Jobs in Hebei Province - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:02:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Hebei Province - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 中国・河北省の大学で日本語教師(未経験者可)求人 Fri, 28 Jul 2023 10:03:22 +0000 このたび、廊坊師範学院外国語学院日本語学部では 2023年9月からの新学期に向け、日本人専任講師の募集をさせていただくこととなりました。 廊坊師範学院は北京市と天津市の間にある河北省廊坊市に位置しています。 日本語学部は2005年に創立され、毎年河北省を中心に本科生を50~60名程度募集しています。 現在、在学生220名、中国人専任教師が11名います。 ※見学可能です。下記まで事前にご連絡ください。 勤務地 中国 河北省 募集職種 日本語教師(日本人教師):1名 応募資格・採用条件(学歴・経験等) 以下の条件を1つ満たす者 日本語母語話者。 性別不問。 18歳以上60歳以下の方。 学士号取得者以上。 日本語教師養成講座を受講したことのある方、或いは日本語教育の経験のある方。 ※未経験者の応募可 ※日本国外在住者の応募も可 勤務条件 週12~16コマ(一コマ50分) 労働契約の期間:2023年9月1日~2024年8月31日 一年間契約更新 職務内容 会話、作文、日本事情などの科目を担当。 教師交流会、日本語コーナーのご参加、スピーチのご指導など。 待遇(給料・支給物等) 給料:6000-9000元/月(学歴・資格・経験により決定いたします) その他 キャンパス内の宿舎提供。家具・家電付き。 光熱費・水道料金は学校負担。 医療保険あり。そのほかに、一年間に1000元の医療手当を実費支給。 往復航空券代支給(一年間に一回)。 一年間に1000元の旅行手当を支給。 応募締切日 2023年9月1日 応募方法 下記1,2の応募書類を、Eメールで下記連絡先までお送りください。 履歴書(写真貼付、職歴・教育歴明記)1 通 学位記コピー 1 通

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このたび、廊坊師範学院外国語学院日本語学部では 2023年9月からの新学期に向け、日本人専任講師の募集をさせていただくこととなりました。





中国 河北省





労働契約の期間:2023年9月1日~2024年8月31日 一年間契約更新









履歴書(写真貼付、職歴・教育歴明記)1 通
学位記コピー 1 通

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Foreign Language Teachers Recruitment, Yanshan University Wed, 28 Jun 2023 07:20:07 +0000 To meet the needs of foreign language teaching and talent cultivation, Yanshan University is now recruiting a number of outstanding foreign teachers at home and abroad. Recommendations are welcomed. We hereby announce the recruitment related matters as follows. 1. Basic requirements We need foreign experts and scholars with sturdy knowledge, good health and friendly attitudes […]

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To meet the needs of foreign language teaching and talent cultivation, Yanshan University is now recruiting a number of outstanding foreign teachers at home and abroad. Recommendations are welcomed. We hereby announce the recruitment related matters as follows.

1. Basic requirements

We need foreign experts and scholars with sturdy knowledge, good health and friendly attitudes towards China.

Experts engaged in language teaching (English, Japanese, Russian, German and French) should have bachelor degree or above or the title of lecturer or above. Teachers who major in linguistics, literature, pedagogy and other related fields are preferred. We need teachers whose native language or the first language is the related language, and have more than 2 years’ relevant language teaching experience. The limit in terms of work experience may be relaxed for those who have obtained a teacher’s qualification certificate awarded by their country or an international language teaching certificate.

Experts engaged in professional teaching should have a bachelor’s degree or a higher one. Teachers with skills, knowledge or experience of engineering or management or teachers with a master’s degree or a higher one are preferred.

Teachers we are going to hire should be under 60 years old with physical and mental health, love the higher education, abide by the law, have correct ideological and moral characters, work rigorously and possess good professional ethics and team spirits. These teachers must abide by the laws and regulations of the people’s Republic of China, and have no legal disputes or criminal records in their original residence.

2. Working requirements:

(1) Working place: Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province

(2) Working duty: Giving listening, speaking, reading or writing courses of foreign languages or other undergraduate professional courses and completing tasks related to teaching and research.

(3) Working hours :No more than 16 class hours per week(1 class hour:45 minutes). 448 class hours of teaching work should be completed in each academic year

3. Wages

(1) basic wage

Degree Basic pre-tax salary (¥)
Bachelor 11000~14000
Master 12000~15000
Doctor 13000~16000

According to foreign teachers’ educational attainment, relevant working experience and other conditions, the specific salary will be negotiated face to face. Yanshan University can provide a competitive salary in North China. For those who are quite excellent, the salary can be further negotiated.

(2) Welfare:

①Accommodation: Yanshan University will provide each teacher with an apartment free of charge to ensure the basic living needs in China. The apartment includes furniture, appliances, etc. Yanshan University will be responsible for paying all the expenditure on water, electricity and maintenance.

②Travel: Yanshan University will provide every hired teacher an economy-class international round-trip air ticket from Beijing to the place which is the closest to his or her hometown after the teaching tasks for one academic year are completed. In lieu of the ticket, the school may pay at least 80% of the ticket fee in cash to the teacher if he/she requests so;

③Medical treatment:Employees shall have medical insurances and accident insurances available in China. Employees need to purchase medical insurances by themselves. Our school promises to provide accident insurances.

④Other bonuses and allowances: Allowances for overtime working, working years, reward based on outstanding teaching and baggage will be provided;

⑥Procedure fees: Yanshan University is responsible for dealing with all the procedures required and bear the relevant expenses before foreign teachers’ coming. But employees are obliged to provide necessary assistance.

4. The environment and facilities of Yanshan University and its surroundings

(1) Climate: As one of the top 40 livable cities in China, Qinhuangdao, a coastal city, has a pleasant climate and good air quality.

(2) Transport: The campus of Yanshan University is extremely close to the sea.It takes around 30 minutes to take a bus to the downtown area, Shanhaiguan train station and Qinhuangdao train station. There are also school buses from east campus to west.

(3) Scenic spots: There are a lot of 4A-class scenic spots around Yanshan University, such as “Pigeon Nest”, Zu Mountain, Yansai Lake, Gold Coast, etc.

(4) Athletic facility: There are all kinds of sports facilities on campus such as gymnasium, ground track field,fitness center, tennis court, basketball court,etc.

(5) Food: You can dine at an Internet-famous restaurant on campus and also go to the cuisine street outside the school where people can taste a variety of foods from different regions of China.

(6) Shopping and entertainment: It is very convenient to shop both inside and outside school. There is a big shopping mall which is only 300 meters away from the east gate of Yanshan University.

5. Specific time and procedure of recruitment:

(1) Registration time: From April of 2023 to June of 2024(the recruitment of teacher will end as long as we get enough teachers);

(2) If you are interested in teaching in our school, please provide the personal application materials in PDF format within the time limit:

① Resume;

② Electronic photos;

③ Passport (information page) (scanned copy);

④The highest degree certificate (The certificate shall be certified by a Chinese embassy or consulate in the related country, that country’s embassy or consulate in China, or a Chinese academic certification institution );

⑤Relevant qualification certificates (it shall be certified by a Chinese embassy or consulate in the related country or that country’s embassy or consulate in China );

⑥Health certificate (A medical examination report or a certificate of health examination

issued within six months by an overseas health medical institution approved by a Chinese embassy or consulate in the related country or by the China’s inspection and quarantine authority shall be provided);

⑦ Work qualification certificate in both English and Chinese (The previous employer of the applicant shall issue a work experience certificate related to his/her current position, covering the information about the position, work duration, an effective contact number and an email address. The document needs to be stamped with the official seal of the previous employer or signed by the person in charge.);

⑧ Certificate of no criminal record (It shall be issued by the police, the security department, or the court of the nationality state or the place of habitual residence of the applicant and certified by a Chinese embassy or consulate in the related country, or that country’s embassy or consulate in China);

⑨ For transfer of foreign teachers in China, valid residence permit (scanning copy) and certificate of cancellation of original work permit shall be submitted in addition to all the above materials (Note: The subject of the applicant’s email shall be written in the format of “name + position”)

(3) For those qualified in the preliminary screening, we will organize an interview (the interview time and form shall be notified separately). After the interview, the applicant will sign the contract with us and go through relative formalities.

Apartment Photos


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English Teacher (Fall 23) Sun, 04 Jun 2023 14:18:46 +0000   Teaching English at North China Electric Power University (Baoding) About Company: North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) is one of the “Project 211” and “Project 985 in Superior Discipline Innovation Platform” universities under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education in China. In 2017, it entered the national “Double World-class” university list, aiming […]

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Teaching English at North China Electric Power University (Baoding)

About Company:
North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) is one of the “Project 211” and “Project 985 in Superior Discipline Innovation Platform” universities under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education in China. In 2017, it entered the national “Double World-class” university list, aiming at developing world-class disciplines in “Energy and Power Science and Engineering”. There are about 3,000 faculty and staff, 20,000 full-time undergraduates, and around 10,000 postgraduates.We welcome you to join us!

Job Profile:

  • Position: English Language Teacher
  • Vacancy: 1
  • Period of Service: August, 2023 to August, 2024
  • Courses: English language (listening, writing, speaking, literature, etc.) and culture
  • Workload: No more than 16 class hours per week
  • Size of a Class: No more than 45 students

Job Details:

Responsibilities: Teaching English speaking, English writing, and/or English/American literature, etc. to university students.


  • 1. Native or bilingual proficiency in English;
  • 2. Bachelor’s (or above) degree in Education, Language or Teaching;
  • 3. 2-year (or above) work experience in language teaching;
  • 4. With a qualification certificate: TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) or the like, if you don’t meet the requirement of either Item 2 and Item 3.


  • Salary in cash: starting from 80,000 RMB per academic year (8000 RMB per month, ten months per academic year. Note: About 60-240 RMB income tax per month included).
  • Travel allowance: the amount is same as monthly salary per academic year;
  • Lunch subsidy: 1,000 RMB per academic year (will be deposited into the dinning card);
  • Taxi subsidy: 1,000 RMB per academic year;
  • Overweight luggage allowance: 1,000 RMB per academic year;
  • Medical insurance (accident insurance included): around 1,700 RMB per academic year;

Additional Perks:

  • Two tours surrounding Baoding per academic year for foreign teachers to experience Chinese culture, at least one for each semester. (Travel expense covered by NCEPU: about 1,000 RMB for every foreign teacher per academic year.
    International airfare and domestic transportation: NCEPU will provide a round-trip international airfare and domestic transportation for the foreign teacher having a one-academic-year contract.
  • Arrival Support: Picking up from the airport in Beijing, China.
  • Accommodation: On-campus apartment well-furnished with washing machine, TV, refrigerator, air-conditioning, air purifier, telephone, computer, internet, kitchenware and so forth.

Note: The monthly salary and travel allowance differ according to the teacher’s education background and teaching experience.

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Deutschlehrer in Tangshan, China Fri, 18 Nov 2022 09:35:24 +0000     Employer: Tangshan Normal University (website) Die Tangshan Normal University wurde 1956 gegründet und war im Jahr 2000 eine der ersten neu gebauten Grunduniversitäten in der Provinz Hebei. Die Universität befindet sich in Tangshan, einer wirtschaftlich starken Stadt in der Provinz Hebei, und hat einen herausragenden Standortvorteil, schön Umwelt und reiches Erbe, die ein günstiges […]

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EmployerTangshan Normal University (website)

Die Tangshan Normal University wurde 1956 gegründet und war im Jahr 2000 eine der ersten neu gebauten Grunduniversitäten in der Provinz Hebei. Die Universität befindet sich in Tangshan, einer wirtschaftlich starken Stadt in der Provinz Hebei, und hat einen herausragenden Standortvorteil, schön Umwelt und reiches Erbe, die ein günstiges Umfeld für die Entwicklung der Universität bieten.

Die Universität hat fast 1.100 Mitarbeiter, von denen 591 Vize-Senior-Berufstitel haben. Die Zahl der derzeitigen Vollzeit-Studenten und Junior-College-Studenten übersteigt 18.000. Die Universität hat 16 Institutionen und 58 Bachelor-Hauptfächer, die Bildung, Literatur, Wissenschaft, Recht, Wirtschaft, Geschichte, Management, Agronomie, Kunst und Ingenieurwesen abdecken.

Tangshan Normal University was established in 1956, and became one of the first newly built undergraduate universities in Hebei Province in 2000. The university is located in Tangshan, which is an economically-strong city in Hebei Province, and has a prominent location advantage, beautiful environment and rich heritage, providing a favorable environment for the development of the university.

The university has nearly 1,100 staff members, 591 of whom have vice senior professional titles. The number of current full-time undergraduates and junior college students exceeds 18,000. The university has 16 institutions, and 58 undergraduate majors, covering education, literature, science, law, economics, history, management, agronomy, art, and engineering.



Job Position: German Language Teacher


  • Education: Bachelor or above
  • Age: under 60 year-old
  • Native German speakers
  • Teachers who have obtained language teaching certificates are preferred.

Salary and Benefits:

  • Salary is negotiable
  • Benefits: Medical insurance; Handling fees for residence permit in China; Transportation allowance for arrival and departure; Vacation, etc.

Berufliche Position: Deutschlehrerin/Deutschlehrer


  • Ausbildung: Bachelor oder höher
  • Alter: unter 60 Jahre alt
  • Deutsche Muttersprachler
  • Bevorzugt werden Lehrkräfte, die ein Sprachlehrdiplom erworben haben.

Lohn und Vorteile:

  • Gehalt ist verhandelbar
  • Leistungen: Krankenversicherung; Bearbeitungsgebühren für Aufenthaltserlaubnis in China; Fahrtkostenpauschale bei An- und Abreise; Urlaub usw.

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Foreign English Language Teacher Wed, 09 Nov 2022 15:58:54 +0000     Employer: Tangshan Normal University (website) Tangshan Normal University was established in 1956, and became one of the first newly built undergraduate universities in Hebei Province in 2000. The university is located in Tangshan, which is an economically-strong city in Hebei Province, and has a prominent location advantage, beautiful environment and rich heritage, providing a […]

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EmployerTangshan Normal University (website)

Tangshan Normal University was established in 1956, and became one of the first newly built undergraduate universities in Hebei Province in 2000. The university is located in Tangshan, which is an economically-strong city in Hebei Province, and has a prominent location advantage, beautiful environment and rich heritage, providing a favorable environment for the development of the university.

The university has nearly 1,100 staff members, 591 of whom have vice senior professional titles. The number of current full-time undergraduates and junior college students exceeds 18,000. The university has 16 institutions, and 58 undergraduate majors, covering education, literature, science, law, economics, history, management, agronomy, art, and engineering.



Job Position: Foreign English Language Teacher


  • Education: Bachelor or above
  • Age: under 60 year-old
  • Native English speakers
  • Teachers who have obtained TEFL / TESOL/CELTA are preferred.

Salary and Benefits:

  • Salary is negotiable
  • Benefits: Medical insurance; Handling fees for residence permit in China; Transportation allowance for arrival and departure; Vacation, etc.

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ESL Teachers (may accept non-native) Sat, 22 Oct 2022 17:08:04 +0000 A competitive Job offer Hebei Normal University is seeking new dynamic and experienced ESL teachers. All requirements and benefits are as follows: Requirements: Preferably candidates should:  A   be Native speaker from U.S.,UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand  B   holds a Bachelor’s degree or upward with TESL or CELTA Certificate OR  C   holds […]

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A competitive Job offer

Hebei Normal University is seeking new dynamic and experienced ESL teachers. All requirements and benefits are as follows:


Preferably candidates should:

  •  A   be Native speaker from U.S.,UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
  •  B   holds a Bachelor’s degree or upward with TESL or CELTA Certificate OR
  •  C   holds Bachelor of Education (Ed.B) or above, English literature BA or above with no TESL or CELTA Certificate.

Job Description:

  •  A. 12-18 hours a week and two lectures in every semester
  •  B. Teaching “Oral English”, ”English writing” or “Business English”

The primary benefits:

  • A.  Around 7000-8500 RMB per month according to applicant’s qualification and experience. 11 months pay including holidays and winter vacations.
  • B.  Free accommodation with bedroom (furnished apartment, with internet access, TV, bedding and all necessary appliance)
  • C.  Airfare reimburse: 10000-11000 per academic year
  • D.  Free 2 Chinese classes in each week, qualified teachers with academic syllabus.

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Foreign Teachers Recruitment, Hebei University Thu, 15 Sep 2022 16:00:10 +0000 FULL TIME FOREIGN TEACHER POSITIONS AVAILABLE Hebei University (HBU), a key comprehensive university, is co-constructed by Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Hebei Province. It is one of the first-level universities participating in China’s Double First-class Plan, with strong support from Hebei Provincial Government. It is located in Baoding, a well-known historical and […]

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Hebei University (HBU), a key comprehensive university, is co-constructed by Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Hebei Province. It is one of the first-level universities participating in China’s Double First-class Plan, with strong support from Hebei Provincial Government. It is located in Baoding, a well-known historical and cultural city, adjoining Xiong’an New Area.

Basic Qualifications

1. The applicant should love Chinese culture and have passion on Chinese higher education, should comply with the laws and regulations of China and have good working ethics, professional skills and conducts, as well as good teamwork spirits;

2. Native speaker of the target language, or target language as first language;

3. Having more than 2 years relevant teaching experiences;

4. Age under 60 with good health conditions.

Job vacancies and detailed requirements

English Language Teacher: Maximum 16 teaching hours per week (1 Period is 45 minutes), including listening, speaking, reading, writing, literature, or other relevant subjects.
1. With a Bachelor’s Degree or above:
2. Having more than 2 years English language teaching experiences; or holding language teaching qualification certificates such as TEFL, TESOL, etc.

French Language Teacher:
Maximum 16 teaching hours per week (1 Period is 45 minutes), including listening, speaking, (language or literature teaching or reading, writing, literature, or other relevant subjects.
1. With a Bachelor’s Degree or above
2. Having more than 2 years French relevant experiences.

Japanese Language Teacher:1
Maximum 16 teaching hours per week (1 Period is 45 minutes), including listening, speaking, reading, writing, literature, or other relevant subjects.
1. With a Bachelor’s Degree or above;
2. Having more than 2 years Japanese language teaching experiences.

Russian Language Teacher:1
Maximum 16 teaching hours per week (1 Period is 45 minutes), including listening, speaking, reading, writing, literature, or other relevant subjects.
1. With a Bachelor’s Degree or above;
2. Having more than 2 years Russian language teaching experiences.



1. Monthly Salary: Bachelor degree holders 7000 RMB per month; Master degree holders 8000 RMB per month; PHD degree holders 9000 RMB per month (before tax). Salary standard could be adjusted within limited amount depend on the level of teachers working experience.

2. Accommodation: Provide free well-equipped teacher’s apartmentsmeet for basic daily needs.

3. Airplane ticket: Reimburse one single-trip airplane ticket to the teacher’s nation of origin each semesterOR reimburse one round-trip airplane ticket to the teacher’s nation of origin each academic year (or the equivalent amount in RMB).

4. Others: Travel allowanceHealth check fees and residence permit application fees covered under the valid employment contract period.

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College English Teacher in Langfang, China Sun, 28 Aug 2022 13:23:36 +0000 Employer: Hebei University of Technology Langfang campus (website) Job Description 1)Teaching English courses including English Communication, English Listening and Reading Practice, English Newspapers and Magazines, English Listening & Speaking Practice 2)Full-time Teaching position, you will give up to 16 teaching hours per week. Office hour is not required.   Salary and Benefits Monthly salary: About […]

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Employer: Hebei University of Technology Langfang campus (website)

Job Description

1)Teaching English courses including English Communication, English Listening and Reading Practice, English Newspapers and Magazines, English Listening & Speaking Practice
2)Full-time Teaching position, you will give up to 16 teaching hours per week. Office hour is not required.


Salary and Benefits

  • Monthly salary: About 10,000 RMB/month, depending on your education background and teaching experience.
  • Medical insurance provided for free.
  • Private housing provided, about 60 square meters.
  • Round trip international flight ticket provided.
  • Holiday allowance for 2,200 RMB per year.

Job Requirement

  1. Must have a bachelor’s degree
  2. English teaching experience preferred
  3. English/Linguistics/Education major preferred

Click here to read more.

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Job Vacancy for Language Teachers at Hebei GEO University Tue, 14 Jun 2022 02:53:34 +0000 Job Vacancy for Language Teachers at Hebei GEO University Hebei GEO University (HGU) needs English, French, Czech and Korean teachers from its native-speaking countries all year round. Qualifications for the position: MA/MS degree,or BA/BS degree in education or linguistics or with TESOL/TEFL or other similar certificate or 2 years working experience, at the age of […]

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Job Vacancy for Language Teachers at Hebei GEO University

Hebei GEO University (HGU) needs English, French, Czech and Korean teachers from its native-speaking countries all year round.

Qualifications for the position:

  • MA/MS degree,or BA/BS degree in education or linguistics or with TESOL/TEFL or other similar certificate or 2 years working experience, at the age of under 60 with good health, interested in teaching English, French, Czech and Korean Language in Shijiazhuang, China.
  • Couples and those with teaching experience are preferable.

“Oral language, Listening, Writing, Culture of English, French, Czech and Korean Speaking Countries”.

Working load: 16- 20 teaching hours a week.

Pay and other treatment:

  • Monthly salary 5000-8000 RMB with 6 weeks paid winter vacation and medical insurance.
  • A free furnished flat with living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, refrigerator, air conditioner, TV set, computer with free internet, cooking facilities.
  • A single short way economic international air ticket upon the completion of one-semester contract or a round-trip ticket for an academic-year contract.

Other advantages: HGU is located in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei Province, south to Beijing, about one hour from Beijing by train. Shijiazhuang is the province’s political, economic, scientific, financial, cultural and information center, with rich interesting historical and scenery attractions, about 39 national protected key cultural relics and 102 provincial protected cultural relics. HGU campus is located in the urban area of Shijiazhuang, just beside the famous Wanda Plaza Commercial and Recreation District, and the Century Park. It provides unparalleled convenience and advantages for foreign teachers in work, study, daily life, cultural experiences and transportation. In addition, foreign teachers can take free Chinese language classes for international students if their class is not in conflict with their teaching

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Recruitment of Language and Subject Teachers Sun, 24 Apr 2022 05:46:48 +0000 Tangshan Normal University was established in 1956, and became one of the first newly built undergraduate universities in Hebei Province in 2000. The university is located in Tangshan, which is an economically-strong city in Hebei Province, and has a prominent location advantage, beautiful environment and rich heritage, providing a favorable environment for the development of […]

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Tangshan Normal University was established in 1956, and became one of the first newly built undergraduate universities in Hebei Province in 2000. The university is located in Tangshan, which is an economically-strong city in Hebei Province, and has a prominent location advantage, beautiful environment and rich heritage, providing a favorable environment for the development of the university.

The university has nearly 1,100 staff members, 591 of whom have vice senior professional titles, 929 of whom have master’s degree or above. There are 2 experts who enjoy the special allowance of the State Council. The number of current full-time undergraduates and junior college students exceeds 18,000. The university has 16 institutions, and 58 undergraduate majors, covering education, literature, science, law, economics, history, management, agronomy, art, and engineering. The school has a provincial undergraduate education innovation highland, provincial research base of philosophy and social science, provincial academician workstation, provincial education research center of junior middle school teacher, provincial application technology research and development center of colleges and universities, and the key research and education base of Humanities and Social Sciences in provincial colleges and universities. The university creates models of general education courses, builds a practical teaching platform, establishes an open and three-dimensional practical teaching system, and has developed a new pattern of the teacher’s teaching and education.

Tangshan Normal University has trained more than 150,000 students and made great contribution to local economic development. The employment rate of graduates rate has reached 90% and the employment rate of postgraduates is around 15% within 3 years. Tangshan Normal University is known as the cradle of teachers of East Hebei Province. Take Tangshan as an example, the university has trained over 80% teachers and 85% of primary and secondary school principals for the city. The school attaches great importance to continuing education. In recent years, it has achieved good results in the training and evaluation of national key teachers in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

Tangshan Normal university has strengthened cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, signed cooperation agreements with 8 overseas colleges and universities from the United States, Germany, Hungary, Australia and South Korea, and carried out cooperation and exchanges with 25 colleges and universities from 10 countries in terms of mutual visits between teachers and students and academic exchanges; More than 200 foreign students came to the university. More than 100 former national dignitaries, academicians, professors, experts, scholars, teachers and students from 14 countries and regions have visited the university, forming a situation of multi-channel, multi-level and multi type international cooperation and exchange; The university has sent a number of doctors abroad for visiting studies or training to improve the internationalization level of teaching staff; 104 international students from Royal Chiang Rai University of Thailand have come to the university to study. The university has been approved by ISEC program and has realized credit mutual recognition with 39 overseas famous schools from the United States, Britain, Hungary and New Zealand, etc. The university has hired American, British, Korean and Japanese foreign teachers to teach in the school.

Job Positions:

Professional teacher (specialty: Electronic Science and technology, Management)
English/German language teacher


Education: Doctor (professional teacher), Bachelor or above (for English/German language teacher);
Other requirements:
1.Professional teachers should have teaching and scientific research experience.
2.Those who have obtained the senior professional title of the discipline are preferred.
3.Those who have experience in teaching and scientific research in China are preferred.
Language teachers are native speakers and have obtained TEFL / TESOL and other language certificates.


Salary is negotiable.
Other benefits:
Medical insurance; Handling fees for residence permit in China; Transportation allowance for arrival and departure; Vacation, etc.

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