K-12 English Teacher

Job Description

The Wanhui Academy is located in an idyllic setting at Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province in China. Dujiangyan is a sacred City of three UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) World Heritage sites at the foot of Mount Qingcheng close to the famous Giant Panda Base. Surrounded by mountains and rivers it is an outstanding location to study and learn. The school was built with an investment of nearly one billion yuan and covers a total area of 28 acres in total, with a building area covering nearly 100,000 square metres. The school brings together expert teachers from China and around the world to ensure education of the highest quality for children aged from 6-18 years old.

With the vision of creating the renown Chinese educational system with an international influence, the school follows the Chinese national curriculum and integrates advanced educational concepts and teaching methods from Finland and around the world. The school is devoted to cultivating future pillars with “Chinese roots and global competence”.


The Wanhui Academy has dynamic international teaching staff, small size classes, differential teaching and diversified elective courses, all of which help to build a stimulating learning environment and provide remarkable enrichment opportunities for a broad platform and student growth, opening multiple paths to success. At Wanhui we discover the potential of every child, laying the foundations for their lifelong growth and happiness.


  • 联系人 :卢老师
  • 联系电话:19113573753 (同微信号)
  • 邮箱:djywhhr@whwh.com
  • Contact person: Teacher Lu
  • Contact number: 19113573753 (same as WeChat)
  • Email: djywhhr@whwh.com