Guangdong Medical University

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Guangdong Medical University (广东医科大学, website)’s predecessor is the Zhanjiang Branch of Zhongshan Medical College. It was founded in 1958. It was upgraded to a five-year medical undergraduate college in 1964 and renamed Zhanjiang Medical College. In 1960, it was rated as an advanced unit in the country’s cultural and educational fronts. In 1978, two scientific research achievements were awarded by the National Science Conference. In 1986, it was awarded the master’s degree granting authority. It is a key university in Guangdong province. The prize was awarded “Excellent” in the evaluation of the undergraduate teaching work level of the Ministry of Education in 2005. A post-doctoral scientific research workstation was established in 2008. In 2009, it was listed by Guangdong Province as a proposed new doctoral degree awarding unit and a project construction unit. 2012 It was approved to establish the Ministry of Education’s Sci-tech Novelty Search Station in 2013, and was approved as a doctoral degree awarding unit in 2013. In May 2015, the clinical medicine discipline entered the top 1% of ESI global rankings. In January 2016, schools entered the top 1% of ESI global rankings. Entered the World University Rankings (CWUR) in 2019.

Guangdong Medical University has a total area of nearly 1,900 acres and consists of two parts: Zhanjiang Campus and Dongguan Campus. Zhanjiang Campus is located in the subtropical coastal open city Zhanjiang. The Dongguan Campus was established in 2002 and is located in the beautiful Songshan Lake Technology Industrial Park in Dongguan.

Guangdong Medical University currently has nearly 20,000 full-time students. It has graduate schools, basic medical schools, first clinical medical school, second clinical medical school, third clinical medical school, medical laboratory, nursing school, and pharmacy school. 15 colleges (departments) including the School of Public Health, the School of Humanities and Management, the School of Information Engineering, the School of Foreign Languages, the School of Continuing Education, the School of Marxism (Ministry of Social Sciences), and the Department of Physical Education.

Guangdong Medical University has formed a relatively reasonable discipline and professional structure. Currently there are 1 first-level disciplines authorized by doctorates, 6 first-level disciplines authorized by master’s degrees, and 3 master’s degree-authorized points. There are 7 provincial key disciplines (1 provincial peak key discipline, 2 provincial superior key disciplines, 4 provincial characteristic key disciplines), and 5 pearl river academic post planning. There are 30 general undergraduate majors covering 7 disciplines such as medicine, science, management, law, engineering, literature, economics, etc. It recruits students from 26 provinces and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions.

Guangdong Medical University has 4 national specialty specialty construction sites, 6 Guangdong specialty specialty construction sites, 2 Guangdong college-named specialty majors, and 1 Guangdong university major specialty. There are professional training bases for national residents (25 clinical specialties), drug clinical trial institutions (9 clinical specialties), and 14 provincial key clinical specialties.

Guangdong Medical University has more than 1,800 faculty members, including 1314 full-time teachers, 49 doctoral tutors, 801 master tutors, 1 dual-employed academician, 2 Guangdong young Pearl River scholars, and Guangdong Natural Science Outstanding Youth Fund One winner. The school has 15 experts from the State Council special government allowances, 8 national model teachers, national outstanding teachers, national college excellent counselors, etc., 5 teaching teachers in Guangdong Province, 14 provincial-level training objects of the “Thousands of Talents Training Project”, There are 2 talents in the “Special Support Plan” and 32 in the “Sailing Plan”, 60 outstanding teachers of Nanyue, new talents of Nanyue education, outstanding teachers of Nanyue teaching and education, outstanding teachers of Nanyue and outstanding educational staff of Nanyue, outstanding clinical talents of traditional Chinese medicine in Guangdong Province There are 5 famous Chinese medicine practitioners and 17 outstanding young teachers in Guangdong Province.

Guangdong Medical University has good teaching and scientific research conditions, and has 10 provincial-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, and has established more than 10,000 square meters of fully equipped clinical skills training centers. There are currently 6 directly affiliated hospitals, 12 non-directly affiliated clinical medical schools, 27 non-directly affiliated hospitals, and cooperative teaching institutions all over the province, forming a good school, school and enterprise collaborative education mechanism.

Guangdong Medical University has two scientific research centers in Zhanjiang Campus and Dongguan Campus, 4 provincial key laboratories and engineering technology research centers, 18 city-level key laboratories, and 1 postdoctoral research station. Leading unit or president unit of research institutions and academic organizations such as “Innovation and Development Center”, “Zhanjiang Pharmaceutical Industry Alliance”, “Guangdong Life Culture Society”. In the past five years, he has won 205 national scientific research projects, including 1 National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scientists, 3 National Social Science Funds, and 161 National Natural Science Funds; published SCI / EI as the first author or corresponding author It has collected 1,299 papers, published 47 academic works, obtained 60 national patent authorizations, one national second prize for scientific progress, and three scientific and technological achievements at or above the provincial and ministerial levels.

Guangdong Medical University Network is the Guangdong Education and Research Network Zhanjiang Regional Meeting Center. It covers Zhanjiang and Dongguan campuses and directly affiliated hospitals. It has more than 30,000 digital information points on the campus. It has an online teaching platform and various business management information systems. The school also has a modern library, with a total of 18.313 million printed books, 1.4045 million electronic books, more than 40,000 electronic journals, 10,423 hours of audio and video, and 33 Chinese and foreign databases that are available and available. “Journal of Guangdong Medical University” is a journal included in the Chinese core journal (selection) database, a statistical source journal of the Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database (CAJCED), a full-text journal included in the Chinese Journal Full-text Database (CJFD), and an excellent scientific journal in Guangdong Province.

The school has carried out exchanges and cooperation with more than 30 universities and research institutes in the United States, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Finland, Poland, Australia, Japan, Malaysia and other countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions. He has joined the Sino-Russian Medical University Alliance and the “Belt and Road” Tropical Medicine Alliance, and the active participation of teachers and students in foreign academic exchanges and cooperation has been increasing year by year. The school has recruited students from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan since 2010, and has started to recruit foreign students for undergraduate majors (in Chinese).

Guangdong Medical University has trained more than 200,000 medical professionals for the country and the local area since its 61 years of operation. The school has ample student resources and is one of the most popular provincial undergraduate colleges for candidates in Guangdong. Through the construction of quality engineering, the graduates have solid and solid basic knowledge, and their innovative consciousness and practical ability have been significantly enhanced, which has been widely welcomed by the society. In the past three years, the average employment rate of undergraduates has reached 98.08%, which is among the highest in the province. In the past three years, the passing rates of national qualification examinations for medical practitioners were 86.19%, 77.72%, and 82.82%, which were 12.44, 10.08, and 12.44 percentage points higher than the national average. In the past five years, the school has won 200 national and 250 provincial projects for the innovation and entrepreneurship training plan for college students. Since 2013, 390 master’s degree students have published SCI papers as the first author.

Guangdong Medical University is based in Guangdong, radiates south China, and faces the country. It is committed to building high-quality medical universities with distinctive characteristics, advanced similarity, and well-known both at home and abroad. High-quality professional talents provide talent guarantee, intellectual support, and scientific and technological support for the medical and health undertakings and economic and social development of the country and Guangdong.

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