Jobs in Inner Mongolia - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:49:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Inner Mongolia - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Foreign Language Teachers (English, Korean, Russian, Japanese) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:49:36 +0000 The School of Foreign Languages at Inner Mongolia Normal University has a long history of education. Its predecessor was the Foreign Language Department of Inner Mongolia Normal University, founded in 1959, and it was the first undergraduate foreign language major in the autonomous region. The college currently has 7 teaching institutions, including the English Department, […]

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The School of Foreign Languages at Inner Mongolia Normal University has a long history of education. Its predecessor was the Foreign Language Department of Inner Mongolia Normal University, founded in 1959, and it was the first undergraduate foreign language major in the autonomous region.

The college currently has 7 teaching institutions, including the English Department, the Russian Department, the Japanese Department, the College English First, Second, and Third Departments, and the Graduate Education Department; There are four administrative institutions, including a comprehensive office, a teaching and research office, a student and employment work office, and a Youth League branch; There are research institutions such as the Russian Research Center, Inner Mongolia Children’s Development and Protection Education Research Center, Foreign Language Education and Teacher Education Research Institute, Translation Research Center, as well as teaching auxiliary institutions such as the Foreign Language Education Technology Center, Inner Mongolia Normal University Library Foreign Language School Book Branch, etc. The graduate education of the college began in 2001 and currently has a first level master’s degree program in foreign languages and literature. It includes academic master’s degree programs such as English language and literature, foreign linguistics and applied linguistics, Russian language and literature, and Japanese language and literature; There are two professional master’s degree programs: subject teaching (English) and translation master’s (English, Russian). Among them, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics were selected as key disciplines for cultivation in the autonomous region in 2008.

The English major was established as a brand major in the autonomous region in 2006, was rated as a first-class major in the autonomous region in 2020, and was approved as a national first-class professional construction site in 2021. In 2020, “English Phonetics” and “English Writing” were selected as the first batch of first-class courses in the autonomous region, and in 2023, “English Phonetics” was selected as a national first-class course. The college also has 4 high-quality courses from the autonomous region, 1 teaching team at the autonomous region level, and 1 new talent in the teaching industry. The college currently has 137 faculty members, including 8 professors and 47 associate professors; 19 teachers with doctoral degrees and 9 students currently pursuing doctoral degrees; There are 42 master’s supervisors.

내몽골사범대학 국제교류학원은 내몽골자치구 최초의 조선(한국)어 본과전공을 개설했으며 모집대상은 국내 본기 고졸이다.이 전공의 전신은 우리 원에서 2011년부터 2021년까지 설립한 응용한국어전공이다.조선(한국)어전공은 내몽골에 립각하여 전국을 대상으로 경제글로벌화, 경제형태전환과 고도화와 경제사회발전 및”일대일로”창의에 수요되는”조선(한국)어+전공”에 부응하는 인재를 양성한다.이 전공은 국제화 학교 운영의 특색이 뚜렷하고 한국 단국대학교, 청운대학교 등 대학교와 공동 학교 운영과 학생 교류 협의를 체결했다.재학생은 학교 간 교환학생으로 한국 대학에 유학 연수를 갈 수 있으며 학점을 상호 인정할 수 있다.2+2 프로그램에 참가해 졸업 후 우리 학교 및 한국협력대학 학력학위를 취득할 수도 있다.

현재 학원에는 멀티미디어교실, 지혜교실 10여 개, 중국문화체험실, 한국문화체험실 각 한 개가 세워져 있다.학원 자료실은 중외 문서 간행물 100여 종, 외국어 도서 3000여 권을 구독하고 있다.

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Native English Teachers Fri, 07 Jun 2024 08:00:59 +0000 To further enhance the internationalization level of our university,and  to meet the need of College English teaching and improve the English teaching quality, Inner Mongolia University is looking for excellent native English teachers at home and abroad. 1.       Post: Full time native English teachers. 2.       Job Requirements 2.1  The English teacher should be native speaker […]

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To further enhance the internationalization level of our university,and  to meet the need of College English teaching and improve the English teaching quality, Inner Mongolia University is looking for excellent native English teachers at home and abroad.

1.       Post: Full time native English teachers.

2.       Job Requirements

  • 2.1  The English teacher should be native speaker of related teaching  courses.
  • 2.2  Bachelor’s degree or higher is needed.
  • 2.3  Less than 50 years old, sound in body and mind, good team working spirit and  love teaching work.
  • 2.4  Comply with laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and the  foreign teacher should have no legal dispute and no criminal record in his/her  original residence (providing official certification).
  • 2.5  Having related working experiences for over 2 years or providing TESOL  certificate.

3.  Job  Descriptions

  • 3.1  Working Place: Inner Mongolia University, 235 West University Street, Hohhot, P.  R. China.
  • 3.2  Working Task: Teach speaking, reading & writing, and related native culture,  etc. The workload is 512 hours per school year.
  • 3.3  Working Time: 10 months per year.


4.       Salary and Benefits

  • 4.1 A  monthly salary ranges from 10000 to 12000 RMB (for 10 months), commensurate with  educational background and teaching experience. After an English teacher has  fulfilled 2 years’ expected workload for the teaching plan and at least get  “moderately satisfied” on the evaluation, he/she can get extra 200 RMB per month  from the third year on. From then on, extra 200 RMB per month will be paid every  next year to the English teacher who has consecutively worked in Inner Mongolia  University for another school year.
  • 4.2  The university will purchase Group Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Accident  Bodily Injury Insurance for the English teachers.
  • 4.3  The university will provide free campus apartment, necessary furnishings and  electronic appliances. (The English teacher who lives off campus will get 1500  RMB per month as renting allowance, which will be paid for 10 months in  total.)
  • 4.4  In the one-year contract period, the university will provide round trip airfare  reimbursement (only for economy class).

The  recruitment above is long-term valid. Inner Mongolia University warmly welcomes  overseas friends, and the person with related language teaching experience is  preferred. Recommendation is greatly appreciated.

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Inner Mongolia University Warmly Welcomes Talents from Home and Abroad Tue, 17 Jan 2023 13:36:21 +0000 About Inner Mongolia University Inner Mongolia University (IMU) is located in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and a famous historic and cultural city with a distance of 400 kilometers from Beijing. As the first comprehensive university in ethnic minority region after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, IMU was established […]

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About Inner Mongolia University

Inner Mongolia University (IMU) is located in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and a famous historic and cultural city with a distance of 400 kilometers from Beijing. As the first comprehensive university in ethnic minority region after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, IMU was established at a high starting point accomplished at one go in 1957 coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Autonomous Region. With Ulanhu, the then-vice-premier of the State Council and governor of Inner Mongolia as the first president of IMU and a high-level faculty at the beginning stage of IMU consisting of discipline leaders and academic backbones selected by the CPC Central Committee and the central government from a dozen or so prestigious universities across China, including Peking University, who brought with them long-accumulated academic traditions and sublime spirits of universities, a solid foundation for running the university was laid, and healthy academic and campus atmosphere were introduced to IMU. IMU was approved to enroll graduate students in 1962, designated as a key university in China in 1978, authorized to confer doctoral degrees in 1984, included into Project 211 for the building of key universities in 1997, listed as a university co-sponsored by Inner Mongolia and the Ministry of Education in 2004, incorporated into the state program for building one high-level university in each of the provinces in the Mid-western Region in 2012, selected as one of the universities in China for the Double First-Class initiative in 2017, and appointed as a university of co-sponsorship by the Ministry of Education and Inner Mongolia, i.e. a university sponsored by the Ministry and included into the rank of universities under the administration of the Ministry, in 2018.

IMU boasts 10 disciplinary fields, namely philosophy, economics, law, literature, history, sciences, engineering, agronomy, administration science and arts, two state-level key disciplines, namely minority language and literature and zoology, one state-level key cultivation discipline, namely ecology; 18 regional-level key disciplines, 8 regional-level key cultivation disciplines, 12 primary-level and 1 secondary-level disciplines authorized to confer doctoral degrees, 7 postdoctoral mobile stations, 27 primary-level and 4 secondary-level disciplines authorized to confer master’s degrees, and 10 majors authorized to confer professional master’s degrees.

IMU has built 6 ministerial research platforms, including state-level key laboratories with regional and ministerial co-sponsorship, key laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, key laboratory, engineering research center and key research base of humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of Education in the fields of biology, ecology and Mongolian studies, etc., and 35 regional-level key laboratories, engineering research centers and key research bases of humanities and social sciences.

The main campus of IMU is staffed with 1,069 teachers and researchers, including 218 professors and 337 associate professors, of which 67% hold doctoral degrees. 12,287 undergraduate, 6,392 graduate and more than 800 international students are studying on the main campus. Thanks to the energetic support of the central and regional governments over the past years, IMU has significantly improved its hardware conditions, noticeably enhanced its appeal to talents from home and abroad, rapidly upgraded its educational quality, achieved considerable progress in undertaking key and major state-level projects, expanding global influence of its academic accomplishments, cultivating talents, serving the local development and promoting internationalization, and has proved itself as a pivotal base for the cultivation of high-caliber talents, high-standard scientific researches, high-quality commercialization of research findings and high-level decision-makings and consultations.

To speed up the building process of the Double First-class Initiative, IMU has implemented the Steed Plan to enhance the introduction and cultivation of high-end academic talents and the Young Talents Introduction Plan to introduce talents from home and abroad in large numbers. For the five years to come, IMU is ready to offer more than 400 vacancies for academic leaders, backbones and outstanding young talents, provide first-class academic environment, resources, services and benefits for them and build with concerted efforts an ideal platform for career development, innovation and the realization of academic aspirations.

1. Disciplines recruiting talents

Sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, environmental science), engineering (computer science and technology, information and communication engineering, software engineering, materials science and engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, energy chemical engineering, food science and engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, traffic and transportation engineering), agronomy (crop science, horticulture), administration science (industrial & business administration, public administration), philosophy, economics, law, political science, ethnology, sociology, Marxist theories, literature (Chinese language and literature, minority language and literature, journalism and communication), and history (Chinese history, world history).

2.Qualifications and benefits

2.1 High-level talents under the Steed Plan

2.1.1 Post A1:

Qualifications required: Outstanding talents selected for the National High-level Talents Special Support Plan, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, Class I professors (senior professors) with innovative accomplishments, significant contributions and high academic prestige in the fields of philosophy and social sciences, renowned lifetime professors from first-class universities or research institutions from abroad.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary between RMB1.3 million and 2 million during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans and may amount up to RMB100 million. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances will be provided. IMU will offer appropriate jobs to their spouses with adequate qualifications.

2.1.2 Post A2:

Qualifications required: leading talents selected for the National High-level Talents Special Support Plan, scholars selected for the Thousand Talents Program, receivers of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, distinguished professors selected for the Chang Jiang Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education, or high-level talents with similar academic capacities, aged no older than 55 in principle.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary between RMB0.6 million and 1.3 million during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, with the maximum of RMB10 million for experiment-based disciplines and RMB3 million for non-experiment-based disciplines respectively. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances will be provided for non-local talents whose spouses with adequate qualifications will be offered appropriate jobs at IMU.

2.1.3 Post A3:

Qualifications required: young top-notch talents selected for the National High-level Talents Special Support Plan, state-level candidates for the New Century Talents Project, scholars selected for the Young Overseas High-level Talents Introduction Plan, scholars selected for the Chang Jiang Young Scholars Program, scholars sponsored by the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of the National Natural Science Foundation, scholars selected for the One Hundred-Person Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or high-level talents with similar academic capacities, aged no older than 45 in principle.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary between RMB0.4 million and 0.6 million during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, with the maximum of RMB5 million for experiment-based disciplines and RMB1.5 million for non-experiment-based disciplines respectively. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances will be provided for non-local talents whose spouses with adequate qualifications will be offered appropriate jobs at IMU.

2.1.4 Post B1:

Qualifications required: scholars with doctoral degrees conferred or post-doctoral background at renowned universities or scientific research institutes from abroad, or with titles no lower than associate professor conferred by first-class universities or scientific research institutes in China; scholars with major academic achievements recognized by domestic and foreign counterparts, innovative visions for disciplinary building and the scientific research in their fields, capacity of leading national-level key projects, organizing innovative research endeavors and producing first-class results, and potentials for winning the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and being selected as Chang Jiang Scholars, aged no older than 40 for science and engineering disciplines and 45 for humanities respectively in principle.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary of RMB0.3 million during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, with the maximum of RMB3 million for experiment-based disciplines and RMB1 million for non-experiment-based disciplines respectively. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances will be provided for non-local talents whose spouses with adequate qualifications will be offered appropriate jobs at IMU.

2.1.5 Post B2:

Qualifications: scholars with doctoral degrees conferred or post-doctoral background at renowned universities or scientific research institutes in China or from abroad; scholars with major academic achievements recognized by domestic and foreign counterparts, innovative visions for disciplinary building and the scientific research in their fields, capacity of leading national-level key projects and producing first-class results, and potentials for being selected by the Young Overseas High-level Talents Introduction Plan, the Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, Young Chang Jiang Scholars and the National Youth Talent Support Program, aged no older than 35 for science and engineering disciplines and 40 for humanities respectively in principle.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary of RMB0.2 million during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, with the maximum of RMB1.5 million for experiment-based disciplines and RMB0.5 million for non-experiment-based disciplines respectively. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances will be provided for non-local talents.

2.2 Qualifications and benefits for academic backbones, outstanding young talents and postdoctoral fellows

2.2.1 Academic backbones

Qualifications: Scholars aged below 45 in principle with the following qualifications: (1) Young top-notch scholars with the experience of no less than 2 years of academic employment by renowned universities or research institutes from abroad upon inception of doctoral degrees at renowned universities in China or from abroad, or employment by renowned universities or research institutes in China with senior professional titles, or with doctoral degrees conferred by first-class universities or research institutes in China or from abroad, prominent academic accomplishments, superior academic capacities among their peers and potentials for academic leaders. (2) Scholars with the capacity of undertaking major scientific research projects and achieving series of academic accomplishments with significant influences, accumulating relatively high-level experiences in scientific researches and teaching practices, innovative visions for disciplinary building and the scientific research in their fields, and the capacity of leading national-level key projects, organizing innovative research endeavors and producing first-class results.

Benefits: Start-up research funds amounting to RMB1-2 million for experiment-based disciplines and RMB0.4-1 million for non-experiment-based disciplines, an apartment of 100 m³ and salaries, insurances, welfare benefits and various allowances as prescribed by relevant national regulations will be provided.

2.2.2 Outstanding young talents

Qualifications: Scholars aged below 35 in principle with the following qualifications: (1) Excellent undergraduate and graduate education background and doctoral degrees conferred by renowned universities in China or from abroad. (2) Experiences of research in frontiers of academia while studying for doctoral degrees or working as postdoctoral fellows, certain academic achievements, innovative visions for future research schemes, capacities or potentials for leading national-level scientific research projects, enthusiasm in teaching, and capabilities of teaching undergraduate and graduate curriculum.

Benefits: Start-up research funds amounting between RMB50,000 and RMB300,000, housing allowances amounting between RMB100,000 and RMB300,000, salaries, insurances, welfare benefits and various allowances as prescribed by relevant national regulations will be provided.

2.2.3 Postdoctoral fellows

Qualifications: Scholars meeting the requirements of relevant prescriptions of the China Postdoctoral Administrative Council, having published as the first author academic theses related to their doctoral dissertations or disciplines of application for postdoctoral programs, or having attained similar academic accomplishments.

Benefits: IMU will provide apartments specifically designed for postdoctoral fellows and living expenses and social security insurances for full-time postdoctoral fellows working at the postdoctoral mobile stations. Performance assessments will be conducted on the scientific research and teaching of the postdoctoral fellows working at the mobile stations annually by corresponding departments of IMU in accordance with regulations and procedures of assessment of in-service professional and technical personnel as basis for the payment of performance allowances.

3. Presentation of documents

Applicants are kindly requested to send their documents to the following email addresses of the colleges of IMU and forward copies to the recruiting email address of the Personnel Division of IMU at

Contact information of colleges of IMU

College (Institute/Center) Discipline orientations Contact information
School of Mathematical Sciences Applied mathematics, basic mathematics, computational mathematics, operational research and cybernetics, probability and statistics Contact: Yang Liangui 

Telephone: 0471-4991253


School of Physical Science and Technology Condensed matter physics, particle physics and field theory, rare earth and magnetic functional materials, computational physics, biological physics and bioinformatics, ion beam and biological electromagnetic technology, low-dimensional nanomaterials, semiconductor photovoltaic technology, physical electronics, non-linear optics, technology of optical information Contact: Gong Jian 

Telephone: 0471-4992967


College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, material physics and chemistry, chemical engineering and technology Contact: Zhang Jun 

Telephone: 0471-4995400


School of Life Sciences Botany, zoology, microbiology, biochemistry and molecular biology Contact: Mergen 

Telephone: 0471-4992442

Research Center for Laboratory Animal Science Zoology Contact: Li Guangpeng 

Telephone: 0471-5298583


Inner Mongolia Potato Engineering & Technology Research Center Microbiology, botany, crop genetics and breeding, crop cultivation and farming system, plant pathology, agricultural mechanization engineering Contact: Zhang Ruofang 

Telephone: 0471-4994155

College of Electronic Information Engineering Communication & information engineering, control science and engineering Contact: Bai Fengshan 

Telephone: 0471-4992934


College of Computer Science Computer science and technology, software engineering, management science and engineering Contact: Zhou Jiantao 

Telephone: 0471-4992341


College of Ecology and Environment Ecology, environmental science, environmental engineering, physical geography, meteorology, atmospheric physics and atmospheric environment Contact: Li Yonghong 

Telephone: 0471-4993130


Transportation Institute Highway & railway engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, municipal engineering, disaster prevention and reduction engineering and protective engineering, bridge and tunnel engineering, geodesy and survey engineering, engineering mechanics, mechanical manufacture and automation, mechatronic engineering, mechanical design and theory, automobile engineering, transportation planning and management, vehicle operation engineering Contact: Chai Jinyi 

Telephone: 0471-4996767


School of Mongolian Studies Journalism, Chinese ethnic language and literature, the study of religion Contact: Erhembayar 

Telephone: 0471-4992433

Department of Mongolian History Modern Chinese history, tourism management, archaeology Contact: Buyandelger 

Telephone: 0471-4992280

Mongolian Studies Center Chinese ethnic history Contact: Chimeddorji 

Telephone: 0471-4995771

Mongolia Research Center International relations Contact: Bayarmend 

Telephone: 0471-4994975

School of Ethnology and Sociology Sociology, ethnology Contact: Nasanbayar 

Telephone: 0471-4996121


College of Literature and Journalism Ancient Chinese literature, modern and contemporary Chinese literature, theory of literature and art, comparative literature and world literature, Chinese philology, journalism, communication, statistics Contact: Wei Yonggui 

Telephone: 0471-4996042


College of History and Tourism Culture Ancient Chinese history/history of paticular subjects, archaeology and museology, world history, tourism management/human geography, ecology, modern and contemporary Chinese history Contact: Zhang Jiuhe 

Telephone: 0471-4996324


School of Philosophy Marxist philosophy, Chinese philosophy, foreign philosophy, philosophy of science and technology, psychology Contact: Wang Jinzhu 

Telephone: 0471-4996912


Foreign Languages College English language and literature, linguistics and applied linguistics in foreign languages, Japanese language and literature Contact: Li Manliang 

Telephone: 0471-4996235

School of Economics and Management Corporate management, accounting, finance, Western economics, quantitative economics, international trade, labor economics Contact: Du Fenglian 

Telephone: 0471-4992904


Law School Criminal jurisprudence, science of procedure laws, international law, science of economic law Contact: Ding Wenying 

Telephone: 0471-4996329

School of Public Administration Administration management, social security, land resource management, applied psychology, political theory Contact: Liu Yinxi 

Telephone: 0471-4996434

School of Marxism Marxist theory, philosophy, ethnology, Marxist ethnic theory and policy, Chinese history Contact: Chen Zhi 

Telephone: 0471-4996196

International College of Education Chinese language and literature Contact: Badmaodsar 

Telephone: 0471-4994359

School of Physical Education Human movement science, humane and sociological science of sports, theory of sports pedagogy and training Contact: Yu Zhihai 

Telephone: 0471-4992775


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2022 Inner Mongolia University Career Opportunities Thu, 06 Oct 2022 12:56:50 +0000 Inner Mongolia University (IMU), is located in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is a famous historic and cultural city with a distance of 400 kilometers from Beijing which by high-speed rail is only 2.5 hours away. As the first comprehensive university in ethnic minority region after the founding of the People’s […]

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Inner Mongolia University (IMU), is located in Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is a famous historic and cultural city with a distance of 400 kilometers from Beijing which by high-speed rail is only 2.5 hours away. As the first comprehensive university in ethnic minority region after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, IMU was established in 1957. With Ulanhu, the then-vice-premier of the State Council and governor of Inner Mongolia as the first president of IMU and a high-level faculty at the beginning stage of IMU consisting of discipline leaders and academic backbones selected by the CPC Central Committee and the central government from a dozen or so prestigious universities across China, including Peking University, Fudan University, Renmin University of China, Najing University, Nankai Universality, Sun Yat-Sen University, XIamen University, Sichuan University, Wuhan University, Shandong University and Northwest University, who brought with them long-accumulated academic traditions and sublime spirits of universities, a solid foundation for running the university was laid, and healthy academic and campus atmosphere were introduced to IMU. IMU was approved to enroll graduate students in 1962, designated as a key university in China in 1978, authorized to confer doctoral degrees in 1984, included into Project 211 for the building of key universities in 1997, listed as a university co-sponsored by Inner Mongolia and the Ministry of Education in 2004, incorporated into the state program for building one high-level university in each of the provinces in the Mid-western Region in 2012, selected as one of the universities in China for the Double First-Class initiative in 2017, and appointed as a university of co-sponsorship by the Ministry of Education and Inner Mongolia, i.e. a university sponsored by the Ministry and included into the rank of universities under the administration of the Ministry, in 2018.

The school has always regarded the teaching staff as the primary resource that should be developed. The school does this through introducing and making good use of individual’s talents, speeding up the implementation of the high-end talent development strategy, continuing to deepen the reform of the personnel management system, constantly optimizing the talent introduction and training environment, focusing on solving key issues in the growth of young talent, continuously improving the efficiency of talent use, and effectively stimulating the innate power of talent development. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, the university will further increase resource input and policy support, and further implement the “Horse Program” and “Young Talents Introduction Program.” It aims to introduce more than 700 academic leaders, academic backbone, and young talents from home and abroad to provide a first-class academic environment, resources, services and benefits for them. The university hopes to apply concerted efforts to build an ideal platform for career development, innovation, entrepreneurship, and the realization of its students’ academic aspirations.

1.Posts and Contact Information

A.Teaching and Scientific Research Post

B.Administrative Teaching Assistant Post

2.Qualification and Benefits

Candidates should adhere to the correct political direction, with good political quality, ideological and moral character. They should be be law-abiding and adhere to professional ethics, as well as dedicate themselves to carrying out the fundamental task of moral education, innovation, dedication, professionalism and team spirit. The must also be in good physical and mental health. Specific job recruitment requirements and talent benefits are as follows:

The following are the posts requirement and treatments:

A.High-level Talents under the Steed Plan

Steed Plan: Post A (A1, A2, A3), and Post B (B1, B2), Post A is for high-end talents abroad, and Post B is for outstanding young top-notch talents at home and abroad.

a.Post A1

Post A1: Qualifications required: Candidates should be academic masters and top talents with great academic influence and the ability to lead international academic development.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary between 1.5-2 million RMB during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, and may amount up to 100 million RMB. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances will be provided on a one-time basis. IMU will offer appropriate jobs to eligible spouses with adequate qualifications.

b.Post A2

Qualifications required: Candidates should be leading talents who play an active role at the international academic forefront and are able to organize and undertake major research tasks, aged no older than 55 in principle.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary between 0.8 to1.3 million RMB during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, with the maximum of 10 million RMB for experiment-based disciplines and 3 million RMB for non-experiment-based disciplines respectively. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances will be one-time provided and eligible spouses with adequate qualifications will be offered appropriate jobs at IMU.

c.Post A3

Qualifications required: Candidates are promising scientific leading talents with strong innovation capability, enormous research capacity and great developing potentiality, aged no older than 45 in principle for science and engineering disciplines and no older than 50 for humanities and social sciences.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary between 0.4-0.8 million RMB during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, with the maximum of 5 million RMB for experiment-based disciplines and 1.5 million RMB for non-experiment-based disciplines respectively. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances will be one-time provided and eligible spouses with adequate qualifications will be offered appropriate jobs at IMU.

d.Post B1

Qualifications required: scholars with doctoral degrees conferred or post-doctoral background at renowned universities or scientific research institutes from abroad; scholars with major academic achievements recognized by domestic and foreign counterparts, innovative visions for disciplinary building and the scientific research in their fields, capacity of leading important scientific research tasks and producing first-class results, and potentials for national level leaders, aged no older than 40 for science and engineering disciplines and 45 for humanities respectively in principle.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary of more than 0.3 – 0.4 million RMB during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, with the maximum of 3 million RMB for experiment-based disciplines and 1 million RMB for non-experiment-based disciplines respectively. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances ranging from 0.6-0.8 million RMB will be one-time provided, and eligible spouses with adequate qualifications will be offered appropriate jobs at IMU.

e.Post B2

Qualifications: scholars with doctoral degrees conferred or post-doctoral background at renowned universities or scientific research institutes in China or from abroad; scholars with major academic achievements recognized by domestic and foreign counterparts, innovative visions for disciplinary building and the scientific research in their fields, capacity of leading important scientific research tasks, and potentials for being selected by the Young National Talents Plan, aged no older than 35 for science and engineering disciplines and 40 for humanities respectively in principle.

Benefits: A pre-tax annual salary of 0.2 to 0.3 million RMB during the service period at IMU will be provided. The start-up research funds will vary specifically based on the characteristics of different disciplines and research plans, with the maximum of 1.5 million RMB for experiment-based disciplines and 0.5 million RMB for non-experiment-based disciplines respectively. Favorable housing and settling-in allowances of 0.6-0.8 million RMB will be one-time provided.

B.Academic Backbones, Outstanding Young Talents

a.Academic backbones

Qualifications: Scholars aged below 45 in principle with the following qualifications: (1) Young top-notch scholars with with doctoral degrees conferred by renowned universities or scientific research institutes in China or from abroad, prominent academic accomplishments, superior academic capacities among their peers and potentials for academic leaders. (2) Scholars with the capacity of undertaking major scientific research projects and achieving series of academic accomplishments with significant influences, accumulating relatively high-level experiences in scientific researches and teaching practices, innovative visions for disciplinary building and the scientific research in their fields, and the capacity of leading national-level key projects, organizing innovative research endeavors and producing first-class results.

Benefits: Start-up research funds amounting to 1-2 million RMB for experiment-based disciplines and 0.4-1 million RMB for non-experiment-based disciplines. A one-time housing subsidy of 0.4-0.6 million RMB will be granted; and salaries, insurances, welfare benefits and various allowances as prescribed by relevant national regulations will be provided.Distinguished Research Fellowship or Distinguished Associate Research Fellowship could be applied based on regulations concerned in “IMU Administrative Procedures for Posts of Distinguished Research Fellow”.

b.Outstanding Young Talents

Qualifications: Scholars aged below 35 in principle with the following qualifications: (1) Excellent undergraduate and graduate education background and doctoral degrees conferred by renowned universities in China or from abroad. (2) Experiences of research in frontiers of academia while studying for doctoral degrees or working as postdoctoral fellows, certain academic achievements, innovative visions for future research schemes, capacities or potentials for leading national-level scientific research projects, enthusiasm in teaching, and capabilities of teaching undergraduate and graduate curriculum.

Benefits: Start-up research funds amounting between 0.2–0.3 million RMB for experiment-based disciplines and 0.1-0.2 million RMB for non-experiment-based disciplines will be for those with certain academic achievements, clear plans and capacity to initiate a national level Scientific Research Project with potentials to be academic backbones. A one-time housing subsidy of 0.3 million RMB will be granted. For other young talents, start-up research funds amounting between 0.05–0.2 million RMB for experiment-based disciplines and 0.05-0.1 million RMB for non-experiment-based disciplines will be provided. A one-time housing subsidy of 0.1 million RMB will be granted. With An additional housing subsidy of 0.1 million RMB will be provided to those who have made outstanding achievements in the discipline within 3 years after being approved by the university ; salaries, insurances, welfare benefits and various allowances as prescribed by relevant national regulations will be provided.

C.Experimental Technique Posts

Qualifications: Scholars aged below 35 in principle with doctoral degrees or post-doctoral background with solid foundations and capacity to undertake experimentation.

Basic benefits: A one-time housing subsidy of 0.2 million RMB will be granted. Salaries, insurances, welfare benefits and various allowances as prescribed by relevant national regulations will be provided.

D.Administrative Teaching Assistant Posts:

Qualifications: Scholars aged below 35 in principle with doctoral degrees or post-doctoral background with solid foundations and capacity to undertake relevant work required.

Benefits: Salaries, insurances, welfare benefits and various allowances as prescribed by relevant national regulations will be provided.

3.Procedure and Green Channel


Applicants apply by themselves or can be recommended by experts, and they are kindly requested to send their documents to the Personnel Division of IMU at as “HR+College graduated+Discipline+Name”.

Based on the preliminary review of the applicant’s materials, IMU colleges concerned will determine the list of personnel entering the scope of the examination, and will examine and evaluate the applicant by means of interviews, academic defense, and course trial lectures. The ideological and political quality and study style (teacher’s morality) of the candidates shall be inspected by means of archive examining, correspondence survey, interviewing, visits, etc. before determining corresponding posts and benefits. School authorities will organize experts to evaluate the candidates to be introduced, and gives the list of the personnel to be introduced by the school and the evaluation opinions on the introduction level.The school party committee will determine the list of introduced personnel and the level of introduction based on the inspection opinions of the colleges concerned and the evaluation opinions of the school expert group.

B.Green Channel

For special talents in urgent need, the school will open up a green channel, and implement a differentiated and flexible talent policy of “one case, one discussion” and “one person, one policy” for salary, scientific research start-up funds, housing subsidies, and scientific research conditions.


a.The positions announced in this recruitment announcement are recruited throughout the year, and applications are accepted at any time.

b.Applicants should ensure the authenticity of the materials provided by themselves. If there are any fraudulent documents, it will be dealt with in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations and relevant school management regulations, and the consequences are borne by the applicant.

c.Contact Information

Personnel Division URL:

“IMU Personnel Talents” Wechat Public Account: IMUrsrc

High-level talent recruitment: 0471-4992415

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