회에서 2등상을 수상하였고, 15학번 육예초 학생은 11 성균한글백일장에서 은상을 수상하였으며 16학번 박용애 학생은 2 중국대학생 한글 디카시 공모전에서 최우수상을 수상하는 재학생들이 탄탄한 실력을 대외에 선보이고 있다. 외에도 선후배 만남신입생 환영회졸업파티송년모임 다양한 행사를 지속적으로 개최하여 학생들 친목을 더함은 물론 기업 견학, 대형 국제행사의 통역 자원봉사 사회활동에도 적극적으로 참여하고 있다.

9. 취업

학과 졸업생들은 한국어 기초가 튼튼하고 종합적인 소양이 높으며 업무 능력과 창의력이 뛰어나고 발전 잠재력이 크다는 평가를 많이 받는다. 졸업 대부분 외교부, 국가안전국, 은행 국영 대기업과 공공기관, 그리고 대학교, 사회과학원 연구기관에서 근무하고 있어 취업의 질이 높고 직업과 전공 간의 관련도가 94% 달해 융합형 고급인재 양성이라는 한국어학과 인재 양성 목표와 학교 운영 목표 간의 일치성을 보여준다.

취업률은 100% 자랑하고 있는데 학과 설립 지금까지 600여명의 졸업생을 배출했으며 이들 가운데 공무원과 고등교육 종사자가 각각 100여명에 이른다. 2010년부터 매해 1~3명의 학생이 재학중 외교부 인재 선발 시험에 통과하여 현재까지40여명의 졸업생이 외교부에서 근무하고 있다. 2014 펑리위안 여사가 한국을 방문하였을 수행통역한 양메이(楊梅) 산동대학교 외국어대학 한국어학과 2007학번 졸업생이다. 벤처창업에 성공한 한두이서(韩都衣舍) 전자상거래 유한회사CEO 자오잉광(趙迎光) 역시 학과 출신으로 산동대학교 한국어과 졸업생들은 현재 여러 분야에서 맹활약 중이다.

10. 졸업생 소감

산동대학교에서 한국어를 공부한 대학시절은 가장 자랑스럽고 마음속에 깊이 남을 아름다운 추억입니다. 같은 친구, 선배와 후배 그리고 존경하는 선생님 모두 가족같이 편하고 화목하고 친절했으며, 함께하고 격려해주던 모습은 졸업 후에도 잊지 못할 소중한 추억으로 남았습니다. 여러분 역시 이곳 한국어학과에서 전공 지식은 물론, 향후 생활에 있어서 도움이 되는 여러 가지 중요한 것을 많이 배우게 것입니다.”

졸업하고 나서 직장생활을 오래 됐지만 산동대학교에서의 학창 시절 기억은 아직도 눈에 선합니다. 우리의 스승이자 친구같던 교수님들, 수업시간엔 다소 진지했지만 방과 학교 생활은 다채롭고 유쾌한 일들로 가득했습니다. 철마다 다양한 행사를 조직해서 야외 활동을 하게 되면 기꺼이 참석해 주시는 교수님들 덕분에 놀면서 배우는 즐거운 학습의 장을 경험할 있었습니다. 대학 4 동안 쌓은 전공 실력은 나의 자산이 되었고, 산동대학교에서 불태웠던 의지와 노력은 직장생활의 부스터로도 작용하고 있습니다. ”


Job Information

1. Job descriptions

Full-time foreign Korean teachers; 10-month contract, can be renewed

2. Qualifications:

  1. From native-speaking countries
  2. Master’s degree or higher, with a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (proof of working experience is required);

3. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their home countries
  • Teaching hours: 12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign language teachers

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) Foreign language teachers will make 12,400 yuan/month.

(2) Medical Insurance provided

(3) Apartments provided; teachers should pay for the rent, water, electricity, heating, etc.

The post Foreign Korean Teacher appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Foreign French Teacher Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:34:06 +0000 Introduction to French faculty, Shandong University La spécialité en langue française a été créée en 1994 et a commencé à accueillir des étudiants de premier cycle la même année. Elle a pour objectif de former des étudiants qui possèdent de solides compétences en français et de larges connaissances académiques. Après leur diplôme, avec une forte […]

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Introduction to French faculty, Shandong University

La spécialité en langue française a été créée en 1994 et a commencé à accueillir des étudiants de premier cycle la même année. Elle a pour objectif de former des étudiants qui possèdent de solides compétences en français et de larges connaissances académiques. Après leur diplôme, avec une forte créativité, d’excellentes compétences en communications interculturelles et un savoir culturel conséquent, les étudiants peuvent exercer des fonctions d’enseignement, de recherche, de traduction et de gestion dans plusieurs domaines tels que la diplomatie, le commerce, la culture, l’éducation ou encore dans des services internationaux.

La spécialité demande aux élèves de maîtriser les connaissances et les théories élémentaires de la langue française, d’avoir une solide capacité d’écouter, de parler, de lire, d’écrire et de traduire, de connaître la langue, la littérature, la culture et l’économie, etc, et d’avoir une aptitude à la communication interculturelle, à la capacité d’innovation et de recherche préliminaire.

Le département compte maintenant quatorze enseignants, dont un chercheur, trois professeurs associés et quatre lecteurs. Les recherches portent sur des sujets clés tels que la littérature, la linguistique, la pédagogie, la traduction et la culture. Il est chargé de l’enseignement professionnel du premier et du troisième cycle du département de français, de l’enseignement du français en seconde spécialité, de l’enseignement du français en langue étrangère de la spécialité en langue anglaise, et de l’enseignement du français en option pour l’ensemble des étudiants de l’Université. En 2018, le département a ouvert une classe expérimentale de talents bilingues français-anglais pour les organisations internationales, dont l’objectif est de former des talents internationaux bilingues français-anglais, ayant une vision internationale et des compétences interculturelles et connaissant les règles internationales.

Les principaux cours de la spécialité sont : français intensif, français audiovisuel, français orale, français avancé, français audiovisuel avancé, écriture française, traduction française, interprétation française, histoire de la littérature française, lecture étendue en français, lexicologie, stylistique, grammaire systématique et panorama de la France, etc.

Le département a une longue tradition de coopération et d’échange avec les universités françaises. Après de nombreuses années de coopération avec l’Université d’Angers, il a commencé à établir des relations de coopération avec l’Université Rennes II, l’Université catholique d’Angers, l’Université de Liège (Belgique), la Faculté de Sciences politiques de Rennes, la Faculté de Sciences politiques de Lille et l’Université de Montréal (Canada). En 2007, la région de Bretagne a créé un centre de documentation sur la langue française dans notre Institut grâce au don des livres originaux.

Les étudiants de notre département ont une forte curiosité intellectuelle et une ambiance active en classe, ils organisent des activités variées. Depuis longtemps, notre département organise des activités permanentes telles que le club de cinéma francophone, le coin français et le retour dans la maison de l’enseignant étranger, et organise des spectacles, des débats, des concours de lecture, de traduction et de chansons, etc.

Le département de français continuera à faire preuve d’ambition et d’innovation, à suivre les pas en avant de l’Université du Shandong et de l’Institut des langues étrangères, et à faire des progrès continus dans la construction des disciplines et dans l’enseignemnt et la recherche scientifique.

The Department of French Language and Literature was established in 1994 and began to enroll students in the same year. The undergraduate program of the Department aims to cultivate interdisciplinary talents with solid linguistic foundation, proficient language skills, extensive knowledge of a wide range of
topics, strong creative and practical abilities, and excellent cultural literacy. The graduates from the Department have the competence to undertake jobs of teaching, research, translation, and management in such fields as diplomacy, trade and economy, culture, scientific research, education and tourism.

Students in the program are required to have a good mastery of the fundamental knowledge and theory of the French language, solid skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, a good understanding of French language, literature, culture, economy and trade, as well as a rich knowledge of the society and culture of French-speaking countries. In the meantime, the students are trained to acquire strong capabilities for cross-cultural communication, creativity and application-oriented practice and basic scientific research.

The Department now has 9 faculty members, together with a native speaker teacher of French. Research in this program covers such areas as French Literature, French Linguistics, French Language Pedagogy, Translation Studies, and French Culture. The faculty of the Department have the duty to teach French majors, students in double-degree programs, English majors who take French as a second foreign language, and other students in the University who learn French as an optional course.


Job Information

1. Job descriptions

Full-time foreign French teachers; 10-month contract, can be renewed

2. Qualifications:

  1. From native-speaking countries
  2. Master’s degree or higher, with a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (proof of working experience is required);

3. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their home countries
  • Teaching hours: 12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign language teachers

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) Foreign language teachers will make 12,400 yuan/month.

(2) Medical Insurance provided

(3) Apartments provided; teachers should pay for the rent, water, electricity, heating, etc.

The post Foreign French Teacher appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Foreign Spanish Teacher Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:32:37 +0000 Introduction to Spanish faculty, Shandong University La Facultad de Filología Hispánica se fundó en 2006. Ahora dispone de sies profesores chinos y dos profesores hispanohablantes, entre los cuales hay dos doctorados y cuatro doctorando, cuyos estudios abarcan linguística, literatura, historia, traducción y relaciones internacionales. Siendo uno de los centros más antiguos de educación superior de […]

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Introduction to Spanish faculty, Shandong University

La Facultad de Filología Hispánica se fundó en 2006. Ahora dispone de sies profesores chinos y dos profesores hispanohablantes, entre los cuales hay dos doctorados y cuatro doctorando, cuyos estudios abarcan linguística, literatura, historia, traducción y relaciones internacionales. Siendo uno de los centros más antiguos de educación superior de la lengua española en la provincia de Shandong, desde su establecimiento, siempre ha sido uno de los mejores centros docentes de la lengua española en el Este de China por su alta calidad de enseñanza. En el transcurso de trece años, la Facultad lleva formando generaciones de estudiantes, quienes se encuentran ahora trabajando por todo el mundo hispánico para hacer aportaciones en distintos terrenos como la diplomacia, la economía y comercio, el intercambio cultural, el estudio e investigación, etc..


Al mismo tiempo que el profesorado de la Facultad asume diversas tareas didácticas, siempre participa activamente en la investigación con la responsabilidad de promover el conocmiento mutuo entre China y el mundo hispánico. Actualmente, la Facultad asume dos programas de investigación a nivel provincial y ha publicado una decena de artículos inverstigadores en revistas académicas, entre las cuales unas han sido clasificadas en categorías como SSCI, AHCI.  

Objetivos de Formación:

Aprovechando la ventaja de multidisciplina y transdiciplina que disfruta en la Universidad de Shandong, sd dedica a formar profesionales de alta categoría, quienes estén preparados con buen dominio de lengua española, buenas habilidades para la comunicación intercultural, espíritu de humanidades e innovación y visión global para hacer aportaciones al desarrollo económico y social y al fortalecimiento de las relaciones entre China y países hispanohablantes.

Oferta educativa:

La Facultad de Filología Hispánica hace hincapié en la diversificación de los programas educatuvos para satisfacer la demanda del mercado y del desarrollo regional. El programa se clasifica en la etapa elemental y la avanzada. En el primer ciclo, se concentra en la enseñanza de la lengua española y en el segundo, se diversifican las asignaturas en dos categoría (lengua y literatura / cultura y estudios regionales) con el objetivo de que los alumnos puedan elegir según su propio interés y necesidad para el futuro. Los alumnos siempre gozan de buen prestigio en el círculo de español de China por su extraordinaria competencia linguistíca, experiencia de educación multidisciplinaria y espíritu emprendedor.


La Facultad de Filología Hispánica presta suma atención a los intercambios académicos y la cooperación internacional. Hasta ahora tiene firmados convenios interuniversitarios de intercambio con la Universidad de la Rioja, la Universidad de Alcalá, la Universidad de Valencia, los cuales permiten a los alumnos cursar estudios en España para mejorar su competencia linguística y obtener experiencia de la educación superior de otros países. En los últimos tres años, la Facultad ha sido seleccionada por el Consejo de Beca de China como el centro emisor de becarios del programa de intercambio intergubermental entre China y México, por lo cual ha podido enviar alumnos a estudiar en universidades mexicanas. Actualmente la Facultad se esfuerza por fortalecer la internacionalización de formación, ampliando comunicación e intercambio con universidads, instituciones académicas del mundo hispánico.

The Department of Spanish Language and Literature was established in 2006 and started enrolling Spanish-major students in 2007. It is one of the first undergraduate programs in Spanish language and literature in Shandong Province. At present, the Department has 7 faculty members including 1 professor, 1 lecturer, 3 assistants, and 2 native-speaker teachers. These teachers take on the teaching of Spanish for Spanish-major students, students who take Spanish as a minor and students from other programs who take Spanish as a selective course.

The undergraduate program in the Department highlights quality education, and centers on the cultivation of students with creative mind and practical abilities. Based on the teaching of Spanish language and literature, students are trained to have a better knowledge structure, solid language skills, an in-depth understanding of the literature, art, history, culture, politics and economy of Spanish-speaking countries. With a good mastery of Spanish language and proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, students in the program can expand their specialties to other programs of the university.

The major courses offered in the program include Spanish Intensive Reading, Spanish Extensive Reading, Spanish Grammar, Oral Spanish, Audio-visual Spanish, Interpreting, Translating, Introduction to Spanish and Latin-American Literature, Practical Writing in Spanish, and Spanish for Economy and Business.

The program has established good cooperative relations with the University of La Rioja in Spain. Ever since 2006, the University of La Rioja has been offering annually the Spanish government-sponsored full scholarships to excellent students in the Department. From 2008 to 2010, Shandong University, in cooperation with China Scholarship Council, joined the “Cuban Government Scholarship” program and sent its Spanish majors to Cuba for one-year overseas study.

The faculty in the Department take the priority of cultivating the best students of the Spanish language in China. They are now working with originality and great enthusiasm in teaching and research for the progress of the School and the University.


Job Information

1. Job descriptions

Full-time foreign Spanish teachers; 10-month contract, can be renewed

2. Qualifications:

  1. From native-speaking countries
  2. Master’s degree or higher, with a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (proof of working experience is required);

3. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their home countries
  • Teaching hours: 12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign language teachers

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) Foreign language teachers will make 12,400 yuan/month.

(2) Medical Insurance provided

(3) Apartments provided; teachers should pay for the rent, water, electricity, heating, etc.

The post Foreign Spanish Teacher appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Foreign German Teacher Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:09:40 +0000 Introduction to German faculty, Shandong University Der Deutschunterricht an der Shandong-Universität hat eine relativ lange Geschichte. Neben der Jingshi-Tongwen-Kuan (School of Combined Learning,1862) ist sie eine der ältesten Einrichtungen für den Deutschunterricht. Bereits 1901 (Guangxu 15 Jahre) wurden zu Beginn der Gründung der Shandong University westliche Sprachkurse in Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch zur Vorbereitung der […]

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Introduction to German faculty, Shandong University

Der Deutschunterricht an der Shandong-Universität hat eine relativ lange Geschichte. Neben der Jingshi-Tongwen-Kuan (School of Combined Learning1862) ist sie eine der ältesten Einrichtungen für den Deutschunterricht. Bereits 1901 (Guangxu 15 Jahre) wurden zu Beginn der Gründung der Shandong University westliche Sprachkurse in Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch zur Vorbereitung der beiden Schulen eingerichtet.

In den 1990er Jahren, als die Zusammenarbeit und der Austausch zwischen China und Deutschland auf politischem, wirtschaftlichem und kulturellem Gebiet immer häufiger wurden, war die Nachfrage nach deutschen Fachkräften immer stärker. Die Zahl der deutschsprachigen Studenten, die an Sprachhochschulen im In- und Ausland ausgebildet wurden, konnte den Bedarf der Gesellschaft nicht zufriedenstellen. Deswegen hatten viele Universitäten in China begonnen, Deutsch-Fakultäten einzurichten. So wurde 1996 die Deutsch-Fakultät der Shandong-Universität gegründet.

Das Studium im Fach Germanistik dauert 4 Jahren. Die Studierenden sollten nach dem Studium über solide deutschsprachige Kenntnisse, tiefes und umfassendes Verständnis für die Gesellschaft und Kultur der deutschsprachigen Länder verfügen, und können Deutsch beim Hören, Sprechen, Lesen, Schreiben und Übersetzen beherrschen und verwenden. Die Absolventen sollten sich auf Übersetzen, Forschen, Lehren und Management in den Bereichen Außenpolitik, Handel, Kultur, Journalismus, Forschung und Tourismus spezialisieren. Die Studierenden müssen über gute Fremdsprachenkenntnisse und Forschungsfähigkeiten verfügen, über eine bestimmte praktische Fähigkeit für die Anwendung einer zweiten Fremdsprache verfügen, die grundlegenden Methoden der Literaturrecherche und Datenrecherche mit vorläufiger wissenschaftlicher Forschung und starker praktischer Arbeitsfähigkeit beherrschen.

Professionelle Kurse, die von deutschen Abteilung angeboten werden, umfassen: Integriertes Deutsch, Deutsch Konversation, Deutsch Grundlegendes Hören, Deutsches Audiovisuelles, Deutsches Schreiben, Fortgeschrittenes Deutsch, Deutsch Fortgeschrittenes Hören, Deutsche Übersetzungstheorie und Praxis, Deutsche Literaturgeschichte, Deutsche Geschichte, Deutsche Kulturgeschichte, Deutsche Literaturauswahl, Wirtschaftsdeutsch, Deutsch-Chinesische Interkulturelle Kommunikation usw.

Die Hauptrichtung und -merkmale des Hauptfachs: hauptsächlich zur Vermittlung von Kenntnissen der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, um auf dieser Basis die Wissensstruktur der Schüler weiter zu optimieren, so dass die Studierenden nicht nur über solide Grundkenntnisse verfügen, sondern auch über deutsche Literatur, Kunst, Geschichte und Kultur. Die Wirtschaft hat ein tieferes Verständnis, so dass sie eine breitere Vision und eine tiefere humanistische Qualität hat und die Fähigkeit hat, unabhängig zu denken und Probleme zu lösen.

Um sich an die Bedürfnisse der Epoche für gemischte Talente anzupassen und die Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für Absolventen zu erweitern, achtet dieser Schwerpunkt auf die Pflege der umfassenden Qualität der Studenten und nutzt die Vorteile der Shandong University Comprehensive University, um Studenten ein multidisziplinäres und interdisziplinäres duales Ausbildungsmodell zu bieten.

Um den Studierenden eine breitere internationale Perspektive und ein tieferes Verständnis des Ziellandes zu vermitteln, schafft das Programm aktiv die Voraussetzungen für ein Studium im Ausland. Gegenwärtig hat die deutsche Abteilung langfristige schulübergreifende Kooperations- und Austauschbeziehungen mit der Universität Augsburg und Insitutu für Sprache und Übersetzung München aufgebaut, und jedes Jahr werden mehr als 20 herausragende Studenten zum Austausch und Studium nach Deutschland geschickt. Gleichzeitig wird auch auf die zweite Campuserfahrung der Studenten geachtet: Studenten können an der Tongji University, der East China Normal University, der China University of Political Science and Law und anderen berühmten Universitäten in China einen Austausch durchführen.

Die Lehrer der deutschen Abteilung haben sich auch aktiv in der akademischen Forschung engagiert, während sie ihre Lehraufgaben ernsthaft erledigten. Zu den wichtigsten akademischen Leistungen zählen in den letzten Jahren mehr als 20 Monografien, Übersetzungen und Zusammenstellungen, mehr als 30 wissenschaftliche Arbeiten und mehr als 10 wissenschaftliche Forschungsprojekte des National Social Science Fund und des Bildungsministeriums. Die deutsche Abteilung hat auch berühmte Wissenschaftler von deutschen Universitäten und inländischen Bruderuniversitäten eingeladen, Vorträge zu halten und aktiv an internationalen und inländischen akademischen Konferenzen teilzunehmen.


Job Information

1. Job descriptions

Full-time foreign German teachers; 10-month contract, can be renewed

2. Qualifications:

  1. From native-speaking countries
  2. Master’s degree or higher, with a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (proof of working experience is required);

3. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their home countries
  • Teaching hours: 12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign language teachers

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) Foreign language teachers will make 12,400 yuan/month.

(2) Medical Insurance provided

(3) Apartments provided; teachers should pay for the rent, water, electricity, heating, etc.

The post Foreign German Teacher appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Foreign Russian Teacher Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:53:05 +0000 Introduction to Russian faculty, Shandong University Факультет русского языка и литературы был образован в 1950 г. в составе института иностранных языков Шаньдунского университета, является одним из первых учрежденных факультетов института, а также является одним из первых факультетов в Китае, где студендам преподают русский язык. В 1993 году была начата программа магистратуры по русскому языку и […]

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Introduction to Russian faculty, Shandong University

Факультет русского языка и литературы был образован в 1950 г. в составе института иностранных языков Шаньдунского университета, является одним из первых учрежденных факультетов института, а также является одним из первых факультетов в Китае, где студендам преподают русский язык. В 1993 году была начата программа магистратуры по русскому языку и литературе. В 2011 году факультет получил одобрение на начало программы докторантуры по русскому языку и литературе, в которую начинали поступать докторанты в 2012 году. В настоящее время факультет является членом группы русского языка при Руководящем комитете по специальностям иностранных языков при Министерстве образования, членом группы русского языка при Руководящем комитете по преподованию вторых иностранных языков и членом блока исполнительного директора Китайской ассоциации преподавателей русского языка и литературы.


Job Information

1. Job descriptions

Full-time foreign Russian teachers; 10-month contract, can be renewed

2. Qualifications:

  1. From native-speaking countries
  2. Master’s degree or higher, with a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (proof of working experience is required);

3. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their home countries
  • Teaching hours: 12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign language teachers

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) Foreign language teachers will make 12,400 yuan/month.

(2) Medical Insurance provided

(3) Apartments provided; teachers should pay for the rent, water, electricity, heating, etc.

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Foreign English Teacher Sun, 25 Jun 2023 10:54:23 +0000 Introduction to English faculty, Shandong University Shandong University established the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature in 1930. Renowned scholars like Liang Shih-Chiu and Hong Shen worked as department chair in the early years and its faculty included quite a number of professors distinguished in academic achievements. After 1949, celebrated professors such as Wu Fuheng, […]

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Introduction to English faculty, Shandong University

Shandong University established the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature in 1930. Renowned scholars like Liang Shih-Chiu and Hong Shen worked as department chair in the early years and its faculty included quite a number of professors distinguished in academic achievements. After 1949, celebrated professors such as Wu Fuheng, Huang Jiade, Zhang Jian, Lu Fan, and Sam Ginsbourg worked here for decades. Their teaching and research helped to lay a solid foundation for our fine tradition and positive pursuit for academic perfection, facilitating a sustainable development of the department.

The department has been one of the pioneers nationwide in English teaching and academic studies. The department was authorized to initiate MA program in 1978, PhD program in 2000, and postdoc program in 2007. The program was granted the title “Key Program of Shandong Province” in 1996, “Key Discipline of 211 Project of Shandong University” in 1998, and “Key Discipline for Preferential Construction of Shandong Province” in 2001. In the national assessments organized by the Ministry of Education, our program has achieved amazing results: our undergraduate education in 2017 was graded as A, about top 1% among its peers all over the country; the program was honorably entitled “National First-Class Program” in 2019.

Our goal is to foster students’ academic sensitivity, team spirit, international perspective, pioneering spirit, sense of diligence and perseverance, based on the nurturance of morality and ethics. It provides students with access to the knowledge and theories in the field of linguistics, literature, culture and trans-cultural communication, so that students upon their graduation are competent for the work in such fields as diplomacy, foreign trade, foreign-oriented tourism, culture, journalism, English language teaching and academic research. At the same time, we encourage student to be critical in thinking and creative in problem-solving, and focus on cultivating their potentials in knowledge acquisition for interpersonal communication and intercultural communication and on the introduction of scientific methodology for academic research, so that our graduates can be qualified for academic research or relevant positions. Besides, we also put great emphasis on student’s sense of morality and ethics, guiding them to make sound judgment and reasonable decision for their career.

The special program of English Major, Experimental Class, was started in 2014, and is aimed at exploring new ways to cultivate qualified graduates of foreign languages. It shifts from the traditional technique-based teaching paradigm to a new professional knowledge-guided training mode, so as to be in line with international practices in a real sense. The curriculum borrows much from that of first-class colleges and universities abroad. Based on traditional understanding of a language major, it features an even more intensified, deepened and refined training, which is also underscored by an emphasis on students’ international horizons and comprehensive qualities. Close attention is paid to the learning of academic norms and interdisciplinary studies, so as to get them prepared for further and diverse academic research.

Research interests in the MA program cover such areas as second language acquisition theory and language teaching, theoretical linguistics, translation theory and practice, and British and American literature. Our excellent graduates work as teachers in universities and colleges, government offices, research institutions, foreign affairs agencies, media, foreign trade companies, and some of them chose to continue to study for doctorate programs. The PhD graduates work mainly in universities and colleges, playing an important role in teaching and research and standing out with their excellent academic performance.

The department maintains its strong commitment to traditional areas of studies like research and teaching in English literature and linguistics, while also encouraging interdisciplinary studies. The department has an excellent team of faculty of 16 teachers, including 5 professors and 8 associate professors, 5 of whom are doctoral supervisors. In the past several years they have been undertaking dozens of national or provincial research projects and published papers in national and international journals. They have granted honorable titles with their prestigious achievements in British modernist literature, second language writing, American ethnic literature, pragmatic studies, drama studies, and teacher development studies. Prof. Shen Fuying is New-Century Outstanding Scholar by the Ministry of Education; Prof. Wang Yong and Prof. Wang Ying were awarded the honor of Shandong University Teacher of Excellency; Prof. Zhang Yanfei and Prof. Feng Wei were granted Outstanding Young Scholar of the Future of Shandong University and Qilu Scholar; Prof. Han Jiying was granted Outstanding Young Scholar of the Future of Shandong University. Prof. Shen Fuying and Prof. Wang Ying were granted the award of Excellency for Undergraduate Teaching in honorary system of Shandong University.

This amazing team of faculty is providing a wide range of courses for undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduate curriculum includes core courses and major disciplinary practices. Mandatory core courses include those to improve the students’ language skills like English reading, listening, speaking and writing, English Grammar, and E-C/C-E translation & interpretation, and those to constitute their basic academic framework, like English Phonetics, English Linguistics, British Literature, American Literature, History of Western Civilization, Greek and Roman Mythology, Selected Reading of Bible, and Western Culture. Another wide range of courses are provided as optional to cater to students’ academic interests, focusing on three different academic areas like literature, linguistics and translation studies. MA and PhD degree program comprises three specialties: English Literature, English linguistics and English Language Teaching, and Translation Studies. In addition, a colorful range of extra-curriculum activities, like speech contest, play-writing and performance, is organized to add color to college life and to improve students’ overall professional competence.

With the fine legacy of the past generations, the faculty members in the English Department are working with unremitting efforts for further development in English language teaching and research.


Job Information

1. Job descriptions

Full-time foreign English teachers; 10-month contract, can be renewed

2. Qualifications:

  1. From native-speaking countries
  2. Master’s degree or higher, with a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (proof of working experience is required);

3. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their home countries
  • Teaching hours: 12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign language teachers

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) Foreign language teachers will make 12,400 yuan/month.

(2) Medical Insurance provided

(3) Apartments provided; teachers should pay for the rent, water, electricity, heating, etc.

The post Foreign English Teacher appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Foreigner Teachers Recruitment, Shandong University Sun, 07 May 2023 08:34:06 +0000     School of Foreign Languages and Literature is located on the Hongjialou campus of Shandong University (Jinan). It was founded in 1930. The faculty of the school has high comprehensive quality, excellent academic background, extensive teaching expertise, and strong research ability. The school also has a scientific and ideal educational background and subject distribution. […]

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School of Foreign Languages and Literature is located on the Hongjialou campus of Shandong University (Jinan). It was founded in 1930. The faculty of the school has high comprehensive quality, excellent academic background, extensive teaching expertise, and strong research ability. The school also has a scientific and ideal educational background and subject distribution.

In order to further improve the internationalization level of our school and meet the needs of foreign language teaching, we are now recruiting outstanding foreign teachers at home and abroad.

1. Job descriptions

(1) Specialty areas: English, French, Korean, Spanish, Russian, German, Japanese.

(2) Job positions: full-time foreign teachers for language courses and disciplinary courses. The contract duration is 10 months, and it can be renewed upon negotiation after the expiration of the contract.

2. Qualifications:

(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, respect the customs and culture of the Chinese nation, and have no legal disputes or criminal records in their country of origin.

(2) All foreign teachers should come from native-speaking countries corresponding to their specialty areas.

(3) Foreign teachers for language courses must have a master’s degree or higher, have received special training in language teaching, and have a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (official evidence of working experience is required); Teachers for disciplinary courses must have a doctorate degree and relevant work experience, and preference will be given to teachers who hold positions of assistant professor or higher in overseas universities or research institutions.

(4) Applicants must be healthy, both physically and mentally, and have good personal qualities, a rigorous, realistic, and scientific working style, and a great sense of team spirit. Applicants are ideally under 50 years old, and for language teachers, this requirement is flexible.

3. Duties and Responsibilities

(1) Location: Jinan City, Shandong Province.

(2) Tasks: To teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their native countries

(3) Teaching hours: 12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign teachers of language courses; 8-10 class hours/week are required for foreign teachers of disciplinary courses.

4. Salary and Benefits

(1) According to the foreign teachers’ academic background and relevant working qualifications, the starting salary of foreign teachers for language courses is 12,400 yuan/month, and for foreign teachers for disciplinary courses, it is 13,000 yuan/month.

(2) Shandong University purchases “Medical Insurance for Foreigners and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Visitors to China” for foreign teachers who have signed employment contracts.

(3) Shandong University provides apartments for foreign teachers; however, the applicants should be responsible for the rent, water, electricity, heating, and other expenses.

This recruitment is long-term effective. School of Foreign Languages and Literature of Shandong University warmly welcomes outstanding experts and scholars to join us!

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