Bulgarian Jobs in China - China Foreigner Jobs https://www.isacjobs.com/job-tag/bulgarian/ Jobs in China for Foreigners Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:04:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://www.isacjobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/cropped-cfj-logo-m512-32x32.jpg Bulgarian Jobs in China - China Foreigner Jobs https://www.isacjobs.com/job-tag/bulgarian/ 32 32 User Research https://www.isacjobs.com/job/pinduoduo-user-research/ Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:04:06 +0000 https://www.isacjobs.com/?post_type=job_listing&p=38671 Job Description: 1) Responsible for user research of target market/country and put forward professional suggestions to help product team optimize product functions and make products more user-friendly; 2) Responsible for translation and proofreading of text, pictures and titles on user interaction pages, and localization of product pages. Requirements: Bachelor degree or above – Ideally, at […]

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Job Description:
1) Responsible for user research of target market/country and put forward professional suggestions to help product team optimize product functions and make products more user-friendly;
2) Responsible for translation and proofreading of text, pictures and titles on user interaction pages, and localization of product pages.

Bachelor degree or above
– Ideally, at least two of the following criteria should be met:
1) Experience in online shopping, familiar with domestic and foreign e-commerce platforms;
2) Familiar with advertising or marketing industry, frequent use of domestic and foreign social apps;
3) Have certain research and analysis ability, have a certain interest in researching work;
4) Have at least one of following language skills: German/ Italian/ Portuguese/ Dutch/ Swedish/ Polish/ Czech/ Greek/ Hebrew/ Finnish/ Romanian/ Danish/ Filipino/ Norwegian/ Malay/ Hungarian/ Slovene/ Bulgarian/ Estonian/ Latvian/ Croatian/ Lithuanian/Zulu.

Email: lingkongqing@pinduoduo.com

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Marketing Material Planner https://www.isacjobs.com/job/pinduoduo-marketing-material-planner/ Fri, 07 Jun 2024 20:25:07 +0000 https://www.isacjobs.com/?post_type=job_listing&p=38673 Responsibilities: 1) Responsible for creating different language version marketing material of target market/country to attract users, including brand advertisements, landing pages, product pages, social media, etc. 2) Responsible for proofreading and editing marketing content of different language before publishing, including brand advertisements, landing pages, product pages, social media, etc. Requirements: -Bachelor degree or above -You […]

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1) Responsible for creating different language version marketing material of target market/country to attract users, including brand advertisements, landing pages, product pages, social media, etc.
2) Responsible for proofreading and editing marketing content of different language before publishing, including brand advertisements, landing pages, product pages, social media, etc.

-Bachelor degree or above
-You should ideally meet at least two of the following criteria:
1) Have online shopping experience and a good understanding of domestic and overseas e-commerce platforms;
2) Understand the advertising or marketing industries and regularly use domestic and overseas social apps;
3) Have a certain level of research and analysis capabilities, have a certain interest in researching work;
4) Have at least one of following language skills: German/ Italian/ Portuguese/ Dutch/ Swedish/ Polish/ Czech/ Greek/ Hebrew/ Finnish/ Romanian/ Danish/ Filipino/ Norwegian/ Malay/ Hungarian/ Slovene/ Bulgarian/ Estonian/ Latvian/ Croatian/ Lithuanian/Zulu.

Email: lingkongqing@pinduoduo.com

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Учител по български език в Китай https://www.isacjobs.com/job/bulgarian-language-teacher-tjfsu/ Wed, 09 Nov 2022 12:07:26 +0000 https://www.isacjobs.com/?post_type=job_listing&p=17544 Tianjin Foreign Studies University (hereinafter referred to as Tianjin Foreign Studies University or Tianwaii University) is a university of higher learning with a complete range of major foreign languages and the coordinated development of literature, economics, management, law, education, art, engineering and other disciplines. The school fully implements the Party’s educational policy, adheres to the […]

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Tianjin Foreign Studies University (hereinafter referred to as Tianjin Foreign Studies University or Tianwaii University) is a university of higher learning with a complete range of major foreign languages and the coordinated development of literature, economics, management, law, education, art, engineering and other disciplines. The school fully implements the Party’s educational policy, adheres to the fundamental task of cultivating talents through virtue, and adheres to the school motto of seeking for success at home and abroad, striving for advancement through virtue. It educates talents for the Party and the country, and focuses on cultivating high quality international compound talents.

The University now offers 61 undergraduate programs. Among them, there are 35 majors in foreign languages and literature (33 in foreign languages), 26 majors in economics, management, law, education, art, engineering and other majors in literature such as Chinese and journalism. There are 5 national characteristic specialties and national undergraduate comprehensive reform pilot projects, 16 national first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites and 15 Tianjin first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites. It has been approved as the first batch of national and Tianjin online, offline, online and offline hybrid first-class undergraduate courses and 31 first-class undergraduate construction courses of social practice. It has been approved 10 model courses of ideological and political education in colleges and universities of Tianjin, and 4 excellent textbooks of ideological and political education in colleges and universities of Tianjin. The university has the only national special needs doctoral training program for Foreign Translation Studies of the Party and State Important Documents, 7 authorized first-level master degree programs (covering 29 master degree training directions) and 7 authorized master degree categories (covering 21 training directions). It has 5 Tianjin key disciplines, 4 Tianjin characteristic discipline groups and 1 Tianjin University service industry characteristic discipline group. Among them, the discipline of foreign language and literature is the first-class construction discipline of Tianjin, and the discipline of Chinese language and literature is the first-class cultivation discipline of Tianjin. The foreign language and literature discipline has the qualification of accepting young backbone visiting scholars and general visiting scholars from domestic universities.

Job Details:


The contract is valid for at least 1 year (2 semesters), where each semester includes 16 weeks. There are around 12 teaching periods in each week. Teachers are required to deliver the lectures face to face in the classroom.

For detailed information please contact:
Teachers’ names: Wang
Cell phone: 18976908988
Address: No. 117, Machang Road, Hexi District, Tianjin
Post Code: 300204


1. A native Bulgarian speaker who can speak Bulgarian clearly and fluently.
2. Doctor’s degree or master’s degree.
3. With expert knowledge in linguistics/ Bulgarian philology/ Bulgarian history, etc. and with teaching experience
4. Under 60 years old and in good health.
5. Responsibility, communication abilities and passion for teaching.

Wage and Salary

  • The salary is negotiable by consulting the teachers in charge. The salary will be determined by teacher’s education background and teaching periods. Also, same salary will be offered during the winter and summer vacations.
  • Basic medical insurance is accounted as one of the wages for teacher, it will be provided according to the needs of teacher.
    Accommodation will be offered.
  • The detailed information about wage and salary is subject to the contract.


Tianjin Foreign Studies University (наричан по-нататък Tianjin Foreign Studies University или Tianwaii University) е висше учебно заведение с пълен набор от основни чужди езици и координирано развитие на литература, икономика, управление, право, образование, изкуство, инженерство и други дисциплини. Училището изпълнява изцяло образователната политика на партията, придържа се към основната задача за култивиране на таланти чрез добродетел и се придържа към мотото на училището за търсене на успех у дома и в чужбина, като се стреми към напредък чрез добродетел. Той обучава таланти за партията и страната и се фокусира върху култивирането на висококачествени международни таланти.

Сега университетът предлага 61 бакалавърски програми. Сред тях има 35 специалности по чужди езици и литература (33 по чужди езици), 26 специалности по икономика, управление, право, образование, изкуство, инженерство и други специалности по литература като китайски език и журналистика. Има 5 национални характерни специалности и национални пилотни проекти за цялостна реформа на бакалавърска степен, 16 национални първокласни строителни обекта за бакалавърска специалност и 15 строителни обекта за първокласна бакалавърска специалност в Тиендзин. Той е одобрен като първата партида от национални и Tianjin онлайн, офлайн, онлайн и офлайн хибридни първокласни бакалавърски курсове и 31 първокласни бакалавърски строителни курсове по социална практика. Одобрени са 10 модела на курсове за идеологическо и политическо образование в колежи и университети в Тиендзин и 4 отлични учебника по идеологическо и политическо образование в колежи и университети в Тиендзин. Университетът има единствената национална програма за обучение на докторанти със специални нужди за чуждестранни преводни изследвания на партийни и държавни важни документи, 7 одобрени магистърски програми от първо ниво (покриващи 29 магистърски посоки на обучение) и 7 разрешени магистърски категории (покриващи 21 посоки на обучение ). Той има 5 ключови дисциплини в Тиендзин, 4 групи от характерни дисциплини в Тиендзин и 1 група от характерни дисциплини за индустрията на услугите в университета в Тиендзин. Сред тях дисциплината чужд език и литература е първокласната строителна дисциплина на Тиендзин, а дисциплината китайски език и литература е първокласната дисциплина за самоусъвършенстване на Тиендзин. Дисциплината по чужд език и литература има квалификацията за приемане на млади основни гостуващи учени и общи гостуващи учени от местни университети.

Подробности за работата:


Договорът е валиден за минимум 1 година (2 семестъра), като всеки семестър включва 16 седмици. Всяка седмица има около 12 учебни часа. От учителите се изисква да изнасят лекциите лице в лице в класната стая.

За подробна информация, моля свържете се с:
Имената на учителите: Wang
Мобилен телефон: 18976908988
Адрес: No. 117, Machang Road, Hexi District, Tianjin
Пощенски код: 300204


1. Говорящ майчин български език, който може да говори ясно и свободно български език.
2. Докторска или магистърска степен.
3. С експертни познания по лингвистика/ българска филология/ българска история и др. и с преподавателски опит
4. Под 60 години и в добро здраве.
5. Отговорност, комуникативност и страст към преподаването.

Надница и заплата

Заплащането е по договаряне след консултация с отговорните учители. Заплатата ще се определя от образованието на учителя и периодите на преподаване. Също така през зимната и лятната ваканция ще се предлага една и съща заплата.
Основната медицинска застраховка се отчита като една от заплатите на учителя, тя ще бъде осигурена според нуждите на учителя.
Ще бъде предложено настаняване.
Подробната информация за работната заплата е предмет на договора.

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2020-2021 Recruitment of Foreign Language Teachers in Hainan https://www.isacjobs.com/job/2020-2021-recruitment-of-foreign-teachers/ Mon, 13 Jul 2020 15:42:45 +0000 https://www.isacjobs.com/?post_type=job_listing&p=15308 Ⅰ.College Name: Hainan College of Foreign Studies(Public); Location: Wenchang City; Hainan Tourism Island, P.R.CHINA Website:  www.hncfs.edu.cn   Tel: 0086-898-63297771 Ⅱ.Posts offered: 8 English foreign teachers; 1 Japanese foreign teacher; 1 Russian foreign teacher; 1 French foreign teacher; 2 Portuguese foreign teachers; 1 German foreign teacher; 1 Indonesian foreign teacher; 1 Croatian foreign teacher; 1 Romanian foreign […]

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Ⅰ.College Name: Hainan College of Foreign Studies(Public);

Location: Wenchang City; Hainan Tourism Island, P.R.CHINA

Website:  www.hncfs.edu.cn   Tel: 0086-898-63297771

Ⅱ.Posts offered: 8 English foreign teachers; 1 Japanese foreign teacher; 1 Russian foreign teacher; 1 French foreign teacher; 2 Portuguese foreign teachers; 1 German foreign teacher; 1 Indonesian foreign teacher; 1 Croatian foreign teacher; 1 Romanian foreign teacher; 1 Bulgaria foreign language teacher.

Ⅲ.Recruitment conditions: Bachelor degree or above, more than one year of relevant teaching experience, age 22-59, healthy and good communication skills.

Ⅳ.Benefit packages:

1. RMB 5500-6000 monthly basic salary for bachelor’s degree holder, RMB 70 will be given for each period of class given ; RMB 6000-7000 monthly basic salary for candidate with Master degree, RMB 80 will be given for each period of class given; RMB 7000-8000 monthly basic salary for candidate with Doctor’s degree, RMB 90 will be given for each period of class given; Candidate must work at least for one school year which lasts for about 10 months; Two more months’ basic salary and RMB 300 per month will be awarded if the applicant continues to work for the college after the first contract year.

2. Airfare for one school year contractor : RMB13,000 for teachers from European countries, American countries & African countries ; RMB11,000 for teachers from Russia; RMB 9,000 for teachers from Asian Countries.Each will have an annual vacation allowance of RMB 2,200.

3. Free and well-furnished apartment provided,except beddings such as pillow, quilt, linens etc

4. Health care insurance covers the contract period;

5. Employer is responsible for the work visa extension fee and the Physical exam fee which happen in Hainan. If you are interested in our post, please feel free to let me know at your earliest convenience. Expecting your prompt reply.

By the way, email me the information page of your passport ( and the latest visa page if there is any also) if you are willing to accept our post.

More documents will be needed for working visa application are ( scanning and original ):

1. Resume/C.V.

2. Notarized No Criminal Record or in other name called “ Police Clearance Record ”;

3. Couple with child or children, need to offer:  Notarial Certificate of your Marriage Certificate and Child’s Birth Certificate from Chinese Embassy in your country;

4. Recommendation Letters of at least one-year-teaching from your previous work Unit;

5.Notarized Highest Degree

6. Application Form and “FOREIGNER PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FORM” will be sent to you after an interview. Email me its scanning first, and then Give me the originals after arrival)

After primary agreement has reached, contract will be sent for the procedures.


Chen Jianqi/ Leo


Important note:

(1) Certification materials for non-English speaking foreign teachers must be translated into English or Chinese before being sent to Chinese Embassies and consulates abroad for notary.

(2) The above materials must be scanned.



  1. Benefit Package:

    (Each period of class lasts for 40 minutes)


Basic salary

Normal class (within 14)

Over time class (over 14)

Water and electricity bonus

Holiday bonus

extra-curricular activities







Same as over time class







Same as over time class







Same as over time class

Transportation bonus

Asian countries

European Countries

American countries


African countries

Oceania countries







2.Scanned Documents needed ( Original ones presented on arrival), notarized documents are to be done at the Chinese Embassy in you country.

Single applicant

Passport with recent entry stamp if there is.

Notarized highest degree

Notarized no criminal record

Recommendation letter of one years teaching experience

Physical check

CV/ resume

A recent taken digital photo size 2*2 inch with white background, not less than 40 kb.

Applicant with a family

(additional documents)

Marriage certificate notarized by Chinese Embassy in your home country

Birth certificate of child notarized by Chinese Embassy in your home country

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