Jobs in Fuzhou - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Wed, 22 May 2024 09:44:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Fuzhou - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Foreign English/French/Spanish/Japanese Teachers Wed, 22 May 2024 09:44:02 +0000 About Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), as a full-time regular undergraduate institution established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the initiator and Vice Chairman of the National Alliance of Non-profit Private Colleges & Universities, and Executive Vice President of the Higher Education […]

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About Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade

Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), as a full-time regular undergraduate institution established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the initiator and Vice Chairman of the National Alliance of Non-profit Private Colleges & Universities, and Executive Vice President of the Higher Education Professional Committee of China Private Education Association. FUIST also provides cooperative program for postgraduates along with other colleges and universities. According to the latest 2023 China University Rankings released by Cuaa.Net, FUIST was highly recognized as one of the six-star private colleges and universities in China, coming to the fourth place in the ranking of private colleges and universities in China in terms of comprehensive indicators while defending its first place in Fujian Province. In order to further enhance the internationalization of Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade(FUIST), broaden students’ international vision and attract excellent international teachers, FUIST releases recruitment for excellent foreign teachers with relevant information as follows:

FUIST recruits teachers in Language Teaching and Subject Teaching. The employment will be full-time under contract management and principles.

Language Teaching Positions: English, French, Spanish, Japanese

Salary and Benefits:

  • 1. Monthly salary of 11,000 RMB for Bachelor’s degree / 13,000 RMB for Master’s degree, with 11 months’ salary paid annually;
  • 2. Provide additional 10,000 RMB airfare travel allowance per year (directly issued);
  • 3. Provide free well-decorated apartment (50 square feet);
  • 4. Three free meals for teaching staff, five routes of school buses from Fuzhou city to the school regular round-trip transportation;
  • 5. Free use of on-campus gym;
  • 6. All kinds of holiday expenses 2000 yuan and other benefits;
  • 7. Renewal incentive is calculated from the second appointment period (an appointment period of one year), 400 yuan per month, capped at 10 years;
  • 8. The school will purchase commercial insurance for foreign teachers in accordance with regulations.

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Foreign Teachers Recruitment, Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade Sat, 22 Jul 2023 09:30:17 +0000 About Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), as a full-time regular undergraduate institution established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the initiator and Vice Chairman of the National Alliance of Non-profit Private Colleges & Universities, and Executive Vice President of the Higher Education […]

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About Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade

Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), as a full-time regular undergraduate institution established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the initiator and Vice Chairman of the National Alliance of Non-profit Private Colleges & Universities, and Executive Vice President of the Higher Education Professional Committee of China Private Education Association. FUIST also provides cooperative program for postgraduates along with other colleges and universities. According to the latest 2023 China University Rankings released by Cuaa.Net, FUIST was highly recognized as one of the six-star private colleges and universities in China, coming to the fourth place in the ranking of private colleges and universities in China in terms of comprehensive indicators while defending its first place in Fujian Province. In order to further enhance the internationalization of Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade(FUIST), broaden students’ international vision and attract excellent international teachers, FUIST releases recruitment for excellent foreign teachers with relevant information as follows:

FUIST recruits teachers in Language Teaching and Subject Teaching. The employment will be full-time under contract management and principles.

  • Language Language Teaching: English, French, Spanish, Japanese
  • Subject Teaching: Major in Management, Economics, Finance, International Business, Management Science and Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Civil Architecture, E-commerce, Cross-border E-commerce, Digital Art, Product Design, Network and New Media, Clothing and Design, Education, Art and Design, etc


  • In good health, friendly to China and willing to cooperate
  • Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and relevant rules and regulations of the University.
  • No illegal and criminal records, no unresolved legal and case disputes.
  • Applicants for Language Teaching should be engaged in the teaching with mother tongue with a Bachelor’s degree or higher, and have at least 2-year teaching experience. Working experience may be exempted if applicants hold a Bachelor’s degrees or higher in pedagogy, language teaching or education, or if applicants hold national or international language teaching qualification certificates.
  • Applicants for Subject Teaching should at least have a Doctor’s degree, or have been employed as an assistant professor or higher professional titles. Besides, applicants should be capable of teaching and conducting academic research in relevant subjects.


The foreign teacher’s salary will be determined comprehensively according to factors such as post type, tasks, professional titles, education backgrounds, etc. The details can be negotiated. Foreign teachers with doctoral degrees: annual salary of 190,000 to 600,000 RMB, research fund of 100,000RMB,settlement allowance and house purchase subsidy of 110,000-300,000RMB,doctoral allowance of 30,000RMB,/year, outstanding talents can implement one person one policy.

  1. Outstanding talents can be directly employed as professors or associate professors;
  2. Support the application of talent projects of all levels and types, and enjoy the corresponding treatment after being selected;
  3. Assist in arranging the work of the expatriate spouses of high-level talents and the enrollment of their children;
  4. Provide free fine decoration apartments with supporting facilities, campus network and certain amount of water and electricity;
  5. Three meals are free of charge, and five lines of school buses are regularly picked up from Fuzhou city to the school
  6. Provide staff physical examination, summer exchange visit, free use of campus gym and colorful union activities;
  7. School age allowance will be provided according to the working years, annual birthday gift will be provided, and festival condolence money will be provided on major national festivals;
  8. Provide airfare allowance;
  9. Provide travel allowances;
  10. Enjoy holidays in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations and relevant regulations of the university;
  11. Purchase insurance for foreign teachers as required.

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Foreign French Teacher Fri, 26 May 2023 16:28:36 +0000 一、基本要求 1.遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,遵守学校各项规章制度,尊重中华民族传统和风俗习惯,坚持一个中国原则。 2.品行良好,无法律纠纷,无犯罪记录,无学术不端记录,无不良诚信记录,无偏激的政治倾向和宗教信仰。 3.具有严谨求实的科学作风、善于合作的团队精神,能够胜任学习教学、科研、学科建设和团队建设等工作。 4.身心健康,能够全职在校工作。 二、招聘需求 招聘 岗位 年龄要求 招聘人数 学历 专业 其他 法语外籍教师 50周岁及以下 1 博士研究生 对外法语教学、法国文学专业或法学、商科类专业 法国籍;母语为法语;有高等学校对外法语教学经历;有在国际刊物上发表四级以上论文2篇以上的业绩 硕士研究生 对外法语教学或法国文学专业 法国籍;母语为法语;有高等学校对外法语教学经历 三、待遇及聘期 1.待遇 (1)薪酬:参照以往惯例、结合现有实际执行。博士研究生: 18-20万元人民币(税前);硕士研究生:10-11万元人民币(税前)。 (2)住宿:聘期内,学校提供职工宿舍,配有基本家具和生活设施(按学校相关规定缴纳房租、水、电等费用)。 (3)食堂补助:参照学校在编在岗教师标准享受食堂补助。 (4)探亲路费:每人每年凭有效票据报销不超过8000元人民币的探亲路费。 (5)五险一金:由用人单位和本人按照规定缴纳社会保险费(职工基本养老保险、职工基本医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险和生育保险)和住房公积金,具体依照个人实际情况参保。 2.聘期:2年。 四、应聘程序 1.应聘者将《福建江夏学院拟招聘外籍教师情况登记表》及表格中要求的相关材料发送至邮箱,并抄送至学校人才科邮箱。 2.投递简历文件命名:2023年+法语外籍教师+姓名+学历+专业。 五、联系方式 联系地址:福建省福州地区大学新校区溪源宫路2号 邮政编码: 350108 法语系联系人:田老师; 联系电话:15059436169; 人事处联系人: 曾老师、吴老师; 联系电话: 0591-23535303; 学校网址:

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年龄要求 招聘人数 学历 专业 其他
法语外籍教师 50周岁及以下 1 博士研究生 对外法语教学、法国文学专业或法学、商科类专业 法国籍;母语为法语;有高等学校对外法语教学经历;有在国际刊物上发表四级以上论文2篇以上的业绩
硕士研究生 对外法语教学或法国文学专业 法国籍;母语为法语;有高等学校对外法语教学经历



(1)薪酬:参照以往惯例、结合现有实际执行。博士研究生: 18-20万元人民币(税前);硕士研究生:10-11万元人民币(税前)。











邮政编码: 350108



人事处联系人: 曾老师、吴老师;

联系电话: 0591-23535303;


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English Language Teacher – FUIST (Fall 23) Mon, 22 May 2023 01:28:59 +0000 About Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), as a full-time regular undergraduate institution established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the initiator and Vice Chairman of the National Alliance of Non-profit Private Colleges & Universities, and Executive Vice President of the Higher Education […]

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About Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade

Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), as a full-time regular undergraduate institution established upon the approval by the Ministry of Education, is the initiator and Vice Chairman of the National Alliance of Non-profit Private Colleges & Universities, and Executive Vice President of the Higher Education Professional Committee of China Private Education Association. FUIST also provides cooperative program for postgraduates along with other colleges and universities. According to the latest 2023 China University Rankings released by Cuaa.Net, FUIST was highly recognized as one of the six-star private colleges and universities in China, coming to the fourth place in the ranking of private colleges and universities in China in terms of comprehensive indicators while defending its first place in Fujian Province. In order to further enhance the internationalization of Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade (FUIST), broaden students’ international vision and attract excellent international teachers, FUIST releases recruitment for excellent foreign teachers with relevant information as follows:

FUIST recruits teachers in English Language Teaching. The employment will be full-time under contract management and principles.


  • In good health, friendly to China and willing to cooperate
  • Abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and relevant rules and regulations of the University.
  • No illegal and criminal records, no unresolved legal and case disputes.
  • Applicants for Language Teaching should be engaged in the teaching with mother tongue with a Bachelor’s degree or higher, and have at least 2-year teaching experience. Working experience may be exempted if applicants hold a Bachelor’s degrees or higher in pedagogy, language teaching or education, or if applicants hold national or international language teaching qualification certificates.

Foreign language teacher’s salary package:

  1. Monthly salary: 11,000/month for bachelor’s degree; 13,000/month for master’s degree.
  2. an additional annual airfare allowance of 9000/4000 RMB;
  3. another 4000 RMB travel allowance per year (direct payment);
  4. free furnished apartment (50 square feet);
  5. free meals for staff and five school buses from Fuzhou city to the school and back on a regular basis;
  6. free use of the school gym;
  7. 2,000 yuan for various types of holidays and other benefits;
  8. 3% annual salary increase and another bonus of 1000 RMB for contract renewal;
  9. The school will purchase commercial insurance for foreign teachers according to the regulations.

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English Language Teacher Wed, 19 Apr 2023 00:45:47 +0000 Maynooth International Engineering College (MIEC), in partnership with Fuzhou University, is seeking an excellent English Language Teacher to join our international teaching team and support English Language Provision, which is part of the four Maynooth University (MU) degree programmes delivered to students based on the campus of Fuzhou University, Fujian, China. 1. Location: Fuzhou University, […]

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Maynooth International Engineering College (MIEC), in partnership with Fuzhou University, is seeking an excellent English Language Teacher to join our international teaching team and support English Language Provision, which is part of the four Maynooth University (MU) degree programmes delivered to students based on the campus of Fuzhou University, Fujian, China.

1. Location: Fuzhou University, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province.

2. Working Hours:

  • Monday to Friday – Government approved holidays observed, University breaks observed (paid)
  • Max 21 hours per week, including teaching and office hours.

3. Salary: before tax 18,000 – 21,000 RMB per month.

4. Accommodation:

  • 1500 RMB per month house allowance provided.

5. Insurance: provided.

6. Flights: one set of airline tickets to and from Fuzhou per academic year.

7. Visa: must be eligible for working visa.

The Role

Standard weekly workload for the English Language Teacher is 21 hours. In addition to creating engaging lessons based on delivery materials, teachers are expected to carry out the following duties:

  • Fulfil all relevant administrative and record-keeping tasks associated with teaching support, student progress, learning and assessment (e.g. accurate attendance records, verbal student progress reports).
  • Provide and mark both formative and summative assessment tasks and provide suitable verbal and written feedback to students that is reflective of module aims and learning outcomes.
  • Provide academic support for students, as appropriate, through consultations and tutorials.
  • Populate the MU virtual learning platforms with appropriate content and tasks for students to access.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to plan and deliver teaching provision using the materials provided to ensure a positive student learning experience is maintained.
  • Allocate time effectively to organise and carry out work and meet all the requirements of the post, and associated deadlines.
  • Attend and contribute to regular staff meetings and trainings some of which may be online as needed. Staff meetings are mandatory for all language teachers.
  • Act as an invigilator in examinations in addition to participating in any other duties, appropriate to the post as required, and within reason.
  • Be contactable and responsive via instant messaging to communicate with Teaching Assistants (TAs), student class groups, and colleagues.
  • Respond in a timely manner to students’ questions and queries regarding lesson material and assignments, and to liaise and communicate with TAs to ensure remote online classes are run smoothly.
  • Determine, in accordance with relevant policy and procedure, the most appropriate way to handle student queries, including when to refer to other colleagues for further support.
  • Competence and confidence in use of ICT, and experience teaching with Microsoft 365 apps (Teams, Class Notebooks, Forms) as well as core Microsoft 365 applications (Excel and PowerPoint) and Tencent Meetings.

Skills & Personal Characteristics

  • Team player with can-do approach
  • Initiative and determination to make teaching and learning work
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Ability to plan and organise own workload
  • Ability to adopt a flexible approach to accommodate changes when required.
  • Willingness to learn (and use) new systems, when necessary
  • Reflective practitioner, willing to discuss, develop and share teaching approaches and materials
  • Awareness of, and sensitivity to, diversity in the workplace.

Candidate Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Relevant TESOL or CELTA qualification.
  • Ideally, minimum of 2 years teaching experience (to include ideally, at least three months of in-classroom experience)
  • Familiarity with technologies supporting online teaching and learning.


  • Experience of teaching in a Higher Education institution
  • Experience of teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
  • Familiarity with the Chinese education system an advantage.


To apply, please submit your resume with a cover letter to at Maynooth University, Ireland and at Jiete Education (representative recruitment office in Fuzhou City, Fujian, China). The closing date for applications is the 30th June, 2023, but candidates will be assessed on a rolling basis.

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University English Teacher at FAFU Sun, 30 May 2021 02:22:01 +0000 Work at FAFU Every year we are looking to recruit qualified candidates for 10-15 positions of foreign language teachers who are separately arranged to teach Oral English, English Writing, English Reading, Literature, Teachers’ training course, etc. for 12 or 18 teaching hours per week (one teaching hour is normally 45 minutes) while also attend the […]

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Work at FAFU
Every year we are looking to recruit qualified candidates for 10-15 positions of foreign language teachers who are separately arranged to teach Oral English, English Writing, English Reading, Literature, Teachers’ training course, etc. for 12 or 18 teaching hours per week (one teaching hour is normally 45 minutes) while also attend the extra curriculum activities at least three times every semester which are arranged by the English Teaching Office.

Who Are We Looking for?
To become a member of our teaching team you must:
• Be a native English speaker with a Bachelor’s degree or above
• Have two years of formal teaching experience
• Demonstrate your ability and passion to motivate and inspire students while being a confident and friendly teacher keen to build positive relationships with students
• Be in good health, normally under the age of 60. However if an applicant has much-needed and outstanding talents and is above the age of 60, exception can be made.
• We also offer position vacancies of foreign academic faculty at FAFU’s colleges, interested applicants can contact Ms. Jane Chen for detailed consultation.

What Can We Offer?
As a member of our foreign teacher’s family you will be provided with:
•A competitive salary
•A furnished two-bedroom apartment with a bathroom and a kitchen and necessary living facilities (including TV set, telephone, air conditioner, refrigerator, microwave oven, washing machine, a water heater and essential cooking appliance etc.) for free`
•A monthly compensation of 350 RMB for the fee of telephone, water, and electricity
•Part reimbursement of the cost for healthcare visits at FAFU’s infirmary
•A health insurance while working at FAFU
•A round trip economy class air ticket from China to the home country after fulfilling a full year contract
•The salary and economic benefits of our foreign academic faculty will be otherwise provided based on detailed negotiation.

How to Apply
To apply for positions of foreign language teachers at FAFU, please submit the following materials to us from March to June or from October to January of every year
• Personal CV
• Copy of Passport
• Copy of Education Certificate
• At Least Two Recommendation Letters

If you are seeking more interesting and rewarding teaching roles at FAFU please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Full-time Faculty Position in Banking and Finance Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:07:55 +0000 The Newhuadu Business School (NBS) at the Minjiang University invites applications for multiple full-time faculty positions in banking and finance, including, but not limiting to, corporate finance, asset pricing, banking, risk management, econometrics, statistics, and data science. Those positions are expected to start from September 2021 and are open until filled. ABOUT THE INSTITUTE Newhuadu […]

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The Newhuadu Business School (NBS) at the Minjiang University invites applications for multiple full-time faculty positions in banking and finance, including, but not limiting to, corporate finance, asset pricing, banking, risk management, econometrics, statistics, and data science. Those positions are expected to start from September 2021 and are open until filled.

Newhuadu Business School (NBS), which was established in 2010, is a public institution of higher education founded by the Fasu Charity Foundation of Fujian Province (China). With the mission of becoming a world recognized business school in the near future, NBS is currently conducting a worldwide recruiting campaign for best researches in all fields of business and management education to join us. NBS has the world-class teaching and research facilities, labs, and buildings. Databanks we have purchased include CSMAR, WIND, RESSET 5-min intraday data, WRDS (including Compustat, IBES, Thomson Reuters SDC M&A, Institutional 13f Holdings, Dealscan, and Bankfocus & Osiris), Thomson Reuters Eikon & DataStream, JSTOR, etc.. Further information about the NBS is available at

Applicants should have (or be near completion of)
•a Ph.D. degree
•excellent records on research, teaching and administration if senior positions are targeted
•qualifications include a strong research orientation to publish high quality research (e.g. SSCI-indexed journal) and the ability to teach both undergraduate and graduate (MBA/iMBA) levels (the teaching load is about two courses per semester)

Salary is competitive. Salary per annum will be basically within the range of 300,000 – 500,000 RMB for Assistant Professor, 500,000 – 700,000 RMB for Associate Professor, and 700,000 – 900,000 RMB for Full Professor, which are all negotiable if applicants are extraordinarily qualified or experienced. Other benefits include publication bonuses and a research fund of 300,000 – 1,000,000 RMB, subject to the quality of the published papers or research proposals. There is one time settle-down allowance which is up to 900,000 RMB.

A complete application should include
1.cover letter
2.full curriculum vitae
3.a publication list and two representative publication/working papers
4.two letters of recommendation
5.applications should be submitted electronically to before June 30, 2021

Full-time Faculty Position in Banking and Finance.pdf

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ESL Teachers, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Sat, 30 May 2020 02:08:33 +0000 福建农林大学面向海内外诚招英语教师。招聘信息如下: Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU) is hiring qualified ESL teachers.   一、招聘岗位:英语教师 Position: ESL teacher   二、工作单位:福建农林大学国际学院 Employer: International College, FAFU, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China   三、工作内容:英语教学(英语视听说、英美文化等) Main responsibilities: teaching courses including, but not limited to, Spoken English, Intercultural Communication, and Academic Reading and Writing at both undergraduate and graduate levels.   四、工作量:每周16-20课时(1课时为45分钟),每学期约16周 […]

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Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU) is hiring qualified ESL teachers.



Position: ESL teacher



Employer: International College, FAFU, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China



Main responsibilities: teaching courses including, but not limited to, Spoken English, Intercultural Communication, and Academic Reading and Writing at both undergraduate and graduate levels.



Workload: 16-20 45-minute sessions/week, approximately 16 weeks per semester.



Applicant eligibility


All applicants, male or female, must be within the age of 55.


Applicants must be native speakers of English.


Applicants must have a Bachelor’s Degree or above.


Applicants must be an ESL teacher for at least two years, or possess a CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate.


六、薪酬及其他待遇/Salary and benefits


An ESL teacher will receive a monthly salary starting at RMB 10,000 Yuan depending on individual educational and professional qualifications. There will be ten paying months per year, which will be extended by one month in case of a three-year uninterrupted employment by FAFU, and two months for a five-year uninterrupted employment.


Expenses for the residency permit and physical examination are covered by FAFU.


Starting from the successful completion of his/her first-year contract, an ESL teacher will be entitled to a RMB 10,000-yuan travelling allowance given at the end of each contractual term.


An ESL teacher is entitled to an on-campus twin-bedroom apartment complete with all necessary household appliances and fast broadband Internet connection. A RMB 20,000 Yuan rent subsidy is provided each year should the ESL teacher opt to reside off-campus.


FAFU also provides part-time ESL positions, whose terms and conditions are to be discussed on an individual basis.

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