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Hebei GEO University Sat, 17 Sep 2022 16:22:25 +0000 Hebei GEO University (HGU, website), founded in 1953, is one of the five universities affiliated to the former Ministry of Geology, and is a provincial key university jointly supported by the Ministry of Land and Resources and the Government of Hebei Province. As the first educational institution affiliated to the former Ministry of Geology in […]

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Hebei GEO University (HGU, website), founded in 1953, is one of the five universities affiliated to the former Ministry of Geology, and is a provincial key university jointly supported by the Ministry of Land and Resources and the Government of Hebei Province.

As the first educational institution affiliated to the former Ministry of Geology in New China setting up programs of Economics and Management, HGU has been adhering to the core mission of “providing talents and technology support to the sustainable development of resources and environment.”During the six decades, by upholding the motto of “cultivating universal perspectives and pursuing infinite knowledge”, and “advocating the traditional spirit of hard-working, truth-seeking and innovation”, Hebei Geo University has gradually formed the schooling characteristics of highlighting the overall feature of resource & environment and economics & management, strengthening the coordinated development and the integration of various disciplines of Geo-science, Economic Management, Environmental Science, Land Surveying, Civil Engineering, Information Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, and fundamental science.

Up to now, Hebei Geo University has education in 7 category disciplines including Science, Engineering, Management, Economics, Law, Literature and Art with 65 bachelor degree programs and 11 disciplines of Geology, Geological Resources and Engineering, Business Administration, Management Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Law, Applied Economics, Mathematics, Material Science and Technology and Public Administration, covering 51 master degree programs, and 7 professional master programs of Geological Engineering, MBA, MPACC, Finance, Art, Applied Statistics and Engineering Management. In 2016, Hebei Geo University became the project construction unit of doctor degree programs.

Hebei Geo University now has about 18,000 full-time students from all over the country and over 900 academic staff, 50% of them with professorship or associate professorship, 92% with doctor or master degree. Among them, over 70 have the titles of such as Government Special Allowance Experts, Provincial Excellent Experts, young and middle aged experts with provincial outstanding contribution, Provincial young excellent experts in social science, provincial young top-notch talents and provincial excellent teachers. In recent years, Hebei Geo University has brought in many talents, such as Liu Jialin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS),Mao Jingwen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE),Ji Qiang, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and the winner of National Distinguished Young Scholar, and the famous expert Li Shaoliang. Besides, there are 187 part-time and visiting professors including 14 academicians.

Hebei Geo University attaches great importance to promoting the support capability. The library has collection coming to 1.3 million books and copies, over 1,400 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals; Hebei Geo University has Geological Experiment Center, Economic Management Experiment Center, Water Resources Environment Experiment Center, Jewelry and Mineral Processing Center, etc. Accounting to 2 national experiment and teaching demonstration centers, and 5 provincial centers; We have 221 internship and training bases of various levels; in addition, HGU owns Geo-Science Museum and Monetary and Financial Museum, the former one is the popular science and quality education base of national, provincial and municipal levels.

Hebei Geo University also attaches great importance to international exchange and cooperation, and always regards the idea of running the University open as an important way of talents training. HGU has established partnership with 42 colleges and universities of 25 countries including UK, US, Canada, Germany, Russia, Australia, France, Republic of Korea, Czech Republic and South Africa, carrying out various forms of cooperation and exchange, such as students exchange, mutual recognition of credits, mutual degree granting and research cooperation.

Hebei Geo University now has two Sino-Foreign cooperative education programs approved by the Ministry of Education: the “3+1” bachelor degree program on Finance with Ulster University, UK; and the “3+1” bachelor program on Environmental Design with Wonkwang University. Besides, the Czech Research Institute has registered as the Center of Country and Regional Studies of the Ministry of Education. We also offers bachelor and master degree programs to foreign students. The number of overseas exchange, study and social practice projects has reached 24. All these provided a wide space for talents cultivation.

Over the past 6 decades, more than 100,000 students graduated from Hebei Geo University and worked all over the country. The outstanding alumni including Xu Deming, former Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Land and Resources, Ji Qiang and Mao Jingwen, members of CAE, Hou Zengqian, member of CAS, Li Yuansheng and Wu Genshui, members of Antarctic Research Team, Hu Jun, President of Jinan University, Zhang Hong, winner of Li Siguang Geological Science Prize, Shen Xuhui, chief scientist of Zhang Heng 1 Satellite Project, Zhao Ziliang, CEO of Hua Xia Insurance Corporate and Xie Yuhong, chief geologist of CNOOC.

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Hebei Normal University Mon, 05 Sep 2022 16:54:47 +0000 The post Hebei Normal University appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

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Hebei Foreign Studies University Thu, 09 Jun 2022 07:01:59 +0000 I. History Hebei Foreign Studies University is located in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, originally named “Shijiazhuang United College of Science and Technology” in 1998, and started the pilot education of Hebei Provincial Diploma in April 2001, and was upgraded to higher education institution “Shijiazhuang College of Foreign Languages and Translation” in January 2003 with the […]

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I. History

Hebei Foreign Studies University is located in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, originally named “Shijiazhuang United College of Science and Technology” in 1998, and started the pilot education of Hebei Provincial Diploma in April 2001, and was upgraded to higher education institution “Shijiazhuang College of Foreign Languages and Translation” in January 2003 with the approval of Hebei Provincial Education Department. In March 2012, it was approved by the Ministry of Education to be officially upgraded to a bachelor’s degree college and renamed as “Hebei Foreign Language College”, and in May 2015, it was listed as a bachelor’s degree awarding unit by the Academic Degrees Committee of Hebei Provincial People’s Government. In December 2016, it was listed by the Academic Degrees Committee of the People’s Government of Hebei Province as an institution for the project construction of master’s degree granting units.

II. Basic conditions

The university covers an area of 1,828,700 square meters, with a total building area of 1,230,000 square meters. There are 101 basic laboratories, 41 professional laboratories and 9 special language scenario training rooms. The total value of teaching instruments and equipment is 90.2830 million Yuan. The university has built a gigabit campus network and a library with 2.137 million volumes of paper documents.

III. Faculty

At present, the university has formed a high-level internationalized faculty with “master’s degree as the main body, doctorate as the flag, professor as the discipline leader and academician as the research leader”. There are 1424 full-time teachers, 221 foreign teachers, 9 academicians, 1 “National May Day Labor Medal”, 1 national outstanding teacher, 2 provincial “Hundred Plan Experts”, 3 “Yanzhao Friendship Award Award”, 1 “May Day Labor Medal” of Hebei Province, 3 famous teachers of Hebei Province, 1 second-level candidate of “Double Ten, Double Hundred, Double Thousand Talents Project”, 3 excellent teachers of Hebei Province, and 3 excellent teachers of Hebei Province. The third level talents of the “Three Three-Three Project”, five “Excellent Teaching Teams in Hebei Province” and three “Teaching Teams and Teaching Masters of Hebei Province Curriculum Civics Demonstration Course”.

IV. Professional Construction

There are 16 second-level colleges, 64 third-level colleges, 134 undergraduate majors, including 57 undergraduate majors, involving literature, economics, management, education, art, medicine, engineering, science, 8 disciplines, and basically formed 10 professional clusters with application-oriented. Spanish majors are rated as provincial key development disciplines, and 14 majors of French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Korean, software engineering, preschool education, nursing, financial management, German, Portuguese, English, Japanese, and engineering cost are provincial first-class undergraduate major construction points. There are 1 national first-class course, 10 provincial first-class courses, 3 provincial online open courses and 9 university-level first-class courses; 2 national University-Industry Cooperation Collaborative Education Programs. At present, there are 27,050 students in school.

V. Teaching Reform

Since the university was identified as a pilot university for application-oriented transformation by Hebei Province in 2015, it has carried out an all-round and whole-process reform in teaching, forming ten sections that form a system horizontally and a chain viz.

A professional route planning map based on Hebei, radiating to the whole country and serving the society.

A professional cluster chain that precisely connects with industrial and innovation chains.

A training mode of “multi-lingual study and inter-professional compound”.

A soft “lathe” for manufacturing application-oriented talents.

A team of expert professionals led by academicians.

A main theme of upgrading the quality of curriculum.

A classroom revolution with flesh and blood, which can be felt and touched.

A pathway from matchbox to the wide world.

A set of assessment and evaluation standards that are not based on marks.

A pair of wings to help our school soar into the world.

Each section of the reform has a law to follow, a direction to find, and a result to present, so that the teaching reform can be reborn and the quality of teaching can be transformed into a butterfly.

Scientific Research

Up to now, Hebei College of Foreign Languages has obtained 15 patents for teachers and students, and undertaken 680 projects at all levels: 1 national project, 60 provincial and ministerial projects, 61 municipal projects, 477 university projects, and 81 projects at other levels. There are 27 published books and 267 self-published textbooks and lecture notes. Teachers have published 1,762 papers, students have published 147 papers, and a total of 747 students have participated in teachers’ research projects. Three research projects, including “Application and Research of Natural Learning Method in English Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities”, “Innovative Research on “Quasi-Professional” Talent Cultivation Model in Applied Undergraduate Colleges and Universities” and “Research on Foreign Language Talent Cultivation Model in Applied Undergraduate Colleges and Universities”, were awarded the Hebei Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award.

Approved by the Hebei Provincial Civil Affairs Department and supervised by the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences, the university has established the Hebei Global International Economic, Social and Cultural Research Institute, which guides teachers and students to conduct research on 16 aspects of the 75 target countries, undertaking a total of 3 provincial-level projects, 72 university-level special projects on country and regional studies, translating 21 books, proposing to publish 4 books, and publishing 93 papers.

VII. Talent Cultivation

Our students have achieved many excellent results in various activities held by the state and province. In the second national finals of the Chinese Vocational Education Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, our project “Yuzi Smart Home” won the bronze medal; in the second national university enterprise value creation competition, nine students won the second prize; in the China AOPA drone vocational skills competition, eight students won; in the second Chinese university student Dicastra essay contest, two students won the special prize and two students won the Two students won the Grand Prize and two students won the First Prize in the Second Chinese Student Dikat Essay Contest; two students won the Superior Prize in the Fourth National University Student Competition of the “Puyi Prize”; five students won the Second Prize in the Second “Ruyi Cup” International Translation Contest of Chinese Culture; one student won the Excellent Prize in the First National Bulgarian Speech Contest; one student won the Excellent Prize in the National University Student English Contest. In the 1st National Bulgarian Speech Contest, one student was awarded the Excellence Award; in the National Student English Contest, two students won the first prize and one student won the second prize. Two students won excellent prizes in the National Innovative English Contest; two students won excellent prizes in the Second World Sino-Portuguese Translation Contest; one student won excellent prize in the Third National Italian Speech Contest; one student won the second prize and nine students won the third prize in the “Sentten” Cup Russian Contest in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Universities. In the 11th National Student Advertising Art Competition, 55 students won awards, including 2 first prizes and 10 second prizes; in the finals of the 1st National Student Network Host Contest, 1 student advanced to the top 8 and won the “Best Photogenic Award”; in the 3rd National Student Ski Challenge North China Region One student won the third prize in the 3rd National Student Ski Challenge North China Region.

In the final round of the 4th Hebei Province “Internet+” Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, our students won five bronze awards; in the Hebei Province University Drafting and Shaping Competition, they won one first prize and four third prizes; in the “Yanzhao Cup” Translation Competition, a total of 122 students won awards. In the “Yanzhao Cup” Translation Competition, 122 students won awards, among which 3 students won the Grand Prize; 22 works won awards in the 5th University Student Art Exhibition held by the Hebei Provincial Department of Education; 1 person won the Excellent Prize in the Youth Vocal Music Professional Group of the Hebei Region in the 3rd International Music Competition of the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music in Moscow; in the “Yanzhao Students’ Dream Pursuit” 8 students won awards in the 7th Hebei Special Talented Students’ All-round Competition and the 13th National Special Talented Students’ Culture and Arts Professional Assessment Exhibition; 6 students won the Best Performance Award in the theme activity of “Labor holds up the Chinese Dream” in Hebei Province; 6 students won the Best Performance Award in the Hebei Province “Zhongke Cup One student won the first prize in the Hebei Province “Zhongke Cup” handheld poetry contest.

The school encouraged students to actively participate in social volunteer activities, and participated in the research work of “New Era Youth Participating in Community Management, Improving Governance and Stimulating Grassroots Activities”; participated in the series of activities such as “Care for the Elderly”, and served 6,600 people. We have participated in a series of activities such as “Care for the Elderly” with more than 6,600 people; we have participated in 261 large-scale volunteer activities with more than 60,000 people. For example: the 10th China-Latin America Entrepreneur Summit, the 3rd China-Central and Eastern Europe Local Leaders’ Meeting, the 6th International Conference on Logistics Development, the Beijing Olympic Games, the Shanghai World Expo and other major international events. At the same time, the school provided translation services for more than 30 foreign experts, which was well received. 2022, the school served nearly 3,000 volunteers for the Winter Olympic Games, and was the Chinese university that provided the largest number of volunteers for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

VIII. International Exchange

The university has signed friendship cooperation agreements with 379 universities, international organizations and research institutions in 83 countries, including the United States, Britain, Spain, France, Germany, Russia, Japan and South Korea, and established friendly cooperation relations with 37 embassies in China, with more than 150 international cooperation projects, including 15 double-degree international class projects, 20 direct application projects for undergraduates to master’s degree, 47 exchange student projects, 27 summer courses, etc. The university is approved by the Bureau of Foreign Experts of Hebei Province.

The university is the “Foreign Academician Workstation of Hebei Province” approved by the Bureau of Foreign Experts of Hebei Province, and has introduced 221 foreign experts in the past three years, including 9 foreign academicians, 21 special professors, 19 commissioners of the “Belt and Road” national language talent training program, and 19 experts of the “Belt and Road” national language training program. There are 9 foreign academicians, 21 specially-appointed professors, 19 commissioners of language training programs in “One Belt and One Road” countries, and 93 foreign experts in non-common languages from “One Belt and One Road” countries. More than 90 foreign dignitaries, professors from partner universities, officials from embassies in China and officials from Chinese embassies abroad have visited the university for cultural exchanges and academic lectures.

IX. Honors


The university has been awarded “5A National Social Organization” for ten consecutive years and “China Social Influential Private University” and “China Social Influential Employment Typical University” by Xinhua for three consecutive years. For three consecutive years, the university was awarded “China’s Social Impact Private University” and “China’s Social Impact Employment Typical University” by Xinhua. It has been awarded “Advanced Group of Education Work in Hebei Province”, “Top Ten Unit of Attracting Talents and Wisdom in Hebei Province”, “Advanced Unit of Security and Stability Work in Hebei Province”. Advanced Grassroots Party Organization of Social Organizations in the Province” “Pioneer Worker of Hebei Province Education System” “Model Worker’s Home of Hebei Province” “Advanced Unit for Employment of Graduates of Hebei Province General Colleges and Universities before Leaving School”. It has been awarded as “Advanced Unit of Employment Work for Graduates of Hebei Province” and “Advanced Unit of Excellent Volunteer Service in Hebei Education System” for many years.

The university is one of the 8 “Demonstration Schools for Transformation and Development of Undergraduate Universities in Hebei Province”.

It is one of the 8 “Model Schools for Transformation and Development of Undergraduate Universities in Hebei Province” in Hebei Province.

It is the only one “Postdoctoral Innovation and Practice Base” awarded by the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Hebei Province and the Postdoctoral Work Management Committee of Hebei Province.

The only “Postdoctoral Research Station” established in China by the Cuban Academy of Sciences and the Cuban Academy of History.

It is the “International Technology Transfer Center of Hebei Province” approved by the Science and Technology Department of Hebei Province.

Hebei University of Entrepreneurship, approved by the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hebei Province.

The “Hebei University Student Entrepreneurship Incubation Park” granted by the Hebei Provincial Department of Education.

It is a demonstration school for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform in Hebei Province.

It is a model entrepreneurship and employment incubation base in Hebei Province.

It is the “National Trade Union Staff Bookstore Demonstration Point” awarded by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions.

X. New Campus Construction

The new campus of Hebei Foreign Language Institute is located in the south of Shijiazhuang, the capital of the province – Zhangye Xincheng Town, Yuansi County, covering an area of 2107 mu, with a total construction area of 1.23 million square meters and a total investment of 6 billion yuan. The demonstration area has 7 functional zones, namely: international high-end industry incubation zone, industry-education integration zone, universal style town, world indigenous culture display zone, recreation and fitness zone, lake nurturing zone, Asia-Africa-Europe theme park zone …… new campus scale capacity of 40,000 people, the project is divided into four phases of construction, a construction area of 270,000 square meters, a building The project has been fully completed, and the building project of 270,000 square meters in the second phase will be completed soon.

In the new campus, the school’s professional clusters will form an industrial chain, strong majors will be incubated into professional companies, teachers and students’ innovation and entrepreneurship studios will form an incubator, the whole college will become a space for mass creation, and the demonstration area will become an “integrated community of talent training, scientific research, social services, cultural heritage, international exchange and cooperation, modern innovation and creation”. The demonstration zone will become an internationalized education-industry integration community integrating talent cultivation, scientific research, social service, cultural heritage, international exchange and cooperation, and modernization and innovation, which will provide a model of internationalized, modernized, applied and innovative university with Chinese characteristics in the new era for national universities and even universities in the world to learn from and replicate.

The new campus of Hebei College of Foreign Languages has a library of 4 million books, involving electronic library resources of nearly 400 universities in 82 countries; a foreign expert apartment in Hebei Province, which can accommodate 2,000 short- and medium-term foreign experts and some long-term foreign experts; a 300,000-square-meter town with international cultural exchange, art appreciation and experience, catering and leisure, entertainment performance, display of indigenous customs of various countries and fitness. The 8 buildings with a total area of 102,000 square meters will contribute to the introduction of high-end technology from developed countries in Shijiazhuang, Hebei and even the country through the advantages of 75 languages; the 3,200-seat International Art Center, the 4-million-volume UPI Library, the 75-million-volume UPI Hotel, the 75-million-volume UPI Library, and the 75-million-volume UPI Library will be built for the new campus of Hebei Foreign Language Institute. The new campus of Hebei Foreign Language Institute is equipped with a 3,200-seat International Art Center, a 4-million-volume library, a national guesthouse, a museum of 75 national languages and cultures, a museum of Asian, African and Latin American folk cultures, the Yanzhao Institute of History, Heritage and Fine Arts, the “Fenglong Academy” with a thousand-year history and culture, an exhibition of Chinese and foreign calligraphy and painting, and a cultural and artistic creative experience hall. There are 35,000 square meters of Olympic sports center, 32,000 square meters of Olympic swimming pool, 4 international standard soccer fields, 30 basketball courts, 97 volleyball courts, Ruyi Lake beach, etc.; 8 master and doctoral buildings for 5,000 foreign students; intelligent apartments for 40,000 students.

XI. 75 languages are available in the school

Hebei College of Foreign Languages now offers 75 languages, ranking second in the country in terms of the actual number of languages offered. Since General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the “One Belt, One Road” initiative in 2013, Hebei College of Foreign Languages has been investing more and more to bring in high-end foreign experts and train professional foreign language talents needed for the construction of the “One Belt, One Road”.

The 75 languages offered by the Hebei Foreign Language Institute are

English, Japanese, German, French, Thai, Russian, Vietnamese, Korean, Burmese, Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Icelandic, Swedish, Lundy, Fijian, Hindi, Czech, Laotian, Greek, Zulu, Hausa, Persian, Malay, Montenegrin, Mongolian, Danish, Norwegian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Ukrainian Cambodian, Filipino, Sinhala, Nepalese, Hungarian, Urdu, Tswana, Rwandan, Yoruba, Somali, Lithuanian, Turkmen, Pashto, Turkish, Hebrew, Slovak, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Belarusian, Uzbek, Tamil, Kazakh, Bengali Latvian, Tajik, Slovenian, Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz, Amharic, Kiswahili, Armenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Albanian, Indonesian, Tamazight, Malagasy, Lingala, Igbo, Wolof, Shona. Translated with (free version)

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Shijiazhuang Tiedao University Thu, 09 Jun 2022 06:55:23 +0000 Click here to read more.

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Hebei University of Science and Technology Thu, 09 Jun 2022 06:54:14 +0000 Click here to read more.

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