Hainan Medical University

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Hainan Medical College is the only public medical school in Hainan Free Trade Port, formerly known as HaiQiang Medical Technology School founded in 1947 and the private Hainan University Medical College founded in 1948, which has trained more than 70,000 high-quality medical and health talents for the country for more than 70 years. It is the first batch of national pilot universities for the excellent doctor education and training program, the first batch of comprehensive reform pilot universities of the Ministry of Education, the construction unit of high level university of Hainan Province, the leading unit of National Emergency Medical Rescue Team (Hainan), the National Water Emergency Education &Training Base, the National Marine Emergency Medical Rescue base, and the doctoral degree granting unit.

The university is located in Haikou, the capital of Hainan Province, a tropical coastal city known as the “Coconut City”, and has two campuses: the Chengxi campus is located in Longhua District, Haikou, and the Guilinyang campus (under construction) is located in Jiangdong New District, Haikou. There are 20 teaching institutions, forming an all-round and multi-level talent cultivation system from specialist students to undergraduates, master students and doctoral students, from full-time to adult education, international student education and continuing education. There are 15,087 full-time students, including 72 doctoral students, 1,407 master’s students (including 14 students studying abroad), and 11,766 undergraduate students (including 653 international students).

The university offers 31 undergraduate majors in 3 disciplines, including medicine, science, and management, and has 5 national first-class undergraduate majors, 2 national specialties, 1 national experimental teaching demonstration center, 1 national clinical teaching training demonstration center, clinical medicine is the first ESI top 1% discipline in Hainan, and pharmacy and clinical medicine have passed the professional certification of the Ministry of Education. There are 9 national clinical key construction specialties and 7 first-class disciplines in Hainan Province. In 2006, the university passed the evaluation of the level of teaching in general higher education institutions with “good” score. In 2006, the university passed the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work level of general higher education institutions with “good” score, and in 2017, it passed the audit evaluation of undergraduate teaching work of general higher education institutions.

The university has a high-quality teaching team with 1217 full-time teachers, 858of whom have senior professional and technical positions, 198 of whom are professors, and 43.63% of whom have doctoral degrees. There are8 academician workstations, 9 flexible academicians from two academies,3 “Changjiang scholars”, 6 national candidates of “100 million talents project”, 3 national outstanding teachers, 1 national famous teacher of teaching in higher education of Chinese medicine, 28 experts selected by the State Council. There are 28 Specially Appointed Experts, 4 people selected by the Ministry of Education for the “New Century Excellent Talent Support Program” and 16 double hundred talent teams in Hainan Province.

With the characteristics of tropical medicine, the university has formed a stable research direction of tropical medicine and built a tropical medicine system of teaching, research and clinical “trinity”. The university has established two key laboratories of the Ministry of Education in tropical translational medicine and emergency and trauma research, and one key laboratory of the National Health Care Commission in tropical disease prevention and treatment, and hosts the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine and the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine–the only two SCI-indexed international tropical medicine journals in China, which are ranked 10th and 18th in the global SCI tropical medicine journals. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine The impact factor of Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine exceeded 3 for the first time and was ranked in the Q2 region, which was another record high.One Health Bulletin is the first international academic journal in the field of health in China.

The university has 101 teaching practice and internship bases. Hainan Hospital, the First Affiliated Hospital, the Second Affiliated Hospital and other 3 Grade A general hospitals are directly affiliated hospitals, and the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the Clinical College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hainan Medical College, and there are 8 non-directly affiliated hospitals and 12 teaching hospitals, which provide a strong guarantee for clinical teaching.

The university insists on open schooling, and establishes a cooperative relationship with the University of Nebraska, Switzerland, Basel University, Thailand Masiron University, the University of Hong Kong, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Nanjing Medical University and other well-known universities at home and abroad. The university jointly establish “aging and Tumor International Research Center”with the United States Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation and Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine Ruijin Hospital, jointly apply for the establishment of Sino-foreign cooperative institutions of Hainan College of Medicine West England College with the University of the West of England in the United Kingdom, and initiate the establishment of the “One Belt and One Road” tropical medicine alliance consisting of 122 institutions of higher education and scientific research in 30 countries and regions, and has successfully held four International Tropical Medicine Summit.

The university carries forward the spirit of “self-improvement, unity and vigor”, adheres to the school motto of “virtue, rigor, erudition and harmony”, sets up the educational ideology of cultivating “red doctors”. It has established the 1st entrepreneurship incubation base for college graduates in Hainan Province, and students have won many national awards, such as the first prize in the undergraduate group of the National College Mathematics Modeling Competition, the special prize in the First National Pharmacy and Chinese Medicine Experimental Teaching Reform Competition of Pharmaceutical Colleges and Universities, and the “Advanced Collective of Employment Work for Graduates of National Colleges and Universities”. It has also won many honors such as “National Advanced Unit for Research and Practice of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education”.

At present, the university is serving the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port as its mission, insisting on the road of high-quality and characteristic development, striving to build an international high-level medical university with distinctive tropical characteristics, and making greater contributions to the implementation of the health China strategy.

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