Jobs in Jiangsu Province - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:35:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs in Jiangsu Province - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 French Teachers (continuous recruitment) Wed, 12 Jun 2024 23:35:26 +0000 中国人民大学中法学院法语外教招聘启事 一、学院简介 中国人民大学中法学院是经中国教育部批准,由中国人民大学与法国索邦大学、蒙彼利埃保罗—瓦莱里大学、KEDGE商学院共同合作创办的第一家以人文社会科学为主的中外合作办学机构,是隶属于中国人民大学的非独立法人办学单位。 中法学院目前共开设金融学、国民经济管理、法语、数学与应用数学、人力资源管理、传播学等专业,在课堂教学方面坚持中英法三语教学。学生须熟练掌握法语,能够用法语进行深入学习和研究。学生本科毕业时将获得中法双方合作院校的学士学位,并可进入法方合作院校攻读硕士学位。 二、职位描述 1.工作地点:中国人民大学苏州校区(江苏省苏州市科教创新区内)。 2.工作内容:法语教学。 3.每周课时: 16课时课堂教学+2课时课外辅导(45分钟/课时);如担任年级负责人等职务,每周课时:14课时课堂教学+2课时课外辅导(45分钟/课时)。 4.合同期限:一年(12个月,合同期满可续签)。 三、薪酬待遇 1.本科学历:11700元/月(税前);硕士学历:12000元/月(税前)。 2.如担任年级负责人,每月另行发放1500元 (税前)职务津贴; 如担任法语教研中心副主任,每月另行发放2500元 (税前)职务津贴。 3.根据教学评估成绩和聘期考核结果,每年发放15000-16000元(税前)教学奖励。聘期考核不合格或合同期内辞职不发教学奖励,合同期满不续聘不影响教学奖励发放。 4.暑假(7、8月)带薪休假约8周,寒假(1、2月)带薪休假约4周。 5.为教师购买医疗险及意外伤害保险。 6.为首次从境外来苏的新聘外籍教师提供一次性交通费用补贴5000元(税前); 7.经聘期考核合格,根据考核结果等次续聘时薪酬合理上调。 8.中国境内签证办理费用(限每人每年一次)。 四、应聘条件 1.遵守中华人民共和国的法律、法规和中国人民大学及苏州校区的各项规章制度,尊重中华民族传统和风俗习惯,对华友好。 2.热爱高等教育事业、身心健康、品行良好,具有良好的职业道德、职业素质、沟通能力。 3.年龄一般不超过60周岁。 4.法语为母语。 5.取得对外法语教学方向或语言学、文学、人文科学等相关专业本科及以上学历。 6.具有2年及以上的对外法语教学的经验(须出具正式证明材料)。其中,取得教育类、语言类或师范类本科及以上学历的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书的,可免除工作经历要求。同时,应具备承担教学任务的实际工作能力。 7.具备下述条件的申请人优先考虑:现居地在中国;具有硕士及以上学历。 五、应聘方式 有意应聘者可将应聘材料(简历(内含个人照片)+自荐信+护照+最高学历证书扫描件+工作经历证明等材料+Skype账号)+推荐信以电子邮件形式发送至中法学院招聘邮箱,电子邮件及简历标题格式为“姓名+Skype账号”。 联系人:沈老师 招聘邮箱 招聘截止日期:长期招聘; 特别提示:学院仅对简历初审通过者发送面试通知。 L’Institut franco-chinois de l’Université Renmin de Chine recrute plusieurs enseignants de FLE Contexte Accrédité par le ministère chinois de […]

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3.每周课时: 16课时课堂教学+2课时课外辅导(45分钟/课时);如担任年级负责人等职务,每周课时:14课时课堂教学+2课时课外辅导(45分钟/课时)。




2.如担任年级负责人,每月另行发放1500元 (税前)职务津贴;

如担任法语教研中心副主任,每月另行发放2500元 (税前)职务津贴。





















L’Institut franco-chinois de l’Université Renmin de Chine recrute plusieurs enseignants de FLE


Accrédité par le ministère chinois de l’Éducation nationale en mars 2012, l’Institut franco-chinois de l’Université Renmin de Chine (IFC Renmin) à Suzhou (dans la province du Jiangsu, à 100km de Shanghai) est une plate forme franco-chinoise de coopération et de mobilité double diplômante en sciences humaines et sociales. Il associe Sorbonne Université,l’Université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier III et Kedge Business School et l’Université Renmin de Chine. Le programme licence-master en 5 ans – LM5 (Finance, AES, LEA, Mathématiques et mathématiques appliquées, Gestion des ressources humaines, Communication) conduit à un double diplôme de licence français et chinois et à un diplôme de master français. Pour plus d’informations, connectez-vous sur le site de l’IFC Renmin : Le programme s’appui sur un apprentissage intensif du français.

Description du poste et missions :

Lieu de travail : campus de Suzhou de l’Université Renmin de Chine, SIP.

Volume horaire : Concernant les fonctions des enseignants, le volume horaire prend en compte en principe 16 séances d’enseignement et 2 séances de soutien pédagogique par semaine d’une durée de 45 minutes chacune (soit un total de 13 heures et 30 minutes hebdomadaire). Concernant les fonctions dévolues à tout responsable de promotion ou directeur adjoint du Centre d’Etudes et de Formation de la Langue française de l’IFC Renmin, le volume horaire est en principe le suivant : 14 séances d’enseignement et 2 séances de soutien pédagogique par semaine d’une durée de 45 minutes chacune (soit un total de 12 heures hebdomadaire).

Durée du contrat : 12 mois, CDD renouvelable.

Rémunération :

Salaire mensuel brut (avant imposition) : 11700 CNY pour tout candidat titulaire d’un diplôme de Licence ;12000 CNY pour tout candidat titulaire d’un diplôme de Maîtrise/Master.

Si vous êtes embauché(e) en tant que responsable de promotion, une prime de gestion de 1 500 CNY (avant imposition) sera ajoutée au salaire mensuel brut.

Si vous êtes embauché(e) en tant que directeur/directrice adjoint(e) du Centre d’Etudes et de Formation de la Langue française de l’IFC Renmin, une indemnité de fonction de 2 500 CNY (avant imposition) sera ajoutée au salaire mensuel brut.

Prime d’enseignement variant de 15000 CNY à 16000 CNY (avant imposition) /an en fonction des résultats des enseignements et de l’évaluation des performances pendant la durée du contrat. Si vous ne réussissez pas l’évaluation des performances pendant la durée du contrat ou démissionnez pendant la période du contrat, la prime d’enseignement ne sera pas versée. Le choix de ne pas renouveler le contrat n’affectera pas le versement de la prime d’enseignement.

Les vacances d’été durent environ 8 semaines (de juillet à août) et les vacances d’hiver environ 4 semaines (janvier/ février).

L’assurance maladie et l’assurance accident sont prises en charge par l’IFC.

Indemnité de transport pour le déplacement de l’étranger à Suzhou de 5 000 CNY (avant imposition) aux enseignants de FLE recrutés pour la première fois par l’IFC Renmin.

Si vous réussissez l’évaluation des performances pendant la durée du contrat, votre salaire sera augmenté en fonction de la mention de l’évaluation lors du renouvellement du contrat.

Frais de titre de séjour en Chine lors de la prise de poste (une fois par an) pris en charge par l’IFC.

Conditions de recrutement :

Les conditions de recrutement s’effectuent conformément aux lois et règlements de la République populaire de Chine, aux règlements de l’Université Renmin de Chine et du campus de Suzhou. Le(la) candidat(e) s’engage à agir dans le respect dû à ces lois et règlements, ainsi qu’à l’ensemble des traditions et coutumes de la Chine, dans un état d’esprit bienveillant et amical.

Les activités au sein de l’établissement nécessitent du candidat :  une bonne santé physique et mentale, une bonne éthique professionnelle, des pratiques de bonnes-conduites, en sus de l’intérêt (ou de l’appétence portée) porté à l’enseignement supérieur, de ses qualités pédagogiques et de communications, et ce conformément aux attentes dévolues aux fonctions dans l’enseignement supérieur et universitaire

L’âge limite d’accès à la candidature conformément à la règlementation en vigueur est porté en principe de 60 ans

Le français est la langue maternelle

Titulaire d’un diplôme universitaire (Licence, Master, Maîtrise, Doctorat) de FLE, de linguistique, de lettres ou de sciences humaines et sociales

Une expérience professionnelle dans l’enseignement du FLE, d’une durée minimale de deux années, est requise (avec obligation d’en justifier par une attestation de travail ou une lettre de recommandation)

Les titulaires d’un diplôme de Licence, ou de Master/Maîtrise ou de Doctorat spécialisés dans les formations linguistiques, des techniques et moyens pédagogiques de l’enseignement, ou d’un certificat d’aptitude au professorat de l’enseignement ou d’un certificat d’aptitude à l’enseignement du français langue étrangère, et répondant aux exigences attendues par le pays, sont dispensés de la condition préalable des deux années d’expérience professionnelle dans l’enseignement du FLE.

Les candidats satisfaisants aux conditions suivantes sont prioritaires : présence actuelle sur le territoire chinois, titulaire d’un diplôme de Master/ Maîtrise ou de Doctorat.

Pièces à fournir :

Si vous êtes intéressé/e par cette offre, merci de faire parvenir les documents suivants à Mme SHEN (

• votre CV en anglais et français avec une photo + identifiant Skype,

• une photocopie de votre dernier diplôme,

• une photocopie de votre passeport,

• une lettre de motivation,

• une attestation de travail ou une lettre de recommandation (de votre établissement ou de votre directeur d’études).

Date limite de candidature : recrutement continu

Merci de bien vouloir noter que seuls les candidats retenus pour un entretien seront contactés.

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Jobs by European Union Chamber in China Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:26:25 +0000 The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China was founded in 2000 by 51 member companies that shared a goal of establishing a common voice for the European businesses operating in China. It is a members-driven, non-profit, fee-based organisation with a core structure of over 25 working groups and forums representing European business in China. The European […]

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The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China was founded in 2000 by 51 member companies that shared a goal of establishing a common voice for the European businesses operating in China. It is a members-driven, non-profit, fee-based organisation with a core structure of over 25 working groups and forums representing European business in China.

The European Chamber now has more than 1700 members in 7 chapters operating in 9 cities: Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenyang, South China (Guangzhou and Shenzhen), Southwest China (Chengdu and Chongqing), and Tianjin.

The Chamber is recognised as the official voice of European business in China.

See all job vacancies at The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.

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Huawei is Hiring Global Outstanding Postdoctoral Researchers Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:11:03 +0000 Huawei Hiring Global Outstanding Postdoctoral Researchers 01 You will get: Dual-mentorship from both an industry leader and a university professor & research assistants Global perspectives and cutting-edge research opportunities Specialized laboratories and advanced research equipment A liberal, open research environment and academic exchange platform Competitive compensation 02 Research areas: 5G Evolution 5G evolution and 6G […]

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Huawei Hiring Global Outstanding Postdoctoral Researchers

01 You will get:

  • Dual-mentorship from both an industry leader and a university professor & research assistants
  • Global perspectives and cutting-edge research opportunities
  • Specialized laboratories and advanced research equipment
  • A liberal, open research environment and academic exchange platform
  • Competitive compensation

02 Research areas:

  • 5G Evolution
  • 5G evolution and 6G
  • 5.5G V2X
  • Al/Algorithm Technologies
  • Computer vision
  • High-performance computing networks
  • Semiconductors and Devices
  • High-frequency broadband communication, perceptual fusion, and RF chip architecture
  • RF semiconductor device mechanisms and modeling
  • Cloud and Computing
  • View compression based on device-cloud synergy Large-scale function compute technologie
  • Materials
  • Material technologies related to chemical-mechanical polishing
  • Low-dielectric, low-loss materials
  • Smart Devices
  • Distributed device communication and interconnection
  • Distributed device operating system architecture
  • More topics **

03 candidate requirements:

  • Doctorate holders who have graduated within the last 3 years or who will obtain their doctorate within 6 months of onboarding

04 Locations hiring:

  • Chengdu
  • Wuhan
  • Belling
  • Shanghai
  • Nanjing
  • Hangzhou
  • Shenzhen
  • Xi’an
  • Dongguan (Songshan Lake)
  • Suzhou

05 How to apply?

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Academic achievements

Email your latest academic CV and weighted research results to
Please make the email subject: “Your name + research area + desired work location”
For further information, please scan the QR code to follow us

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College English Teacher in Yancheng, China Mon, 10 Jun 2024 19:40:25 +0000 I. Job Title: English Teaching Oral English English Literature Academic English Writing The Society and Culture of English Countries English for Science and Technology II. Requirements: 1. Native English Speaker; 2. Bachelor’s degree or above. TEFL, ESL, TESOL certificate holder is desirable; 3. The candidate should have at least two years teaching experience; 4. Strong […]

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I. Job Title: English Teaching

  • Oral English
  • English Literature
  • Academic English Writing
  • The Society and Culture of English Countries
  • English for Science and Technology

II. Requirements:

  • 1. Native English Speaker;
  • 2. Bachelor’s degree or above. TEFL, ESL, TESOL certificate holder is desirable;
  • 3. The candidate should have at least two years teaching experience;
  • 4. Strong ambition and high sense of responsibility are desirable;
  • 5. With both mental and physical health; under 65 years old;

III. Salary

  • 1. For one to teach English Language, who is assigned no more than 16 teaching hours a week: RMB 10,000 or above per month.
  • 2. For one to teach specialty, who is assigned no more than 14 teaching hours: 10,000 or above per month
  • In addition to salary paid per month, school will provide RMB1100 as tour allowance for each semester.

IV. Living treatment:

  • 1. School provides an apartment equipped with necessary facilities. Foreign teachers pay the expense of water & electricity, gas, telephone and Internet.
  • 2. School provides medical insurance which covers foreign teachers’ working period.
  • 3. For the foreign teacher whose stay is only one semester, the host institute will reimburse a one-way international flight fare of economic class; for those whose period of stay is one academic year, the institute will reimburse a two-way international flight ticket of economic class.

V. Please upload the following documents if you have the intention to work with us:

  • 1. Resume;
  • 2. A duplicate copy of your graduation certificate from your college or university (if possible, provide a copy of your certificate of TEFL/TESL);
  • 3. A duplicate copy of the first page of your passport attached the photo;
  • 4. Contact person and telephone number if you worked in China before.

Please contact: Cindy

  • International Exchange & Cooperation Department
  • Address: No.1 Mid.Xiwang Avenue,Yancheng,Jiangsu, P.R. China
  • Post code: 224051
  • Tel.: 86-515-88298113
  • Fax :  86-515-88399183
  • E-Mail:

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Apple Jobs in China Mon, 10 Jun 2024 03:58:52 +0000 Apple is hiring talent in China Thirty years ago, when Apple first entered China, it had just a handful of employees. Today, to better serve Chinese market, we offer a wide range of jobs in manufacturing, retail, technical support, hardware and software development, as well as environmental protection and supplier responsibility – and more opportunities […]

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Apple is hiring talent in China

Thirty years ago, when Apple first entered China, it had just a handful of employees. Today, to better serve Chinese market, we offer a wide range of jobs in manufacturing, retail, technical support, hardware and software development, as well as environmental protection and supplier responsibility – and more opportunities are opening up all the time.

  • 10,000+ Apple employees in China
  • 9 times – the growth of Apple’s workforce in China since 2010
  • 4 – R&D centers in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Suzhou
  • 41 – Retail stores in mainland China

In China, Apple contributes to the development of the Chinese economy and society in a variety of ways. Creating a wide range of quality jobs is a very important part of that. Through our supply chain, sourcing and investment in China, we have brought more than 3 million jobs, the App Store ecosystem for iOS supports more than 1.8 million jobs, and developers in Greater China have earned more than RMB 110 billion from the App Store since its launch. And that’s just the beginning.

  • 5 million – Jobs created in China
  • More than 1.8 million – Jobs supported through the App Store ecosystem
  • 10,000 – Number of Apple employees in China
  • More than 3 million – Jobs generated through supply chain, sourcing, and investment in China

Job Positions in Apple are available in the following cities in Mainland China:

  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Suzhou
  • Shenzhen

Retail store positions available in the following cities:

  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Shenzhen
  • Chengdu
  • Chongqing
  • Wuxi
  • Zhengzhou
  • Hangzhou
  • Ningbo
  • Tianjin
  • Shenyang
  • Nanjing
  • Nanning
  • Xiamen
  • Jinan
  • Wuhan
  • Qingdao
  • Dalian
  • Guangzhou
  • Fuzhou
  • Kunming
  • Suzhou
  • Changsha

Learn more about Work at Apple please visit:

For a list of most up-to-date job openings, please visit Job Listing at Apple Mainland China

Related Jobs

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Teaching Opportunities at Suzhou Singapore International School Sun, 09 Jun 2024 17:48:38 +0000 Working at SSIS We are looking for teachers with a passion for excellence. Recruiting the right teachers is the single most significant thing that we do to create an excellent school. We are looking for candidates whose values align with the IB mission and our school’s mission to provide an excellent international education. Ideal candidates […]

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Working at SSIS

We are looking for teachers with a passion for excellence.

Recruiting the right teachers is the single most significant thing that we do to create an excellent school. We are looking for candidates whose values align with the IB mission and our school’s mission to provide an excellent international education. Ideal candidates must possess working habits that enable them to function in a fast-paced and collaborative workplace. We expect every student to achieve their highest potential – this means improving every aspect of their lives and not just the core subjects. We are looking for teachers who can bring our students to their highest standard of learning.

  • An International Mindset.

China is a wonderful and exciting place to live, but it is not for everyone. Potential candidates will need to possess an adaptability for life in China and the ability to understand that others with their differences may also be right.

  • A Bachelor’s Degree or Higher.

We believe teachers who inspire students best have a lifelong interest in education themselves and are the ones that love their own subject matter of choice.

  • Teaching Qualification.

All teachers must hold a current government teaching qualification from their home country of record.

  • Minimum of Two Years Teaching Experience.

We are looking for teachers that already have some experience in teaching internationally, with the IB programme or a combination of both.

  • Under 60 Years of Age.

Unfortunately, Chinese law requires us to cap the age limit of our teaching staff at 60.

  • A Passion for the IB Programme.

As an IB world school, offering the PYP, MYP and DP we expect our teachers to display the characteristics of the IB programme:


Job Openings 23/24 school year

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中国江蘇省塩城市の日本語教師 Sat, 08 Jun 2024 14:33:19 +0000   中国江蘇省塩城の日本語教師 I. 役職: 日本語教育 仕事内容:口頭日本語。アカデミック日本語ライティング;日本国の社会と文化。 Ⅱ.要件: 1. 日本語ネイティブスピーカー; 2. 学士号以上。 3.候補者は、少なくとも2年間の教育経験を持っている必要があります。 4. 強い志と高い責任感が望ましい。 5. 心身ともに健康であること。 65歳未満; III.給料 週16時間/月額RMB 7000以上。 毎月支払われる給与に加えて、学校は各学期のツアー手当としてRMB1100を提供します。 IV. 福祉: 1.学校は、必要な設備を備えたアパートを提供します。外国人教師は、水道、電気、ガス、電話、インターネットの費用を負担します。 2. 学校は、外国人教師の勤務期間をカバーする医療保険を提供します。 3. 滞在期間が 1 学期のみの外国人教師の場合、受入機関はエコノミー クラスの片道国際航空運賃を払い戻します。滞在期間が 1 学年である場合、研究所はエコノミークラスの往復国際航空券を払い戻します。 V. 当社で働く意思がある場合は、以下の書類を提出してください。 1. レジュメ; 2. 大学の卒業証明書のコピー (可能であれば、TEFL/TESL の証明書のコピーを提供してください)。 3. 写真を添付し​​たパスポートの最初のページのコピー。 4. 以前に中国で働いていた場合は、連絡先と電話番号。

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I. 役職: 日本語教育



1. 日本語ネイティブスピーカー;
2. 学士号以上。
4. 強い志と高い責任感が望ましい。
5. 心身ともに健康であること。 65歳未満;


週16時間/月額RMB 7000以上。

IV. 福祉

2. 学校は、外国人教師の勤務期間をカバーする医療保険を提供します。
3. 滞在期間が 1 学期のみの外国人教師の場合、受入機関はエコノミー クラスの片道国際航空運賃を払い戻します。滞在期間が 1 学年である場合、研究所はエコノミークラスの往復国際航空券を払い戻します。

V. 当社で働く意思がある場合は、以下の書類を提出してください。

1. レジュメ;
2. 大学の卒業証明書のコピー (可能であれば、TEFL/TESL の証明書のコピーを提供してください)。
3. 写真を添付し​​たパスポートの最初のページのコピー。
4. 以前に中国で働いていた場合は、連絡先と電話番号。

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High School ESL Teacher Sat, 08 Jun 2024 04:55:29 +0000 Working place: Add:No.83, Fuguan Street, Tongli, Wujiang, Suzhou. Adcote School Suzhou Starting time: Feb, 2024 Core Responsibilities: 1. Provide the teaching of ESL under the syllabus published by school. Course load will be equal or fewer than 20 per week. 2. Attend the school and departmental meetings related to course development, staff professional training and […]

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Working place: Add:No.83, Fuguan Street, Tongli, Wujiang, Suzhou. Adcote School Suzhou
Starting time: Feb, 2024

Core Responsibilities:
1. Provide the teaching of ESL under the syllabus published by school. Course load will be equal or fewer than 20 per week.
2. Attend the school and departmental meetings related to course development, staff professional training and academic meeting.
3. Provide the necessary guidance and after course support, including learning support and evening duties. Attend the school activities,campaign and clubs.
4. Support the school admission activities.
5. Other work assigned by HOD or principal.

1. Native English speaker preferred;
2. Bachelor degree or above;
3. More than 3 years teaching experience preferred;
4. Qualified for working visa.

1, Apartment arrangement assistance provided;
2. House Allowance 3000 RMB/M;
3. Medical Insurance;
4, Flight tickets reimbursement (10,000 RMB per year);
5, Free catering


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Job Opportunities in China with Caterpillar Thu, 06 Jun 2024 17:37:19 +0000 About Caterpillar in China Caterpillar has been in China for more than 45 years, helping our customers and local communities succeed and thrive. Cat products, our dealers and employees have contributed to the country’s progress with a local footprint that includes manufacturing facilities, research and development centers, financial leasing, logistics and parts centers. Caterpillar core […]

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About Caterpillar in China

Caterpillar has been in China for more than 45 years, helping our customers and local communities succeed and thrive. Cat products, our dealers and employees have contributed to the country’s progress with a local footprint that includes manufacturing facilities, research and development centers, financial leasing, logistics and parts centers.

Caterpillar core products manufactured in China include hydraulic excavators, track-type tractors, wheel loaders, soil compactors, motor graders, paving products, medium and large diesel engines and generator sets. Caterpillar also manufactures components at several facilities in China.

In partnership with our dealers and suppliers, Caterpillar is committed to providing our Chinese customers world-class products and technology solutions.

Primary Locations

  • Key Offices: Beijing
  • Parts Distribution: Shanghai
  • Components: Tianjin, Xuzhou
  • Remanufacturing: Shanghai
  • Manufacturing: Suzhou, Wuijiang, Qingzhou, Wuxi, Xuzhou, Tianjin
  • Technical Centers: Wuxi

Click here to view all job opportunities at Caterpillar in China

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Wuxi Dipont School of Arts and Science Jobs Wed, 05 Jun 2024 04:45:18 +0000 Our teachers graduated from University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, Peking University and other famous universities worldwide. We have nearly 110 expats from more than 10 countries and regions. We have high standards and are looking to employ: educators who see the child as central to everything. inspirational and dedicated […]

The post Wuxi Dipont School of Arts and Science Jobs appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.

Our teachers graduated from University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, Peking University and other famous universities worldwide.

We have nearly 110 expats from more than 10 countries and regions.

We have high standards and are looking to employ:

  • educators who see the child as central to everything.
  • inspirational and dedicated teachers who strive for only the best for the children in their care.
  • professionals committed to the academic, co-curricular and pastoral programmes that are central to the school’s ethos.

Click here to view all current job openings at Wuxi Dipont School of Artrs and Science

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