Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities

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Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities (广西民族师范学院) is a full-time general undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education in 2009. It implements a “district-city co-construction, city-oriented” management system. The school’s history can be traced back to Guangxi Provincial Chongshan Normal School, which was established in 1939. It has gone through Guangxi Provincial Longzhou Normal School, Guangxi Longzhou Normal School, Nanning Special Zone (Region) Longzhou Normal School, Nanning Second Normal School , Nanning Teachers College, Nanning Teachers College (December 2003, the former Second National Teachers College in Nanning was merged into the school to form a new Nanning Teachers College).

In the course of 80 years of running a school, Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities adhered to the root of the southern part of the motherland, condensed the “foundation stone” spirit of “rooted at the grassroots level and willing to dedicate”, and established the school motto of “advance in morality, cultivate and succeed” Basic education and economic and social development have trained a large number of outstanding talents, effectively promoted the development of regional economic society and education, and made tremendous contributions to the economic development, social progress, and national defense consolidation of border ethnic areas.

Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities currently has 16 secondary colleges, 41 undergraduate majors, and 12 vocational colleges. The disciplines cover economics, law, education, literature, science, engineering, management, art, and history. Wait for nine universities. Among them: “Applied Chemistry” is a key and characteristic discipline of Guangxi universities, and “Applied Mathematics” and “Tourism Management” are key cultivation disciplines of Guangxi universities; minority sports, minority art, folklore (including Chinese folk literature), and strong Chinese bilingual Education is a characteristic discipline of ethnic colleges and universities in the autonomous region; tourism management, environmental design, pharmaceutical engineering, Vietnamese, chemical engineering and technology, physics, Chinese language and literature, international economics and trade, primary education, cross-border business and logistics and professional groups are autonomous regions Grade-level advantage specialty specialty project construction major; in 2018, five disciplines such as ethnology, education, tourism management, materials and chemical engineering, biology and medicine successfully applied for new master’s degree authorization projects, and the school was included in the 2018-2020 new master’s degree in Guangxi The degree is awarded to the construction unit, and the level of running a school is expected to improve. Since the promotion, the school has undertaken 2 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 16 projects of the National Social Science Fund, nearly 60 provincial and ministerial projects, and nearly 400 department-level projects; and 5 provincial and ministerial scientific research awards.

Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities has established the key research and cultivation base of humanities and social sciences in Guangxi universities (provincial research platform) “Zuojiang River Valley Ethnic Culture Research Center”, Guangxi University Key Laboratory “Key Southwest Guangxi Special Plant Resource Chemistry Laboratory” There are demonstration bases for improving teacher education in the district’s colleges and universities, teachers ‘demonstration bases, Chongzuo Zhuang literary and artistic creation bases, city-level talents, and city-level minors’ mental health counseling centers; together with Chongzuo City Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Marxist College, Journalism major and “Southwestern Guangxi Marxist Theory Research and Study Seminar”; together with the Chongzuo People’s Congress Standing Committee, “Chongzuo Local Legislative Research Evaluation and Consulting Service Base”; the School of Music, the Academy of Fine Arts, and the School of Physical Education respectively The Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee has formed a co-constructed unit to carry out in-depth excavation, cultivation and promotion of ethnic music, ethnic arts and crafts, and ethnic traditional sports; all secondary colleges actively carry out collaborative education and cooperative development activities with enterprises , The cooperation model is diversified, mainly including “co-construction There are more than 10 kinds of training modes, such as off-campus training room, “one six six”, “school-based enterprise”, “project system”, and “order”.

Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities occupies a total area of 1148 acres, with a total building area of 396,000 square meters. The total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is nearly 150 million yuan; there are 120 (324) experimental (training) rooms on campus, and 149 off-site practical training bases. The library has more than 1.1 million paper books, more than 1.5 million electronic books, and more than 20,000 electronic journals. It has opened more than 20 kinds of network resources, including China Periodical Network, Weipu Periodical Database, Wanfang Database, and Superstar Digital Library. An automatic retrieval system was provided to effectively support the discipline construction and talent training of our university.

The school recruits students from more than ten provinces, municipalities (autonomous regions) across the country. Up to now, there are nearly 16,000 full-time students, including 400 students from Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, South Korea, Cameroon, Somalia, Ghana, Nigeria, Yemen and other countries. Multiple names. There are ethnic students from 29 ethnic minorities including Zhuang, Yao, Miao, Dong, Yi and Gelao, accounting for more than 53% of the total number of students at school. In 2018, students won a number of provincial and ministerial-level discipline competition awards, with 118 students admitted to master’s degree programs, and the quality of talent training has improved significantly.

Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities has 994 faculty members, including 680 full-time teachers, 233 teachers with senior titles, and 499 doctoral and master’s degree teachers. The school has various titles such as Guangxi’s “One Hundred Thousand Talents Project in the New Century”, “Guangxi University Teaching Master”, Guangxi Young and Middle-aged Key Teacher Training Engineering Candidates, Guangxi College Outstanding Talent Funding Program Candidates, and other talents.

Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities takes advantage of its location on the “Belt and Road” to organically connect important frontiers of important portals. It has organized groups to participate in the 7th ASEAN Guangxi International Education Exhibition. Northern Bangkok University, Royal University of Lampang Thailand, Haiphong University of Vietnam, Dongdu University of Vietnam, Oriental University of Vietnam, Cambodia National Management University, Tarak Agricultural University of the Philippines Cooperative relationship, sending international students to each other. It has signed cooperation assistance agreements with more than 10 domestic universities, such as South China Normal University, Beijing Materials Institute, and Nanning Normal University, and has carried out extensive cooperation in teacher education, scientific research, and personnel training. Established cooperative relations with 72 public institutions of Chongzuo Municipal Party Committee, Chongzuo Food and Drug Administration, Chongzuo Tourism Development Committee, CITIC Dameng Chongzuo Branch, Pingxiang E-commerce Chamber of Commerce, Chongzuo High School To build a training base for applied talents.

Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities tightly seized the major opportunities for the implementation of national development strategies such as the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone and the “Belt and Road”, strengthened the mission consciousness of serving Chongzuo and Guangxi’s economic and social development, and training high-level application-oriented talents, and proposed adaptation. The national and local development requirements are in line with the school ’s actual overall orientation of running a school: based on Chongzuo, serving Guangxi, facing the whole country, radiating ASEAN, building the school to adapt to the economic and social development of the minority areas in the southwestern border, and has a certain influence in the region. It is a high-level application-oriented university with teachers, nationalities, and border characteristics at an advanced level among similar institutions.
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