Ningde Normal University

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Ningde Normal University (宁德师范学院) is a full-time undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education. The school’s predecessor was Fu’an Teachers College, which was built in 1958. When it was reopened in 1978, it was renamed Ningde Teachers College. In March 1994, it was renamed Ningde Teachers College. Teachers College, was awarded the bachelor’s degree in 2014, passed the qualification assessment of undergraduate teaching work of the Ministry of Education in 2016, established a secondary medical school in 2017, and began jointly training master graduate students in 2018. In 2018, it won the honorary title of “The First Provincial Civilized Campus of Fujian Province”.

The university covers an area of more than 1,200 acres and has two campuses, Dongqiao and Jiaocheng. The building area of the school building is about 330,000 square meters. The library has more than 850,000 paper books and more than 930,000 electronic books. It has Chinese and foreign electronic resources such as the cnki periodical database and foreign language database, and special collections such as Dai culture and red culture. Love literature.

Ningde Normal University currently has more than 9,500 full-time undergraduate students, with 11 secondary colleges and 36 undergraduate majors, covering 8 disciplines including education, literature, science, engineering, law, medicine, management, and arts. Selected into 2 provincial key disciplines, 4 applied disciplines, 3 applied specialty groups, 6 specialty specialties serving local industries, 10 Ministry of Education industry-academia education programs; 5 provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers 3 simulation experiment teaching centers, 3 public basic course experimental teaching platforms, 5 school-enterprise cooperative practice teaching bases. In the past three school years, teachers presided over 21 provincial-level education reform projects, 2 provincial-level “curricular ideological and political education” education and teaching excellent projects, 1 provincial-level “Ideological and Political Curriculum” educational and teaching reform excellent project, and 9 provincial-level teaching achievement awards Among them, “Learning” Getting Rid of Poverty “and Constructing a Three-dimensional Practical Teaching Model of Ideological and Political Education Combined with Knowledge and Action won the provincial teaching achievement special award. “Dong Culture and Education Demonstration Base” and “Mindong Red Culture and Education Research Base” were selected as provincial traditional culture and education demonstration bases and red culture and education research bases, respectively. The student association “Houshan Night School” has adhered to volunteer service for more than 30 years. In 2018, it was named the National Excellent Student Association. The Village Officer Assistant Volunteer Service Team won the first prize of the “Strengthening Nations Cup” 2015 national college and junior college students’ “three going to the countryside” social practice activities. In the past five years, students have participated in more than 900 awards in professional competitions at the provincial and ministerial levels and above, including more than 240 national awards. Students participated in the track and field competition of the 16th Provincial Games University Student Department and won the second place in the sports group and the fourth place in the public sports group. The employment rate of graduates at the end of the year is stable at more than 95%.

The university faculty has 240 senior titles, 375 doctoral and master’s degrees, 4 doctoral supervisors, 23 master’s supervisors, 1 national “Thousand Talents Program” expert, 2 experts who enjoy special allowances from the State Council, and received Zeng Xianzi’s education. One National Foundation Excellent Teacher Award and one Second Prize, 1 China Youth Science and Technology Award, 2 Fujian Youth Science and Technology Award, 4 Provincial Teaching Teachers, 4 Provincial Talent Projects of Ten Million Talent Project, Provincial Introduction One Taiwanese high-level talent “Hundred Talents Plan”, one province to introduce high-level talents, one “Minjiang Scholar” Distinguished Professor, three “Minjiang Scholars” lecture professors, nine provincial high-level talents support plan for the new century, There are 11 outstanding young talents training programs in provincial universities, 29 outstanding talents in Ningde City, 4 people in the first batch of special talents in the Ningde City “Hundred Talents Program”, and they have been rated as more than 100 various experts in Ningde City.

The university currently has 8 provincial and ministerial-level technological innovation platforms such as the Public Service Platform of the National Oceanic Administration, the Key Laboratory of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and 8 scientific research platforms such as the Provincial University’s characteristic new think tanks and the Provincial University Engineering Research Center. 11 on-campus scientific research platforms including the Key Laboratory of Toxic Chemistry. Undertook 21 national scientific research projects, more than 160 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, and more than 2,000 other various topics. Carried out local service work and signed more than 90 technical service contracts. He has won 8 provincial-level natural science awards, scientific and technological progress awards, and social science planning awards. With more than 330 authorized patents of various types, it vigorously provides technical research services for local enterprises.

Ningde Normal University actively introduces overseas quality education resources. Inter-university cooperation with foreign universities such as Bielefeld University of Applied Technology, University of Western Sydney, Australia, and University of Malaya, Malaysia. Cooperating with Taiwan Yishou University, Huwei University of Science and Technology, and Qiaoguang University of Science and Technology to run schools in Fujian and Taiwan.

College of Languages and Cultures (CLC)

The College of Languages and Cultures was established on July 4th, 2017 on the former Chinese Department and the Foreign Language Department.It boasts the largest number of teachers and students in Ningde Normal University. There are 94 staff, including 4 professors, 20 associate professors, 2 foreign teachers and 4 PhD holders. More than 70 teachers have master degrees and above, which accounts for 88% of full-time teachers. There are 35 classes with more than 1,300 full-time students .

Currently the college has six units: English Department, Business English Department , Chinese Language and Literature Department , Internet and New Media Department, Public Foreign Language Teaching Center, Preparatory Class for Ethnic Groups,and runs 4 undergraduate majors: English, Business English, Chinese Language and Literature, Internet and New Media. CLC owns five research platforms: the She Ethnic Culture Research Center of the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Base of Fujian Province, the Ethnic Cultural Exchange and Hands-on Base Across the Taiwan Strait by Fujian Provincial Education Bureau, the She Ethnic Culture Research Base for University-Enterprise Cooperative Teaching in Fujian Province, Ningde Theoretic Research Base on the Ethnic Work of Fujian Provincial United Front Theoretic Research Association, Ningde Ethnic Theory Research Base of the Research Society of Fujian Province, and the Collaborative Innovation Center on the She Ethnic Ecological Culture Research in Ningde, as well as one research center: Ningde Cultural Research Center. The College has established facilities like the Apple Non-linear Editing Laboratory,Virtual Studio, Photography Training Room, Language Laboratory, International Trade Training Room, Interpreting Room, Simulation Negotiation Room, and 25 training bases outside the university.

The college attaches great importance to the construction of teaching projects. So far there are 2 shared provincial excellency courses, one university-level cultural and creative industrial group, 2 university-level distinctive disciplines, 8 university-level excellency courses, 4 core courses of quality education in the teaching reform program, 16 university-level teaching reform projects, 2 teaching achievement awards and 2 university-level teaching teams.

Meanwhile the college also attaches great importance to the internationalization of the faculty. Over the past few years, more than 30 young teachers were sent to the United States Australia, Britain, Singapore, Japan and other countries for academic training, research and studies. They actively expand educational cooperation with countries along The Belt and Road. The teachers have won the first, second and third prizes of the “FLTRP”Star Teacher Contest for six times, and the “Danqing Award”of the First Fujian Provincial Calligraphy Exhibition Contest as well as the second and the third prizes of Fujian Provincial Teaching Competition for young teachers twice, and the second and the third prizes of Fujian Provincial Classic Poetry Recitation Contest twice. For the students,they also excelled in the “FLTRP” English Contest,“Outlook” English Talent Competition, Fujian Provincial “Challenge Cup”Competition, Fujian Provincial Classical Poetry Recitation Contest, Fujian Provincial Standard Chinese Character Writing Contest,National Teaching Skills Contest for Teachers Training University Students.

At present, the college has gained great advantages with their highlight in the study of the Ethnic She Culture, local culture research and international publicity of Ningde through translation. In recent years, the teachers have published more than 30 monographs and translated works, edited and co-edited more than 20 textbooks, published more than 200 essays in various-level academic papers, undertaken 4 general projects of National Social Science Fund, 2 projects of the Ministry of Education and National Language Committee,8 projects of Fujian Provincial Social Science Fund, as well as more than 100 projects at municipal(bureau) level and university level. Based on the construction of different disciplines, the college has strengthened the features of teacher cultivation, and trained many professional teachers and various talents of nearly 10,000 persons for Ningde City and the surrounding areas. CLC has made outstanding contributions to professional training of talents and the local compulsory education services.

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