English/French Teachers in Shanghai

March 19, 2023

Job Description


i. Recruitment

  • 1. Abide by the Constitution and laws of the People’s Republic of China
  • 2. Abide by the ethics of teachers, uphold academic integrity, be willing to work diligently, and have no criminal record or record in breaching the ethics of teachers and/or academic integrity
  • 3. Native language or official language:English, French.
  • 4. Less than 60 years old
  • 5. Educational background: Bachelor degree or higher
  • 6. More than 2 years of language teaching experience or the certificate in education or language

ii. Job Responsibility

  • 1. Engage in full-time teaching work. Foreign language teachers mainly teach English/French spoken lessons
  • 2. Complete other teaching tasks assigned by Faculty, including answering questions after class, tutorials, etc
  • 3. Abide by Xianda Teachers’ code of conduct and teaching regulations.

iii. Wages and Benefit

  • 1. Monthly salary:12 class hours/per week ;10,000RMB/Month
  • 2. Other Benefits
    • 1)Accommodation on campus
    • 2)Round-trip air ticket reimbursement as long as providing one year’s teaching service. Maximum amounts:10000 yuan in total
    • 3)Medical insurance
    • 4)Paid summer and winter vacations