The recruitment for Earth Science High-talent in IDSSE, CAS

May 29, 2024

Job Description

Recruitment related to the Science Division requires the following research direction: Deep-sea Biology, Deep-sea Geology &Geochemistry, Deep-sea Geophysics& Resources, Deep-sea Extreme Environment Simulation, Extraterrestrial Ocean Systems, Marine Mammals and Marine Bioacoustics, and Analysis chemistry, etc.

Recruitment related to the Engineering Division requires the following research direction: Mechanical Engineering, Computer, Electronic Engineering, etc.


Assistant Researcher: Annual Salary is around 300,000-350,000RMB.

Associate Researcher: Annual Salary is around 300,000-400,000RMB.

Researcher: Annual Salary is around 400,000-500,000RMB.

How to Apply:

Please send your application and resume to: 

Introduction of IDSSE

The Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering (IDSSE) within the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a unique national oceanographic research entity in China devoted to conducting deep-sea scientific research and developing deep-sea technologies. Established in 2016, IDSSE is dedicated to advancing deep-sea knowledge and understanding through a commitment to excellence in deep-sea science, research, exploration, and education. IDSSE is organized with three main parts: Deep-sea Science Division, Deep-sea Engineering and Technology Division and Marine Equipment and Operation Management Center.

Deep-sea Science Division has a community of Laboratory of Deep-sea Biology, Laboratory of Deep-sea Geology &Geochemistry, Laboratory of Deep-sea Geophysics& Resources, Laboratory of Ocean Circulation Observation & Numerical Modelling, Laboratory of Deep-sea Extreme Environment Simulation, Laboratory of Extraterrestrial Ocean Systems, Laboratory of Marine Mammals and Marine Bioacoustics, and Analysis and Test Center certified by CAS Institutional Center for Shared Technologies and Facilities.

Deep-sea Engineering and Technology Division has a community of Laboratory of Deep-sea Exploration Technology, Laboratory of Deep-sea Information Technology, Laboratory of Deep-sea Resource Development, Laboratory of Deep-dive Technology, Laboratory of Deep-sea Video Technology, Laboratory of Deep-sea Software Evaluation and R&D, and Deep-sea Engineering Laboratory.

IDSSE manages and operates several ocean platforms, including the research vessels Tansuoyihao and Tansuoerhao, with the capacity to support long-term missions worldwide. IDSSE is also the operator and maintainer of the two most notable human occupied vehicles, HOV Shenhaiyongshi (max operating depth of 4500 meters) and HOV Fendouzhe (full ocean depth).  With such fleet, in 2021 IDSSE made the deepest manned dive record to the Challenger Deep of Mariana Trench, the deepest point in the world’s ocean. Ever since her commission in 2021, HOV Fendouzhe has brought a total of 32 national and international scientists to depths of exceeding 10,000 meters, the highest number of dives and passengers as of to-date.

Currently, with support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technology, IDSSE is pursuing the “Global Trench Exploration and Diving Program (Global TREnD)”, an international collaborative initiative, being open to the world’s deep-sea community and aiming to advance humanity’s understanding of geology, biology and their interactions at the deepest parts of the Earth’s oceans.
