Liaocheng University

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Introduction to Liaocheng University

Liaocheng University (聊城大学, website) is located in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, a national historical and cultural city. It is a key comprehensive university in Shandong Province. The university’s history can be traced back to the Normal School in Shandong University in 1902. In 1970, Shandong Normal University moved to Liaocheng to run a school. In 1974, Shandong Normal University Liaocheng Branch was established. In 1981, it was renamed Liaocheng Normal University after approval by the State Council. In 2002, it was renamed Liaocheng University after approval by the Ministry of Education.

In 2012, the university was identified as one of the first well-known universities in Shandong Province for the application of talents. The university has the right to grant master’s and bachelor’s degrees, and cooperates with many universities in China and abroad to train doctoral students. For many years, nearly 200,000 alumni have been cultivated, and spread in China and abroad.

Liaocheng University currently has 25 colleges, 9 research institutes, 21 first-level master degree authorization points, 8 master degree authorization points, and 98 undergraduate programs. The majors cover 12 university disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, management, art, and medicine. There are more than 30,000 full-time undergraduates, graduate students, and international students.

Campus Video

Liaocheng University has 2108 faculty members, including 198 professors and 612 associate professors. At present, there are 3 academicians with dual appointments, 1 chief scientist of “973”, 3 experts from the “Thousand Talents Program” and “Thousand Talents Program from Foreign Experts”, 1 New Century Excellent Talents Support Program from the Ministry of Education, and “Taishan Scholar” Specially Appointed Experts 6 overseas experts, 1 expert in the “Double-hundred Program for Foreign Experts”, 8 overseas high-level experts, 14 experts who enjoy special government allowances from the State Council, 5 national outstanding teachers, and excellent teachers of the Zeng Xianzi Education Foundation Higher Normal University There are 8 winners, 1 national morale model, 1 national outstanding educator, 28 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Shandong Province, high-end experts in think tanks, chief experts in colleges and universities, and talents in Qilu culture. Teaching in Shandong Province There are 37 famous teachers, outstanding teachers and outstanding ideological and political workers, 1 national teaching team, 6 provincial excellent teaching teams.

Liaocheng University established inter-school relations with more than 60 universities in more than 20 countries and China’s Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, and carried out more than 30 exchange and cooperation projects including overseas intelligence introduction, mutual teacher visits, student exchanges, joint scientific research, and cooperative education, student exchange programs. It established Confucius Institute in cooperation with Jordan University of Philadelphia and Samoa National University.

Liaocheng University covers an area of 3000 acres, the school building covers an area of 775,000 square meters, and the total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is 490 million yuan. The two libraries of the East and West Campus have a total area of 49,970 square meters, a total of more than 30 book libraries and reading rooms, and more than 6,000 reading seats. There are 2.81 million volumes of paper books, 1950 types of Chinese and foreign periodicals, 3.1 million types of electronic books, and electronic periodicals. 35,000 kinds, 60 kinds of Chinese and foreign language databases. The campus environment is elegant, with lakes and mountains and evergreens, making it an ideal place to study.

School of Foreign Languages

The School of Foreign Languages was established in 1974 and is one of the six oldest departments in Liaocheng University. It has constituted a multi-level and diversified school system for graduate students, undergraduates, Chinese-foreign cooperative education and various types of adult education. The college has four undergraduate majors in English, Japanese (including service outsourcing), Korean and Chinese international education, as well as English language and literature, foreign linguistics and applied linguistics, English course teaching theory, subject teaching (English) and translation master, etc. Five master degree authorization points. In 2012, the English language and literature major was identified as the key construction major of Shandong Province’s first batch of characteristic talent training schools.

There are 77 faculty members in the college, including 10 professors, 18 associate professors, 29 doctors and doctoral candidates. There are two research institutions: the Institute for the Contrast of Chinese and Foreign Languages and Cultures and the Research Center for Basic Foreign Language Education.

The college maintains close academic exchanges and cooperation with some universities and academic groups in the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, Japan, South Korea and other countries. It has successively hired more than 40 foreign cultural and educational experts to teach in the college, and more than 40 teachers visited well-known foreign universities. Over 200 students were dispatched abroad to study.

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