Tianjin University

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Tianjin University, located in Tianjin, is one of the first national key universities directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, and is one of the national “double first-class” universities, national “211 project” and “985 project”. “It is one of the first batch of national key universities directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and one of the 10 pilot universities of engineering education reform of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Ministry of Education, and one of the first batch of degree authorization independent audit units. “It is one of the first batch of universities with independent audit of degree authorization. It is also one of the first batch of universities to deepen innovation and entrepreneurship education reform, one of the eight old universities of architecture, a founding member of China-ASEAN Engineering University Alliance and China and China-Europe National Science and Technology Innovation University Alliance. It is a founding member of China-ASEAN Engineering University Alliance and China-Europe National University of Science and Technology Innovation Alliance.

Tianjin University, formerly known as Beiyang University, was founded on October 2, 1895. In January 1912, Beiyang University Hall was named Beiyang University, and in 1913, it was named National Beiyang University; in 1951, Beiyang University was renamed Tianjin University after merging with Hebei Engineering College.

As of December 2021, Weijin Road Campus covers a total area of 1,362,000 square meters, Beiyang Park Campus covers a total area of 2,436,000 square meters, and Binhai Industrial Research Institute Campus covers a total area of 309,000 square meters; there are 38,602 full-time students, including 19,091 undergraduates, 13,840 master students and 5,371 doctoral students; there are 4,960 faculty members There are 27 faculties (departments), 74 undergraduate majors, 43 master’s degree programs, 31 doctoral degree programs, and 30 postdoctoral research stations.

By December 2021, Tianjin University has established the “China-ASEAN Engineering University Alliance” and the “China-European University Alliance for Science and Technology Innovation”, the “China-ASEAN The Center for Smart Ocean Education and the International Energy Cooperation Agency-APEC Center for Sustainable Energy have been established. The university has signed agreements with 256 universities, research institutes and companies in 50 countries and regions around the world. Three Confucius Institutes have been established overseas, namely the Confucius Institute in Bratislava, Slovakia, the Confucius Institute at the University of Queensland, Australia, and the Confucius Institute at the University of Nice, France.

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