Armenian Jobs in China - China Foreigner Jobs Jobs in China for Foreigners Fri, 04 Aug 2023 17:01:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Armenian Jobs in China - China Foreigner Jobs 32 32 Foreign Language Teachers (Prospective) Fri, 04 Aug 2023 16:58:51 +0000   About The School of Foreign Languages, HTOU 外国语学院创办于1978年,办学历史悠久。2009年12月,由原外语系、大学英语教学部合并而成。现有英语、俄语、泰语3个本科专业和公共外语教学部。全日制在校生671人。 学院现有教职工81人,其中具有硕士学位77人,博士研究生10人,高级职称26人,多名教师具有海外留学和工作经历;外籍教师6人,其中英语外教2人,泰语外教2人,俄语外教2人(1人获海南省政府颁发的“椰岛奖”及海南热带海洋学院“优秀教师”奖)。 Italian and Armenian Faculty Teacher Foreign Teachers The School of Foreign Languages was founded in 1978, and in December 2009, it was merged with the former Department of Foreign Languages and the Department of University English Teaching. There are three undergraduate majors of English, Russian […]

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About The School of Foreign Languages, HTOU



The School of Foreign Languages was founded in 1978, and in December 2009, it was merged with the former Department of Foreign Languages and the Department of University English Teaching. There are three undergraduate majors of English, Russian and Thai and the Department of Public Foreign Language Teaching. There are 671 full-time students.

The college has 81 teaching staff, including 77 with master’s degrees, 10 doctoral students, 26 senior titles, many teachers with overseas study and work experience; 6 foreign teachers, including 2 English teachers, 2 Thai teachers, 2 Russian teachers (1 was awarded the “Coconut Island Prize” by the Hainan Provincial Government and the “Outstanding Award” by Hainan Tropical Oceanography College).

There are 27 full-time English teachers in the English Program, including 2 full professors, 10 associate professors, 15 lecturers and 2 foreign teachers. Among them, there are 2 teachers with doctoral degree, many teachers have overseas working or studying experience, many teachers have won a lot of prizes in teaching competitions and guided their students to win a lot of prizes in all kinds of competitions at all levels. They are experienced in teaching and research, and have outstanding achievements in teaching and research.

The Russian language program has been enrolled since 2010, with 9 full-time teachers, including 4 associate professors and 5 lecturers. There are 4 teachers with doctoral degrees and 5 teachers with master’s degrees. Two foreign teachers are associate professors with doctoral degrees, and one of them was awarded the “Coconut Island Prize” by the Hainan Provincial Government.

There are seven full-time teachers in the Thai language program, all of whom have overseas working or studying experience, and two Thai foreign teachers. Since the enrollment in 2017, two classes of 50 students have been enrolled in each session, and there are now 157 students.

The post Foreign Language Teachers (Prospective) appeared first on China Foreigner Jobs.
