Director of Activities and Sport

October 13, 2022

Job Description

Position Title:  Director of Activities & Sports
Division:           Administration
Supervisor:       Assistant Head of School-Personnel & Advancement
Position Summary: To provide overall leadership and coordination of activities and co-curricular athletic programs, Pre-school through Grade 12, which provide students worthwhile learning experiences and align with the philosophy and instructional goals of Concordia International School Shanghai. This program includes before and after school activities, wellness offerings, student trips and co-curricular, summer school and school-sponsored, and school-authorized athletic activities.
·       Bachelor’s degree
·       Advanced degree or certification in Athletic Administration, Administrative Leadership or Management
·       First Aid certification
·       Coaching Certification(s)
·       Degree in Physical Education
·       At least five years of successful experience as a teacher or administrator
·       Athletic Director experience
·       Experience overseeing an after-school activities program
·       Coaching
·       Tournament scheduling experience
·       Knowledge of the overall operation of an athletic program
·   Guided by ethical principles and character
·   Detail oriented
·   Team leader
·   Ability to adhere to deadlines
·   Think strategically
·   Customer oriented
o   Outgoing
o   Flexible
o   Patient
·   Comfortable interacting with people from other cultures
Concordia Fit
      Spiritual Leader
·       Demonstrates moral integrity, honesty, kindness, faithfulness
·       Models a Christian faith walk
·       Models servant leadership characteristics
·       Is collegial and contributing member of the school wide community
Mission Centered-Vision Focused
·       Takes personal ownership in fulfilling the mission
·       Can “see” the future and articulate, plan, and execute next steps
·       Demonstrates a positive, optimistic, can-do attitude
·       Demonstrates a passion for teacher and student success
Instructional Leader
·       Leads curriculum based on the most recent understanding about learning
·       Ability to develop, implement, and monitor curriculum and learner progress
·       Is a leader of learning
·       Promotes professional development focused on improving student achievement
Team Focused
·       Respectful of all, builds people up, is equitable in relationships
·       Is transparent, flexible, and adaptable
·       Demonstrates commitment to school improvement
·       Works collaboratively with all in the school and community
  • Advocates and nurtures a positive school culture conducive to student learning and teacher growth
Management Competence
  • Manages resources to provide a productive environment for learning
  • Demonstrates ability see the big picture and to break large tasks into small, achievable components
  • Clearly communicates, both orally and in written form, to a diverse group of cultures and in diverse settings
  • Demonstrates proficiency in required technology
Key Areas of Responsibility
  • Supervise, develop and administer the Concordia athletic program Preschool through grade 12; coordinate and integrate these programs into school-wide and community programs, including membership and participation in CISSA, SISAC, APAC, and ACAMIS organizations.
  • Coordinate and assist in the execution of APAC Performing Arts activities, including the hosting of APAC Performing Arts events by Concordia.
  • Seek, by personal example and precept, to inspire students and staff in Christian faith and living.
  • Assess the school’s athletic program and advise the High School Principal
  • Maintain the Athletic Department’s philosophy and regulations, welcoming competing teams and guests and promoting sportsmanship in coordination with principals.
  • Act as a tournament manager for all league and tournament playoff activities assigned to Concordia.
  • Act as a liaison between coaches and the PSO Athletic Boosters Club.
  • Attend the athletic events whenever possible.
      Program Management
  • Recruit coaching staff/workers for the co-curricular athletic programs as needed, i.e. fitness center, rock climbing, gymnastics, in consultation with the principals.
  • Support the Director of Activities in staffing after school activities.
  • Schedule and publicize competitions in consultation with the principal(s) and/or responsible representatives of other schools/organizations involved.
  • Coordinate and plan department budgets.
    • Work with Director of Activities to ensure budget needs are addressed and met.
    • Meet with coaches and ensure that all sports have an equal opportunity to present their budgets.
    • Manage the stipend program for activities, faculty wellness and sports.
  • Collaborate with the Director of Activities to ensure programmatic needs are met and facilities are available.
  • Administer the co-curricular activity program of school-wide activities related to athletics, including but not limited to Active Kids Shanghai, dance, climbing, and gymnastics programs that are held on campus, in coordination division principals and elementary and middle school facilitators, including:
  • Oversee and manage sports tournaments/competitions held on site. This includes arranging for competition logistics, i.e. officials, score keepers, time keepers, team transportation, necessary food and lodging, spectator seating, first aid supplies, public address system, scoreboard, rules and forms, awards, refreshments for visiting coaches, showers, towels, etc.
  • Meet regularly with other athletic directors concerning league business and extended scheduling.
  • Update the monthly calendar of school activities in conjunction with the principal, faculty and student body.
  • Provide advance notice to teachers of all student travel (participants, dates—departure and return).
  • Maintain the content on the Concordia Sports website
  • Records
    • Maintain records and inform coaching staff of their current first aid status.
    • Assist coaches in keeping and maintaining records.
    • Maintain a file of all athletic suspensions and expulsions from teams in regard to giving each athlete “due process”.
    • In conjunction with the athletic trainer/nurse, keep on file a current physical for each student athlete involved in athletics.
  • Plan athletic awards programs.
  • Provide supervision for the following staff members:
    • Director of Student Activities
o   Aquatics Coordinator
o   Athletic Trainer & Wellness Coordinator
o   Athletic Dept. Assistant
o   Athletic Assistant Secretary
      Student Management
·       Monitor the co-curricular student eligibility policy to ensure that approved process is followed in co-curricular athletic programs of the school.
·       Work with principals and coaches/teachers in problems of discipline.
·       Work with the others as needed to provide the Transportation Coordinator with accurate student lists of all students (PS-12) involved in activities traveling home on activity buses at 4:30 PM and 5:40 PM.
  • Arrange transportation of all away events.
·       Schedule the usage and set up of Concordia facilities, in coordination with the Director of Student Activities, Athletic Assistant, Director of Operations and coaches for all activities during and beyond normal school operating hours.
·       Coordinate the use and rental of all school athletic facilities by groups outside the school.
·       Recommend improvement to facilities to the Director of Operations for consideration.


