Jobs in Hunan Province - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Fri, 17 May 2024 21:47:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Hunan Province - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Changsha WES Academy Jobs Fri, 17 May 2024 21:47:25 +0000 Changsha WES Academy was founded in 2010. It was jointly established by the Changsha National Economic and Technical Development Zone Administrative Committee and WES Group of Singapore. We are the only international school in Hunan Province that has been approved by the PRC Ministry of Education and uses English as the primary language of instruction. […]

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Changsha WES Academy was founded in 2010. It was jointly established by the Changsha National Economic and Technical Development Zone Administrative Committee and WES Group of Singapore. We are the only international school in Hunan Province that has been approved by the PRC Ministry of Education and uses English as the primary language of instruction. The Bilingual Section (Changsha WES Bilingual Academy) opened in 2015 to enroll Chinese students. Currently, we offer quality international education services (through both international and bilingual curriculum) for local and foreign children aged 3 to 19 from over 20 countries.

All Candidates should:

  • love children and have a caring personality
  • have experience with Chinese/Asian culture
  • be creative and energetic in class
  • be flexible and able to take on a variety of roles and responsibilities
  • be organized, efficient team players
  • happily offer meaningful After-School Activities
  • be able to balance the high demands of work with recreational pursuits
  • be stable in their personal life

Compensation and benefit package:

  • Competitive salary
  • Postgraduate degree additional allowance
  • Annual gratuity
  • Housing allowance
  • Healthcare/Medical Insurance in China plus travel insurance.
  • Insurance will include spouse and children
  • Working days free lunch
  • Free tuition fee for up to two children
  • Airfare allowance:economy class flight between HOR & Changsha at start & end of 2-year contract. Flight will include spouse and children
  • Summer Traveling Subsidy
  • Working Visa Processing fee
  • Shipping fee
  • Relocation payment in advance
  • Professional development
  • Working days free lunch

Click here to view all current job openings at Changsha WES Academy

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English Teacher Recruitment Wed, 28 Jun 2023 12:54:16 +0000 为满足我校英语教学的需要,提高教学质量,现面向海内外公开招聘优秀英语外教,具体如下: In order to satisfy the growing needs of English teaching in our university and improve our teaching quality, Hunan University of Information Technology is now openly recruiting outstanding native English teachers from all over the world. 一、招聘岗位Job Position 全职英语外教。 Full-time ESL(English as a second language)teacher 二、基本条件Qualifications 1.外籍教师所教授英语应为其母语; 1. You must be a native speaker […]

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In order to satisfy the growing needs of English teaching in our university and improve our teaching quality, Hunan University of Information Technology is now openly recruiting outstanding native English teachers from all over the world.

一、招聘岗位Job Position

  • 全职英语外教。
  • Full-time ESL(English as a second language)teacher


  • 1.外籍教师所教授英语应为其母语;
    1. You must be a native speaker of English.
  • 2.具有本科及以上学历;
    2. You must have a bachelor’s degree or above.
  • 3.年龄22-60周岁,身心健康,具有良好的团队合作精神,热爱教学工作;
    3. You must be aged between 22 and 60 years and in good health. You    must be a good team player andbeenthusiastic about the teaching work.
  • 4.遵守中华人民共和国法律和法规,在其原居住国内无法律纠纷,无犯罪记录(须出具正式证明材料);
    4. You should observe relevant laws and regulations of the People’s
  • Republic of China, have no criminal records, and also no legal disputes in your home country (official documents shall be submitted).
  • 5. 2020年12月至今连续在中国境内居住。
    5. You must have stayed in China since Dec.2020.

三、工作要求Job Descriptions

  • 1. 工作地点:本校;
    1. Location: Hunan University of Information Technology
  • 2. 教学任务:英语课程课堂教学、教学研讨、英语课外活动等;
    2. Teaching tasks: English courses, teaching workshops, related extracurricular activities.
  • 3.工作量:每周12课时。另根据学校工作需要,参加相关教学研讨、学科竞赛指导,以及学校开学典礼、毕业典礼等社交活动;
    3. Workload: 12 teaching hours per week plus other supporting workforthe university such as teaching workshops, English competition tutoring, opening ceremony and commencement, etc.
  • 4.工作时间:原则上为周一至周五(具体情况根据学校教学实际与统一作息时间确定)。
    4. Workweek: Monday to Friday(determined by the actual schedule of the university)


  • 1.根据外籍教师的学历、相关工作资历等条件,薪资标准:本科(学士),¥12,000元/月(税前);硕士,¥16,000元/月(税前);博士,¥20,000元/月(税前)。
    1. Your salary depends on educational background and qualifications. Base Salary (pre-tax):¥12,000 /month for BA;¥16,000/month for MA;¥20,000/month for PhD.
  • 2.提供免费体检,医疗保险按省外专局统一规定购买;
    2. Free physical examination is provided, and health insurance is covered in accordance with related regulations of Hunan Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs.
  • 3. 免费提供住房(一室一厅)、网络,住房内配备齐全;
    3. Free one-bedroom apartment with basic facilities provided.
  • 4.合同签订期限:一年及以上。
    4. Contract period: at least one year.

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HUT Recruitments for Foreign Language teachers Tue, 13 Jun 2023 11:18:22 +0000 Job Description Hunan University of Technology is looking for excellent foreign teachers from home and abroad to join our foreign language teaching and talent development program. We welcome your recommendations and applications. Please read the following information carefully before applying. 1. Basic requirements We are looking for foreign experts and scholars who have solid knowledge, […]

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Job Description

Hunan University of Technology is looking for excellent foreign teachers from home and abroad to join our foreign language teaching and talent development program. We welcome your recommendations and applications. Please read the following information carefully before applying.

1. Basic requirements

  1. We are looking for foreign experts and scholars who have solid knowledge, good health, and friendly attitude towards China.
  2. For language teachers (English, Japanese), you should have a bachelor’s degree or higher, or a lecturer title or higher. We prefer teachers who have majored in linguistics, literature, pedagogy, or other related fields. You should be a native speaker or fluent speaker of the language you teach, and have more than 2 years of relevant teaching experience. We may waive the experience requirement if you have a teacher’s qualification certificate from your country or an international language teaching certificate.
  3. For professional teachers, you should have a bachelor’s degree or higher. We prefer teachers who have skills, knowledge, or experience in accounting, art and design, business, visual communication, engineering, or management, or teachers who have a master’s degree or higher.
  4. We expect our teachers to be under 60 years old, physically and mentally healthy, passionate about higher education, law-abiding, morally upright, diligent, and cooperative. You must follow the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and have no legal disputes or criminal records in your original residence.

2. Work Information:

  • (1) Working place: Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province
  • (2) Working duty: Teaching foreign language listening, speaking, reading, or writing courses or other undergraduate professional courses, and conducting teaching and research activities.
  • (3) Working hours: No more than 16 class hours per week (1 class hour: 45 minutes). Each term lasts for 16 weeks.

3. Benefits:

  • 1. Salary: Bachelor¥5500 (after tax), Master¥6000(after tax). You will also receive a salary increase reward for continuous work.
  • 2. Provide round-trip air ticket fee (¥10,000(after tax) per year) according to the contract.
  • 3. Offer¥2,200(after tax) per year as travel allowance for summer and winter vacation.
  • 4. Provide a one-bedroom flat with basic furniture, appliances, kitchenware, computer and internet.
  • 5. Offer teaching bonus (after tax) based on the teaching evaluation result of the college. (Grade A:¥2000, Grade B:¥1500, Grade C:¥1000, Grade D: No Bonus)
  • 6. Provide insurance for the contract term from the day the contract takes effect.
  • 7. Reimburse the fee for Chinese residence permit for the contract term.

4. Application Materials:

  • 1. Personal Information(CV): Name, Gender, Nationality, Birth date, Marriage status, Address, Passport Number, Education, Work experience and etc.
  • 2. Passport photo copy
  • 3. Highest degree certificate and professional certificate (needs to be certified by China Embassy).
  • 4. Identification photo (white background)

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2023湖南工業大学日本国籍日本語講師招聘(通年採用) Tue, 13 Jun 2023 11:13:22 +0000 聘用职位:日语教师 要求条件: 1. 年龄60岁以下,身体状况良好 2. 所教语言要求是母语,有学士及学士以上的学位,能提供近十年内两年或两年以上的相关工作经验。 3. 任期:一年。教学评估优秀者可以予以延聘,但聘期不超过3年。 待遇: 1.工 资:本科学历:5500元,硕士研究生:6000元 2.每年提供一次往返的经济舱国际旅费。 3.每年提供2200元的旅游津贴。 4.提供校内一居室住房一套,设施包括家具家电、厨房基本设施、电脑网络等。 5.学校提供教学奖金。 6.提供合同期限内1年保险。 7.提供合同期限内居留许可办理。 应聘所需材料 1、个人简历(姓名、性别、国籍、出生日期、婚姻状况、地址、护照号码、教育情况、工作经验等); 2、护照首页复印件; 3、最高学位证书或专业资格证明材料(必须经过驻华使馆认证或当地正规公正机构认证); 4、照片扫描件,要求为白色背景(到校后提供小2寸照片4张)。   招聘:日本語教師 応募条件: 1. 心身健康、年齢は 60歳以下; 2. 教える日本語は母国語であり、学士或いは学士以上の学歴を持つ 者で、ここ十年間、二年或いは二年以上の関連する経験を持つ者。 3. 任期:一年間。教学評価優秀な者は任期延長も可能。ただし、三年は満期とする。 待遇: 1.月給:大学卒:5500元,大学院卒:6000元 2.毎年、往復の交通費(飛行機はエコノミークラスのみ)を支給する。 3.毎年、2200元の旅行手当てがある。 4.学校内にあるマンションを無料提供する。生活に必要なものが揃っている。家電製品、厨房用具、パソコン、wifiなども揃っている。 5.学校側は教学奨励金を提供する。 6.契約期間内の一年の保険を提供する。 7.契約期間ないの居留許可書の手続きも代理する。 応募必要な書類 1、履歴書(名前、性别、国籍、生年月日、婚姻状況、住所、パスポート番号、教育履歴、仕事経験など); 2、パスポートトップページのコピー; 3、最後の学歴、学位証明書或いは専門資格証明書(中国大使館の認定或いは当地の正規な認定機構による認定); 4、写真のスキャンファイル、背景色が白の写真(学校到着後、この写真(33mm×48mm)を四枚提出する)。

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1. 年龄60岁以下,身体状况良好

2. 所教语言要求是母语,有学士及学士以上的学位,能提供近十年内两年或两年以上的相关工作经验。

3. 任期:一年。教学评估优秀者可以予以延聘,但聘期不超过3年。


1.工 资:本科学历:5500元,硕士研究生:6000元















1. 心身健康、年齢は 60歳以下;

2. 教える日本語は母国語であり、学士或いは学士以上の学歴を持つ 者で、ここ十年間、二年或いは二年以上の関連する経験を持つ者。

3. 任期:一年間。教学評価優秀な者は任期延長も可能。ただし、三年は満期とする。














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Teaching Vacancies at University of South China Mon, 24 Apr 2023 13:43:30 +0000 USC is seeking experienced, dynamic and professional applicants for the following job vacancies: JOB DESCRIPTIONS Language teachers: to teach undergraduates and postgraduates English or Japanese courses such as listening, speaking, writing. non-language teachers: to teach in English one or more courses in medicine, engineering, business, etc QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS language teachers native speaker from English speaking […]

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USC is seeking experienced, dynamic and professional applicants for the following job vacancies:


  • Language teachers: to teach undergraduates and postgraduates English or Japanese courses such as listening, speaking, writing.
  • non-language teachers: to teach in English one or more courses in medicine, engineering, business, etc


language teachers

  • native speaker from English speaking countries, or from Japan;
  • under 60 years old;
  • bachelor degree or above;
  • a certificate for language teaching, otherwise, minimum 2 years of language teaching experiences
  • able to work as a full time teacher for at least one semester

non-language teachers

  • fluent in English (without marked accent)
  • under 60 years old
  • master degree or above;
  • minimum 2 years of teaching experiences in the field at college
  • able to work as a full time teacher for at least one semester


  • free accommodation, including water and power and gas, for family members.
  • a free international return flight once a year for the employed.
  • a satisfactory salary given the local living cost.


* a copy of the passport, CV, reference letter from the previous employer, or the school for the fresh graduates, and other supporting documents to,
The subject for the suggested email is FOR JOB VACCANCY. The email will be checked within a week (except on holiday season). Please call at +86-734-8280805, 8282718 if a quick response is expected.

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Recruitment Program for Top Talents Sun, 20 Nov 2022 06:49:22 +0000   Job Description Hunan Agricultural University (HUNAU), a key provincial university under the co-construction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Hunan Provincial People’s Government, is the pioneering construction unit of the National “2011” Collaborative Innovation Center and one of the first national research institutes of new rural development as well. Located […]

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Job Description

Hunan Agricultural University (HUNAU), a key provincial university under the co-construction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Hunan Provincial People’s Government, is the pioneering construction unit of the National “2011” Collaborative Innovation Center and one of the first national research institutes of new rural development as well. Located in Changsha, a famous city bearing long history and profound culture in China, the campus covers an area of 3,414 acres, offering a quiet and attractive paradise to realize dreams for both teachers and students.

The history of HUNAU can be traced back to Xiuye Academy on October 8, 1903, where such great celebrities as Zhou Zhenlin, Huang Xing, Xu Teli, and Mao Zedong were successively employed. In March 1951, Hunan Agricultural College, whose name was an inscription by Chairman Mao Zedong, was established by merging the Agricultural College of Hunan University with Hunan Provincial Xiuye Agricultural and Forestry College (originating from Xiuye Academy). In March 1994, it was renamed Hunan Agricultural University.

Supported by 20 schools or colleges, HUNAU enriches its categories of disciplines, covering agronomy, engineering, literature, science, economics, management, law, medicine, pedagogy and art. Known for the long history of postgraduate education, and especially as the first batch of master’s degree-granting units in the nation, HUNAU is now in possession of 10 post-doctoral research stations, 11 first-category doctoral degree disciplines, 20 first-category master’s degree disciplines, and 11 categories of professional master’s degree disciplines. There are 72 bachelor’s programs, two junior college education programs. There are one national key discipline, two provincial-level featured disciplines, and 16 provincial-level key disciplines. The ESI disciplines in the field of animal and plant science and agricultural sciences rank among the top 1% in the world.

HUNAU has 1,371 full-time teachers; two academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, four academicians belong to both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, two academicians of American Academy of Sciences, 827 experts with senior professional titles, and 310 doctoral supervisors. Among the teachers, there are 81 talented experts who are “young or middle-aged experts” with outstanding contributions at national level or outstanding professional talents at national level, or recipients of special allowance from the State Council, etc. There are 322 honorable teachers, including professors of “Furong Scholars” Program, province-level teacher masters, Hunan Province outstanding teachers, etc. There are two scientific and technological innovation team of the Ministry of Education, three outstanding scientific research talents and their innovative teams of the Ministry of Agriculture, six province-level innovation teams, two national teaching teams, six province-level outstanding teaching teams.

For the strengthening of first-rate disciplines construction (Crop Science, Horticulture and Biology) and national key disciplines construction (Ecology, Agriculture Resource and Environment, Plant Protection, Animal Husbandry, Veterinary Medicine, Agricultural Economic Management, Public Administration), highly-qualified and motivated discipline leaders, academic leaders and young talents from home and abroad are welcome to join us!


The Recruitment Program for Top Talents


Discipline Personnel Specialty
Crop Science discipline leaders Crop Cultivation and Farming  Crop Genetics and Breeding
academic leaders Crop Cultivation and Farming , Crop Genetics and Breeding 

Seed Science & Technology, Tobacco Science,

Crop Information Science, Pratacultural Science & Technology

youth talents
Horticulture discipline leaders Horticulture
academic leaders Horticultural Plant Resources and Genetic Improvement, Protected Horticulture, Postharvest Commercialization of Horticultural Products
youth talents Pomology, Olericulture, Tea Science, Medicinal Plants Resource Engineering,  Ornamental Horticulture, Postharvest Science and Technology of Horticultural Products
Biology discipline leaders Biology
academic leaders Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Genetics
youth talents Botany, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Microbiology
Animal Husbandry discipline leaders Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Animal Production and Animal Husbandry Engineering 


academic leaders Animal Production and Animal Husbandry Engineering
youth talents Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction, Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Animal Production and Animal Husbandry Engineering 

Animal Products Processing and Nutrition Engineering


Plant Protection discipline leaders Plant Pathology, Pesticide Science, Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control, Crop Information Science
academic leaders Molecular Plant Pathology, Agricultural Pest Rampant Mechanism and Integrated Control, Crop Information Science, Environmental Toxicology of Pesticides, Molecular Plant Pathology
youth talents Plant Pathology, Pesticide Science, Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control, Crop Information Science, Bio-safety and Quarantine
Agriculture Resource and 


academic leaders  Pollution Mechanism and Prevention and Control of Typical Pollutants in Farmland, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Information Technology 


youth talents Plant Nutrition, Pedology, Edaphology, Agricultural Environment Protection, Land Resource Science
Ecology academic leaders Plant Ecology, Restoration Ecology, 

Agro-ecological Engineering and Technology

youth talents
Veterinary Medicine discipline leaders Basic Veterinary Medicine
academic leaders Basic Veterinary Medicine, Preventive Veterinary Medicine
youth talents Basic Veterinary Medicine、Clinical Veterinary Medicine、Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Chinese Veterinary Medicine 


Agricultural Economic Management discipline leaders Agricultural Economic Management, 

Rural Treasure and Financial,

Rural and Regional Development

academic leaders
youth talents
Public Administration discipline leaders Public Administration, Political Science
academic leaders Administrative Management, Social Security, Land Policies and Regulations, Rural Science and Technology and Educational Management, Public Policy, Land Resource Management
youth talents


For Basic Qualifications for Candidates, Preferential Policies and Treatments and other further information about the detailed recruitments, please login the website

Your application shall be sent to the email:

Contact: Tan Xiaodong, Jiang Li

Office Tel: +86-731-84618030

The Recruitment Program is effective until all vacancies are filled. If you have the motivation and qualification, please feel free to contact us and submit an application.


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Leading Professors, Hunan Agricultural University Sun, 20 Nov 2022 06:38:50 +0000   Job Description In order to build several first-class disciplines, we are now open to recruit discipline leaders at home and abroad. We sincerely welcome outstanding talents to join Hunan Agricultural University! For more information about the university, please visit HNAU English website and Wikipedia. For more information about the city of Changsha, please visit […]

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Job Description

In order to build several first-class disciplines, we are now open to recruit discipline leaders at home and abroad. We sincerely welcome outstanding talents to join Hunan Agricultural University!

For more information about the university, please visit HNAU English website and Wikipedia.

For more information about the city of Changsha, please visit and Youtube Video of Changsha.


I. Introduction to Hunan Agricultural University

Hunan Agricultural University(HUNAU), a key provincial university under the co-construction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Hunan Provincial People’s Government, is one of the pioneering construction units of the National “2011” Collaborative Innovation Centers and one of the earlist approved National Research Institutes of New Rural Development as well. Graded “Excellent” in the undergraduate teaching assessment by the Ministry of Education and titled “the National Civilized Unit” and “National Civilized Campus”, HUNAU aims to become one of the domestic first-class universities in Hunan Province (Class A). Located in Changsha, a famous city bearing long history and profound culture in China, HUNAU covers an area of 3,414 acres, offering a quiet and attractive campus as well as a platform to realize dreams for both teachers and students.

The history of HUNAU can be traced back to Xiuye Academy on October 8, 1903, where such great celebrities as Zhou Zhenlin, Huang Xing, Xu Teli and Mao Zedong were successively employed. In March 1951, Hunan Agricultural College, whose name was an inscription by Chairman Mao Zedong. In March 1994, it was renamed Hunan Agricultural University.

HUNAU has 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 81 talented experts who are “Young or Middle-aged Experts” with outstanding contributions at national level or outstanding professional talents at national level, or recipients of special allowance from the State Council, etc. HUNAU is now in possession of 9 post-doctoral research stations, 11 first-category doctoral degree disciplines, 20 first-category master’s degree disciplines. There are one national key discipline, two provincial-level featured disciplines, and 16 provincial-level key disciplines. The ESI disciplines in the field of animal and plant science and agricultural sciences rank among the top 1% in the world.

Looking forward to the future, by adhering to HUNAU motto of “Sincerity, Sedulity, Practicality, and Creativity”, HUNAU will abide by the philosophy of viewing “quality as the cornerstone to establish HUNAU, academics as the root to thrive HUNAU, and talents as the key to strengthen HUNAU.” To fully display the characteristics of “the integration of industry, teaching and research”,HUNAU is making unremitting efforts to follow the quality-improving-core oriented development road, aiming to be a first-class agricultural university in China, as well as a high-level teaching-research-oriented university with distinctive characteristics and prominent advantages.


II. Qualifications for Candidates

  1. Devotion to the motherland, firm political stand; decent style in daily behavior; strong sense of the overall situations, dedication and responsibility;
  2. Physically healthy, not older than 50 years old. For candidates with specially excellent qualifications, age range can be flexible;
  3. Full-time work during the term of employment;
  4. Strong team management ability, professional strategic planning and forward-looking scheme ability, strong sense of unity and cooperation, ability of leading the teaching and research team effectively in a good academic atmosphere, ability of enhancing the quality of talent training, and ability of promoting major innovation outputs which can expand the influence of the discipline in academic circles at home and abroad;
  5. High academic attainments and influence in this discipline and qualifications of the relevant academic standards. Details are shown as the following table:


Post Academic standard
Animal Husbandry Science Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, or Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Agriculture Resource andEnvironment Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, or Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Innovative Talents of the National “Thousand Talent Program”, Leading Academics of the National “Ten Thousand Talent Program”, Distinguished Professor of “Changjiang Scholars Program” of the Ministry of Education or other national-level talents and young talents; Winner of outstanding youth projects or outstanding youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation; Winner of the three National Science and Technology Awards (ranked first) and first prizes of provincial Science and Technology Awards (ranked first), scholar of the “Hundred Talent Program” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or well-known scholar with the title of Professor (or equivalent level) in a well-known university or institute at home or abroad.


Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, or Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Innovative Talents of the National “Thousand Talent Program”, Leading Academics of the National “Ten Thousand Talent Program”, Distinguished Professor of “Changjiang Scholars Program” of the Ministry of Education or other national-level talents and young talents; Winner of outstanding youth projects or outstanding youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation.
Ecology Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, or Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Innovative Talents of the National “Thousand Talent Program”, Leading Academics of the National “Ten Thousand Talent Program”, Distinguished Professor of “Changjiang Scholars Program” of the Ministry of Education or other national-level talents and young talents; Winner of outstanding youth projects or outstanding youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation; Winner of the three National Science and Technology Awards (ranked first) and first prizes of provincial Science and Technology Awards (ranked first), scholar of the “Hundred Talent Program” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or well-known scholar with the title of Professor (or equivalent level) in a well-known university or institute at home or abroad.
Food Science and 


Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, or Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Innovative Talents of the National “Thousand Talent Program”, Leading Academics of the National “Ten Thousand Program”, Distinguished Professor of “Changjiang Scholars Program” of the Ministry of Education or other national-level talents and young talents; Winner of outstanding youth projects or outstanding youth projects of the National Natural Science Foundation; Winner of the three National Science and Technology Awards (ranked first) and first prizes of provincial Science and Technology Awards (ranked first), scholar of the “Hundred Talent Program” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, or well-known scholar with the title of Professor (or equivalent level) in a well-known university or institute at home or abroad.


III. Recruitment Procedure

After detailed case by case discussion, the applicants are required to pass the academic evaluation, such as academic reports or academic lectures. Those who are qualified will be admitted according to the relevant procedures of Hunan Province’s talent recruitment. The Recruitment Program is valid until all vacancies are filled.

Preferential Policies and Benefits

  1. Refer to the “Implementation Measures for Talents Introduction of Hunan Agricultural University” (No. 19, Hunan Agricultural University [2017]), we provide scientific research start-up fees, house purchase subsidies and annual salary; the benefits of the leaders of Marxist theoretical disciplines is provided in accordance with the IV level of the distinguished professor of HUNAU; the specific situation is decided case by case;
  2. The necessary facility and platform conditions for teaching and scientific research are provided;
  3. Team members can be hired independently according to the team building needs;
  4. Ph.D. or Master’s supervisor qualifications are provided;

Incorporation of the staffing system of government affiliated institutions, benefits of the welfare stipulated by the state in housing, medical treatment and pension, arrangement of spouse work according to the situation, and solution to child’s enrollment to nursery and school.


List of Preferential Benefits for Distinguished Professors introduced into Hunan Agricultural University

Distinguished Professor of Shennong Scholars Qualifications Scientific Research Start-up Fees House Purchase 


Annual Salary
Level I Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, or Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering 20 million Yuan or over 3 million Yuan or over 1 million Yuan or over
Level II Innovative Talents of the National “Thousand Talent Program”; Distinguished Professor of “Chang Jiang Scholars Program”; Winner of the Outstanding Youth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; First Completor of the National Natural Science Award, the National Technology Invention Award and the National Science and Technology Progress Award; First Completor of the Second Prize of Excellent Achievements in Scientific Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) of the Ministry of Education. Natural Sciences:  10 million Yuan or over; Social Sciences: 2 million Yuan or over 2 million Yuan or over 800 thousand Yuan or over
Level III Winner of Youth Project from the National “Thousand Talents” Program, the Youth Scholar of “Chang Jiang Scholars Program”, the winners of Outstanding Youth Program from the National Natural Science Foundation and Top Youth Talents in the National “Ten Thousands Plan”. Natural Sciences: 5 million Yuan or over; Social Sciences: 1 million Yuan or over 1.5 million Yuan or over 600 thousand Yuan or over
Leading Academics of Science and Technology Innovation of National “Ten Thousand Talents Program”, Leading Academics of philosophy and social science, National or University-level Outstanding Teaching Masters, Leading Academics of “National New Century Hundred Thousands of Talents Project”.
IV level Distinguished Professor of the “One Hundred Experts Program” (a national personnel development project organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences) Natural Sciences: 2 million Yuan or over; Social Sciences: 800 thousand Yuan or over 1 million Yuan or over 500 thousand Yuan or over
Doctoral degrees holder, senior professional titles, assistant professors or other equivalent titles who have worked in overseas high-level universities or scientific research institutes, one of the following performance qualification is required: 

(1) Presided over and won the first prize or above of provincial and ministerial scientific research achievements award. (2) Presided over one of the key projects at the national level or above. (3) Natural sciences: In the past five years, more than five academic papers have been published in SCI I journals, of which at least one representative work has SCI impact factor (≥10.0); or more than eight academic papers have been published in SCI I journals, of which at least one representative work has SCI impact factor (≥7.0). (4) Social sciences: In the past five years, more than five academic papers have been published in SCI I, SSCI I journals or above level, or top 10% CSSCI source journals; or more than eight academic papers have been published in SCI II, SSCI III journals or above level, or top 30% CSSCI source journals.


Contact for Recruitment

Applicants are to send their resumes and representative materials to the e-mail: The subject of the e-mail should be marked as “** subject leader – name”.

Contact: Tan Xiaodong

Office Tel : +86-731-84618030; 13974960795

Hunan Agricultural University


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College ESL Teacher in Changsha, China Thu, 20 Oct 2022 05:42:17 +0000   To meet foreign language teaching needs, and improve foreign language teaching quality, Hunan Agricultural University is looking for excellent foreign language teachers at home and abroad.   1.Post Full-time English language foreign teachers.   2.Job Requirements 1)Foreign teachers should be native speakers of related teaching course. 2)Bachelor’s degree or higher is needed. 3)Less than […]

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To meet foreign language teaching needs, and improve foreign language teaching quality, Hunan Agricultural University is looking for excellent foreign language teachers at home and abroad.



Full-time English language foreign teachers.


2.Job Requirements

1)Foreign teachers should be native speakers of related teaching course.

2)Bachelor’s degree or higher is needed.

3)Less than 50 years old, sound in body and mind, good team working spirit and love teaching work.

4)Comply with laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and have no legal dispute and no criminal record in his/her original residence.


3.Job Descriptions

1) Working Place: Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha City, Hunan Province, P.R.China.

2)Working Task : Teach speaking,  reading & writing, and related native culture etc. The workload is 640 hours per school year.

3)Working Time: 10 months per year.


4.Salary and Benefits

1)A monthly salary in the range of RMB 7,200 to 9,000 (for 10 months), commensurate with educational background and teaching experience. After the foreign teacher has fulfilled expected workload for the teaching plan and at least get “Moderately satisfied” on the evaluation, then, he/she can still get extra two months’ pay as annual bonus.

2)The university will purchase Group Short-term Health Insurance and Group Accident Bodily Injury Insurance for the foreign teacher.

3)The university will provide free campus apartment and necessary furnishings, electronic appliances, also RMB 3000 water and electricity subsidies.

4)In the one year contract period, the university will provide airfare reimbursement (no more than RMB 8000), and RMB 2200 travel allowance.

The recruitment above is long-term valid. Hunan Agricutural University warmly welcomes overseas friends, and the person with related language teaching experience is preferred. Recommendation is greatly appreciated.


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ESL Teacher in Hengyang, Hunan, China (accept non-native) Thu, 20 Oct 2022 04:45:01 +0000   Courses to Teach: Conversational English, Oral English, English Reading and Writing, British and American Literature, Business English Foreign Teachers’ Apartments The foreign teachers’ apartments are comfortable and clean. They come fully furnished, including a bed, couch, washing machine and refrigerator. The apartments also come with cable television, air conditioners, and broadband internet access. Each […]

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Courses to Teach: Conversational English, Oral English, English Reading and Writing, British and American Literature, Business English

Foreign Teachers’ Apartments

The foreign teachers’ apartments are comfortable and clean. They come fully furnished, including a bed, couch, washing machine and refrigerator. The apartments also come with cable television, air conditioners, and broadband internet access. Each teacher has his their own stove, sink, microwave and counter space. The bathroom facilities are private, clean and western. There is 24-hour security

Lecture Course

Class sizes are small. Depending on the course, the number of students in a classroom may range from fifteen to fifty. Some teachers are also asked to deliver a larger lecture course on foreign culture or history. There are many multimedia rooms, LCD projectors and listening labs.


  1. BA degree or with two years of teaching experiences or TESOL/TEFL certificate,
  2. No criminal record; Knowledge of Chinese culture is preferred,
  3. 20 periods of lessons a week ( 45 mins a period), no part time job is allowed off campus,
  4. Chinese government Culture, laws and regulations should be observed,
  5. Native English applicant is preferred,
  6. Major in English/Linguistics/Education is preferred.

Benefits and Compensations:

  • The teacher is paid RMB 8000-10000 yuan/month for 12 months (Additional RMB 200/month if you work for another year),
  • Free furnished apartment is provided with all the necessary appliances,
  • Utilities maximum allowance for the said apartment is RMB 2400 yuan a year,
  • Reimbursement of international flight tickets will be between RMB 5000-10000 yuan per distance.
  • Free Health Insurance,
  • Free temporary resident card and foreign expert certificate application,
  • Winter and summer vacations as well as holidays are enjoyed in China,
  • Travel allowance: RMB 2000 yuan/year.

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University ESL Teacher, Shaoyang University Wed, 19 Oct 2022 06:52:12 +0000   Requirements: BA degree or with two years of teaching experiences or TESOL/TEFL certificate, Less than 50 years old, No criminal record; Knowledge of Chinese culture is preferred, 14-18 periods of lessons a week (45 mins a period), no part-time job is allowed off campus, Chinese government Culture, laws and regulations should be observed, Native […]

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  • BA degree or with two years of teaching experiences or TESOL/TEFL certificate,
  • Less than 50 years old,
  • No criminal record; Knowledge of Chinese culture is preferred,
  • 14-18 periods of lessons a week (45 mins a period), no part-time job is allowed off campus,
  • Chinese government Culture, laws and regulations should be observed,
  • Native English-speaking teacher majoring in English/Linguistics/Education is preferred.

Benefits and Compensations:

  • The teacher is paid RMB 7000–8000 for 10 months per year,
  • International traffic allowance RMB 8000 per year after a full year contract,
  • Winter and Summer travel allowance RMB 2200 after a full year contract.
  • Free furnished apartment is provided with all the necessary appliance,
  • Free water, electricity, gas, internet in the apartment is provided,
  • Free Health Insurance and free medical examination for work permit application,
  • Free foreigner’s work permit application,
  • Free residence permit application,
  • Winter and summer vacations as well as holidays are enjoyed in China



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