Global Talent Recruitment of Xinjiang University in 2024

May 16, 2024

Job Description

I. School Profile

The predecessor of Xinjiang University was the Xinjiang Russian Legal and Political School, which was founded in 1924. Through the hard work of generations of new adults, Xinjiang University has become a comprehensive university with a long history of running schools, a glorious revolutionary tradition, and distinctive characteristics of running schools. As the leader and vanguard of higher education in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang University was included in the first batch of 42 first-class universities in the country in 2017. In 2018, it was identified as a university “jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In 2021, it was selected as the second batch of national” double first-class “construction (first-class discipline) universities.

Faculty and staff

There are 2071 full-time teachers in the school, 1052 full-time teachers with senior titles and 1147 teachers with doctoral degrees. Existing Chinese Academy of Engineering 1 academician, selected for the national talent program 21 people, “national universities and colleges of Huang Dainian-style teacher team” 2, the Ministry of Education “New Century Outstanding Talent Support Program” 8 people, the Central Propaganda Department of the cultural celebrities and four a number of (propaganda, ideology and culture of young talents) 1 person. The Ministry of Propaganda and Culture of the four batch (propaganda, ideology and culture of young talents) 1 person. Autonomous region outstanding contribution to outstanding experts 17 people, autonomous regions and “four batch” of cultural experts and cultural industry leading talent 6 people, autonomous regions and “national high-level talent special support program” reserve candidates 13 people.

Status of campus construction

There are 38,449 students in the university, including 22,392 undergraduates, 14,629 master’s degree students, 1,321 doctoral degree students, and 107 international students. There are three campuses, namely, Honghu Campus, Youyi Campus and Boda Campus, of which Boda Campus, located in Hemaquan New Area of Shuimoogou District, will be officially opened in October 2021, providing better platforms and research environments for all kinds of professional and technical talents. Xinjiang, with its vast territory and rich resources, is the core area of the national Silk Road Economic Belt, the bridgehead of the new era of western development and an important gateway to open up to the outside world, which will provide ample stages and opportunities for the development of young talents, and we sincerely recruit the world’s talents to build a beautiful Xinjiang together.

Counterpart support

Since the launch of a new round of counterpart support in 2010, with the strong support of the Ministry of Education, Tsinghua University as the leader, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Wuhan University, Central South University, Renmin University of China as the deputy team leader, Beijing Normal University, Dalian University of Technology , Tongji University, Beijing Foreign Language University, Donghua University, China University of Mining and Technology, Sun Yat -sen University, Northeast Normal University, Xiamen University, and Electronic Science and Technology University of Electronic Science and Technology are a member of the universities. Tianjin University, East China University of Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology and our university established counterpart cooperative relationships.

Construction of disciplines

The school’s current philosophy, economics, law, literature, history, history, science, engineering, management, and art science category covers the main areas of senior special talent training and scientific research. There are currently three national double first -class construction disciplines (Marxist theory, chemistry, computer science and technology), three autonomous regions “14th Five -Year” advantageous discipline rejuvenation project (mathematics, Chinese language literature and mechanical engineering), 6 autonomous regions “Fourteenth Five -Year Plan” characteristic discipline innovation engineering construction discipline (law, geography, biology, ecology, electrical engineering and chemical engineering and technology); 6 disciplines (chemistry, engineering, materials, environment and ecology, earth, earth, earth Science, computer science and technology) entered the top 1%global ESI. There are 14 doctoral degree authorized first -level disciplines, 1 engineering doctoral degree authorization category, 37 master’s degree authorized first -level disciplines, 18 master’s degree authorization categories, and 13 postdoctoral research mobile stations. The school currently has 98 undergraduate majors, 73 majors (categories) enrollment in 2023, 69 single majors, 4 major enrollment majors (including 9 majors); 38 national first -class undergraduate construction points, 15 autonomous regions -level levels First -class undergraduate construction point.

Construction of teaching and research platforms

There are 47 scientific research platforms (teams) at or above the provincial and ministerial level of science and engineering, of which one of the national key laboratories of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the provincial and ministers of the Ministry of Science and Technology will be established. 1; 1 of the Provincial and Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education 1 key laboratory; 14 key laboratories in the autonomous region; 2 engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education, 1 Information Technology Research Center, Autonomous Region Engineering Technology Research Center 6, 1 research center of the People’s Government of the Autonomous Region; 1 Scientific Observation Research Station of the Ministry of Education; 1 innovation team in key areas of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 4 innovation teams of the Ministry of Education, 10 Tianshan Innovation Team Autonomous Region

There are 14 scientific research platforms above the provincial and ministerial levels in humanities and social sciences. Among them, the four ministries and commissions have jointly set up one research base for forging a strong sense of the Chinese national community, one base for China’s literary and art criticism, 11 key research bases for humanities and social sciences in the autonomous region, and one collaborative innovation center jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education.


II. Recruiting Requirements and Remuneration for High-level Talents

1.High-level leading talents. State-level outstanding talents, who hold professorships and equivalent positions in famous universities and research institutions at home and abroad, or who undertake national scientific and technological tasks, produce important academic results, and have the ability to lead their disciplines to catch up with or lead the international advanced level; and other scholars of equivalent or higher academic level.

2.Discipline leader. It has a great impact in the academic or industry fields, high academic accomplishments, competent core curriculum lectures, has outstanding research results in the field of disciplines, innovative ideas for discipline construction and academic research work, strong team leaders and leaders and strong team leaders and team leaders and strong team leaders and The ability to transform scientific and technological achievements has the ability to help this discipline to overtake or maintain international advanced level, and have the potential to become leading talents.

3.Academic backbone. In principle, the age is not more than 45 years old. He has professional and technical positions of deputy senior and above. He is competent for core curriculum teaching. He has a broad academic field of vision and innovative thinking. Academic achievements can have a significant impact on the development of disciplines, and have the potential to become an academic or technical leader in this field.

4.Young talents. In principle, the age of a doctoral degree and humanities and social sciences is not more than 40 years old. In principle, the age of natural sciences is not more than 35 years old. He is concentrated on academic and courageous innovation. He has research experience in the field of academic frontier and has achieved representative research results.

5.Team talent. The team leaders need to meet the subject leaders and above conditions. There are no less than 3 team members with doctoral degrees. Related research can play an important role in promoting the construction of school disciplines.


III.extent applicable

Evaluation of professional titles

Those who already have senior professional and technical positions will be appointed according to their original professional and technical positions after working; those who have no senior professional and technical positions, and have more than one year of work experience, they can participate in the associate professor when they work in the year. Appointment; no senior professional and technical positions, and no work experience, enjoy the salary of associate professors at school (the state stipulated in the state), participated in the associate professor in the following year.

Salary range

1.High -level leaders and discipline leaders. Remuneration, scientific research startup funds, housing treatment, team building and scientific research conditions for the end

2.Academic backbone.

  1. Scope of salary: The annual salary of the tax during the treatment period (three years) was 300,000 to 400,000 yuan/year, of which the special allowance was 200-300,000 yuan/year; those who met the conditions actively recommended the relevant talent support plans of the state and the autonomous region;
  2. Scientific research launch funds: According to the actual needs of the college (scientific research institution), it is supported by the project, which has a significant impact on the development of the school.
  3. Housing benefits: 450,000 yuan (tax exemption) in peacetime, housing subsidies are issued for two consecutive years according to the standard of 2,000 yuan/month, and at the same time, it can provide a set of group purchase/talent security housing (80-150m2) at the preferential price.

3.Young talent

  1. Salary: During the treatment period (three years), the annual salary of the tax in the previous year was not less than 150,000 to 250,000 yuan/year, of which the special allowance was 70,000 to 150,000 yuan/year; those who met the conditions actively recommended the relevant talent support plans of the state and the autonomous region;
  2. Scientific research launch funds: According to the actual needs of the college (scientific research institution), it is supported by the project, which has a significant impact on the development of the school.
  3. Housing treatment: set up a home fee of 25-350,000 yuan (tax-free), and issued housing subsidies for two consecutive years in accordance with the standards of 2,000 yuan/month; a set of group purchase/talent security housing (80-150m2) is provided at a preferential price.

4.Outstanding team

  • Salary, scientific research launch funds, housing treatment, job title evaluation, children’s entry entrusted and spouse work, etc., take “one thing and one discussion” according to work tasks.
  • Team building:Each doctor is equipped with an expert in school, and after the school, he is hired as a master’s tutor as a master’s degree.
  • Project report:Guide the introduction of talent projects at all kinds of autonomous regions and above, and give further support depending on the actual situation of the talents. The introduction of doctorates can receive a maximum of 200,000 disposable living subsidies, with a maximum of 300,000 per year for three consecutive years, totaling 1.1 million funding support. Experts and scholars who have successfully approved the national talent project, the school will be supported by the school.
  • Spouse work:The spouse’s degree can directly sign a labor contract with the university in the form of equal repayment of the same work.
  • Children go to school:There are kindergartens and affiliated middle schools in the Honghu Campus of Xinjiang University, which can properly solve the needs of children to learn.

Register online

1.Log in to the Xinjiang University Recruitment website ( to register, select the corresponding unit, and follow the prompts to upload various scanned copies.

2.After registering, candidates fill in the information in detail, including basic information, study experience, work experience, published papers, project status, description of their academic contributions and representative achievements, invention patents, awards and qualifications, writings, teaching status, future planning, immediate family members, other conditions or problems requiring assistance to solve, etc., the information required to be complete and accurate.

3.Online registration technical services and policy consultation telephone:0991-8585997、8582230。

4.During the online registration process, if candidates need to understand the tasks and benefits in detail, they can consult the contact person of each college. For contact information, see the “List of Contact Persons and Contact Information of Each Unit of Talent Introduction of Xinjiang University”(Annex 1).

Email registration

1.Log in to the Xinjiang University website(。

2.Select “Xinjiang University’s 2024 High-level Talent Introduction Announcement” in the “Notice Announcement” column.

3.Read carefully and download the “Application Form for the Introduction of High-level Talents from Xinjiang University”.

4.Fill in the “Application Form for the Introduction of High-level Talents at Xinjiang University” and send the electronic version of relevant supporting materials to the designated e-mail address. The subject of the email must be marked with “Doctoral Application-Application Department-Major-Name”.

Detailed flow

After receiving the resume, the teaching and research unit will organize interviews and trial lectures as soon as possible. After it is determined that the requirements are initially met, it will be submitted to the functional department of the university for identification and review, and then submitted to the university talent work committee for review. After approval, it will be directly introduced into the establishment and introduction according to the green channel.


Contact information

Contact person: Xu Sumingyang, Feng Qinghua, Organization (Personnel) Department of the UCPC
