Weifang University

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Introduction to Weifang University

Weifang University (website) is a full-time comprehensive university. It is located in Weifang, Shandong, a world-famous kite capital and a national civilized city. The school is a provincial-level famous school.

The university now has 22 teaching units and 68 undergraduate majors, covering science, engineering, literature, economics, management, agriculture, law, history, education and art. There are 3 national specialties and three comprehensive reform pilot programs of the Ministry of Education, provincial-level specialty, provincial high-level application-oriented project construction, provincial application-oriented talent development and development support program, provincial excellence engineer training professional, provincial-level adult education brand 30, etc.; there are provincial-level quality courses, provincial bilingual teaching demonstration courses, 66 provincial-level education courses, 5 provincial-level teaching teams, national-level undergraduate practice education bases, provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers, and provincial-level talents. There are 3 experimental reform zones and 285 off-campus teaching practice bases; the Ministry of Education’s “National Training Program” special education backbone teacher training program is undertaken, and 6 pilot projects in the national education system reform pilot zone are undertaken.

The university has 2 provincial key disciplines and 9 provincial-level scientific research innovation platforms. It has established Quantum Information Technology Research Institute, Beihai Culture Research Institute, Weifang Finance and Finance Research Institute, Energy Conservation Research Institute, Wenbo Research Institute, and New Electromagnetic Materials Research Institute. And 72 research institutes, published the academic journal “Journal of Weifang University”. In recent years, it has undertaken more than 80 national-level projects and more than 760 provincial-level projects; faculty and staff have obtained 145 authorized patents, published more than 840 books and editorial textbooks, and published more than 14,560 papers in academic journals at home and abroad. There were 3,815 journals, and 1958 were included in SCI and EI. In the top results ranking of Soft Science in 2018, the number of high-cited papers in the school ranked second among similar universities in the province.

The university has more than 25,300 full-time students and 1996 faculty members, including 1386 full-time teachers. Among the faculty and staff, there are 278 doctors, 1041 masters, 662 senior titles, and 82 doctoral master tutors. There are more than 50 people in the national high-level talent special support program, young talents, experts enjoying special government allowances from the State Council, members of the Ministry of Education Teaching Steering Committee, national outstanding teachers, leading talents in Taishan industry, and young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions. Appointed “two academicians” Liu Yixun, Qian Yitai, Xu Shaozhen, Shu Huairui, Mai Kangsen, Fu Tingdong, Yao Jianwei, Pan Jianwei, Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan and other more than 240 well-known experts and scholars as school special (part-time) professors or Head of the professional committee.

The university adheres to the open school, serves the local economic and social development as its own responsibility, actively docks the “blue-yellow” national development strategy and the major projects of Shandong new and old kinetic energy conversion, in-depth service Weifang action, closely surrounding local economic and social development needs, providing scientific and technological services and Decision-making consultation has made positive contributions to the construction of a strong economic and cultural province in Shandong and the construction of “four cities” in Weifang. Actively cooperate with Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao University, Qufu Normal University and other universities. It has established friendly exchanges and cooperation with more than 60 universities in 20 countries and regions including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia. It has established Sino-foreign cooperation with more than 10 countries including schools in Canada, the United Kingdom.


Weifang is located in the center of Shandong province in between Jinan to the West and Qingdao to the East. Known as the “Kite Capital of the World”, Weifang and its fresh winds are well known throughout the province.

Besides kites, Weifang, like many other Chinese cities, is under the constructor’s crane with new buildings popping up seemingly overnight. Modern and new but still retaining its old-school charm, Weifang is a unique place to witness the “real China” (or the new China) where the past meets the future in an endless array of complete contradiction and awe-inspiring moments that truly is the essence of the People’s Republic of China.

Weifang has a certain characteristic in its exceptionally wide and straight boulevards that make out a chess pattern for many kilometers, resembling some American cities and perhaps also Beijing. However, the boulevards are much too wide for its number of vehicles so they very rarely get too crowded. Traffic jams are most uncommon and, due to the city’s flatness, one can sometimes look down a 10-lane boulevard stretching to the horizon without a single car on it.

Foreigners are a rare sight. If you are not Chinese prepare for a lot of (friendly) attention.

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