Capital University of Economics and Business

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About Company

Founded in 1956, the Capital University of Economics and Business (CUEB) today is a leading university administered by the Beijing Municipality. CUEB took its current form in 1995 when the Beijing College of Economics and the Beijing Institute of Finance & Trade merged into one. Over the last 60 years, CUEB has grown into a modern, multidisciplinary university with program advantages in the subject areas of economics, management, law, literature, and science and engineering, of which economics and management are the core disciplines.

The main campus of CUEB is located in Huaxiang, Fengtai District, and concentrates on full-time undergraduate and postgraduate education, while the Hongmiao Campus in Chaoyang District focuses on international and continuing education.

Student Body and Alumni at a Glance

Today, CUEB has 17,948 registered students, including 9,908 undergraduates,221 junior college students, 2,797 master’s degree students, 351 doctoral candidates, 1016 international students and 3,655 continuing education students. University admission scores are among the top for universities administered by the Beijing Municipality. Moreover, in recent years, the university has witnessed an increasing number of students pursuing further education both at home and abroad. The over 95% employment rate for new graduates has earned the university an excellent public reputation.

Faculty at a Glance 

CUEB currently has 1,471 faculty members, of which 813 teach full time. 67% of faculty members have a Ph.D., 172 are either full professors or equivalent, 301 are associate professors or equivalent. There are 68 doctoral student advisers and 418 master student advisers. Among the current faculty there is one national outstanding teacher, one recipient of the National Distinguished Educator award, one scholar supported by China’s “Thousand Talents Program”, three in New Century Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education, 6 awarded the Special Government Allowance of the State Council, 18 recipients of Beijing Distinguished Educator awards, and 7 supported by Beijing High-level Overseas Talent Program. In 2006, the university initiated a teacher career development program and established the CUEB Office of Teacher Advancement (OTA), one of just a few programs in this category in China. CUEB’s OTA is a teacher -governed organization dedicated to teacher career planning and advancement, the first of its kind in Beijing. The “Non-administrative OTA Development Model” project is a second prize winner of the national teaching achievement prize.

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