Jobs in Jiangxi Province - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Sun, 21 Apr 2024 16:21:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Jiangxi Province - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 DaF-Lehrkräfte ab Februar 2024 an der JGSU in Jiangxi Fri, 15 Dec 2023 20:35:33 +0000 An der Fakultät für Fremdsprachen an der Jinggangshan Universität (JGSU) in der Provinz Jiangxi wird ab Februar 2024 eine muttersprachliche DaF-Lehrkraft gesucht. Ihr Profil Deutsch als Muttersprache Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss Alter unter 60 Jahren (aufgrund von Bestimmungen zur Erteilung der Arbeitserlaubnis) Ihre Aufgaben Die Arbeitszeit beträgt 12 bis 14 UE à 45 Minuten pro Woche […]

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An der Fakultät für Fremdsprachen an der Jinggangshan Universität (JGSU) in der Provinz Jiangxi wird ab Februar 2024 eine muttersprachliche DaF-Lehrkraft gesucht.

Ihr Profil
Deutsch als Muttersprache
Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss
Alter unter 60 Jahren (aufgrund von Bestimmungen zur Erteilung der Arbeitserlaubnis)

Ihre Aufgaben
Die Arbeitszeit beträgt 12 bis 14 UE à 45 Minuten pro Woche für das Fach Germanistik im BA-Studiengang
Kurse: Phonetik, Konversation, Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Literatur.
Beratung und Hilfe bei Wettbewerben

Wir bieten
Monatliches Gehalt: 10.000 bis 12.000 RMB brutto (abhängig von der Arbeitserfahrung und den Qualifikationen)
Einzelwohnung: mietfrei, möbliert und kostenloses WiFi
Vergütung für Hin- und Rückflug
Reisezuschuss in China: 2.200 RMB pro Jahr
Wasser- und Stromzuschuss: 300 RMB pro Monat, Computerzuschuss: 400 RMB

Bei Interesse kontaktieren Sie uns. Kontaktperson: Frau Liu
Mail:, WhatsApp (Telefonnummer): 49 01635483682

Bitte schicken Sie uns die folgenden Bewerbungsunterlagen:
1. Lebenslauf
2. Arbeitszeugnisse bzw. Empfehlungsbriefe (falls vorhanden)
3. entsprechende Zertifikate (falls vorhanden)

Wir werden uns möglichst schnell mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen.

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Foreign Italian/Spanish/French/Portuguese/Russian/German Teachers (Tentative) Sat, 29 Jul 2023 09:41:23 +0000 Introduction The School of Applied Western Languages of Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies offers six major languages: Applied German, Applied Spanish, Applied French, Applied Portuguese, Applied Russian and Applied Italian. There are more than 900 students currently enrolled in the school, which mainly cultivates high-quality talents with solid basic language skills and outstanding international trade […]

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The School of Applied Western Languages of Jiangxi College of Foreign Studies offers six major languages: Applied German, Applied Spanish, Applied French, Applied Portuguese, Applied Russian and Applied Italian. There are more than 900 students currently enrolled in the school, which mainly cultivates high-quality talents with solid basic language skills and outstanding international trade ability. All foreign teachers cover all languages, and all teachers are experienced in teaching and have overseas study experience, which is a team of teachers with high teaching level and scientific research ability.

Students studying abroad mainly go to Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Russia and other native-speaking countries, and the employment rate is nearly 100%.



Italian Department

List of Teachers



Fondato nel 2014, il Jiangxi Institute of Foreign Languages and Foreign Trade (JIFT) Applied Italian Major è l’unico istituto professionale superiore della provincia di Jiangxi che offre la lingua italiana. La specializzazione si avvale di un certo numero di insegnanti professionisti, tutti in possesso di un master, di un background di studi all’estero e di un’esperienza pluriennale nell’insegnamento professionale; attualmente è presente anche un insegnante di italiano all’estero.


Spanish Department

List of Teachers


Desde la apertura del programa en 2010, el número de estudiantes matriculados en el programa ha ido aumentando año tras año, y el equipo docente ha ido creciendo constantemente, transmitiendo a la sociedad una hornada de excelentes talentos españoles. 2010 hasta la fecha, hay más de 700 graduados y más de 200 estudiantes en el programa. Se cuenta con un excelente equipo docente: 5 profesores chinos con titulación de postgrado, todos ellos con un año de experiencia de estudios en España y países hispanohablantes de Latinoamérica, y 1 profesor extranjero con titulación de postgrado de nacionalidad española.


French Department

List of Teachers


Le Jiangxi Institute of Foreign Languages and Foreign Trade Applied French Major a été ouvert en 2011, adoptant le mode de culture des talents “French+English+Business”, qui s’engage à cultiver des talents en langues étrangères capables de s’adapter à l’environnement de bureau dans une langue étrangère, de comprendre les affaires du commerce extérieur, et d’être engagés dans le commerce extérieur, le commerce électronique, les services et d’autres secteurs d’activité. À l’heure actuelle, le collège compte un professeur de français étranger.


Portuguese Department

List of Teachers


A nossa escola tem uma equipa de professores com uma rica experiência de ensino na direção da língua portuguesa. Adoptando o modo de cultivo de talentos de “língua e cultura + negócios e comércio + competências de escritório”, estamos empenhados em cultivar talentos lusófonos com competências compostas que possam adaptar-se ao ambiente de escritório numa língua estrangeira e compreender os conhecimentos do comércio externo. A equipa docente é especializada no ensino em turmas pequenas. Todos os professores chineses a tempo inteiro têm experiência de estudo e de trabalho no Brasil ou em Portugal, os professores brasileiros têm pós-graduação e os professores estrangeiros leccionam há mais de 30 anos e têm uma vasta experiência de ensino.


Russian Department

List of Teachers


Программа “Русский язык” была открыта в 2013 году и уже достигла хороших и стабильных отношений сотрудничества со многими школами и институтами. В настоящее время на программе прикладного русского языка работают четыре китайских преподавателя, вернувшихся после обучения за рубежом, и один преподаватель русского языка.


German Department

List of Teachers

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Foreign EFL Teachers in Pingxiang, China Sat, 13 May 2023 23:30:06 +0000 Employer Information Institution: Pingxiang University Postcode: 337055 Address: No. 211, Ping An North Avenue, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, PR China Fax: +86-799-6682919/6684766 Tel: +86-13767886789, +86-18720981534 Website:   Qualification for EFL teachers Gender: No limitation, but priority goes to couples who are both English teachers Education: Bachelor or higher level, with TEFL/TESOL/EFL certificate or teaching […]

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Employer Information

  • Institution: Pingxiang University
  • Postcode: 337055
  • Address: No. 211, Ping An North Avenue, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, PR China
  • Fax: +86-799-6682919/6684766
  • Tel: +86-13767886789, +86-18720981534
  • Website:


Qualification for EFL teachers

  • Gender: No limitation, but priority goes to couples who are both English teachers
  • Education: Bachelor or higher level, with TEFL/TESOL/EFL certificate or teaching certificate
  • Major: Linguistics, Literature, Pedagogy, English Teaching, Social Study etc.
  • Age: 22-58 (healthy)
  • Nationality: English-speaking countries, such as Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, etc.
  • Vacancy: 4
  • Teachers who are currently in China


Details of Work Contract

  • Time of contract: One year or two years
  • Students to teach: Undergraduates majoring in English, undergraduates of international cooperation programs
  • Courses: Oral English, English Writing, etc.
  • Work Place: On the Campus of Pingxiang University
  • Workload: 18-24 lessons per week, 45 minutes per lesson (RMB¥60 for each overloaded lesson)
  • Monthly Pay: Minimum monthly pay is RMB¥10000 and is negotiable based on one’s qualification.
  • Insurance: Covered with healthy insurance
  • International Air-fare: RMB¥9000 as International airfare upon completion of contractual period
  • Bonus: Up to RMB¥1000 per semester (according to the comprehensive assessment)
  • Housing: Unshared apartment for a couple, unshared apartment for single, each apartment consisting of 2 bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a washing room, furnished with kitchen wares, beddings, household appliances (including air-conditioner, washing machine, color TV, microwave oven, refrigerator, etc) and furniture;
  • Boarding Place: On the campus of Pingxiang University



Submit the following documents to apply.

  1. An application letter
  2. Copy of your resume with birthdate, passport number, address, education background, telephone and fax numbers, E-mail, an up-to-date photo
  3. Copy of your degree certificate or teacher’s certificate, TEFL/TESOL/EFL certificate
  4. Recommendation letters from your latest working unit, your teacher or someone who knows you well
  5. Copy of your passport

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Foreign Japanese/Korean/Persian/Arabic Teachers (Tentative) Mon, 30 Jan 2023 04:14:13 +0000 Introduction 应用东方语学院是江西外语外贸职业学院下属二级学院,开设商务日语、应用日语、旅游日语、应用韩语、应用阿拉伯语、应用波斯语,共4个语种6个专业。2016年,商务日语、应用韩语专业被列为江西省高等职业教育创新发展行动计划重点建设骨干专业;2018年,商务日语专业被列为学校高水平高职院校特色优势五大建设专业之一。同时,我校是江西省唯一一所开设应用阿拉伯语、应用波斯语专业的高等院校。 学院拥有优秀的教师团队,目前有教职工30余人(包括外籍教师5人),其中教授1名、副教授3名,硕士以上学历占90%。目前在校生1000余人,所有语种专业课全部为小班授课。 School of Oriental Languages is a secondary college under Jiangxi College of Foreign Languages and Foreign Trade, offering Business Japanese, Applied Japanese, Tourism Japanese, Applied Korean, Applied Arabic, Applied Persian, a total of 6 majors in 4 languages.In 2016, Business Japanese and Applied Korean majors were listed as key construction backbone majors […]

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School of Oriental Languages is a secondary college under Jiangxi College of Foreign Languages and Foreign Trade, offering Business Japanese, Applied Japanese, Tourism Japanese, Applied Korean, Applied Arabic, Applied Persian, a total of 6 majors in 4 languages.In 2016, Business Japanese and Applied Korean majors were listed as key construction backbone majors in the Action Plan for the Innovative Development of Higher Vocational Education in Jiangxi Province; and in 2018, the Business Japanese major was listed as one of the five construction majors of high-level higher vocational colleges and universities with characteristics and advantages. Meanwhile, our university is the only higher education institution in Jiangxi Province that offers Applied Arabic and Applied Persian majors.

The college has an excellent team of teachers, currently there are more than 30 faculty members (including 5 foreign teachers), including 1 professor, 3 associate professors, and 90% of them have master’s degree or above. At present, there are more than 1,000 students enrolled in the school, and all language courses are taught in small classes.



Japanese Department

Korean Department

Persian Department

Arabic Department

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Teacher of Electrical Engineering Sun, 20 Nov 2022 05:18:58 +0000 Qualification: • Doctor’s degree • No criminal record; Knowledge of Chinese culture is preferred, • 16 periods of lessons a week (50 mins a period), no part time job is allowed off campus, • Chinese government Culture, laws and regulations should be observed, • Major in Electronic Information Engineering is preferred.   Salary Package: • […]

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  1. • Doctor’s degree
  2. • No criminal record; Knowledge of Chinese culture is preferred,
  3. • 16 periods of lessons a week (50 mins a period), no part time job is allowed off campus,
  4. • Chinese government Culture, laws and regulations should be observed,
  5. • Major in Electronic Information Engineering is preferred.


Salary Package:

  1. • The teacher is paid between 10,000 RMB and 15,000 RMB/Month,
  2. • Free furnished apartment is provided with all the necessary appliance,
  3. • Reimbursement of international flight tickets will be RMB5000/year
  4. • Free Health Insurance,
  5. • Free resident card and foreign expert certificate application,
  6. • Winter and summer vacations as well as holidays are enjoyed in China.

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English Language Teacher Recruitment in Nanchang Mon, 10 Oct 2022 15:15:03 +0000 江西服装学院是一所以服装教育为特色,面向时尚行业,以培养创意设计、工程技术、市场推广和经营管理高级专门人才为主的专业性院校。学校创办于1991年,2011年经国家教育部批准升格为全日制普通本科高校,2015年遴选为江西省首批转型发展试点高校,2020年通过教育部本科教学工作合格评估,2021年获批江西省“十四五”硕士授权立项建设单位。进入新时期发展阶段,学校的办学定位为: ——发展目标定位:特色鲜明的高水平应用型大学 ——办学类型定位:应用型普通本科院校 ——办学层次定位:以本科教育为主,兼顾专科教育,适时开展研究生教育 ——服务面向定位:植根江西,辐射全国;面向行业,服务社会 ——学科专业定位:以服装教育为特色,构建艺、工、管、经、文多学科协调发展的学科专业体系。 因学校发展需要,拟招聘英语外籍教师*名。 一、应聘条件 1.具有母语为英语国家国籍,年龄在55岁以下; 2.具有大学本科以上(含本科)学位,且具有两年以上语言教育工作经历; 3.要求从教人员取得国际通行的语言教学资格证书,例如:TEFL(通用英语教师资格证书)、TESL(第二语言的英语教学资格证书)、TESOL(对外英语教学资格证书)等等国际通行的语言教学资格证,专业为英语教育、语言学、文学、教育学、英美文化研究或其他相关专业,能够教授《跨文化交际》、《英语写作》、《英语国家概况》、《商务英语》、《国际商务礼仪》、《国际商务谈判》等课程。 二、岗位职责 1.完成每周至少24课时工作量; 2.协助中国教师解决在教学和科研中遇到的问题; 3.指导学生参加英语相关比赛; 4.主动参加每周教研组研讨和英语角等课外活动。 三、待遇 提供本地区具有竞争力的薪酬。 (一)住宿条件 学校免费提供一套一居室校内住宿,提供附属的家具、卧具、洗衣机、电视机、电磁炉、冰箱、空调、热水器等设备和一套中式炊具,提供免费互联网接入和水电物业。 (二)差旅 国际航空往返机票一次(仅限由国外入境人士并签署一年工作合同者)。另提供每学年2200元旅行津贴。 (三)医疗 学校为聘期1学年的外教(不含随行家属)在中国购买社保;聘期不足1学年的外教,应在来华前自行购买境外医疗保险。 (四)其他福利 聘期为1学年以上的外籍教师可享有学校工会会员同等的福利待遇。 四、应聘所需材料 简历,最高学历学位文凭,带照片和护照号码的护照页复印件,电子照片,与应聘职位相关的推荐信。 I. Application requirements 1. have native English-speaking nationality and be under 55 years of age. 2. have a bachelor’s degree or higher (including bachelor’s degree) and at […]

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I. Application requirements

1. have native English-speaking nationality and be under 55 years of age.
2. have a bachelor’s degree or higher (including bachelor’s degree) and at least two years of work experience in language education.
3. require the teaching staff to obtain internationally accepted language teaching qualifications, such as TEFL (General English Teaching Qualification), TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language Qualification), TESOL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language Qualification) and other internationally accepted language teaching qualifications, majoring in English education, linguistics, literature, pedagogy, British and American cultural studies or other related majors. He/she should be able to teach courses such as “Intercultural Communication”, “English Writing”, “English Country Profile”, “Business English”, “International Business Etiquette” and “International Business Negotiation”.

II. Job Responsibilities
1. complete a workload of at least 24 class hours per week.
2. assisting Chinese teachers in solving problems encountered in teaching and research.
3. guiding students to participate in English-related competitions.
4. Take the initiative to participate in extra-curricular activities such as weekly teaching group seminars and English corner.

III. Treatment
A competitive salary in the region is offered.

(I) Accommodation
The school provides a set of one-bedroom on-campus accommodation free of charge, with attached furniture, bedding, washing machine, TV set, induction cooker, refrigerator, air conditioner, water heater and a set of Chinese cooking utensils, free Internet access and water and electricity property.

(II) Travel
One round-trip international airline ticket (only for those who enter from abroad and sign a one-year work contract). An additional travel allowance of $2,200 per academic year is provided.

(III) Medical care
The university will purchase social insurance in China for foreign teachers (excluding accompanying family members) who have been employed for one academic year; foreign teachers who have been employed for less than one academic year should purchase their own overseas medical insurance before coming to China.

(IV) Other benefits
Foreign teachers who have been employed for more than one academic year are entitled to the same benefits as members of the school union.

Documents required for application

Resume, highest academic degree diploma, copy of passport page with photo and passport number, electronic photo, recommendation letter related to the position applied for.

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English TEFL Teacher in Xinyu, China Sat, 20 Aug 2022 05:06:59 +0000 Requirement BA degree or with two years of teaching experiences or TESOL/TEFL certificate, No criminal record; Knowledge Of Chinese culture is preferred, 16 periods Of lessons a week (50 mins a period), no part time job is allowed off campus, Chinese government Culture, laws and regulations should be observed, Native English applicant is preferred, Major […]

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  • BA degree or with two years of teaching experiences or TESOL/TEFL certificate,
  • No criminal record; Knowledge Of Chinese culture is preferred,
  • 16 periods Of lessons a week (50 mins a period), no part time job is allowed off campus,
  • Chinese government Culture, laws and regulations should be observed,
  • Native English applicant is preferred,
  • Major in English/Linguistics/Education is preferred.

Benefits and Compensations:

  • The teacher is paid between 8000RMB and 10000 RMB/Month,
  • Free furnished apartment is provided with all the necessary appliance,
  • Reimbursement of international flight tickets will be RMB5000/year
  • Free Health Insurance,
  • Free resident card and foreign expert certificate application,
  • Winter and summer vacations as well as holidays are enjoyed in China

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Deutsch als Fremdsprache (German Teacher) Sun, 08 May 2022 08:13:11 +0000 Employer: Jinggangshan University (website) Deutsch als Fremdsprache | German Teacher Beschreibung Position Information Job description: Teach German language to German and part of Non-German major students, courses include speaking, writing, and other related courses. Contract Duration: one year and can be extended Working and Accommodation Places: on campus Workload: 16 class periods/week, 45 min / […]

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Employer: Jinggangshan University (website)

Deutsch als Fremdsprache | German Teacher


Position Information

  1. Job description: Teach German language to German and part of Non-German major students, courses include speaking, writing, and other related courses.
  2. Contract Duration: one year and can be extended
  3. Working and Accommodation Places: on campus
  4. Workload: 16 class periods/week, 45 min / period


  1. Age: 25-60
  2. Nationality: German Native-speaker
  3. Degree: Bachelor or above
  4. Major:no limits
  5. Work Experience: more than two years of teaching or German-related major graduate.


  1. Monthly Salary:7500for Bachelor, 8000for Master and 8500 for PhD (12 months full salary for a contract year.)
  2. Free Air Ticket:No more than 10000RMB per year
  3. Accident and Serious disease Insurance: university paid
  4. Travel Allowance: 2200yuan for one year
  5. Housing: an apartment with bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, washing room.Housing Conditions: an apartment with some necessary furniture and electrical appliances
  6. Electricity, water subsidy: 300RMB per month
  7. Monthly Communication Allowance: No
  8. Free Chinese Courses: Yes


Informationen zur Stelle

Stellenbeschreibung: Unterrichten der deutschen Sprache für deutsche und einen Teil der nicht-deutschen Hauptfachstudenten, Kurse umfassen Sprechen, Schreiben und andere verwandte Kurse.
Vertragsdauer: ein Jahr und kann verlängert werden
Arbeits- und Unterkunftsorte: auf dem Campus
Arbeitspensum: 16 Unterrichtsstunden/Woche, 45 Min./Stunde


Alter: 25-60 Jahre
Nationalität: Deutscher Muttersprachler
Hochschulabschluss: Bachelor oder höher
Hauptfach: keine Einschränkungen
Berufserfahrung: mehr als zwei Jahre Unterrichtserfahrung oder Absolvent eines deutschsprachigen Studiengangs.


Monatsgehalt: 7500 für Bachelor, 8000 für Master und 8500 für PhD (12 Monate volles Gehalt für ein Vertragsjahr.)
Freies Flugticket: Nicht mehr als 10000 RMB pro Jahr
Versicherung gegen Unfälle und schwere Krankheiten: von der Universität bezahlt
Reisekostenpauschale: 2200 Yuan für ein Jahr
Unterkunft: eine Wohnung mit Schlafzimmer, Wohnzimmer, Arbeitszimmer, Küche, Waschraum, Wohnbedingungen: eine Wohnung mit einigen notwendigen Möbeln und Elektrogeräten
Zuschuss zu Strom und Wasser: 300 RMB pro Monat
Monatlicher Zuschuss für Kommunikation: Nein
Kostenlose Chinesischkurse: Ja


Jinggangshan University, China

Ab: 01/09/2022

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Foreign Teachers Recruitment, School of Software Thu, 08 Oct 2020 08:41:18 +0000 Employer Introduction Nanchang University (NCU), founded in 1921, is the “211 Project” National Key Comprehensive University co-constructed by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province. NCU is located in the eastern part of China and has five campuses with a total enrollment of 50,000 students at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral […]

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Employer Introduction

Nanchang University (NCU), founded in 1921, is the “211 Project” National Key Comprehensive University co-constructed by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the People’s Government of Jiangxi Province. NCU is located in the eastern part of China and has five campuses with a total enrollment of 50,000 students at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels.

Nanchang University School of Software (NCUSS), founded in June 2002, is a top software school in Jiangxi Province which is directly managed by Nanchang University. Located in scenic Qingshanhu Campus (north campus) and proud of its excellent academic atmosphere, NCUSS has an enrollment of 2200 students. NCUSS offers 2 Bachelor level programs, 1 Master’s Degree program.

We need English Teachers and Software Experts!

v Condition of employment:

1. Start from Sept. every year.

2. Schedule: Usually 14-18 teaching hours per week from Monday to Friday.

3. Student level: undergraduates and postgraduates.

4. Salary:
① English Teachers: RMB 7,000 yuan -7,500 yuan per month.
② Software Experts: RMB 8,000 yuan -12,000 yuan per month.

5. Free accommodation

6. Round trip airplane tickets for one-year contract(refunding)

7. One-month paid vacation

8. RMB3000 per school year for vacation expenses

9. RMB600 per month as the compensation for electricity, water, gas and internet expenses.

v Information of courses for Software Experts: If you are capable to teach over two courses mentioned below , please do not hesitate to contact us!

  • Intrusion Detection Technology
  • Computer Security Technology
  • Principle of Computer Virus and Prevention
  • Cloud Computing
  • Software Design and Architecture
  • Distributed Database Technology
  • Software Requirement Engineering
  • Software System Analysis and Design
  • Large Database Management and Application
  • Embedded System Testing Technology
  • Embedded Systems and Design Technology
  • Object-Oriented Design Methodology
  • Advanced Algorithm
  • Wireless Sensor Network
  • Data Mining Techniques
  • New Technology Lectures

v Requirements

1. 24-60 years old

2. One academic year contract

3. No illegal and criminal record and no bad behavior

4. Education:
① English Teachers should have Bachelor Degree or above, more than 2 years language teaching experiences, holding TEFL,TESOL or equivalent qualification certificate; Native English speakers from USA, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand or Ireland.

② Software Experts should have Master Degree or above,high-level major foundation theory,be familiar with the newly development information of his or her major, has rich experiences in instruction and project development or has more than 2 years teaching experiences.

5. Interview: We will arrange an interview in our school for the competitive candidates who are working in China; for the overseas candidates, please email us a teaching video (or a link to the video in the internet) .

6. All foreign teachers should cooperate closely with NCUSS.

v Documents needed

1. Resume

2. Scanned copy of Passport

3. Scanned copy of references from professors in your schools or your colleagues. If working in China, please supply the references made by Chinese organization.

4. Scanned copy of academic degree or diploma and its certification which should be certified by Chinese embassies and consulates in your country.

5. Scanned copy of No criminal record and its certification which should be certified by Chinese embassies and consulates in your country.

6. Qualification certificate

7. Physical Examination Record For Foreigner

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Qualified Teachers of Computer Science Sun, 23 Feb 2020 06:49:06 +0000 The Prospective teacher must possess the following credentials to qualify for this position: – Bachelor degree and master degree are all in computer science – above 2 years of teaching or work experience in computer science field – Be responsible and cooperative – Age which is from 28 to 45 – Native English speakers preferred […]

The post Qualified Teachers of Computer Science appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

The Prospective teacher must possess the following credentials to qualify for this position:

– Bachelor degree and master degree are all in computer science
– above 2 years of teaching or work experience in computer science field

– Be responsible and cooperative

– Age which is from 28 to 45

– Native English speakers preferred


Benefit Package:


(negotiable according to applicants’ qualification)

Water and electricity allowance. = 400RMB monthly

– Free Accommodation. = an apartment with living facilities

  • Travel fees. = about 8000-12000 RMB annually which is decided by the country of the candidate
  • Paid holidays. = winter holidays and other legal holidays.
  • Teaching task:
  • 16 teaching periods of 18 weeks each semester


Contact Person: Liu Jiangrong(Susan Liu)

Email Address:

The post Qualified Teachers of Computer Science appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.
