Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies

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Introduction to Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies (江西外语外贸职业学院, website) is affiliated to the Department of Commerce of Jiangxi Province. It is the only higher vocational college in Jiangxi Province that mainly trains foreign language and foreign trade application talents. It currently has more than 12,000 full-time students and cooperates to train undergraduates 400 people. The college has been identified as a joint university of the Jiangxi Provincial People’s Government and the Ministry of Commerce, the nation’s first batch of training bases for international business officials, a national high-quality vocational college construction project unit, the Ministry of Education’s modern apprenticeship pilot college, and national vocational college teachers Quality improvement plan High-quality provincial base, National vocational college digital campus construction experimental school, National cross-border e-commerce professional talent demonstration school, Jiangxi province’s first exemplary vocational colleges, Jiangxi province’s first applied undergraduate pilot colleges . In 2017 and 2018, it won the top 50 international influences in national vocational colleges. In 2018, the college was identified as the “Project Construction Unit for High-level Vocational Colleges in Jiangxi Province”. Five majors including business English, international business, e-commerce, accounting, and business Japanese have been identified as “Jiangxi Province’s specialty construction projects with advantageous characteristics”.

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies covers an area of 560 acres, the building area of the school building is 234,000 square meters, the library resources total 1.06 million volumes, and there are more than 300 training bases on and off campus. The value of scientific research equipment and equipment reaches 9,587 yuan, with comprehensive facilities such as comprehensive gymnasiums and international standard stadiums. The green area of the campus reaches 42%. The campus network, monitoring network, campus card and other modern information equipment are readily available. .

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies has English College, International Business College, Applied Western Language College, Applied Oriental Language College, School of Business Administration (Tourism College), College of Accounting and Finance, College of International Engineering, College of Electronic Commerce, College of Art and Design, Entrepreneurship There are 12 colleges (departments) including colleges, basic teaching departments, and ideological and political theory teaching departments. There are 49 majors in business English, business Japanese, international business, logistics management, accounting, and e-commerce. There are 11 languages, including Korean, French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, and Persian. It is the highest public language vocational college in the country.

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies has more than 700 faculty members and 23 doctors. Among the full-time teachers, 73.56% of them have master’s degrees (degrees) or more, and the proportion of masters and masters ranks among the top in vocational colleges in the province. There are 43 professors, 86 associate professors, 18 full-time foreign teachers, more than 50 returning overseas teachers, and 109 part-time external teachers in industry companies. There are 1 national outstanding teacher, 3 provincial teaching teams, 1 expert enjoying the special allowance of the provincial government, 3 provincial teaching teachers, 2 provincial middle-aged and young subject leaders, and 13 provincial key teachers. Two foreign teachers won the “Lushan Friendship Award”.

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies currently has nearly 30 excellent resource-sharing courses at or above the provincial level, 5 provincial specialty programs, and 5 provincial bilingual demonstration courses. In the past five years, college teachers and industry companies have jointly developed and published more than 110 textbooks, hosted or participated in nearly 180 provincial scientific research projects or topics, and published more than 1,800 papers, including more than 220 authoritative and core journal papers. Students participated in various vocational skills competitions across the province and made great achievements. They won more than 700 provincial and ministerial awards, including 52 national first prizes and more than 190 provincial first prizes. In 2017 and 2018, in the national vocational college skills competition, participated in 4 events for two consecutive years and won 2 and 3 first prizes. The number and proportion of first prizes in regular events ranked first in the province. To make an important contribution to improving the level of higher vocational education in the province.

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies’s admission scores for the third consecutive year are among the highest in the province. Students with a score of 350 or above are stable at about 70%, and the freshman registration rate is above 95%. The initial employment rate of graduates ranks first in the province. Class employment rate reached 100%. The college was awarded the title of “Excellent Grade School” and “Advanced Unit” for the employment of ordinary college graduates in the province in 2016-2018. In recent years, nearly 500 students have interned for employment in more than 10 countries including the United States, Britain, Russia, Japan, Korea, and the United Arab Emirates.

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies has extensive international cooperation. It has established cooperative relationships with nearly 30 overseas universities and educational institutions such as the University of Bergamo in Italy. Through the training of “2 + 2” undergraduates, “2 + 1 + 1” undergraduates, short-term studies, exchange studies, post-training internships, etc. Model to improve academic level, language application ability and professional skills. Beginning in 2017, the “Iran Chinese Language and Culture Training Course” was held to achieve a breakthrough in the education of foreign students in Jiangxi higher vocational colleges. The college has made full use of the advantages of the Ministry of Commerce’s international business officer training base platform. As of now, it has undertaken 148 foreign aid training programs, trained 3890 officials and technical personnel from 126 countries around the world, and promoted more than 20 Jiangxi enterprises including Jiangxi Copper and Jiangxi Construction Engineering. “go out”. In September 2018, the first “Embroidery and Bamboo Weaving Foreign Aid Training Course” was successfully held in Equatorial Guinea for the first time, achieving a breakthrough in the province’s overseas aid training.

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies has set up a “double innovation” teaching team consisting of 42 full-time and part-time teachers in the school, more than 60 alumni, and business mentors. It has completed a 3,400 square meter college entrepreneurship incubation park and Yuechuang space. A 700-square-meter demonstration base for entrepreneurship and employment was established. “Yuechuang Space” has been awarded “Jiangxi Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Innovation Demonstration Base” and “Jiangxi Province College Innovation and Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base” by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Education, respectively. It is the only vocational college in the province. In 2017 and 2018, the number of gold awards and the number of awards in the “Internet +” College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Jiangxi Province ranked first in the province’s vocational colleges. In the 4th China “Internet +” College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the total number of awards ranked first in the country’s vocational colleges, and second in the province, and won the only advanced collective award in the country’s vocational colleges. Education has won honors.

With the approval of the Provincial Department of Commerce, the college has taken the lead in setting up the Jiangxi International Business Vocational Education Group with relevant enterprises and industrial parks. At present, the group has a total of 82 member units. The school-enterprise cooperation industrial park was completed, and the Laixin Industry-University-Research Innovation Experimental Zone was established. Taking order training as an important means, the order class covers nearly 80% of majors such as business English, business Japanese, international business, engineering cost, and logistics management. The Jiangxi Provincial E-commerce Development Research Center was established, and has undertaken many foreign-related projects and activities, including translation services, such as the World Green Development Investment and Trade Expo, the World Conference of Ganzhou Businessmen, and the visits of related national governments and business groups. Helping to overcome poverty, participating in the planning, review, and training of the Ministry of Commerce’s e-commerce into rural demonstration counties, signing cooperation agreements with Yugan, Wannian, Nanfeng and other places, and conducting 52 training courses for e-commerce merchants in 2018, a total of training More than 5,000 e-commerce backbones.

Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies has a beautiful campus environment. A garden-style campus with a combination of Chinese and Western cultures, modern elegance, scientific rationality, and beautiful surroundings was constructed, and was included in the first Jiangxi Provincial Civilized Camp Publicity Unit by the Provincial Civilization Office, the Provincial Party Committee Education Work Committee, and the Provincial Education Department. It has successively won honorary titles such as “National Demonstrative Public Institution Demonstration Unit”, “One Hundred Chinese Good Canteens”, “Provincial Demonstration Schools Governed by Law” and “Provincial Safe Campus Demonstration Schools”. In the selection of the “most beautiful” series of Jiangxi universities organized by the Communist Youth League and other departments, the college overwhelmed Qunfang with 210,000 votes and won the title of “most beautiful campus” with absolute advantage.

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