Hubei Polytechnic University

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Hubei Polytechnic University


Located in Huangshi city, Hubei province, a cradle of modern Chinese national industry, Hubei Polytechnic University(HBPU, 湖北理工学院, website) is a general higher education institution that focuses on engineering and cultivating application-oriented talents. Backed by Qinglong Mountain and surrounded by Cihu Lake, HBPU enjoys a beautiful environment and picturesque scenery, and is known as the most beautiful campus, with a total land area of 1.46 million square meters and a floor space of 665 thousand square meters.

Since the founding in 1975, HBPU began to run undergraduate programs in 1977, going through different development stages as Huangshi Engineer Section of Hubei Polytechnic College, Huangshi Branch of Wuhan Institute of Technology (now Wuhan University of Technology), Huangshi Polytechnic College. In 2004, the university was renamed to Huangshi Institute of Technology. In 2010, HBPU was in the first group to pass the Undergraduate Programs Evaluation sponsored by the Ministry of Education. In 2011, the present name of Hubei Polytechnic University was formally adopted. In 2016, HBPU was elected the first rotating chairman of Hubei Universities Application-orientated Alliance. Among the local universities in Hubei province, HBPU is in the first group to receive the national evaluation of undergraduate teaching quality launched by the Ministry of Education. In 2019, HBPU was awarded “National Exemplary University of Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, and in 2021, HBPU was awarded “National May 1st Labor Certificate”.

HBPU consists of 21 schools and 56 undergraduate programs covering 8 disciplines including engineering, science, economics, management, medicine, literature, education and arts. Ecological Environment Restoration and Health, Intelligent Manufacturing and Environmental Science and Engineering are listed as provincial-level  discipline groups with distinctive characteristics. The university boasts 4 provincial-level key disciplines, namely Environmental Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Art Theory and Pharmacy. The discipline of Clinical Medicine ranked the top 1% globally by ESI, which is an important symbol of the university’s increasing international academic level and discipline influence. HBPU has one national-level characteristic specialty and one national undergraduate comprehensive reform pilot specialty respectively, 4 national first-class undergraduate majors, 20 provincial first-class undergraduate programs, 12 provincial excellent primary-level teaching organizations, and 9 provincial teaching teams. We have 5 provincial “Jingchu outstanding talents” collaborative programs, 6 provincial experimental exemplary programs, 6 provincial strategic pillar industry project programs, 18 provincial top-ranking courses, 14 provincial excellent (open) courses, 2 provincial virtual simulation experimental teaching projects and 50 industry-university cooperative education projects approved by the Ministry of Education.

HBPU’s various scientific and technological innovation and teaching practice platforms provide strong support for the cultivation of high-quality talents and the output of high-level results. The university has:

1 National Academician Workstation

1 Provincial Postgraduate Workstation

11 Provincial Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Science and Technology Innovation Teams

1 Provincial Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base

2 Provincial Key Laboratories

2 Provincial Key Research Bases of Humanities and Social Sciences

1 Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center

4 Provincial Engineering Technology Research Centers (Engineering Research Center and Engineering Laboratory)

2 Provincial Productivity Promotion Centers

1 Provincial Generic Technology Promotion Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

More than 30 Engineering Technology (Research and Development) Centers Jointly Built with Regional Enterprises

1 National Education Base for College Students’ off-campus Practice

1 National Training Base for Environmental Protection

6 Provincial Experimental Teaching Demonstration Centers

1 Provincial Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center

6 Provincial College Students’ Practice and Training Bases

2 Provincial Service Outsourcing Talent Nurturing (training) Bases

1 Provincial Environmental Monitoring Talent Training Base

1 Provincial Intellectual Property Training Base

1 Provincial College Students’ Innovation Activity Base

HBPU academician expert workstation has been selected as “the  Provincial Demonstration Academician Workstation” and “the National Demonstration Academician Workstation”.

HBPU has a library of 1.2 million books, 19 digital database (including 3.0488 million e-books). The total value of fixed assets of the university is 1.256 billion RMB, including the teaching and scientific research equipment with the value of 203 million RMB and fully- equipped stadiums. At present, the university has a total enrollment of 18,243 students, including 220 international students. HBPU boasts a faculty of 1105 members, including 115 professors, 343 associate professors, 328 doctors’ degree holders and 624 masters’ degree holders. Among them, there are 2 accredited with the 100 Talents Project for Innovation of Hubei, 12 enjoying the special allowance granted by State Council and Provincial government, 1 candidate of the New Century Excellent Talents Support Program of the Ministry of Education, 11 awarded as experts with outstanding contributions by provincial and Huangshi government, 7 Chutian Scholars, 2 industry professors of Hubei Province, 3 “Dong Chu Talents” of Huangshi. HBPU has invited 2 well-known academicians and over 30 influential scholars from home and abroad as guest professors. A number of international teachers and experts have been teaching at HBPU.

HBPU has made increasing achievements in the application-oriented talent cultivation. Innovation and entrepreneurship education is at the forefront of Hubei. In the past three years, students have earned 706 awards in various competitions such as “Internet +” college students’  innovation and entrepreneur competition, electronic design, mechanical creative design, including 163 national prizes and 543 provincial awards.

The students have undertaken more than 245 innovation and entrepreneurship training programs at provincial level or above; and have obtained more than 130 patents and nearly 30 software copyrights; the enrollment rate of HBPU students’ taking postgraduate entrance examination has been on the rise, which is higher than the average level of non-‘211′ universities in Hubei. In the past five years, the initial employment rate of HBPU graduates holds above 90%, and HBPU has won Excellent University of Employment in Hubei Province. In 2021, HBPU has won National Employment Ability Training Base for Graduates granted by Ministry of Education. The graduates are well received by large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, high-end manufacturing industries and high-tech industries. Many alumni have assumed leadership roles in different fields such as industry, academia and business, some of whom have won the provincial model workers’ title and the National “May 1st Labor Medal”. Many companies founded by HBPU alumni have become listed ones successfully and their industry pacemakers. HBPU has made outstanding achievements in innovation and entrepreneurship education, cultivating and incubating more than 200 start-up companies among college students. The university’s Innovative Entrepreneurial Base is considered a club of “National Demonstration Base of Start-up Incubator” by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, “National Level Maker Space” by Ministry of Science and Technology, the first batch of “Both Innovative and Entrepreneurial Demonstration Base” at the provincial level granted by Hubei Provincial Government, the first batch of “College Students’ Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base of Hubei Province” granted by Hubei Provincial Department of Education, the first batch of “College Students’ Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base of Hubei Province” and “Provincial Institute of Entrepreneurship” granted by Hubei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, “Provincial Scientific Business Incubator” and “provincial 3A Maker Space” granted by Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, “Provincial Micro and Small Enterprises Entrepreneurship and Innovation Demonstration Base” granted by Hubei Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology. HBPU has been granted as “National Demonstration Base for National Youth Health Education ” .

Adhering to running an open and cooperative education,HBPU has established exchanges and cooperation programs with more than 20 universities and research institutions in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Latvia, South Korea, Portugal and other countries and regions, carrying out exchanges and cooperation in  such aspects as student exchange, faculty exchange, scientific research cooperation and so on. The university has developed three Chinese-foreign cooperative education programs with Northern Kentucky University (USA), Merrimack College (USA) and Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (New Zealand), with more than 650 enrolled students on campus. HBPU has built 2 independent secondary schools with local governments inside and outside Hubei Province, national science and technology parks and well-known domestic enterprises; 3 clinical schools were founded with local medical groups; a “3+2” application-oriented talent interconnecting education model has been developed with inner-provincial vocational and technical colleges on three specialties. Nearly 20 research institutes and development centers have been founded with enterprises across the country. HBPU has co-cultivated 150 full-time doctors and postgraduates with Wuhan University of Technology and Wuhan University of Science and Technology.

HBPU upholds the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping, and fully implements the fundamental task of strengthening moral education and cultivating talents, having established the goal of development: “to build a high-level application-oriented university of open and innovative type with distinctive features.” All staff and students of Hubei Polytechnic University will adhere to the school spirit “strengthening willpower constantly, undertaking tasks with perseverance, sticking to openness and innovation”. HBPU will keep on adhering to the establishment of high-quality university, strengthening it by the talents, leading it by disciplines, prospering it by innovation, invigorating it by opening-up, beautifying it by enriching the culture, governing it by laws, making HBPU a green, civilized, digital, intelligent, beautiful, safe and happy university. We are committed to cultivating high-quality applied talents, undertaking the historical mission of HBPU in the new era, and striving to write a new chapter of innovation and development. Click here to read more.
