Foreign Language Teachers (English, Korean, Russian, Japanese)

Job Description

The School of Foreign Languages at Inner Mongolia Normal University has a long history of education. Its predecessor was the Foreign Language Department of Inner Mongolia Normal University, founded in 1959, and it was the first undergraduate foreign language major in the autonomous region.

The college currently has 7 teaching institutions, including the English Department, the Russian Department, the Japanese Department, the College English First, Second, and Third Departments, and the Graduate Education Department; There are four administrative institutions, including a comprehensive office, a teaching and research office, a student and employment work office, and a Youth League branch; There are research institutions such as the Russian Research Center, Inner Mongolia Children’s Development and Protection Education Research Center, Foreign Language Education and Teacher Education Research Institute, Translation Research Center, as well as teaching auxiliary institutions such as the Foreign Language Education Technology Center, Inner Mongolia Normal University Library Foreign Language School Book Branch, etc. The graduate education of the college began in 2001 and currently has a first level master’s degree program in foreign languages and literature. It includes academic master’s degree programs such as English language and literature, foreign linguistics and applied linguistics, Russian language and literature, and Japanese language and literature; There are two professional master’s degree programs: subject teaching (English) and translation master’s (English, Russian). Among them, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics were selected as key disciplines for cultivation in the autonomous region in 2008.

The English major was established as a brand major in the autonomous region in 2006, was rated as a first-class major in the autonomous region in 2020, and was approved as a national first-class professional construction site in 2021. In 2020, “English Phonetics” and “English Writing” were selected as the first batch of first-class courses in the autonomous region, and in 2023, “English Phonetics” was selected as a national first-class course. The college also has 4 high-quality courses from the autonomous region, 1 teaching team at the autonomous region level, and 1 new talent in the teaching industry. The college currently has 137 faculty members, including 8 professors and 47 associate professors; 19 teachers with doctoral degrees and 9 students currently pursuing doctoral degrees; There are 42 master’s supervisors.

내몽골사범대학 국제교류학원은 내몽골자치구 최초의 조선(한국)어 본과전공을 개설했으며 모집대상은 국내 본기 고졸이다.이 전공의 전신은 우리 원에서 2011년부터 2021년까지 설립한 응용한국어전공이다.조선(한국)어전공은 내몽골에 립각하여 전국을 대상으로 경제글로벌화, 경제형태전환과 고도화와 경제사회발전 및”일대일로”창의에 수요되는”조선(한국)어+전공”에 부응하는 인재를 양성한다.이 전공은 국제화 학교 운영의 특색이 뚜렷하고 한국 단국대학교, 청운대학교 등 대학교와 공동 학교 운영과 학생 교류 협의를 체결했다.재학생은 학교 간 교환학생으로 한국 대학에 유학 연수를 갈 수 있으며 학점을 상호 인정할 수 있다.2+2 프로그램에 참가해 졸업 후 우리 학교 및 한국협력대학 학력학위를 취득할 수도 있다.

현재 학원에는 멀티미디어교실, 지혜교실 10여 개, 중국문화체험실, 한국문화체험실 각 한 개가 세워져 있다.학원 자료실은 중외 문서 간행물 100여 종, 외국어 도서 3000여 권을 구독하고 있다.