Zibo Vocational Institute

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Zibo Vocational Institute
Zibo Vocational Institute Zibo Vocational Institute


Zibo Vocational Institute (淄博职业学院, website) is a full-time comprehensive higher vocational school sponsored by Zibo Municipal People’s Government. It was established in 2002 and has a history of 63 years. Now it is an excellent construction unit of the National Model School, the first batch of quality schools in Shandong Province, a pilot school for national diagnosis and reform, a pilot unit for modern apprenticeship in the Ministry of Education, and a digital campus construction experimental school for vocational colleges. It has won the national advanced unit of vocational education and the national spirit. Honorary title of advanced units for civilized construction work, won the Huang Yanpei Vocational Education Award, and was selected as one of the top 50 universities in the country for teaching resources, service contribution, and international influence.

Based on the economic and social development of the service area, the school will adjust and optimize the professional settings according to the actual development of the industry, so that the professional chain will closely link the industrial chain. The 73 majors currently offered cover the regional pillar industries. At the same time, strengthen the construction of “professional group”, closely focus on the “Top Ten” industry identified by the Shandong New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion Comprehensive Experimental Zone and the “753” modern industrial system determined by Zibo City, to create electrical automation technology, new energy vehicle technology, and health care. 3 high-level professional groups, intelligent express delivery, finance and finance, high-end chemical, bio-pharmaceutical, assembly-type construction, 6 generations of information technology, 6 key professional groups, film and television animation, foreign trade, art and creative three professional groups, professional Highly aligned with the industry.

Zibo Vocational Institute fully implements the strategy of strengthening the school by talents, pays attention to the introduction of talents and internal training, and implements “all staff quality one million projects”, “post innovations million projects”, “double-skilled structure teaching team construction project” and “famous teacher-driven projects”. Created a team of high-level, double-skilled teachers. At present, the teacher has 73 high-ranking titles, 320 associate professors, 48 doctors and 668 masters, and the proportion of “double-skilled” teachers is 93.67%. There are 10,000 people planning talents, 2 national teaching masters, 2nd-level professors, 1 expert enjoying special allowances from the State Council, 2 excellent national teaching teams; 8 provincial-level teaching teachers, 1 provincial teaching and educating model, and provincial and municipal There are 15 young and middle-aged experts who have outstanding contributions, 3 provincial young skill teachers, 2 provincial high-level moralists, 1 Huangda-year teacher team, 9 provincial-level excellent teaching teams, and 2 provincial teachers.

The institute vigorously promotes the reform of education and teaching, adheres to “cultivating students’ employment competitiveness and development potential”, and establishes the concept of “two in-depth” and “four integrations” (that is, deepening students’ understanding of student needs and deepening enterprises to understand enterprise needs Integrate students’ employment competitiveness and development potential, integrate student work and teaching work, integrate professional quality and vocational skills, integrate extracurricular and in-class training, and cooperate with school and enterprise. The talent training model of workplace docking and academic training alternates, and actively implements the decision of the central government to speed up the construction of modern vocational education system. Through four “3+2” counterparts, the pilot training program and two higher vocational education and technician education cooperation Cultivate pilot programs, five five-year-long programs, and 14 “three-two-segment” training programs, effectively link up secondary vocational, higher vocational, and undergraduate education, systematically train talents, and improve the quality of vocational education personnel training in the country. Do a typical exchange at a work meeting. After a series of reforms and practices, the institute has won 6 national teaching achievement awards, including 1 first prize and 28 provincial teaching achievement awards. It has been approved as 8 national key construction majors, 1 national professional demonstration site, 2 national-level professional teaching resource pools, 9 national-level quality courses, 9 national-level quality resource sharing courses, and 4 national vocational education training bases. 20 provincial-level brand specialties, 85 provincial-level quality courses, and 21 provincial-level quality resources sharing courses. In the past three years, students have won 3 international competitions, 39 national vocational skills competitions, and more than 600 provincial competitions. The overall employment rate of graduates reached 97.82%, and corporate satisfaction reached 95%.

As a model school for school-enterprise cooperation in Shandong Province, the school has taken the lead in establishing the backbone education group of Shandong Province-Zibo Vocational Education Group, and has absorbed enterprises from the resident administrative departments, universities, industry associations and key industries to participate in technological innovation. There are 18 professional committees, such as technical service, mechanical design and manufacturing, and electromechanical equipment. The professional branch of the school is connected to the four parties. The form of cooperation is gradually simplified to meet the needs of employment, and is gradually enriched for professional construction. Courses (textbooks) development, cooperative education (admissions), modern apprenticeship, technical services, staff training and many other aspects. At present, there are 853 cooperative enterprises, 4 school-enterprise cooperation projects of the Ministry of Education, 3 pilot programs for modern apprenticeships, and 13 provincial-enterprise integration and cooperation projects. Implementing the “Double Hundred” into the campus three-year action plan, that is, 100 entrepreneurs and 100 master craftsmen enter the campus. Each year, at least 100 “family members”, entrepreneur alumni, and outstanding master craftsmen and intangible cultural inheritors of the company, who are above the scale or above well-known enterprises, are employed as industry professors, and participate in the teaching and research of the school. Management work, and actively create a community of school-enterprise destiny, the first batch has hired 143 industry professors, and promote the establishment of 10 characteristic secondary colleges such as Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing Institute.

Zibo Vocational Institute fully recognizes that scientific and technological innovation capability is an important indicator of service development, and has established a work policy of “based on higher vocational education and highlighting applied research”. It encourages companies to jointly build science and technology innovation platforms, undertake technology development projects, jointly declare patents, and build up A scientific and technological innovation work system with high vocational characteristics. Up to now, it has jointly established a provincial engineering technology research center, two provincial university engineering technology research centers, three provincial vocational education skills and skills inheritance innovation platform, 12 city engineering technology research centers, and 29 skill master studios. It has undertaken 643 various horizontal projects entrusted by industry enterprises, and the funds for the accounts have reached nearly 40 million yuan. At the same time, 3,894 academic papers were published in various publications at home and abroad, including 251 articles by international search institutions such as SCI/EI/ISTP/ISSHP, 599 core papers by Peking University, and 547 patents granted by various patents, including invention patents. Item, 3 invention patents were successfully signed and transferred.

Based on the requirements of regional economic and social development, the institute’s professional quality and professional ability, and based on its own professional and teacher advantages, it has established two provincial demonstration social service training bases and eight provincial and municipal levels, including the Shandong Provincial Pension Service and Management Training Base. Skills training base, set up a social training project team, and conduct training for employees in agriculture, rural areas, construction industry, medical and health care, and old-age services. The annual training volume exceeded 110,000 people.

Zibo Vocational Institute actively builds international business brands, actively serves the “One Belt and One Road” construction and regional economic “going out” strategy, continuously expands international cooperation projects, establishes friendly and cooperative relations with 66 institutions in 15 countries and regions, and establishes Cambodia Vocational Education Center. Waiting for 4 overseas education bases, carrying out two Sino-foreign cooperative education projects, including logistics management, introducing 6 international teaching standards such as warehousing logistics management, and exporting 5 majors such as new energy vehicles to cooperative universities in Cambodia and other countries along the “Belt and Road”. The standards and curriculum standards have trained key teachers for the 10 technical colleges of the Ministry of Labour of Cambodia and trained more than 700 professional and technical personnel for the “going out” enterprises. In the past three years, the college has hired 3 foreign experts, 800 exchanges of teachers and students overseas, 105 colleges and universities, educational institutions and enterprises, and 527 international students, including students from the “Belt and Road” countries. 80%.

The institute promoted management innovation in an all-round way, and the experience and practice were twice approved by the central leadership. The reform of the personnel system was awarded the Shandong Teamwork Innovation Award. Student management realizes “24-hour full-time coverage”, and the Ministry of Education briefs on the publication of experience. As the first batch of pilot units for teaching diagnosis and improvement in vocational colleges, the company established a scientific and advanced quality control and performance appraisal system, and promoted it nationwide, and more than 500 colleges and universities came to the hospital to study. The mainstream media such as Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People’s Daily and Guangming Daily reported the experience of the college.

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